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Mercedes-Benz Owners Manual $600 Product information Kindly observe the following in-your own best interest: ‘Werecemmend using Mercedes-Berz cciainal parts as well as conversion pats and accessors explicitly approvolby us fir your chiclemodel. We have tested these pars to-determine their reliability, safbty and their special suitability for Mereedes- Dane, vehicks. We ateundlite to mekean assessment for other proalucts atm thetelove catmo: Leliekd respons Ve far them, even i'in individual cases 1m official opto or authorization by acvernmerral oe other qaencies should exist Use of such parts and accessories could ‘adversely allect thesaléty, performance or reliability of your vehicle. Please dono: usetiem. Merceles Benz original parts as well a¢ ‘conversinn parts and accessories approved by us are availcbleat your authorized Meroades-Benz Cerer where you will receive ‘compel ensive inlomietien, also on permissivlereclinical morlilcations, and where proper instalation will be pertéamed, ‘Onr-company and staff cong:ztulare you on the purchase of your new Mercedes-Benz. “Your selection ot our proxi a demonstration at'your trust 1 our company name. Futher, i csemplities your desiretn own an automobile that will beas ecsy as possibleto aparcte and provide yecrs of service. ‘Your Mercedes-Benz represents the ellos of meny sbillel eneineers and crettsmen, To ensure your pleasure of ownership, and ‘eryour saféty and LhaL ot your passengers, we ask you lo make smell investment. of yourlime: + Please recc this manual carefully before putting it side. Then retum it to your vehicle where it will behendy far yournelerence. + Please abice by the recommendations contained in this manual. They are designed to-aequain: you with the ‘operation of your Mercedes-Benz + Please abice by the warnings anc cautions ‘When parking on hills, always set the parking braze. 18 ‘Winter Drwwing Instructions Themes inparant mileforslinpery or icy readsis lo dive sensbly an 0 avoid zbmict aeceleraion, bring and Seering -taneuvers, Donot use tie cniise coral eystem under sic oniltion, When the vehicleis in denser off skidding, rrove selector lever to. postion MN. Try to keep the vehicle under oar by comenive sein tion, Road salls nd chemicels cza zaversely alt akine sificency. Increased may beceme neces proxhce chencemal brake elfect. We therefore recommend deoressing he brake pedel periodically when tayeling ablenalh an zell-stewn roads, This can bring rod sak impaired braking, efficiency baci to nortral, ‘A preseaqnsie fs, came. tt this is dlong witha enlanecting other crivers onthe road Ithe vehicles parce eferbeing driven on galt treated road, the braking efficieney ehoald be tested as soon as possibleatler driving is resumed while ‘observing the se fety niles in the previous pararaph, Warudng! Ifthe vehicle becomes stuck in sow, make -swrethat snow is kept clear of theechaust pipe and from around the veide with engine rimninz, Otherwise, deadly carbon uwaeide (CO) gases may enter vehide interior Tea in. uncenscoumes: and To asuresumaen mesh alr Vuulibdion, opt whiedow slightly onthe side of the car dratis out of thenind ‘Passenger Comparenent ‘Warning! Always fasten items being carried as, securely as possible. In avagided, during hard braking or sudden marieuvers, loose items ‘will bethrown around insidethe ‘vehicle, and cause injury te vehide oompants unless the tems are securely fastened in the vehicle, 19 20 Operation a Air Outlets 1 s 4 A€ Vokime certo for ke ait ‘rrlet, tum lef open, Ax vohime cortrol els center ae outlet, cum lef open ‘Ai vohume coctrol for right center ‘ile, tom lel open, ‘Ai volume cortrol for right ait ‘tle, tort lefl to ape aan ee Left center air cert, ajustable Right center air one, adjustable Sice air outle, lef an right, axdiusable Puslebutton for center air outlets Heated ak sipply (red incicelor) ‘Norrhealed cooled air sapply (olue indicator) Basic mode: ‘None of the yush-butons (or) is wessed Dust Filter [Dus particles (down to a ‘Certzin and pollenare filtered cout betive outsice air ones the pesenger compartrrert. Ulrough the sir disribution system. 