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(Halal Studies)

MAY 2024


A Thesis Outline Submitted to the Department of Arts in Islamic Studies Institute of

Middle East and Asian Studies, University of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan,
Cotabato in Partial fulfillment of the requirements in degree of


(Halal Studies)

MAY 2024

Significance of the Study

Suman is one of the most popular Filipino delicacies. Not only is it super simple to

make it is also delicious. These kinds of suman is made from boiled. Suman is typically

made from wrapped in banana leaves combine with sugar, glutinous rice flour, coconut

milk, and peanut. And for recipes of breadnuts suman treatment 1 is made from banana

leaves, sugar, coconut milk; treatment 2 is made from banana leaves, glutinous rice

flour, sugar, and coconut milk; and treatment 3 is with new recipes made from banana

leaves, sugar, coconut milk glutinous rice flour and with peanut.

These kinds of suman are sweet in the best Filipino treat, very satisfying desert,

snack or even breakfast. These kinds of suman are affordable to buy because it is a low

priced and delicious. These suman are easiest to make, these kinds of suman are

mainly to used if there a occasions, specially in Muslim. Just like a wedding, Kanduli

and others celebrations.

This study was conducted the Breadnuts Suman. Specifically, it aimed to evaluates

the sensory characteristics of Breadnuts Suman in terms of appearance, odor, texture,

and taste; evaluate the most acceptable treatment of Breadnuts Suman, and determine

the proximate composition of the most acceptable treatment in terms of Ash content.

This study explored the Halal preparation and processing of Breadnuts Suman

products. The findings of this study are valuable reading material for the general readers

and student researchers in the University of Southern Mindanao in general and the

Institute of Middle East and Asian Studies, in particular. It would also give additional
information to processors and food entrepreneurs as new business potential. Besides,

Muslim consumers and other individuals who are not eaters of haram food will be

provided with a new product for consumption.

Objectives of Study

The general objective of this study is to determine the Acceptability of Breadnuts

with peanut.

Specifically, the study aims to;

1. Evaluate the sensory attributes of Breadnuts Suman in terms of appearance, odor,

texture and taste.

2.Determine the most acceptable treatment based on general acceptability.

3.Determine the proximate composition of the most acceptable treatments in terms of

Ash content.

Expected Outputs of the Study

1.Data on the sensory attributes of Breadnuts Suman in terms of appearance,

Odor, texture and taste perceived of the consumers.

2.Data on the most acceptable treatment based on general acceptability.

3.Data on the proximate composition of the most acceptable treatment in terms of

Ash content
Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study will focus on evaluating the Acceptability of Breadnuts Suman. The

quality produced to be evaluated in terms of its sensory attributes (appearance, odor,

taste, texture); the general acceptability as well as the composition of the most

acceptable treatments.

Place and Time of the Study

This study will be conducted in the 2nd semester of 2023-2024 at Institute of Middle

East and Asian Studies (IMEAS), University of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan, Cotabato
Operational Definition of Terms

Acceptability-is the quality of anything being eligible for acceptance.

Appearance - refers to size, shape, defects and color of a product.

Ash Content- it refers to safety of food.

Breadnuts-refers to the study and main ingredient of the researcher.

Coconut milk- is a creamy, opaque, and milky-white liquid extracted from the grated

pulp of

mature coconuts.

Halal - refers to any action or everything that is permitted in Islamic Law.

tribes in the Southern Philippines, kulintang music is central to Maguindanaon culture.

Maguindanaon- A distinctive style of gong music known to both Muslim and non-


Odor - refers to smell of the product.

Peanut-are legume cultivated for their edible seeds.

Sensory Characteristics - refers to reaction of evaluator in terms of appearance,

Odor and


Suman- it refers to the expected study of the researcher.

Taste- refers the ability to tell the difference between flavours in your mouth.

Texture- defined as the structure or appearance of something fabric's texture.


This chapter is the presentation of related literature and studies which may be

relevance to the current study that the researcher conducted.


(Artocarpus camansi) is native to New Guinea, and possibly the Moluccas

(Indonesia) and the Philippines (Ragone, 2006). Widely scattered in alluvial forests in

lowland areas in New Guinea, the fruit is naturally dispersed by birds and bats. In the

Philippines and the Caribbean, breadnut is typically grown as a terrace tree as well as

a land boundary marker. Breadnut is often considered to be a form of seeded breadfruit.

However, it is a separate species and the ancestor of seeded and seedless breadfruit

(Artocarpus altilis) (Roberts-Nkrumah, 2012).

