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QUIZ 3 5.


Often, failures can be traced to a combination of
5.1 INTRODUCTION mistakes in the decision process, to bounded
DECISION THEORY rationality, or to suboptimization.
● represents a general approach to decision
making. The decision process consists of these steps:
● suitable for a wide range of operations 1. Identify the problem.
management decisions such as capacity 2. Specify objectives and criteria for a solution.
planning, product and service design, 3. Develop suitable alternatives.
equipment selection, and location planning. 4. Analyze and compare alternatives.
5. Select the best alternative.
A decision theory approach tend to be characterized 6. Implement the solution.
as: 7. Monitor to see that the desired result is
● A set of possible future conditions that will have achieved.
a bearing on the results of the decision. Sometimes, managers fail to appreciate the importance
● A list of alternatives for the manager to choose of each step in the decision making process. This
from. happens owing to a manager’s style of making quick
● A known payoff for each alternative under each decisions or a failure to recognize the consequences of
possible future condition. a poor decision. Factors could be:
To use this approach, a decision maker would employ ● Manager’s ego- unwillingness to accept
this process: mistakes; inability to make a decision
1. Identify the possible future conditions (e.g., ● Bounded rationality- limits the decision
demand will be low, medium, or high; the making caused by costs, human abilities, time,
competitor will or will not introduce a new technology, and availability of information. Thus,
product). These are called states of nature. managers can’t always expect to reach the best
2. Develop a list of possible alternatives, one of possible outcome (e.g., highest profit, least
which may be to do nothing. cost). Instead, they must often resort to
3. Determine or estimate the payoff associated achieving a satisfactory solution.
with each alternative for every possible future ● Suboptimization- The result of different
condition. departments each attempting to reach a
4. If possible, estimate the likelihood of each solution that is optimum for that department.
possible future condition. Unfortunately, what is optimal for one
5. Evaluate alternatives according to some department may not be optimal for the
decision criterion (e.g., maximize expected organization as a whole. Suboptimization and
profit), and select the best alternative. local optima are conceptually the same, with
The information for a decision is often summarized in a the same negative consequences.
payoff table
● shows the expected payoffs for each alternative 5.3 DECISION ENVIRONMENTS
under the various possible states of nature. Operations management decision environments are
● helpful in choosing among alternatives because classified according to the degree of certainty present.
they facilitate comparison of alternatives. There are three basic categories: certainty, risk, and
* Evaluation of the alternatives differs according to the ● Certainty means that relevant
degree of certainty associated with the possible future parameters—such as costs, capacity, and
conditions. demand have known values.
○ Profit per unit is $5. You have an order
for 200 units.
● Risk means that certain parameters have
probabilistic outcomes.
○ Profit is $5 per unit. Based on previous
experience, there is a 50 percent
chance of an order for 100 units and a be chosen using minimax regret. The least
50 percent chance of an order for 200 worst regret would be chosen.
units. ○ Regret (opportunity loss) is the
● Uncertainty means that it is impossible to difference between a given payoff and
assess the likelihood of various possible future the best payoff for a state of nature
events. PAGE 225-226 for solution
○ Profit is $5 per unit.( the potential
demands are unknown) 5.6 DECISION MAKING UNDER RISK
* The importance of these different decision Between the two extremes of certainty and uncertainty
environments is that they require different analysis lies the case of risk: The probability of occurrence for
techniques. Some techniques are better suited for one each state of nature is known. (Note that because the
category than for others. states are mutually exclusive and collectively
exhaustive, these probabilities must add to 1.00.) A
5.4 DECISION MAKING UNDER CERTAINTY widely used approach under such circumstances is the
When it is known for certain which of the possible expected monetary value criterion, which is
future conditions will actually happen, the decision is computed for each alternative and the one with the
usually relatively straightforward: Simply choose the best expected value is selected.
alternative that has the best payoff under that state of
nature. The expected value is the sum of the payoffs for an
alternative where each payoff is weighted by the
* complete certainty is rare in such situations probability for the relevant state of nature.

5.5 DECISION MAKING UNDER UNCERTAINTY The expected monetary value approach is most
No information is available on how likely the various appropriate when a decision maker is risk neutral.
states of nature are. Under those conditions, four Typically, well-established organizations with numerous
possible decision criteria are maximin, maximax, decisions of this nature tend to use expected value
Laplace, and minimax regret. These approaches can because it provides an indication of the long-run,
be defined as follows: average payoff. That is, the expected-value amount
● Maximin—Determine the worst possible payoff (e.g$10.5 million in the last example) is not an actual
for each alternative, and choose the alternative payoff but an expected or average amount that would
that has the “best worst.” The maximin be approximated if a large number of identical
approach is essentially a pessimistic one decisions were to be made. Hence, if a decision maker
because it takes into account only the worst applies this criterion to a large number of similar
possible outcome for each alternative. The decisions, the expected payoff for the total will
actual outcome may not be as bad as that, but approximate the sum of the individual expected
this approach establishes a “guaranteed payoffs. SEE PAGE 227 FOR SOLUTION
● Maximax—Determine the best possible payoff, 5.7 DECISION TREES
and choose the alternative with that payoff. The Decision trees are tools that have many practical
maximax approach is an optimistic, “go for it” applications, such as health care, legal cases, credit
strategy; it does not take into account any card fraud; loan, credit, and insurance risk analysis;
payoff other than the best. decisions on new product or service development; and
● Laplace—Determine the average payoff for location analysis.
each alternative, and choose the alternative
with the best average. The Laplace approach A decision tree is a schematic representation of the
treats the states of nature as equally likely. alternatives available to a decision maker and their
● Minimax regret—Determine the worst regret for possible consequences. Although tree diagrams can
each alternative, and choose the alternative be used in place of a payoff table, they are particularly
with the “best worst.” This approach seeks to useful for analyzing situations that involve sequential
minimize the difference between the payoff that decisions.
is realized and the best payoff for each state of
nature. The best of these worst regrets would
Other possible ways of obtaining perfect information
depend somewhat on the nature of the decision being
made. Information about consumer preferences might
come from market research, product testing, or
legal experts.

There are two ways to determine the EVPI. One is to

compute the expected payoff under certainty and
subtract the expected payoff under risk.

* Expected value of perfect information (EVPI)- The

For instance, a manager may initially decide to build a difference between the expected payoff with perfect
small facility only to discover that demand is much information and the expected payoff under risk.
higher than anticipated. In this case, the manager may
then be called upon to make a subsequent decision on
whether to expand or build an additional facility.

A decision tree is composed of a number of nodes that 5.9 SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS

have branches emanating from them square nodes Generally speaking, both the payoffs and the
denote decision points, and circular nodes denote probabilities in this kind of a decision problem are
chance events. Read the tree from left to right. estimated values.