22 Right side passenger Lf side passenger compeniers, compartment: 5 1 Tarrperstire elector 6 12 Temperature aeleccor 2 Tenperstre disolay 7 13 Tenperatue display 3 Atrormtic mode & Air-volumeseleccor 14 Antomatic mede 40 Ag disribution binlons 3 Ecnomy 18 Airdistribution butions 10 Selection switety Of 33 ‘The remperarure selected with rhe temperature selector is reached at ‘quickly as possible, ‘The tempermre selector should be left arthe desire: temperature seting. ‘With the center air outlets opsn-andthe syeterr. in heatine mode, ewitzhthe ‘culls Lonon-healed! cooled air by pressing the blue turion Ceidicaier amp listr= up). ‘With the center air outlets opsn-andthe syeterrin cooling mode, swiieh Ue culls lonon-hented! festa by pressing the red buitlen (indicator Temp ligir= up). ‘The system. will not heat or cool zny ‘quicker by selling 2 higher or lower lemperalure. The arorrntic climate control onty ‘operates with €1c engine running, ‘The aitorratic climate control removes considerable nisurefiom he air sdiring operation in the cooling mode, Teisnormal for water to drip onthe gonna ough dices in theunderiody 1, 12 Tamperamre Sdectar ‘The derived interior temperrure can be selected separalely forthe lel and rig, side of che passenger compertmerr. a ese ening ind white eld afte andembe ted foe acing ver roan The scleeted terperatnme crm be shown in the display windew 2) in ether °F el 3.14 Automatic Mode IIB This is the nonmal setting, A volume and disribution are ‘sorerolled automa. Toseec|: Press EM bution Gandirtor lamp Eghis™) Todange sticetion: Nee ballon (indicalor larrp of'selecied GRAIG The inca fare Note: AF the Automatic Climate Contr isin ihe "Pingnosis Mode”, tum key in scering lock to cesiion Otorenim it to itsnonmal operctien, SDeiot ‘Maximum heated and aulometically ‘controlled acnnt ofa i directed to the windshield ani side winslows, AS the engine coolan temperate inergcees, the air volumes audo- matically ineweaeed, thereby detforting as aaickly as possible. ‘Open and cies air cutles (7) towards the side wincoms, Note: Frese KEM once agsintoreum to Previous selling Defogsing Windows switch off HEE, or eviteh on| ‘ett-ane right-side), or ssitch on ‘karin ofthe Pitt cle: ie setae volume and air destribntion button m4 6 Residual alization ‘Wilh the enaines wilched off; ibis ‘possible to continue heating the interice foc a suot wine Therear pase ‘compartmer. at outle: must be closed. Air volume and distribution are ‘controiled azomatically Tossed: ‘Tum key in steering lock to-position 1 © 0 oF remove kev. Press EM bulton (indicator lame igh 10) This flnction selection will not active ifthe engine cools temperate is below 12°F (50°C) or ifthe battery charge level is msathicier. ine Hest © Press butcon (Gndicator lemp goes out). + Tem key inseering lock to position 2. ‘Theeystem will antomzticelly she off + aller zpprox. 30 -rinules, * ifthe engine colar temporctire drops belows 22°F (50°C, © ifthebanery vols drops. 7 Air Recireulation| Dutsde aris nol supplied tothe cars interior ‘This moce cn be selected to prevent annoy ingodors or diss. trom entening thecars inlerior. To select: Fress (EB) button. Gincizetor lamp | Toes Pres REAM bution, ‘indicater lamp goes out The system will auoenmically suite, from ngggthted a to res ait ie pressed © afler approx. $ mirntes at ‘outside temperatures below APMC. AFECSIC), © after approx. 20 minutes, a: ‘ulside lemperalures above appren. 1°E (PC), ithutton MBM is pressed + aller appro. 5 minate. Notes: [the windoxs should fogup fom the insice, switch bom recieeulated air luzck:totfesh ai. ‘AUbigh ouside lemperatares, the ‘system automelicelly engages the recrculred airmode thereby increasing the combing capacity erformaes, swishing to partially sesh air iin 20 mines 25 8 Air Valumesdector ‘Theair volume is automatically regilsied in AUTO. —Nommal setting nd all imermedizte postions, exept ‘when selecting MIN, —minimum cir flow, MAX. ~ maximum ir flow, 9 Feonony (EE Thesistion of this seine comresoonds lolhe adomaic mode, However, ‘ecmede acanitcning crear not engage Gel savings), iis possible to zit condiion in this setting. nor ‘The deshair supply to the car inerior isshutolt: ‘While ctiving, usethis setting enly_ temporary. ents the winded ‘cou! fox up. Important! ‘The vehicle is equipped with an air Condiliones system nal uses HC" 4a Cozonesftiensly iedro-ncocarten) 23 a reffigerent, ‘Renairs should abways be perftemed bv a qualities tegimician. andrefieerant Sioukl be collected in a recovery system forrecyeling, 26 ee 1 Tomperatire selector, left side 2 Temperature selector, rit side A basic selling inthe whiefield othe selecior is recommended. 