In addition to being a wonderful source of nutrients, breadnuts have

pharmacological qualities and are frequently used in traditional medicine to treat a

variety of illnesses. This chapter covers the associated literature on the general

acceptability of breadnuts as a Suman, ingredients, the standard recipe of breadnuts as

a Suman, processes and procedures, and breadnuts as a Suman. There are three

known members of the genus. The breadnut suman's nutritional value and overall


Ten years before Captain Bligh introduced the breadfruit to the Caribbean, the

French brought the breadnut (Artocarpus camansi) to the region (Coronel, 1994).
Cultivated and used throughout the Caribbean and Asia, the breadnut (Artocarpus

altilis), and the jackfruit (Artocarpus heterophyllus) are exported to ethnic markets in

Europe and America. Every Artocarpus tree produces milky, creamy, sticky latex that is

found throughout the tree and contains a trace amount of rubber (Coronel, 1994).

The breadnut tree is described as a huge, monoecious tree that grows to a height

of 10-15 meters or more, with a spreading crown and a trunk that is one meter or more.

Before branching, the tree frequently reaches a height of 5 meters. It is noted that

canopy diameter is around half of tree height. It is a spreading evergreen canopy tree

with a single trunk. Usually, buttresses at the base of the trunk are integrated into

breadnut trees (Ragone, 2006, 2011; RobertsNkrumah, 2012).

The leaves are classified as ovate to oblong ovate, coriaceous, 40–60 cm long,

25–45 cm wide, acuminate, deeply pinnate, and vivid, dark green. They have four to six

pairs of ovate, acute lobes with sinuses cut halfway to the midrib. Numerous white or

reddish-white hairs on the petiole, lower leaf surface, and upper and lower veins of the

densely pubescent leaves are distinctive. The leaf blade has green veins and a dull

green color. The bud is surrounded by two sizable green stipules that turn yellow prior

to dehiscing (Barrau, 1976; Brown, 1943; French, 1988; Roberts-Nkrumah, 2015).

Breadnut is versatile with diverse culinary uses at different stages of maturity. In

the Caribbean, mature green fruits including the pulp and immature seeds are cooked

with curry, coconut milk and even meat forming an exotic meal with roti or rice. At the
cottage level, the sweet granular layer on the fruit core as well as the seedless pulp are

used to make milk based beverages (Mohammed &Wickham, 2011).

The health advantages of breadnuts

The breadnut tree's medicinal qualities have been studied, and it has been stated

that portions of the tree other than the flesh and seeds have long been used as

traditional local cures for illnesses throughout the world. In order to relieve toothache,

communities, the yellow senescing leaves are boiled and used to treat hypertension

and diabetes (Bridgemohan & Mohammed, 2019). The yellow leaves' amino-butyric

acid content may have contributed to the drop in blood pressure (Brown, 1943; Ramos-

Ruiz et al., 2019). Chiropractors and massage therapists in the West Indies use the sap

as a plaster to help mend dislocated joints. Histidine is abundant in breadnuts.among

other illnesses, for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Amino acids have the ability to

reduce pain. The high antioxidant content of breadnut tree bark has been noted by

complementary and alternative medical practitioners in rural Trinidad. This information

can be utilized to enhance the body's defenses against infectious viruses (Harnarine,

2019). Additionally, breadnut has been shown to increase blood coagulation, reduce

anemia, treat skin diseases, prevent bone loss, improve cardiac health, and improve

dental hygiene (Ricker & Hass, 2017., Harnarine, 2019).Ante et al. (2016) investigated

the volatile content of Artocarpus camansi leaves, stem-bark, and nuts at the University

of Karachi in Pakistan. Hydrodistillation was utilized to extract essential oils. And 26

chemicals in total—representing 99.09%, 99.45%, and 99.89%—were found.

Glutinous rice flour, also known as sweet rice flour, is ground from long- or short-grain

glutinous rice (aka sticky rice). But, it’s not sweet and it does not contain gluten. It does,

however, have a much higher starch content than other kinds of rice, making it great at

thickening or binding, like in the Sesame Balls from Issue 139.

Brown sugar

Food sweetener made locally by farmers is brown sugar, which is mostly made

from palm and coconut trees. Brown sugar is mostly made in North Sulawesi from sugar

palm (Arengapininata) trees. The sticky, juicy sugar nectar from the male flower is

gathered, boiled until it becomes sticky, and then it is either transferred into a mold or

allowed to cool until it solidifies into granules. As a result, brown sugar is available in

block or granulated form. The sweet sap is an excellent medium for microorganism to

flourish since it includes sucrose and nutrients (Pontoh, 2007). Depending on how

well the farmer maintains sanitation, the sugar will be contaminated by a variety of

microorganism. These microorganism will ferment the sugar into different compounds,

such as lactic and acetic acids, and yeast (sachoromyces cerevisiae) will convert

sucrose into glucose and fructose and then into ethanol.

