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Accomplishment Report on INSET Workshop - Water, Sanitation, and

Hygiene in School Program (DepEd WINs)

In-Service Training (INSET) workshop entitled "INSET on Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene in School
Program (DepEd WINs)" that was held on March 3-1 and April 1, 2023, at Umalu Elementary School.

The objective of the INSET workshop was to enhance the knowledge and skills of the teachers,
school head, and SPTA Officers on water, sanitation, and hygiene practices in the school setting. It aimed
to strengthen their understanding of the DepEd WINs program and equip them with the necessary tools
to implement the program effectively.
The workshop was attended by a total of 25 participants, including 9 teachers, 1 school head,
and 15 SPTA Officers. The participants actively engaged in the workshop activities, demonstrating their
enthusiasm and commitment to improving water, sanitation, and hygiene practices at Umalo
Elementary School.

Introduction to DepEd WINs Program:

The workshop started with an overview of the DepEd WINs program, including its objectives,
strategies, and key components. The participants gained a clear understanding of the importance of
promoting water, sanitation, and hygiene practices within the school environment.
Expert Presentations:

Renowned experts in the field of water, sanitation, and hygiene delivered informative
presentations on various topics related to the program. The sessions focused on topics such as proper
handwashing techniques, safe drinking water practices, maintenance of sanitary facilities, and waste
Hands-on Workshops:

The participants actively participated in hands-on workshops where they learned practical
approaches for implementing water, sanitation, and hygiene initiatives in their respective classrooms
and the entire school community. They were provided with tools and resources to develop action plans
and adapt best practices to their specific context.
Group Discussions and Sharing of Best Practices:

Group discussions were conducted to encourage collaboration and exchange of ideas among the
participants. They shared their experiences, challenges, and successful initiatives, fostering a sense of
camaraderie and collective learning.
Closing Ceremony and Commitment Pledges:

The workshop concluded with a closing ceremony, wherein participants were recognized for their
active participation. Each participant was encouraged to make a personal commitment pledge towards
implementing water, sanitation, and hygiene practices in their schools.

Outcomes and Impact:

The INSET workshop on the DepEd WINs program resulted in several positive outcomes and
impacts, including:

Increased Awareness: The participants gained a comprehensive understanding of the importance of

water, sanitation, and hygiene practices and their impact on the overall well-being of the school
Enhanced Knowledge and Skills: The workshop equipped the participants with practical knowledge and
skills to implement effective water, sanitation, and hygiene initiatives in their classrooms and schools.
Collaboration and Networking: The workshop fostered collaboration and networking among the
participants, creating a supportive community for sharing best practices and addressing challenges
Action Plans: As a result of the workshop, the participants developed action plans tailored to their
respective schools, outlining specific steps to implement the DepEd WINs program effectively.

Next Steps:

Moving forward, we will continue to monitor the progress of the participants' action plans and
provide necessary support and guidance. Regular follow-up sessions and refresher training will be
organized to ensure the sustained implementation of the DepEd WINs program.

Overall, the INSET workshop on the DepEd WINs program was highly successful in enhancing the
participants' knowledge and skills in promoting water, sanitation, and hygiene practices in schools. We
extend our gratitude to all participants, facilitators, and organizers who contributed to the success of
this workshop.
Thank you for your unwavering support and guidance throughout this initiative. We look
forward to continuing our efforts in creating a healthier and more conducive learning environment for
our students.

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