3. Aipvolime selecor The air volumeem be varied continuously. The air ow is swilched ‘of with seleccor in position *0" 4 Adiuetable av outlet let side 5 Adiuetable sir outlet richt side 6 Air disrbution slide ‘Top position: aie ow tha ai outlets (and 6, airflow ftom air selected foe a mixer: zir flow. Note: ‘The rear passenaer clavate conirel does ot cperre with automatic elimale ‘control in de or switches! off vei barton Active Charcoal Fiter 1 Switch on 2 Switch off Anactive charcoal fier mackelly reduces bed eeaes ane removes polazanls thom the air etazing the passenger compartment. When pressine button Rl ce NM, Liker is atomaically siwitelied olf: Noe The active chereoal filler shomld be switched off shen windows foenp on, the inside, ori'the passenger compartment neer sto be quickly hheetec up or cooled down. 27 car Keys Included with vou vehicle are: © 2Mister keys with intered remote cenitol, © Master key, 1 Valet kev. © 1Tlatkey. Infrared Remote Control with, Faldering Master Key Themaster key fils all locks on the ear. Thetransiritter forthe inftared remote campol is Wemed inthe key hotter the receivers are loccted inthe door Fhaniles rd nest to the teunk lock. Master Key ‘The master key fits all locks on the car. ‘Valet Key O-= ‘The valet key fits onfy the door locks and the stecring lock. ‘The valet key will not ft. the tmmnk lock, se sinezee companments lock in ie sashborrh ‘Fiat Key — ‘The fel key filgall locks an the car. Nors: Donot sivethe master kev to a ‘unauthorized person, SVerecemnmnd shat you camry the fll ey with you anc keep it ina safe place ‘es, your valle so dat itis aways nani. Never leave the fat kev in the vehicle. ‘Warning! ‘When leaving the vehide always srenove the Key frou the sieesinez lock. Do not leave diildren in the veltide, ‘Unsnpervised nse of vehicle ‘equipment may case seriors Personal ingury, Eepe latins gen rican special key manufouring process. For security reasons, replacement keys can. ‘only be obtained ffom vest authorized ‘Mercedes-Benz. dealer. 28 1 Release button for master key Releasing: oress release bmtton (1), The hey unfolds from theholder by self, Steving: press relezse button (1) ane fold key bads ito holder 1 Trnsmitbuton 2 Transmitter eve and battery check ‘The vehicle canbe centrally locked ene unlocked, a5 well as the windows and slicing root closed with inttared remote contra. ‘The transmitter is locaed in the key Iokler, the receivers are locsted inthe door handles ans-nect tothe trunk lock. 3. Receiver in doorlanile ‘Unlocking: Aim irmnsmiter eve (2) a4 receiver Gyand press rms button (1), Distance toreceiveraras, 201 Gem), ‘The grven inslestor lesnps on the receives should blink. Ther step Binikine when the vehicle isrinlocked, one Ifthetrtnk wa previousty locked separately, it will remzin locked Gor lides), 29 % Receiver nest to srunk back ‘Locking: Aimtransmilter eve (2) ala receiver Gand press transmit buslon (hs Disanceto receiver mac. 20 f (6m. The rec indica lemps.on the reosivars should blink. They sop blinking ci apppesimaly 3 seca when fievehicle & propary locked. Notes: fa door of the tak ie not property closed atlar you allenrpL.lo lock he cat ‘by remote control the red indicctor lamps will cntinnieto blink (aecs, 10 seconds) Open the dooe an trunk Hid, loge it croperly, and lod the ear aan. Ifshe vehicle canal belocked ee unlocked by pressing the trznsmit_ buen Ch, dhen it may benesessay to change the balers inthe transmitter Gif Ok, battery indizelor lamp in Uransmailer will Lighl briefty when {eaemitings oro. Sctreniae the see Remote Conroe, bier Ta Closing Windows and sliding’ Pop-Up Roof frou Outside ‘ontinue to press transi bution (1) afler locking ear. Distance to receiver mex 10f. Gi) ‘The windows and glidine’pon-w roof begin to close after approx. 