Health Benefits of Sugar

Starch and sugar are essential components of food in most parts of the world, and

carbohydrates are among the most abundant biomolecules of food items in the modern

world is sugar. Even so, eating sugar causes the brains “feel good hormone” to be
activated. Compared to its function as a vital food components and an energy sources,

its sweetness was discovered earlier. Despite the fact that sugar is essential for carrying

out numerous physiological processes in our bodies correctly. Carbohydrates have

achieved the status of macronutrients, which are present in a variety of food and drinks,

by supplying APT, energy currency, and other advantageous physiological function of

the body. The carbohydrates primarily provide the body with energy for bodily functions

and physical activity, with glucose (Varucha et al.,2016) If we stopped eating sugar, our

bodies wouldn’t be able to function correctly (Varucha et al.,2016). The main purposes

of sugar in food items are sweetness and energy .Moreover, sugar is crucial for

fermentation, preservation, color, serving as the source of energy.


Coconut palm (Cocos Nusifera L.) is often referred to as the tree of life. The term

“lazy man’s crop” refers to the fact that all parts of the palm, from the roots to the leaves

and especially the fruit, have special uses as a source of food, drink, animal feed, and

throughout their 50+years lifespan. Commercial farms, on the other hand, tend to their

crops and develop them for increased productivity (Agustin,2000).


The liquid that is extracted , either manually or mechanically, form grated coconut.

It’s the nutritional value. Coconut milk is a common component in recipes including

yellow rice (nasi gurih), baked products, fish, seafood, meat, poultry, and vegetables in
most Asian and Pacific countries where coconuts are with 30-36 kg consumed per

person, West Samoa and Sri Lanka have the highest per capita intake of coconut milk.

Indonesia and Thais are moderate consumers, consuming 6.5-8.2kg per person, where

as Singapore usage is negligible. The Philippines consumes 0.3-06kg per person.


Groundnuts, or peanuts (Archis hypogaea L.), are a seasonal legume that are

farmed around the world, primarily in tropical and subtropical parts of Africa, Asia, and

the Americas. They are said to have originated in South America. Though technically a

peanut in the bean/legume family (Fabaceae), a peanut is regarded as an oilseed due

to its high oil content. Studies have shown that peanuts have a high nutritional value

because of their abundance in fiber, protein, and oil. It is significant legume that has

been used to make oil. Because of the high quality nutritional components it contains

including proteins, fiber, polyphenols, antioxidants, vitamins, and minearals, it may be

a added to many cuisines to boost the food’s nutritional value.

Health Benefits of Peanuts

Peanut oil has no trans fat and a low has no cholesterol, is low in unsaturated fatty

acids, and contains saturated fats. Peanuts provide many health advantages, including

bettering the profile of serum lipids and lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease,

which protects the heart. Additionally, it has been proposed that eating peanuts lowers

the risk of colorectal cancer. Eating peanuts, especially in their skin, has been shown
to provide an antioxidant activity that benefits long-term health. People who eat peanut

butter or peanuts have been shown to have lower blood pressure and a lower risk of

dying from cardiovascular disease.

People who included peanuts in their diet on a regular basis also saw a 25% reduction

in their risk of developing diabetes.

Therapeutic foods based on peanuts and peanut milk are used to treat malnutrition and

have been demonstrated to hasten the restoration of health. A ready-to-use therapeutic

food (RUTF) based on peanuts is the plumpy nut, which has been used in Africa to

combat severe malnutrition.

When used to treat severe and moderate malnutrition in children, therapeutic foods

based on peanuts has been shown to accelerate recovery and reduce the time needed

to meet weight-to-growth objectives. The use of RUTF for the treatment of malnutrition

emergencies has been authorized by the UN, and numerous nutritional programs have

been implemented in impoverished nations utilizing the peanut-based


The study entitled Acceptability of Breadnut Suman will be conducted at the

Institute of Middle East and Asian Studies, University of Southern Mindanao, Kabacan,

Cotabato. The materials and methods used in the preparation of Suman Breadnuts

were the following;

Research Design

This study use experimental research design using the Friedman test.


Pot Chopping board Gloves Stove

spoon Apron Knife Measuring cup

Hairnet Mixing bowl

Ladle Strainer
Function of the Materials

Apron – are used to keep clothes clean and tidy.

Chopping Board – is a durable board on which to place materials for cutting

Knife – cores from fruit used for cutting out.

Hair net – A hairnet, or sometimes simply a net or caul, is a small, often elasticized,

fine net worn over long hair to hold it in place. It is worn to keep hair contained. A

snood is similar, but a looser fit, and with a much coarser mesh and noticeably thicker


Ladle – is a type of spoon used for soup, stew or other foods.