Branches leaving square nodes represent Consequently, it can be useful for the decision maker to
alternatives; have some indication of how sensitive the choice of an
alternative is to changes in one or more of these
Branches leaving circular nodes represent chance values. Unfortunately, it is impossible to consider all
events (i.e., the possible states of nature). possible combinations of every variable in a typical
After the tree has been drawn, it is analyzed from right
to left; that is, starting with the last decision that might Sensitivity analysis provides a range of probability
be made. For each decision, choose the alternative over which the choice of alternatives would remain the
that will yield the greatest return (or the lowest cost). If same. The approach illustrated here is useful when
chance events follow a decision, choose the alternative there are two states of nature. It involves constructing a
that has the highest expected monetary value (or graph and then using algebra to determine a range of
lowest expected cost). SEE PAGE 228 FOR probabilities for which a given solution is best. In effect,
EXAMPLE the graph provides a visual indication of the range
of probability over which the various alternatives
5.8 EXPECTED VALUE OF PERFECT INFORMATION are optimal, and the algebra provides exact values
In certain situations, it is possible to ascertain which of the endpoints of the ranges. SEE PAGE 231
state of nature will actually occur in the future. A
decision maker may have probabilities for these states
of nature; however, it may be possible to delay a
decision until it is clear which state of nature will occur.
If the state of nature is favorable, the option can be
exercised; if it is unfavorable, the option can be allowed
to expire. The question to consider is whether the cost
of the option will be less than the expected gain due to
delaying the decision (i.e., the expected payoff above
the expected value). The expected gain is the
expected value of perfect information (EVPI).
Product and service choices, capacity planning,
process selection, and layout of facilities are among
the most basic decisions managers make because
they have long-term consequences for business
organizations, and they impact a wide range of
activities and capabilities.

Processes convert inputs into outputs; they are at the

core of operations management.

Process selection choices very often have strategic

significance. Process selection has operational and Process selection and capacity planning influence
supply chain implications. system design
● Operational implications: equipment and labor
requirements, operations costs, and both the Forecasts, product and service design, and
ability to meet demand and the ability to technological considerations all influence capacity
respond to variations in demand. planning and process selection.
● Supply chain implications relate to the volume
and variety of inputs and outputs and the Capacity and process selection are interrelated, and
degree of flexibility that is required. are often done in concert. They affect facility and
equipment choices, layout, and work design.
Process selection and facility layout are closely tied.
Technology is often a factor in process selection and How an organization approaches process selection is
layout. Three aspects of technology can be factors: determined by the organization’s process
product technology, processing technology, and strategy. Key aspects include:
information technology. ● Capital intensity: The mix of equipment and
labor that will be used by the organization.
6.1 INTRODUCTION ● Process flexibility: The degree to which the
Process selection system can be adjusted to changes in
● Is deciding on the way production of goods or processing requirements due to such factors as
services will be organized. changes in product or service design, changes
● Affects capacity planning, layout of facilities, in volume processed, and changes in
equipment, and design of work systems technology.
● occurs when new products or services are
being planned. 6.2 PROCESS SELECTION
● also occurs periodically due to technological Process choice is demand-driven. The two key
changes in products or equipment, as well as questions in process selection are:
competitive pressures. 1. How much variety will the process need to be
able to handle?
2. How much volume will the process need to be
able to handle?
Volume and variety are inversely related; a higher
level of one means a lower level of the other.

Flexibility of personnel and equipment is directly

related to the level of variety the process will need
to handle: The lower the variety, the less the need for
flexibility, while the higher the variety, the greater the
need for flexibility.
Variety means either: involves the last stages of an assembled
● having dedicated operations for each different product.
product or service ● Examples: automobiles, television sets,
● having to get equipment ready every time there smartphones, and computers.
is the need to change the product being ● Example of service system: automatic car
produced or the service being provided. wash, cafeteria lines, ticket collectors
● Mass customization is an option.
Process Types Continuous.
There are five basic process types: job shop, batch, ● a very high volume of non-discrete, highly
repetitive, continuous, and project. standardized output is desired
Job Shop ● almost no variety in output and, hence, no need
● usually operates on a relatively small scale. for equipment flexibility.
● used when a low volume of high-variety ● Workers’ skill requirements can range from low
goods or services will be needed. Processing to high, depending on the complexity of the
is intermittent system and the expertise that workers need.
● Work includes small jobs, each with somewhat ● Generally, if equipment is highly specialized,
different processing requirements. worker skills can be lower.
● High flexibility using general-purpose ● Examples of non-discrete products: petroleum
equipment and skilled workers are important products, steel, sugar, flour, and salt.
characteristics of a job shop. ● Continuous services: air monitoring, supplying
● Manufacturing example: tool and die shop that electricity to homes and businesses, and the
is able to produce one-of-a-kind tools. internet.
● Service example: veterinarian’s office, which is
able to process many types of animals and a These process types are found in a wide range of
variety of injuries and diseases. manufacturing and service settings. The ideal is to
Batch have process capabilities match product or service
● used when a moderate volume of goods or requirements. Failure can result in inefficiencies and
services is desired higher costs than are necessary, perhaps creating a
● can handle a moderate variety in products or competitive disadvantage.
● Not flexible eqipments, but processing is still
● Less skill level of workers due to less variety
in the jobs being processed.
● Examples: bakeries, which make bread, cakes,
or cookies in batches; movie theaters, which
show movies to groups (batches) of people;
and airlines, which carry planeloads (batches)
of people from airport to airport.
● Other examples of batch production: paint, ice
cream, soft drinks, beer, magazines, and books.
● Other services: plays, concerts, music videos,
radio and television programs, and public
address announcements.
● higher volumes of more standardized goods
or services are needed
● a slight flexibility of equipment is needed.
● skill worker is generally low.
● Examples: production lines and assembly lines
which are used interchangeably but assembly
operations. However, some situations are not
ongoing but instead are of limited duration. In
such instances, the work is often organized as
a project.
● used for work that is nonroutine, with a unique
set of objectives to be accomplished in a limited
time frame; range from simple to complicated
● putting on a play, consulting, making a motion
picture, launching a new product or service,
publishing a book, building a dam, and building
a bridge.
● Equipment flexibility and worker skills can range
from low to high.