1 second, possibility of anyone being harmed by the dosing procedure. ‘causes potential danger, the closing Procedure can be immediately Teversed by releasing and pressing the remote control button again ‘until the green Indicator lamp at the reodver blinks, The sliding/pep-a0 oof and windows will open again. The slidina/pop-up roof will only ‘Was not fully dosed. Nower Inthe side-windows anc sliding’ pop- up too! cannot be closed ulomatically by using the ey or by [pressing the transmit button of the Infrared remote control vee. alter a betery chanee), press ESM side of ower window Bwitch in cereat ‘console uniil Une wind os is completely closes ans hold for acktitional 2 seconds, Repeat procedtre foreach window ‘The automatic closing procedure of the windows znd slidina’pap-up root” shouki nowbe restored. (Cetra Locking System, Theenline vehiiclemay be locked ot L Op unlocked by either using temaserkey 2 Unlocking in the door oc trunk locks, or central 3 Locking Kickngewids beaed indrvers dave 4. Teel doce om inside ‘Theeertral locking syste. also locks ar = Pushilock button down to lod. unlocks the fuel filer a. + Pull lock button op tounlock. ole: Ifthe tel filter ep eannct be apened, referto Fue Filer Flap, Mauna! Rejeane Gee Ines. ‘Centred loddngswitch, ‘When vou lock the ear, ell door lock bbutcons should ncove down. Ifany one Says up. the respective door is not property closed. "You should then unlock the car, open and reclose Lhis door, and lock the ‘caragain, Each iliviial door can be Jocked! “with coor lock button = the diver’ dege can only be looked when itis closet The doors can only be lockec withthe central locking site, ifthe front doors are closed. The doors cannes be unlocked with the cerrral locking switch, ifcar was previensty locked thom outside. The erire car is unlocked wih the ceriral locking switch, ita front door is opened, the car Las previously been locked fromthe ouside, only the door being ‘opened fom tie inside will unlock, he rerraning doors, fhe unk lid and fuel filler flap remain locas. 1. Noxral position -pushro oe 2 Unlocking. 3 Locking deer) 4 Scnarate leking of tank - remove ey inthis position. ‘When the nmmnk is seoarely locke. it main lec when leek ay To.deny any nnmthorized person accessto thetnunk, lock it separately. Leave only the valet hey withthe vehicle, Noes: locking eystem the doors zad nis can. ‘be locked and unlocked indivicbally. Tolock, tum key to posite pasts slomn lock buts. Tounleck, tum key toposition Zor pull up lock buirons. ‘Thetnunk lid can be lowered by using, the-reesesed ring in the trunk lid liner, a lose wih te lt-teerezoeing ni Ithetrunk lid cennote closed, refer 9) Praurk Lit, Mentaat Chandi Gee Index). Waming: Never dlose the windows ar siding’ Pop-Up root if ther eis the possibility ‘of anyonebeing harmed by the losing procedure, In case tireclosing procedure catses potential danger, theclosing proosdure can beimmediately reversed by turning the key to the ‘nlockingposition (3) witlan 10 seconds, The sliding’op-up roof ara Windows Will open again, The slicing’pop up root will only open it ie-was not folly dosed. Doo lok eft oot Tork right and irik lock, aiten eck le ‘When locking doors ortrurk, tam key i ist Power Windows nd Siding’ indoor lock octnek hock to posi] ‘Ute closing oroc ture is intent, Pop-Up Root ad hold The windows ane the jean only he continued by fs. bari sliding pop-up roof beain to-close the kev ro the unlocked position 1 Closing amlomatically after approximately 1 then again to the locking poeiti 2 litemmnting secon, 3 Opening To intemspt the closing procesbee, fm key fo position 2 Power Closing Assist for Duors and ‘Trunk Tad The doors and trunk lid close nteenatically if © doors are pushed against the Lock, ++ nk lid is lowered against the lock, tis not necessary to slemnloors ot lnk lid closed. 2 pneumatie power gssistec meehenism will latch doors ‘end trunk Jil quietly, anc cutomaically once tie lid or doorhins been brought to aclose When the pneumatic power esistec mechznism las stopped. door: endlee inink ean be meapened, Note: Tithe unk lid does nor clese, refer to Tiurk Lis, Marsal “losing i ‘Warning! To prevent posible personal iniury, always keep hands and fingers away from the door or trunk opening herrclosing a door of the trtunk itd, Be espedaly carefil when small ihren are srouril, ‘The pneumatic power dosing asst mechanism canmot-be interrupted ‘ongelt has been engaged, To prevent personal injury, never activate the dosing assist mechanism, by tampering with the door or trunk Midlatch, 1._Tniicator lame in switch locted in.cerner console smn Theat Alarm system ‘The ati-thedl darn cen be amel or disarmed ih any of your vehicles keys or interes remole control by locking of unlocking either tent door orthetnm. ‘Operation, ‘nce the sm sysecnbas bean armed, the exzerioe vehicle lamps will ‘lets and tha Loe will son irtermittentiv when someone: opens a doar, seine Sates removes the rzdio, eltchss