Circulatory + Digestive System Final Clarifications END OF SAME UNIT

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Patria > Paorta and Ppulm. SL
Atria begin to relax
Heart at full Diastole: AV valves open
valves open, SL valves
closed With both valves closed, V
continues to contract +
pressure rapidly spikes Blood flows into aorta +
Heart is LP. Blood flows pulm art
from atria to ventricles.
Fills to ~70% HP in V relative to A forces
AV valves shut. Pressure
not high enough to open SL
SA Node depolarizes. Ventricles fully contract
Impulse races across Ventricle begins to and begin to relax
walls of atria until it hits contract from the apex
AV node towards the valves Pvent drops, lower than
Paorta,Ppulm, and Patria
Atria contract, LP in V, HPPapillary muscles +
in A, fills ventricles the chordae tendinae start to
last 30% tension Blood attempts to
backflow from at arteries,
SL valves close
Signal races down Bundle,
Signal pauses at AV node,
to apex of heart, then up
allowing atria to fully
the Purkinje fibers along AV valves fully open.
the side
Further notes
• The heart DOES NOT need any signal from the brain
telling it to contract.
• The SA node will continuously self-depolarize ~100 times per
second on its own

• The brainstem actually is usually putting the brakes on the

system, slowing the SA down
• to ~ 75 depolarizations per minute

• The respiratory system DOES need a signal from the

brain to inspire
Organ Carbs Lipids Proteins Nucleic
Mouth Salivary Salivary Tongue, Teeth Tongue, Teeth
Amylase Lipase
Stomach Churning Gastric Lipase HCl HCl
Pepsin Pepsin
Liver Bile Production

Pancreas Pancreatic Pancreatic Chymotrypsin Nuclease prod.

Amylase prod. Lipase prod. prod.
Duodenum Digestion by Bile, then Trypsin Digestion by
above Lipase activation, sm. above
digestion peptidases
Jejunum Maltase, Various lipases Small Small
Sucrase, peptidases nucleases
Ileum Absorption Absorption Absorption Absorption
capillary lacteal capillary capillary
Large Water reabsorption, digestion by gut flora, release of small
Intestines vitamins, reabsorption of small vitamins
Digestive system and exercise
• Well….it….does nothing.

• There’s two antagonistic nerve systems working on

digestive system:

• A sympathetic (fight and flight) system that suppresses

digestion in preparation for intense activity

• A parasympathetic (rest and digest) system that promotes

digestion during rest periods
So the Liver does what?
• Maintenance of blood sugar
• Storage of Glycogen
Fun fact: Bile is ALSO
• Blood detoxification needed to absorb
• Production of Cholesterol Vitamin K
• Production of Bile (from above)
• Production of Albumin
• Maintenance of blood aa levels
• Conversion of Ammonia to Urea (former caused by
breakdown of aa)
• Breakdown of RBC
• Vitamin storage

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