● Job variety, process flexibility, and unit cost are Repetitive and continuous processes require steady
highest for a job shop inputs of high-volume goods and services. Delivery
● Volume of output is lowest for a job shop and reliability in terms of quality and timing is essential.
gets progressively higher to continuous
processing. Job shop and batch processing may mean that
● The examples fall along the diagonal. The suppliers have to be able to deal with varying order
implication is that the diagonal represents the quantities and timing of orders. In some instances,
ideal choice of processing system for a given seasonality is a factor, so suppliers must be able to
set of circumstances. For example, if the goal is handle periodic large demand.
to be able to process a small volume of jobs
that will involve high variety, job shop The processes discussed do not always exist in their
processing is most appropriate. For less variety “pure” forms. It is not unusual to find hybrid
and a higher volume, a batch system would be processes—processes that have elements of other
most appropriate, and so on. process types embedded in them. For instance,
● Combinations far from the diagonal would not companies that operate primarily in a repetitive mode,
even be considered, such as using a job shop or a continuous mode, will often have repair shops (i.e.,
for high-volume, low-variety jobs, or continuous job shops) to fix or make new parts for equipment that
processing for low-volume, high-variety jobs, fails.
because that would result in either higher than
necessary costs or lost opportunities. Also, if volume increases for some items, an operation
● Products and services often go through life that began, say, in a job shop or as a batch mode may
cycles that begin with low volume, which evolve into a batch or repetitive operation.
increases as products or services become
better known. When that happens, a manager Product and Service Profiling
must know when to shift from one type of ● Process selection can involve substantial
process (e.g., job shop) to the next (e.g., investment in equipment and have a very
batch). Of course, some operations remain at a specific influence on the layout of facilities,
certain level (e.g., magazine publishing), while which also require heavy investment.
others increase (or decrease as markets ● Mismatches between operations capabilities
become saturated) over time. and market demand and pricing or cost
● It is important for a manager to assess his or strategies can have a significant negative
her products and services and make a impact on the ability of the organization to
judgment on whether to plan for changes in compete or, in government agencies, to
processing over time. effectively service clients. Therefore, it is highly
● All of these process types (job shop, batch, desirable to assess the degree of correlation
repetitive, and continuous) are typically ongoing between various process choices and market
conditions before making process choices in ● Lean process design has broad applications in
order to achieve an appropriate matching. health care, delivery systems, manufacturing,
● Product or service profiling is linking key construction projects, and process
product or service requirements to process reengineering.
capabilities. It is used to avoid any
inconsistencies by identifying key product or 6.3 TECHNOLOGY
service dimensions and then selecting ● Technological innovation refers to the
appropriate processes. Key dimensions relate discovery and development of new or improved
to the range of products or services that will be products, services, or processes for producing
processed, expected order sizes, pricing or providing them.
strategies, expected frequency of schedule ● Technology refers to applications of scientific
changes, and order-winning requirements. knowledge to the development and
improvement of goods and services and/ or the
Sustainable Production of Goods and Services processes that produce or provide them.
Sustainable Production is the creation of goods and ● High technology refers to the most advanced
services using processes and systems that are: and developed equipment and/or methods.
non-polluting; conserving of energy and natural
resources; economically efficient; safe and healthful for Process technology and information technology
workers, communities, and consumers; and socially can have a major impact on costs, productivity, and
and creatively rewarding for all working people. competitiveness.
● Process technology includes methods,
To achieve this, the Lowell Center advocates designing procedures, and equipment used to produce
and operating processes in ways that: goods and provide services.
● wastes and ecologically incompatible ● Not limited to processes within an organization,
byproducts are reduced, eliminated or recycled as it extends to supply chain processes.
● chemical substances or physical agents and Information technology (IT) is the science and use of
conditions that present hazards to human computers and other electronic equipment to store,
health or the environment are eliminated; process, and send information. IT is heavily ingrained
● energy and materials are conserved, and the in today’s business operations. This includes:
forms of energy and materials used are most ● electronic data processing
appropriate for the desired ends; and ● the use of bar codes
● work spaces are designed to minimize or ● radio frequency tags to identify and track goods
eliminate chemical, ergonomic and physical ● devices used to obtain point-of-sale information,
hazards.” ● data transmission, the internet, e-commerce,
To achieve these goals, business organizations must e-mail, and more.
focus on energy use and efficiency, CO2 (carbon
footprint) and toxic emissions, waste generation, With radio frequency (RFID) tags, items can be
lighting, heating, cooling, ventilation, noise and tracked during production and in inventory.
vibration, and worker health and safety. ● For outbound goods, readers at a packing
station can verify that the proper items and
Lean Process Design quantities were picked before shipping the
● Is guided by waste reduction, which relates to goods to a customer or a distribution center.
sustainability objectives. ● In a hospital setting, RFID tags can be used in
● Focuses on variance reduction in workload over several ways. One is to facilitate keeping
the entire process to achieve level production accurate track of hospital garments, automating
and thereby improve process flow. the process by which clean garments are
● Results in reduced inventory and floor space; inventoried and disbursed. An RFID tag can be
quicker response times and shorter lead times; worn by each hospital employee. The tag
reduced defects, rework, and scrap; and contains a unique ID number which is
increased productivity. associated with each wearer.
Technological innovation in processing technology can Disadvantages:
cause increasing quality, lowering costs, increasing ● Costly- requires high volumes of output to offset
productivity, and expanding processing capabilities. high costs.
● Examples: laser technology used in surgery ● less flexible than human labor. Can’t be
and laser measuring devices, advances in changed
medical diagnostic equipment, high-speed ● Causes to lose jobs for people.
internet connections, high-definition television,
online banking, information retrieval systems, Automation has important implications for cost and
and highspeed search engines. flexibility and for the fit with overall strategic priorities. If
the decision is made to automate, remove waste from
Processing technologies often come through the system prior to automating, to avoid building the
acquisition rather than through internal efforts of an waste into the automated system.
organization. It is essential to understand what the 1. What level of automation is appropriate? (Some
technology will and won’t do. operations are more suited to being automated
● economic considerations (initial cost, space, than others, so partial automation can be an
cash flow, maintenance, consultants) option.)
● integration considerations (cost, time, 2. How would automation affect the flexibility of an
resources) operation system?
● human considerations (training, safety, job loss) 3. How can automation projects be justified?
Automation 4. How should changes be managed?
● Automation is machinery that has sensing and 5. What are the risks of automating?
control devices that enable it to operate 6. What are some of the likely effects of
automatically. It can range from factories that implementing automation on market share,
are completely automated to a single costs, quality, customer satisfaction, labor
automated operation. relations, and ongoing operations?
● Examples: automated teller machines (ATMs),
automated heating and air conditioning, Generally speaking, there are three kinds of
automated inspection, automated storage and automation: fixed, programmable, and flexible.
retrieval systems, package sorting, mail ● Fixed automation is the least flexible. It uses
processing, e-mail, online banking, and E-Z high-cost, specialized equipment for a fixed
pass. sequence of operations. Low cost and high
● Offers a number of advantages over human volume are its primary advantages; minimal
labor. variety and the high cost of making major
○ low variability, meets schedules and changes in either product or process are its
quality, primary limitations.
○ Does not get bored or distracted, nor do ● Programmable automation involves the use of
they go on strike, ask for higher wages, high-cost, general-purpose equipment
or file labor grievances. controlled by a computer program that provides
○ Reduce variable costs. both the sequence of operations and specific
details about each operation. Capable of
In order for automated processing to be an option, economically producing a fairly wide variety of
job-processing requirements must be standardized low-volume products in small batches.
(i.e., have very little or no variety). It is to reduce
Numerically controlled Computer-aided
costs, increase productivity, and improve quality and
(N/C) manufacturing(CAM)
consistency. Automation is frequently touted as a
strategy necessary for competitiveness. - Machines and some refers to the use of
robots are applications of computers in process
programmable control, ranging from
automation. robots to automated
- It is programmed to quality control.
follow a set of processing
automation. A key difference between the two is
instructions based on
that flexible automation requires significantly
less changeover time. This permits almost
relationships that tell the
continuous operation of equipment and product
machine the details of
variety without the need to produce in batches.
the operations to be
- Best used when: flexible manufacturing Computer-integrated
● parts are processed system (FMS) manufacturing (CIM)
frequently in small
batches - is a group of machines - a system that uses an
● part geometry is that include supervisory integrating computer
computer control, system to link a broad
complex close