on or bridgss the goes steps on lhe brake pedal ‘The alarm will Last approimatety 150 second in the form of blinkira ederior lamps, At the same time ‘adcilional hom ll sound intermitterrly for 60 seconds, pauwse-for 30:seoons, an repeat for ancther 60 seconde. The alarm will stay un even if thhe-zelivating element (a door, for ‘esample) is imm.ediztely sloséd Nolet Dont give the maserkey to 2 ‘unmuthorized person. We recorr-nsad na-you camry the fla: Rey saiely with ‘you solliaL itis always handy. The lal ker has the seme tineions a8 he masterkey. Porrer Seats, Front Wamine! ‘Donot adjust the driver's seat while diving. Adjusting the seat while driving could cause the driver to, Jose control of the vehide, Never ride ina moving vehide with the seal badk redined, Sitting in an excessively reclined postion can be dangerons. You could slide under heseat belt in x oollision, Ifyou slide under it the belt would apply force at tte abdomen or neck. That ‘could carke-serious or even fatal injuries. The seat back and seat belts provide the best restraint ‘when the wearer fs inant upright position and belts ane properly positioned on the body. Never placehands under or near amy mevmg parts while a seat bs elneg adjusted, ‘The power seats can also be “operated with the driver's or front Dassenger door open. Do nog leave ‘dildren unattended in the vehicle ‘Unnipervised nse of velucke ‘equipment niay cause serious Personal injury Tum hey in steering lock toposition 1 02 Git the drivers oc oat passengers door open, the power eals em also beoperslad sin thekey remo orin seenng lock position 9). Seat and Liead restrain: adjustment: A Sea, foreatl, up/down B Sect till © Seat cushion dept B Badwesttike Head resrain, Adius head resrain! to support the ‘bad ofthe head approsar.ately a ew level The head restrain. inclination can akzobe adjusted mamally. Note: ‘Your car is ecuipoed with power head restraints, do not try to raise oc lowerthem manually, Storing. seatfead restr wheel‘exterior and inside rear view ‘misvor positions in memory: Thtce ses of seavhead restrain’ steering whedl/esterior and insilerear ‘view mime postions may be prosramned into memory. er the seat head resrain/seering wheel’ ceslerior and insicerear view mirrors are positioned, push memory button F, release, an wihin 3 seconds push position buon "1". A second anid 86. of Dositions forthe same seal head resrain/sezina shel estertor and inside reer view mintors can be prosrarned fie memy ty puting firs bog" ara en "2" respectively Note: See Indes for instrycions on ‘adjustment of ering wheel and mines. Recalling seat/wead eesti’ steering ‘wheel’esterior and inside rear view infor positions elared in memory: Torecall a seathhead restraint’ steering swheel‘esterice and inside rear view ‘mirror position, push and hold position ‘putlon"1", "2° or "3 unl seavthend rsrainy Seering wheel exterior znd inside reer view mirvor movement lias stopped. The seathead restrain Steering wheeliesteriar and insile eee view -nenwe ovement stops wien te Dosition button ie releceed. ‘Caution! Do not remove head restraints exoept ‘when mouring seat covers, For removal and installation refer to Head Rasiratins, Reread. ‘Whenever resrainis have been removed be sure te reinstall them before criving, Important! Being teat acres to prigte postion fete recline a sire sr Pebrintaete whoa ose and inside rear view mirror postion, ~oherwise the fonl seals could se forced agains 9 rear scet and be ‘danmgel. Privcto operalins the vehicle, the sdsiver should adjust che seat heir: for Proper vision as Well as fere’aft| placement and seat back ansleto insure adenzate control, reach, operation, and ‘combs. The heas restraint should also. be adjusied for orcperheiaht, Teese st eine at rearezrd vision. Fagen sea. bells, Infanis and srrall fhlden shan be seatedin a preverty secured restraist system that comp! with U.s. Federal More Vaicle Safety Stendard 213 an Canceian Motor Vehicle Safey Standerd 213.1 ture terror eed Roeeine imgverastreres 28 well a8 ‘ofter bels should bedanebefie he ‘ehielefs put intomation Orthopedic Seat Backrest 1 Better 2 vere 3 Toe 4 Fresewe reanletor 5 Side bolster adjustment ‘The seats lave inflatable ar cushions ‘uit intothe baskees! to provite additional humibar and cide eupport, The aot of ewshion height and coryatunemay be adjusted after turning dhe hey in steering lock to bosition 2. The