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Manito National High School

Manito, Albay
Science 7

I-MULTIPLE CHOICES: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. What is the location of equator?
a. 0⁰ latitude b. 0⁰ longitude c.23.5⁰ N d. 23.5⁰ S
2. Which among the bodies of water is located to the east of the Philippines?
a. Pacific Ocean b. Indian Ocean c. Philippine Sea d. South China Sea
3. Which of the following are considered as natural resources?
a. Soil, water, rocks, fossil fuels c. Television, cell phone, radio, sunlight
b. Air, electricity, food, clothing d. shelter, food, clothing, MP3
4. In what way people can conserve natural resources?
a. Use them wisely without wasting them c. Burning garbages
b. Turning rice fields into commercial centers d. cutting down trees
5. Which among the layers of the atmosphere is closest to earth’s surface?
a. Troposphere b. stratosphere c. Mesosphere d. exosphere
6. What will happen if greenhouse gases increase in concentration?
a. It will cause global warming c. It will sustain life
b. It will increase air layer d. it has no significant effect
7. Which of the following is a natural process by which the Earth’s atmosphere warms up?
a. Greenhouse effect b. global warming c. Ozone depletion d. El Niño
8. What happens when air gets warmer?
a. Moves toward a cold region b. rises c. Stops d. nothing happen
9. What causes the seasons to change?
a. Global warming b. tilt of the earth c. Monsoon d. ITCZ
10. When do eclipses happen?
a. When moon is higher than the earth c. When moon is lower than the earth
b. When moon is aligned with the sun and earth d. when moon completed its trip around the earth

II-IDENTIFICATION: Identify the word that is being described of the following statements. Choose the correct
word from the list below.

Prime meridian 15⁰N,120⁰E Asian continent Coal

Greenhouse Land breeze ITCZ 23.5⁰

Shadow Solar eclipse Wind

11. It is the starting point for longitude located at 0⁰ longitude. _____

12. It is the exact location of the Philippines. _____
13. The largest landmass to the north of the Philippines. _____
14. A black or brownish black solid rock that can be burned._____
15. It allows sunlight to enter but prevent heat from escaping. _____
16. The moving air from the land. _____
17. The place where winds in the tropics meet or converge._____
18. Measurement of the tilt of the Earth from the vertical. _____
19. It is formed when a light source is blocked by an object. _____
20. Occurs when the moon comes directly between the sun and the Earth. _____
III- TRUE or FALSE: Write TRUE if the statement is true and write FALSE if the statement is false.
21. Air moves toward the place where warm air is rising. _____
22. Stratosphere is the layer of air where we find the ozone layer. _____
23. The Philippines has varied non-metallic resources such as sand, gravel, limestone, and other quarry
materials. _____
24. Conserving natural resources can make them last and be available for future generations. _____
25. Many human activities emit more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere, making the greenhouse effect
stronger. _____
26. Global warming causes stronger typhoons, and creating many health related problems. _____
27. Without the greenhouse effect, Earth would be very cold. _____
28. Whenever we feel the air moving, that means that somewhere, warm air is rising. _____
29. In May, Michael and his friends plan to have summer vacation in Australia because during this month
Philippines receive oblique rays from the sun. _____
30. Justin wants to travel to nearby countries of the Philippines, so he decided to take the north to go to
Malaysia. _____

IV-MATCHING TYPE: In column A are the different human activities that destroy natural resources. In column B
are the effects of human activities in column A. Match column A with column B by writing the letter of the
correct answer.
31. when roads are built, mountains are blown off using a. Destroy coral reefs and kill small fishes
31. Farmers use too much chemical fertilizers to replenish b. flooding and landslide
Soil fertility
32. Plastic and other garbage are burned c. Air pollution
33. People cut many trees for lumber d. destroys the quality of soil
34. Uses dynamite in fishing e. Damage natural habitats

36-40. Illustrate/draw how greenhouse effect takes place.

41-43. Illustrate/draw how direct rays from the sun changes the season in December.

44-47. Illustrate/draw how the air moves.

VI-MAP READING: Using the world map or globe,

A. Find the exact location of the following countries using the latitude and longitude.
48-49. Philippines 50-51. Indonesia
52-53. Japan

B. Find the country that is located in the following coordinates (latitude, longitude).
54-55. 30⁰ N, 0⁰ E 56-57. 45⁰ N, 105⁰ E
58-59. 15⁰ N, 105⁰ E 60. 0⁰ S, 75⁰ W


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