automatic material
tolerances are range of manufacturing
handling, and robots or
required other automated activities like engineering
● mistakes are costly processing equipment. design, manufacturing
● possibility of frequent - Systems are 3 above systems, purchasing,
changes in design - Combined effort of order processing, and
individual and production planning and
automation Control
- achieve both the
computerized - integrates information
flexibility of job shop
numerical control processing and the from other areas of an
(CNC)- Individual productivity of repetitive organization with
machines often have processing systems. manufacturing.
their own computer; - The goal is to link parts
of an organization to
Or one computer may achieve rapid response
control a number of N/C to customer orders
machines, which is and/or product changes,
referred to as direct to allow rapid production,
numerical and to reduce indirect
labor costs.
Limitations: machines
are the higher skill levels Limitations:
needed to program the - must be used for a
machines and their family of similar parts
inability to detect tool - it requires longer
wear and material planning
variation. - represents a sizable
chunk of technology.
Example: Robots relieve
humans from heavy or
The Internet of Things (IoT) is the extension of
dirty work and often
internet connectivity into devices such as cellphones,
eliminate drudgery tasks;
vehicles, audio and video devices, and more. These
collaborative robots
devices can send and receive information with others
(also known as cobots)
over the internet.
that are designed to work
collaboratively with
Industrial use of the IoT will have a major impact on
manufacturing and the global economy with
intelligence that augments human capabilities.
● Flexible automation uses equipment that is Applications involve AI (artificial intelligence) machine
more customized than that of programmable
learning, quality and productivity improvement, and ○ Useful development in three areas:
predictive maintenance. printers and printing methods, software
to design and print, and materials used
3D Printing in printing.
A 3D printer aka “ additive manufacturing” is a type of Drones
industrial robot that is controlled using ● Are unmanned aircraft, usually small, and
computer-assisted design (CAD). It involves processes remotely controlled or programmed to fly to a
that create three-dimensional objects by applying specific location.
successive layers of materials to create the objects. ● An important benefit is providing an “eye-in-the
● The objects can be of any size or shape. sky” to obtain visual detail in places that are
● Material is removed by methods such as hazardous to humans or that are not readily
cutting, grinding, sanding, drilling, and milling. accessible.
Also, producing an object using 3D printing is ● Limitations: the possibility of collisions with
generally much slower than the time needed other drones, power lines, birds, or other
using more conventional techniques in a factory objects, mechanical failure or operator error,
setting. crash any of which can result in failure to
● Refers to a wide range of techniques such as accomplish the intended task or injure humans.
extrusion (the deformation of either metal or 6.4 PROCESS STRATEGY
plastic forced under pressure through a die to Flexible systems and equipment are often more
create a shape) and sintering (using heat or expensive and not as efficient as less flexible
pressure or both to form a solid material from alternatives.
powder without causing it to liquefy).
● Allows the replication of objects without the use In certain instances, flexibility is unnecessary because
of molds. products are in mature stages, requiring few design
● 3D objects can also be created from changes, and there is a steady volume of output.
photographs of an existing object. That involves Ordinarily, this type of situation calls for specialized
taking a series of photographs of the object processing equipment, with no need for flexibility.
(usually about 20) from various angles in order
to capture adequate detail of the object for The implication is clear: Flexibility should be adopted
reproduction. with great care; its applications should be matched
● Applications. Commercial applications of 3D with situations in which a need for flexibility clearly
printing are occurring in a wide array of exists. In practice, decision makers choose flexible
businesses, and also have a few consumer systems for either of two reasons: (1) Demand variety
applications. or (2) uncertainty exists about demand. The second
● Benefits. reason can be overcome through improved forecasting.
○ Provides value in a wide range of
applications, even in high-volume 6.5 STRATEGIC RESOURCE ORGANIZATION:
systems. In some of those applications, FACILITIES LAYOUT
manufacturers have been able to Layout refers to the configuration of departments, work
substantially reduce the cost and/or time centers, and equipment, with particular emphasis on
needed to develop or produce items. movement of work (customers or materials) through
○ Advances in 3D printing and reduced the system. Layout decisions are important for three
costs have fueled a growth in basic reasons:
on-demand and micro-manufacturing. 1. they require substantial investments of money
On-demand production is not only and effor
attractive to customers who want 2. they involve long-term commitments, which
customization, it also reduces inventory makes mistakes difficult to overcome
needs, and hence, storage space and 3. they have a significant impact on the cost and
costs. efficiency of operations.
○ Increased agility and a reduction in the
need for end-item forecasts.
The need for layout planning arises both in the process ● The work is divided into a series of
of designing new facilities and in redesigning existing standardized tasks, permitting specialization of
facilities. equipment and division of labor.
● feasible to arrange an entire layout to
The most common reasons for redesign of layouts correspond to the technological processing
include: requirements of the product or service.
● inefficient operations (e.g., high cost, ● possible to utilize fixed-path material-handling
bottlenecks) equipment, such as conveyors to transport
● accidents or safety hazards items between operations.
● changes in the design of products or services ● The resulting arrangement forms a line which is
● introduction of new products or services referred to as production lines or assembly
● changes in the volume of output or mix of lines, depending on the type of activity involved.
outputs ● In service processes, the term line may or may
● changes in methods or equipment not be used.
● changes in environmental or other legal ● Product layouts achieve a high degree of labor
requirements, and morale problems (e.g., lack and equipment utilization, which tends to offset
of face-to-face contact). their high equipment costs. Because items
move quickly from operation to operation, the
Poor layout design can adversely affect system amount of work-in-process is often minimal.
performance. The basic objective of layout design ● operations are highly vulnerable of mechanical
is to facilitate a smooth flow of work, material, and failure or high absenteeism.
information through the system. Supporting ○ Maintenance procedures are geared to
objectives generally involve the following: this. Preventive maintenance—periodic
● To facilitate attainment of product or service inspection and replacement of worn
quality. parts or those with high failure
● To use workers and space efficiently. rates—reduces the probability of
● To avoid bottlenecks. breakdowns during the operations. Of
● To minimize material handling costs. course, no amount of preventive
● To eliminate unnecessary movements of activity can completely eliminate
workers or materials. failures, so management must take
● To minimize production time or customer measures to provide quick repair.
service time.
● To design for safety. Repetitive processing can be
● machine-paced (e.g., automatic car wash,
The three basic types of layout are product, process, automobile assembly),
and fixed-position. ● worker-paced (e.g., fast-food restaurants such
● Product layouts are most conducive to as McDonald’s, Burger King), or even
repetitive processing ● customer-paced (e.g., cafeteria line).
● Process layouts are used for intermittent
processing The main advantages of product layouts are:
● Fixed-position layouts are used when projects ● high rate of output.
require layouts. ● Low unit cost due to high volume. The high cost
of specialized equipment is spread over many
Repetitive and Continuous Processing: Product units.
Layouts ● Labor specialization, which reduces training
Product layouts are costs and time, and results in a wide span of
● Used to achieve a smooth and rapid flow of supervision.
large volumes of goods or customers through a ● Low material-handling cost per unit. Material
system handling is simplified because units follow the
● made possible by highly standardized goods or same sequence of operations. Material
services that allow highly standardized, handling is often automated.
repetitive processing. ● A high utilization of labor and equipment.
● The establishment of routing and scheduling in of processing requirements. These varieties require
the initial design of the system. These activities frequent adjustments to equipment. This causes a
do not require much attention once the system discontinuous workflow, which is referred to as
is operating. intermittent processing.
● Fairly routine accounting, purchasing, and
inventory control. The layouts feature departments or other functional
groupings in which similar kinds of activities are
The primary disadvantages of product layouts include performed.
the following: ● A manufacturing example: machine shop, which
● The intensive division of labor usually creates has separate departments for milling, grinding,
dull, repetitive jobs that provide little opportunity drilling, and so on. Consequently, variable-path
for advancement and may lead to morale material-handling equipment (forklift trucks,
problems and to repetitive stress injuries. jeeps, tote boxes) is needed to handle the
● Poorly skilled workers may exhibit little interest variety of routes and items.
in maintaining equipment or in the quality of ● The use of general-purpose equipment
output. provides the flexibility necessary to handle a
● The system is fairly inflexible in response to wide range of processing requirements.
changes in the volume of output or changes in ● Workers who operate the equipment are usually
product or process design. skilled or semiskilled.
● The system is highly susceptible to shutdowns
caused by equipment breakdowns or excessive
absenteeism because workstations are highly
● Preventive maintenance, the capacity for quick
repairs, and spare-parts inventories are
● necessary expenses.
● Incentive plans tied to individual output are
impractical because they would cause
variations among outputs of individual workers,
which would adversely affect the smooth flow of
work through the system.