cenler section £23can be selected cozaar with bottom section (1) or top section (3, Tue inflation presse of te air, cushion can be continuoashy erween position."9", and posili preserre, by changing the pressire regniator (2) seting. ‘The side bolster of the backrest ean be adjusted with push buon (39: + pushing forward-inense side supa, . + pughing backward-decrease side s2ppert. tthe engine is tamed off the last cushion seting ro thie setting when the engines restarted. Heated Seats ‘The trons scat heater switehes are esate tothe left enc right side of the cerer console asit7y. ‘Therea seat heater switches are locetec in ead: rear door, ‘The front stat becters can be switehed ‘on with the key in steering lock Dositions 1 ar 2, therear sect hecters ‘only in seering lock position 2. Press switchto then on heater: 1. Nenmal heating wroce. Ore indicator amp in the switeh, iiahisup. 2 Rapid herring mode. Both, Baier Laenps inch switchs ‘ie Sppmsimtely §mindes in the rapid heaing mode, the healer automatically switches to neercal ‘operation anil any one ivlicarce lamp will say on. Taming olf heater: Rene indcaier lamp is on, press upper half of switch. Ifboth indicator lamps are-on, press lover half of sviteh. left on, the heeter auromaccally ‘tums off after appronimately 30 inns of eperazon ‘Notes ‘When in eperction, theseat healer consumes a lage amount of power. This advisable nol te nsethe sex heer longer than necessary. ‘The seat hesters may autorratically switch off ift00 many power consumes are swviched onal thesame {ime orf the batrery charge is low. ‘When this oceans the iniercer Iemp in the switcli sll blink chveh indicate lemps blink daring rapid set heine). ‘The sent hexane wil ssitzh on. again, ‘aulomalically a: soon sufficient voltageis availebles Urthe blinking of the indicator lamps i distracting to vou, the seal heaters can beawitched of: al Armrest with Compartment for Telephone Handset. (Front Seay 1 Ames. foWled Jown 2 Nomal use’ confar positions) 3 Anmnes. folded up Fokdine down: Raise armrest past top coment position and pus Coun. ing hela Raise amres. to desired position Press buiten (4)r0-0pen ower, ‘Wang: ‘The armrest doce not sutlice as 3. child restraint system. In case ofa Arontal collision a dhild canbe catapulted forward over thelocked armrest, Infants ard small duldren sheukd alvwavs be seated ina Properly secured restraint system that complies with U.S, Federal ‘Motor Vehidie Safety Standard 213 and Canadian Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 213.1, a Powver Seats, Rear ‘The seats canbe acliusted usingthe lide Sudahes locate inet ofthe rece loors. Tusm key in steering lock to pesition 1 ot 2 (ith the criver’s or front peasengers ‘door apen. the power seas can also be opergled wilh the key removed or in secring lock posiien 0). 1 Backrest ui 1 Badrest tll The seat curhion-moves forefafl Logether wih the inclination of le backrest. Seat tilt 4B Bb Ds oe : ess Switch on center console ‘Switches in rear doors Inclination of head restraints: Power Head Restraints, Rear Svrch in center console: Theliead retraite inclination can be adjusted manually. Tumkev in stewing lock topasition 1 Both headresirnin'stoaether canbe or 2 Gvith the driver's or front. placed in either upniahl and fold down Important! passenger's door open, the power head osilion. ror saitiy reasons, always drive with restraints can also be-aperzted with the Sewitches in near doors: the rear heal restraints in the upri@ht key removed or in steering lock position ‘when the rear seats are postion ts. The headvestaintscm be laced ‘occtniet individually inser upriet, or fold ; Active swiceh: ‘ln positicn. Keep area arwanhead retains clear of aticles (¢-2. clothing) to not obstnuct, 1 Plaoc heed restraint upright. the folding operation of the head resins, 2 Foldhead restzintbackwant Armrest with Integrated Storage Compartment (Rear Bench Seat) Pull downshe ares: by its sap. Beforesoring the armrest in tbe backrest. close its storage ccompartinent lid. For therenoval of the Rear Seat Cusine, sezTndes, Nate: ‘The setting whee! positicn canbe ered i memory toasther with the seathend restraint exterior anv inisle rear view misror posiiions, seeThdes, ‘Warning! ‘Donat Adjust the steerme wheal while driving, Adjusting te steering whea -while driving oouid cause the driver to ove control ofthe Vetice. Adjustable Steering Wheel ‘Tum key in