Gloves – a covering for the hand worn for protection against cold or dirt and typically

having separate parts for each finger and the thumb.

Measuring Cups – is a kitchen utensils used primarily to measure the volume of

liquid or bulk solid cooking ingredients such as flour and sugar.

Measuring Spoons – is a spoon used to measure an amount of an ingredients, either

liquid or dry when cooking.

Mixing Bowl - is a deep bowl that particularly well suited for mixing ingredients


Pot-a usually rounded metal or earthen container used chiefly for domestic purposes

as in cooking or for holding liquids or growing plants.

Strainer – a device having holes punched in it or made of crossed wires for


solid matter from a liquid.



Brown sugar

Coconut milk

Glutinous rice flour



Preparation of Utensils

All utensils were washed and arranged in the food preparation table prior

to the actual conduct of the study

Preparation of Ingredients

All the ingredients were measure accurately according to treatment.

Procedure in making breadnut suman

First, I will go in the market to buy all ingredients we find a fresh breadnut seeds, I

wash the breadnut under the water, then boiled and I dry the breadnut seeds under the

sun 1 to 2 days, after that I prepare to went in the market to grind the breadnut seeds

in a mill machine until become flour.

In a bowl combine the all ingredients glutinous rice flour, brown sugar, coconut milk,

breadnut flour, and peanut, mix until the ingredients are avenly distributed. The next

thing is to prepare the banana leaves cut into rectangular shape, take a piece of banana

leaves about 2 tablespoons of the flour and fold. Now prepare the steamer and bring

the water to boiled, and arrange the suman in steamer, steam about 30 minutes to 45

minutes. After cooked cool for a few minutes and ready to taste and serve.








Treatment 2 Treatment 3
Treatment 1
Breadnut with Breadnut with
Pure Breadnut Glutinous rice flour Glutinous rice flour
Suman with coconut milk and
with Peanut




Fig.1 Process flow in making Breadnut Suman

Treatment will be based on the preliminary experiment and modified to suit the design

of the study as shown in.

Treatment and Proportion of Ingredients in making Breadnut Suman and native


T1 T2 T3
Breadnut 2 2(cups) 2(cups)
flour (cups)
Glutinous 2(cups) 2(cups)
rice flour
Coconut ½ ½ ½
milk (cup) (cup) (cup)
Brown sugar 1(tbsp
1(tbsp) 1(tbsp)
Peanut 2(cups)


T1 – Pure Breadnut Suman

T2 – Breadnuts +Glutinous rice flour

T3 -Breadnuts+ glutinous rice flour + Coconut milk+ Peanuts

Sensory Evaluation

The reserved samples will be placed on individual disposable plates with 3-digit

code numbers for the evaluation of appearance, odor, taste, and general acceptability.

The samples will be evaluated by a panel of 30 participants, consisting of selected

faculty and experienced students in sensory evaluation. Each participant will be

provided with a score sheet to record their rating

Statistical Analysis

Friedman test will be used to compare treatments in terms of their sensory

attributes and general acceptability. Comparison of mean ranks using Wilcoxon will be

done for significant results. Data gathered from chemical properties of the most

acceptable treatments will be described using mean and standard deviation.


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Coronel, R.E. (1994). “Atis.” In the promising fruits of the Philippines (coronel RE,Zuno
Margaret Zaitoun, et al ,(2018). Sugar ;type and their Functional Properties n Food
Human Health. International Journal of Public Health Research, 6(4):pp.93-99.
Pontoh, J. (2017) chemical composition of palm brown sugar Report to Masarang
Foundation .Tomohon.
Ragone, D, (2006).Artocarpus camansi (breadnut), ver 2.1. In C.R. Eleviteh (Ed),
pecies profile for Public Island Agro foresty (pp.11).Holua 19,Hawaii; Permanent
Agriculture Resourses,ISBN: 0970254458. (Aceessed on April 01, 2024).
Roberts-Nkrumah ,(2012) separated species and the ancestor of seeded and
seedless breadfruit (Antocarpus atlitis )
Rosa et al, (2009). Soluble sugar :Metabolism
Toomer OT. Nutritional chemistry of peanut (Arachishypogaea) Critical Reviews in the
Food Science & Nutritional 2018.

Title Page i
Approval of Thesis Outline ii
Table of Contents iii
Significance of the Study 3
Objectives of the Study 3
Expected Outputs of the Study 4
Place and Time of the Study 4
Operational Definition of Terms 5
Research Design 13
Materials 14
Methods 15
Sensory Evaluation 19
Statistical Analysis 19

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