U-Shaped Layouts. A U-shaped line is more compact;

● it often requires approximately half the length of
a straight production line.
● permits increased communication among
workers on the line because workers are
clustered, thus facilitating teamwork.
● Flexibility in work assignments is increased
because workers can handle adjacent stations
and stations on opposite sides of the line. Process layouts are quite common in service
● U-shaped line minimizes material handling. environments.
● Examples include hospitals, colleges and
On highly automated lines, there is less need for universities, banks, auto repair shops, airlines,
teamwork and communication, and entry and exit and public libraries.
points may be on opposite sides of the building. Also, ● Because equipment in a process layout is
operations may need to be separated because of noise arranged by type rather than by processing
or contamination factors. sequence, the system is much less vulnerable
to shutdown caused by mechanical failure or
Intermittent Processing: Process Layouts absenteeism.
Process layouts (functional layouts) are designed to
process items or provide services that involve a variety
● In manufacturing systems especially, idle ● Special attention necessary for each product or
equipment is usually available to replace customer (e.g., routing, scheduling, machine
machines that are temporarily out of service. setups) and low volumes result in higher unit
● Moreover, because items are often processed costs than with product layouts.
in lots (batches), there is considerably less ● Accounting, inventory control, and purchasing
interdependence between successive are much more involved than with product
operations than with a product layout. layouts.
● Maintenance costs tend to be lower because
the equipment is less specialized and the Fixed-Position Layouts
grouping of machinery permits repair personnel In fixed-position layouts, the item being worked on
to become skilled in handling that type of remains stationary, and workers, materials, and
equipment. equipment are moved about as needed. Almost
Disadvantages always, the nature of the product dictates this kind of
● Routing and scheduling must be done on a arrangement: Weight, size, bulk, or some other factor
continual basis to accommodate the variety of makes it undesirable or extremely difficult to move
processing demands typically imposed on these the product.
● Material handling is inefficient, and unit handling Fixed-position layouts are used in large construction
costs are generally much higher than in product projects (buildings, power plants, dams), shipbuilding,
layouts. and production of large aircraft and space mission
● In-process inventories can be substantial due to rockets. In those instances, attention is focused on
batch processing and capacity mismatches. timing of material and equipment deliveries Lack of
● Furthermore, it is not uncommon for such storage space can present significant problems.
systems to have equipment utilization rates
under 50 percent because of routing and Because of the many diverse activities carried out on
scheduling complexities related to the variety of large projects and a wide range of skills required,
processing demands being handled. special efforts are needed to coordinate the activities,
and the span of control can be quite narrow.
The advantages of process layouts include:
● The systems can handle a variety of processing When goods and materials are involved, material
requirements. handling often resembles process-type, variable-path,
● The systems are not particularly vulnerable to general-purpose equipment.
equipment failures.
● General-purpose equipment is often less costly Fixed-position layouts are widely used in farming,
than the specialized equipment used in product firefighting, road building, home building, remodeling
layouts and is easier and less costly to and repair, and drilling for oil.
● It is possible to use individual incentive Combination Layouts
systems. The three basic layout types are ideal models, which
may be altered to satisfy the needs of a particular
The disadvantages of process layouts include the situation. It is not hard to find layouts that represent
following: some combination of these pure types.
● In-process inventory costs can be high if batch
processing is used in manufacturing systems. Process layouts and product layouts represent two
● Routing and scheduling pose continual ends of a continuum from small jobs to continuous
challenges. production.
● Equipment utilization rates are low. ● Process layouts are conducive to the
● Material handling is slow and inefficient, and production of a wider range of products or
more costly per unit than in product layouts. services than product layouts; where
● Job complexities often reduce the span of customized products are often in demand.
supervision and result in higher supervisory However, process layouts tend to be less
costs than with product layouts.
efficient and have higher unit production costs
than product layouts.
● Ideally, a system is flexible and yet efficient,
with low unit production costs. Cellular
manufacturing, group technology, and flexible
manufacturing systems represent efforts to
move toward this ideal.

Cellular Layouts
Cellular production is a type of layout in which
workstations are grouped into what is referred to as a
cell. Groupings are determined by the operations
needed to perform work for a set of similar items, or
part families, that require similar processing.