steering lock 10 poskion 1 or 2 (with the drivers or fren passenaer’ doar open, the steering wheel can also be apera.ed wilh the kev removed or in seeting. lock position Tolengtien orsuoten the seeing ‘column, push in or oull opt switch (2) Toraise or lover steering wheel, push éwiteh (1) up ar down, 45 ‘Seat Belts and Supplemental Restraint System (SRS) ‘Your vehicle is equipped with seat ‘belts forall sears, emergency. tensioning retractors forthe front sears, aswell a¢ airbags andknee bolsters fur sliver and front passenger. Seat Baits Important: Lays inmos: states and all Canadian Drovinces requme sea be: Use. All sates and provinces requite vse of chiki restaints thar comply wihT.S. Faderal Moor Vdlicle Safey Standart ‘U3 and Conzdian Motor Vehicle Sale Sterdant 213.1 ‘We strongly recommend their use ‘Warning! Never ridein amevineyahiclewith the seat back reclined. Sitting in an excessively reclined position can be dangerous. You could slide under the seat belt in a collision, Iryou slide ‘nde It, the belt would apply force altheabdomen or ned. That could. ‘cause serious or even fatal injuries, ‘The seat back and seat belts provide the best restraint when the wearer Is In an upright position and belts are properly positiored ou thebody, Seat Belt Waming syste ‘With theker in steering lock position 2. en audible waming sounds tor a short time ifthe driver's seat bek is not Erstened. Warnlnezt Jou are ever in an accident, your injuries can be considerably more severe without your seat bet properly budded Without your seat ‘bell uecdeled, Vou can hit hoe interior Of the vehidle or be ejected from it. ‘You can be seriously injured or In the same crash, the posstbility for fuhay oc death is lessened with vor seat belt bucked. 46 1 Latch place 2 Buckle 3 Releaseburton Fastening of Seat Betts Push leh plete (13 inbobuckle 2) wnt clicks, ‘The lap bet should be positioned as loayas possible on vourhips anvinot agressthe abdomen. ‘Thteepoint sect belt: Tighten lie lp port fon Loa snag fi by pulling shoulder portion wp, Rest center sea belt: Tighren tira snug fit by feeding belt toward retracer Adjust seat belt so that shoulder portion is located a5 close a= possi torlve middle of your siulder. Do nce oui the belt. A twisted seat bell mav cause injury. The shoulder portion of the seal belt ams be pled mga checked he snugness immedi: ing i The height setting eerie shoulder pation of the front seat belis are automatically cdiusted by the fore/af. ‘Movement.of the fronl seal. Seat moves to front: Belt ourlet fly leawere Sear moved to rear: Belt oarler ally raised For safoy teasins, 2wid atiusing he seal © seat back tilo postions which could zffect. the correct seat belt postion ‘Untastening of Seat Betts ‘Fush the release barton (Sin the belt buckle (2 aia teeecataate, aie seen latel plate (1). ee Therear seal bell buckles can be siored in the space newt cothe rear armrest tt the lef ancl right of ares), The rear center sear belt shold be lztdied and sored under the amet. For cleaning and care of the seal bells, SOE fecoitine aed Came thee “ehicke in fades Operation; The inet reel sts the bel stom nnntsinding airing suckien vehicle stops orshen quickly poling onthe belt, The locking Anetion of tiereel aay be checked oy quickly pulling out the belt 47 Warm USE SEAT BELTS PROPERLY, + Each oonpant should wear their seat belt all times, becanse seat belts help reduce the likelihood of and pelea severity of injuries in aosidents, indudingrallovers. "SRS" (Giver airbag, passenger airbag). “ETR “(seat bet emergency ‘sensioning retractors). and knee bolsters are designed tw euhance the protection offered to. properly belted occupants ‘certain fromal impacts which exceed preset deployment. sresholds, » Improperly positioned seat betes do not provide maximum Droiection and may causeserious Injuries incase of an accident. + Never wear theshoakder belt under your arm, against your neck o off your shoulder. Ina ‘arash. your body wonld move too Gr forward, ‘That would increase the chance or head and weck iufuries, The belt ‘would also apply top mmch force tothe ribs, which could severely injure internal organ such 75 your liver or spleen, Positiva the lap bday lar as orsible on your hips and net across the abdomen. Ifthe baltis owitioned across your abdomen, i con cause serious injuries in cra ‘Each seat bekt should never be used for more than one