The cells become miniature versions of product

layouts. The cells may have no conveyorized
movement of parts between machines, or they may
have a flow line connected by a conveyor (automatic
transfer). All parts follow the same route, although
minor variations (e.g., skipping an operation) are

The functional layout involves multiple paths for parts. order in the traditional layout (6.7A) that is depicted by
Moreover, there is little effort or need to identify part the path of the arrow. Begin on the
families. Cellular manufacturing enables companies to bottom left at Shipping/Receiving, and then follow the a
produce a variety of products with as little waste as Techniques to facilitate effective cellular layout:
possible. A cell layout provides a smooth flow of work ● Single-minute exchange of die (SMED) enables
through the process with minimal transport or delay. an organization to quickly convert a machine or
process to produce a different (but similar)
Benefits include minimal work in process, reduced product type. Thus, a single cell can produce a
space requirements and lead times, productivity and variety of products without the time-consuming
quality improvement, and increased flexibility. equipment changeover associated with large
batch processes, enabling the organization to
quickly respond to changes in customer
● Right-sized equipment is often smaller than
equipment used in traditional process layouts,
and is mobile, so it can quickly be reconfigured
into a different cellular layout in a different

The biggest challenges of implementing cellular

manufacturing involve issues of equipment and
layout and issues of workers and management.
Equipment and layout issues relate to design and cost.
Also, the implementation of cell manufacturing often
requires employee training and the redefinition of jobs.
Each of the workers in each cell should ideally be able
to complete the entire range of tasks required in that
In addition, cells are often expected to be self systems, discussed earlier, are more fully automated
managing, and therefore workers will have to be able versions of cellular manufacturing.
to work effectively in teams. Managers have to learn to
be less involved than with more traditional work Service Layouts
methods. Service layouts can often be categorized as product,
process, or fixed-position layouts.
Group Technology. Effective cellular manufacturing ● In a fixed-position service layout (e.g.,
must have groups of identified items with similar appliance repair, roofing, landscaping, home
processing characteristics. This strategy for product remodeling, copier service), materials, labor,
and process design is known as group technology and and equipment are brought to the customer’s
involves identifying items with similarities in either residence or office.
design characteristics or manufacturing characteristics, ● Process layouts are common in services due
and grouping them into part families. mainly to the high degree of variety in customer
processing requirements. Examples include
Design characteristics include size, shape, and hospitals, supermarkets and department stores,
function; manufacturing or processing characteristics vehicle repair centers, and banks.
involve the type and sequence of operations required. ● If the service is organized sequentially, with all
Thus, design families may be different from processing customers or work following the same or similar
families. Once similar items have been identified, items sequence, as it is in a car wash or a cafeteria
can be classified according to their families. Then, a line, a product layout is used.
system can be developed that facilitates retrieval from
a database for purposes of design and manufacturing. The degree of customer contact and the degree of
customization are two key factors in service layout
This greatly enhances the productivity of design. design.
Similarly, planning the manufacturing of a new part can ● If contact and customization are both high, the
include matching it with one of the part families in service environment is a job shop, usually with
existence, thereby alleviating much of the burden of high labor content and flexible equipment, and
specific processing details. a layout that supports this.
● If customization is high but contact low (e.g.,
This is often a time-consuming job that involves the picture framing, tailoring), the layout can be
analysis of a considerable amount of data. Three arranged to facilitate workers and equipment.
primary methods for accomplishing this are visual ● If contact is high but customization is low (e.g.,
inspection, examination of design and production supermarkets, gas stations), self- service is a
data, and production flow analysis. possibility, in which case layout must take into
● Visual inspection is the least accurate of the account the ease of obtaining the service, as
three but also the least costly and the simplest well as customer safety.
to perform. ● If the degree of contact and the need for
● Examination of design and production data is customization are low, the core service and the
more accurate but much more time consuming. customer can be separated, making it easier to
It is perhaps the most commonly used method achieve a high degree of efficiency in
of analysis. operations. Highly standardized services may
● Production flow analysis has a manufacturing lend themselves to automation (e.g., web
perspective and not a design perspective, services, online banking, ATM machines).
because it examines operations sequences and
machine routings to uncover similarities. Warehouse and Storage Layouts.
Moreover, the operation sequences and ● The design of storage facilities presents a
routings are taken as givens. In reality, the different set of factors than the design of factory
existing procedures may be far from optimal. layouts.
● Frequency of order is an important
Conversion to cellular production can involve costly consideration. Items that are ordered frequently
realignment of equipment. Flexible manufacturing should be placed near the entrance to the
● Any correlations between items are also ● Key elements of hospital layout design are
significant (i.e., item A is usually ordered with patient care and safety, with easy access to
item B) critical resources such as X-ray, CAT scan, and
● Other considerations include the number and MRI equipment.
widths of aisles, the height of storage racks, rail ● General layout of the hospital is one aspect of
and/or truck loading and unloading, and the layout, while layout of patient rooms is another.
need to periodically make a physical count of Automation in Services.
stored items. ● One way to improve productivity and reduce
costs in services is to remove the customer
Retail Layouts. from the process as much as possible.
● The objectives that guide design of ● For example, financial services use ATMs,
manufacturing layouts often pertain to cost online banking, and electronic funds transfers;
minimization and product flow. However, with retail stores use optical scanning to process
retail layouts such as department stores, sales; and the travel industry uses electronic
supermarkets, and specialty stores, designers reservation systems.
must take into account the presence of ● Other examples: shipping, mail processing,
customers and the opportunity to influence communication, and health care services.
sales volume and customer attitudes through ● Automating services means more-standardized
carefully designed layouts. services and less need to involve the customer
● Traffic patterns and traffic flow are important directly. However, service standardization
factors to consider. brings trade-offs.
● Advantage is the ability to save time and money ● Generally, costs are reduced and productivity
by using one layout instead of custom increases, but the lack of customization and the
designing one for each store. inability to deal with a real person raise the risk
● Another advantage is to avoid confusing of customer dissatisfaction.
consumers who visit more than one store. In
the case of service retail outlets, especially 6.6 DESIGNING PRODUCT LAYOUTS: LINE
small ones such as dry cleaners, shoe repair, BALANCING
and auto service centers, layout design is much
simpler. The goal of a product layout is to arrange workers or
Office Layouts. machines in the sequence that operations need to be
● Office layouts are undergoing transformations performed. The sequence is referred to as a
as the flow of paperwork is replaced with the production line or an assembly line. Automobile
increasing use of electronic communications. assembly lines are examples of long lines.
● This lessens the need to place office workers in
a layout that optimizes the physical transfer of Because it is difficult and costly to change a product
information or paperwork. layout that is inefficient, design is a critical issue. Many
● Another trend is to create an image of of the benefits of a product layout relate to the ability to
openness; office walls are giving way to low-rise divide required work into a series of elemental tasks
partitions, which also facilitate communication (e.g., “assemble parts C and D”) that can be performed
among workers. quickly and routinely by low-skilled workers or
Restaurant Layouts. specialized equipment. The durations of these
● There are many different types of restaurants, elemental tasks typically range from a few seconds
ranging from food trucks to posh to 15 minutes or more.
establishments. Many belong to chains, and
some of those are franchises. That type of Tasks are usually grouped into manageable bundles
restaurant typically adheres to a floor plan and assigned to workstations staffed by one or two
established by the company. Independent operators. The process of deciding how to assign
restaurants and bars have their own floor plans. tasks to workstations is referred to as line
● “The single most important element is process balancing to obtain task groupings that represent
workflow. approximately equal time requirements. This minimizes
Hospital Layouts.
the idle time along the line and results in a high The task times govern the range of possible cycle
utilization of labor and equipment. times. The minimum cycle time is equal to the longest
Idle time occurs if task times are not equal task time (1.0 minute), and the maximum cycle time is
among workstations; some stations are capable equal to the sum of the task times (0.1 + 0.7 + 1.0 + 0.5
of producing at higher rates than others. + 0.2 = 2.5 minutes). The minimum cycle time would
apply if there were five workstations. The maximum
Unbalanced lines are undesirable in terms of inefficient cycle time would apply if all tasks were performed at a
utilization of labor and equipment and because they single workstation. The minimum and maximum cycle
may create morale problems at the slower stations for times are important because they establish the
workers who must work continuously. potential range of output for the line, which we can
compute using the following formula:
Lines that are perfectly balanced will have a smooth
flow of work as activities along the line are
synchronized to achieve maximum utilization of labor
and equipment.

The major obstacle to attaining a perfectly

balanced line is the difficulty of forming task
bundles that have the same duration.
Assume that the line will operate for eight hours per
● One cause of this is that it may not be feasible
day (480 minutes). With a cycle time of 1.0 minute,
to combine certain activities into the same
output would be
bundle, (e.g., risk of contamination of paint from
● differences among elemental task lengths
cannot always be overcome by grouping tasks.
● inability to perfectly balance a line is that a
required technological sequence may prohibit
otherwise desirable task combinations.

Line balancing involves assigning tasks to

workstations. Usually, each workstation has one worker
who handles all of the tasks at that station, although an
option is to have several workers at a single

A manager could decide to use anywhere from one to

five workstations to handle five tasks. With one
workstation, all tasks would be done at that station; Assuming that no parallel activities are to be employed
with five stations, for example, one task would be (e.g., two lines), the output selected for the line must
assigned to each station. If two, three, or four fall in the range of 192 units per day to 480 units per
workstations are used, some or all of the stations will day.
have multiple tasks assigned to them. How does a
manager decide how many stations to use? As a general rule, the cycle time is determined by the
desired output; that is, a desired output rate is
The primary determinant is what the line’s cycle time selected, and the cycle time is computed. If the cycle
will be. The cycle time is the maximum time allowed time does not fall between the maximum and minimum
at each workstation to perform assigned tasks bounds, the desired output rate must be revised. We
before the work moves on. The cycle time also can compute the cycle time using this equation:
establishes the output rate of a line. Hence, the line’s
capacity is a function of its cycle time.
For example, suppose that the desired output rate is
480 units.

In terms of precedence requirements the only

requirement to begin task b is that task a must be
finished. However, in order to begin task d, tasks b
The number of workstations that will be needed is a and c must both be finished. Note that the elemental
function of both the desired output rate and our ability tasks are the same ones we have been using.
to combine elemental tasks into workstations. We can Line balancing. This involves assigning tasks to
determine the theoretical minimum number of stations workstations. Generally, no techniques are available
necessary to provide a specified rate of output as that guarantee an optimal set of assignments.
Instead, managers employ heuristic (intuitive) rules,
which provide good and sometimes optimal sets of
assignments. A number of line-balancing heuristics are
in use, two of which are described here for purposes of
1. Assign tasks in order of most following tasks.
2. Assign tasks in order of greatest positional
weight. Positional weight is the sum of each
task’s time and the times of all following tasks.


Whether the selected level of output should equal the
maximum output possible. The minimum number of
workstations needed is a function of the desired output
rate and, therefore, the cycle time. Thus, a lower rate
Because 2.5 stations is not feasible, it is necessary to of output (hence, a longer cycle time) may result in a
round up (because 2.5 is the minimum) to three need for fewer stations.
stations. Thus, the actual number of stations used will
equal or exceed three, depending on how successfully Many real-life problems of any magnitude are solved
the tasks can be grouped into workstations. using heuristic approaches. The purpose of a
heuristic approach is to reduce the number of
A very useful tool in line balancing is a precedence alternatives that must be considered, but it does not
diagram. It visually portrays the tasks to be performed, guarantee an optimal solution.
along with the sequential requirements—that is, the
order in which tasks must be performed. The diagram Some Guidelines for Line Balancing
is read from left to right, so the initial task(s) are on the ● In balancing an assembly line, tasks are
left and the final task is on the right. assigned one at a time to the line, starting at
the first workstation.
● At each step, the unassigned tasks are checked
to determine which are eligible for assignment.
● Next, the eligible tasks are checked to see provide guidelines for developing a solution. SEE
which of them will fit in the workstation being PAGE 277
● A heuristic is used to select one of the tasks Other Approaches
that will fit, and the task is assigned. This Parallel workstations.
process is repeated until there are no eligible ● These are beneficial for bottleneck operations
tasks that will fit. which would otherwise disrupt the flow of
● Then, the next workstation can be loaded. This product as it moves down the line. The
continues until all tasks are assigned. The bottlenecks may be the result of difficult or very
objective is to minimize the idle time for the line long tasks.
subject to technological and output constraints. ● Increase the work flow and provide flexibility.
○ Technological constraints tell us which Cross-train workers to perform more than one task.
elemental tasks are eligible to be ● When bottlenecks occur, the workers with
assigned at a particular position on the temporarily increased idle time can assist other
line. Technological constraints can result workers who are temporarily overburdened,
from the precedence or ordering thereby maintaining an even flow of work along
relationships among the tasks. The the line.
precedence relationships require that ● This is sometimes referred to as dynamic line
certain tasks must be performed before balancing, and it is used most often in lean
others (and so they must be assigned to production systems.
workstations before others). Design a line to handle more than one product on the
○ Technological constraints may also same line.
result from two tasks being incompatible ● This is referred to as a mixed model line.
(e.g., space restrictions or the nature of Naturally, the products have to be fairly similar,
the operations may prevent their being so that the tasks involved are pretty much the
placed in the same work center). same for all products.
○ Output constraints determine the ● This approach offers great flexibility in varying
maximum amount of work that a the amount of output of the products.
manager can assign to each
workstation, and this determines 6.7 DESIGNING PROCESS LAYOUTS
whether an eligible task will fit at a The main issue in designing process layouts concerns
workstation. The desired output rate the relative positioning of the departments involved–
determines the cycle time, and the sum departments must be assigned to locations.
of the task times assigned to any
workstation must not exceed the cycle Layouts can also be influenced by external factors
time. If a task can be assigned to a such as the location of entrances, loading docks,
workstation without exceeding the elevators, windows, and areas of reinforced flooring.
cycle time, then the task will fit. Also important are noise levels, safety, and the size
● To clarify the terminology, following tasks are and locations of restrooms.
tasks that you would encounter by following all
paths from the task in question through the A major obstacle to finding the most efficient layout of
precedence diagram. Preceding tasks are all departments is the large number of possible
tasks you would encounter by tracing all paths assignments. Different location configurations (e.g., 14
backward from the task in question. departments in a 2 × 7 grid) often reduce the number of
● In the following precedence diagram, tasks b, d, possibilities, as do special requirements (e.g., the
e, and f are followers of task a. Tasks a, b, and stamping department may have to be assigned to a
c are preceding tasks for e. location with reinforced flooring).
The positional weight for a task is the sum of the
task times for itself and all its following tasks. Neither of Measures of Effectiveness
the heuristics guarantees the best solution, or even a One advantage of process layouts is their ability to
good solution to the line balancing problem, but they do satisfy a variety of processing requirements.
● Material-oriented systems necessitate the use
of variable-path material-handling equipment to
move materials from work center to work center.
● In customer-oriented systems, people must
travel or be transported from work center to
work center.
● In both cases, transportation costs or time can
be significant.

Information Requirements
The design of process layouts requires the following The letters represent the importance of closeness for
information: each department pair, with A being the most important
● A list of departments or work centers to be and X being an undesirable pairing.
arranged, their approximate dimensions, and ● It is “absolutely necessary” to locate 1 and 2
the dimensions of the building or buildings that close to each other because there is an A at the
will house the departments. intersection of those departments on the grid.
● A projection of future work flows between the ● 1 and 4 should not be close together because
various work centers. their intersection has an X.
● The distance between locations and the cost In practice, the letters on the grid are often
per unit of distance to move loads between accompanied by numbers that indicate the reason for
locations. each assignment
● The amount of money to be invested in the
layout. Muther suggests the following list:
● A list of any special considerations (e.g., ● They use the same equipment or facilities.
operations that must be close to each other or ● They share the same personnel or records.
operations that must be separated). ● Required sequence of workflow.
● The location of key utilities, access and exit ● Needed for ease of communication.
points, loading docks, and so on, in existing ● Would create unsafe or unpleasant conditions.
buildings. ● Similar work is performed.
The ideal situation is to first develop a layout and then ● SEE PAGE 284
design the physical structure around it, thus permitting
maximum flexibility in design. This procedure is
commonly followed when new facilities are

Minimizing Transportation Costs or Distances

The most common goals in designing process layouts
are minimization of transportation costs or distances

Transportation costs can also be summarized in

from-to charts, but we shall avoid that complexity,
assuming instead that costs are a direct, linear function
of distance. SEE PAGE 283

Closeness Ratings
Richard Muther developed a more general
approach which allows for subjective input from
analysis or managers to indicate the relative
importance of each combination of department pairs.
CHAPTER 5 and efficiency. Layout decisions are often
SUMMARY closely related to process selection decisions.
- Decision making is an integral part of ● Product layouts are geared to high-volume
operations management. output of standardized items. Workers and
- Decision theory is a general approach to equipment are arranged according to the
decision making that is useful in many different technological sequence required by the product
aspects of operations management. or service involved.
- Decision theory provides a framework for the ● Emphasis in design is on work flow through the
analysis of decisions. It includes a number of system, and specialized processing and
techniques that can be classified according to handling equipment is often used.
the degree of uncertainty associated with a ● Product layouts are highly vulnerable to
particular decision problem. breakdowns. Preventive maintenance is used to
- Two visual tools useful for analyzing some reduce the occurrence of breakdowns.
decision problems are decision trees and ● Software is available for large or complex
graphical sensitivity analysis. designs.
TERMS ● Process layouts group similar activities into
bounded rationality, 224 departments or other work centers. These
certainty, 224 systems can handle a wide range of processing
decision tree, 227 requirements and are less susceptible to
expected monetary value breakdowns.
(EMV) criterion, 227 ● The variety of processing requirements
expected value of perfect necessitates continual routing and scheduling
information (EVPI), 229 and the use of variable-path material-handling
Laplace, 225 equipment.
maximax, 225 ● The rate of output is generally much lower than
maximin, 225 that of product layouts.
minimax regret, 225 ● Fixed-position layouts are used when size,
payoff table, 223 fragility, cost, or other factors make it
regrets (opportunity loss), 226 undesirable or impractical to move a product
risk, 224 through a system. Instead, workers, equipment,
sensitivity analysis, 230 and materials are brought to the product.
suboptimization, 224 ● The main design efforts in product layout
uncertainty, 224 development focus on dividing up the work
required to produce a product or service into a
CHAPTER 6 series of tasks that are as nearly equal as
SUMMARY possible. The goal is to achieve a high degree
● Process selection choices often have strategic of utilization of labor and equipment.
implications for organizations. They can affect ● In process layout, design efforts often focus on
cost, quality, productivity, customer satisfaction, the relative positioning of departments to
and competitive advantage. minimize transportation costs or to meet other
● Process types include job shop, batch requirements concerning the proximity of
processing, repetitive processing, continuous certain department pairs.
processing, and projects. Process type ● The large number of possible alternatives to
determines how work is organized, and it has layout problems prevents an examination of
implications for the entire organization and its each one. Instead, heuristic rules guide the
supply chain. discovery of alternatives. The solutions thus
● Process type and layout are closely related. obtained are usually satisfactory, although not
Except for projects, process selection is usually necessarily optimal.
a function of the volume and variety needed. ● Software packages are available to reduce the
● Layout decisions are aspects of the design of effort required to obtain solutions to layout
operations systems, affecting operating costs problems, but these too rely largely on heuristic
1. Process choice is demand-driven.
2. Process type and layout are a function of
expected demand volume and the degree of
customization that will be needed.
3. Each process type and layout type has
advantages and limitations that should be
clearly understood when making process
selection and layout decisions.
4. Process design is critical in a product-focused
system, whereas managing is critical in a
process focused system.
3D printing, 257
assembly line, 261
automation, 253
balance delay, 275
cellular production, 266
computer-aided manufacturing
(CAM), 254
manufacturing (CIM), 256
cycle time, 273
fixed-position layout, 264
flexible manufacturing system
(FMS), 255
group technology, 267
intermittent processing, 263
line balancing, 272
numerically controlled (N/C)
machines, 254
precedence diagram, 274
process layout, 263
production line, 261
product layout, 261
product or service profiling, 252
project, 249
technological innovation, 252
technology, 252

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