personat. ‘slime. Donet fasten a seat belt around a persen andl objects. Belts should uot be worn twisted, Ina crash, you wouldn't have the full width of the elt to take impact forces. The twisted bel, against your body conkl canse injuries, + Pregnant women should also usea Jap shoulder belt, The bap belt portion should he positioned as Jow as possible on the hips to avoid any possible pressure on the abdomen. USE CHILD RESTRAINTS PROPERLY. © Infants and simall chdren must be seated in-an infant or chil restraint system, which Is properly seated by a Le belt or Eap belt portion of alap-shoulder bet. Children could be endangered in an accident if their child restraints: are not properly secnred in the yehide, * Rear-facing did restraints must not be used in the front seat with, a passenger side airbag, They could be strud: by the airbag ‘when Ht mnllates mn a crash Irthls Ieopens, a child in the resiraiut ‘could be seriously injured. 48 According to accident statisthes, dhildrene are safer When properly restrained in the rear seating s than in the front seating s Chuldren too big tor child restraint svetems should ride in rar seats using regular seat belts. Position shoulder belt across chest and shoulder, not face or necks A. booster seat may be necessary to adhleve proper belt posteioning, Adjust the front passenger seat as far as posable rearward from the dashboard when achild restraint is installed, Sappletnemal Restraint system SRS The SRS uses Lwo crach severity Jevels Ghreshokds) lo zolipate-cither the ETR orairbae or both, Activation depen ‘mcexcocding thet res iokls fasceninge! the seal belt. Seal bal fastened * first threshold exceotet: ETR activaice = second tiresholl excondad: airbeg also activanes Seat bet net fastened + firgtthneshold exceeded: airbag activates, bet not CTR Driver and front prseenger systems ‘operate independently frew. each «ther. ‘Emergency Tenstonmg Retractor (ETRY The seat bells for the front seats are fancars Thseteneins eee S are located in ezcl belts inertia reel and becoare operationally recay with the ey in steering lock position 1 or 2. The emerseney censioning reactors are designed te zctivate only wren the seatbelts are famenca turing vata and ftonl-analed impacts exesedéne the fee. Uhrsshold ofthe SRS. They 1 moveslack from the bells in such 2 ‘way thal the seal bells fit more smaly, against the body nestrieting fs forwant smowemerr. as viicls 38 poseible. In eases ef'other trontal impacts, roll-overs,certan skle impacis,rear ‘colisions, or other aociderrs without fronral forces, the emergency, tensioning retractors will nde be activated. The driver and passengers ‘will then b¢ protzeted by the fissened seal bells and inertiz ree in the usual manner. ‘For seat belt and emergency ten- sioning reractar safay guidelines see Safety Gres in Indes. ” Alrbags ‘The most effective opepat. restraint system vel Ceveleped roruse in prodketinn vehicles is the sea: belt In Some cases, however, the protective effet of a seat bek canbe firher ‘enhanced by an airbag. ‘The diver airbse (1) is loceled inthe leering wheel hn. Thepassmem™ afiae Gs local te dato, atiead ofthe passenger Tn conjumetice svi weerinathe seat belts with -smsreency tensioning reactors 4, ther prov He increased protection for ‘he driver and onssengerin eerain major freets| ard front analed impacts ‘The operational readiness of the aihas System is vetted by the mndieator emp "SRS" (2) inthe insirmend chides IF 1 fall i detered, the tamp will Eo ‘nt after approximately 4 seconds, after she lamp aves out, the aysiem continues tomoniter the componsnts end siceatry of the airvag eystem and will ‘indeale a walfinction by coming on sean 50 The following eystem. components are monizcred or unlerae 2 selPcheck: creehrseneer, aittax ignition circus, driver and passenaer seal bel- buckles, Sern ek poten oe ponte Seering lock posit Pe of, malintions ithe raat -sensor are detected and indicated «the "SRS" incitetor lamp stays on lenges fm + secon). Jnshe operation rode, ater fe as gone ‘ait fellonving, the intial ere, trempriens an stort circuits inthe airbag ignition circuit and in the driver and passenger seal belt buckle hamesses, and low voltzee in the entre system are detected anil incicated. Insc event a melinetion ofthe "SRS" inticated as otlined above. the "SRS" may not be. onal. We strongly recomme yous ‘thorized Meroedes-Berz dealer immediately to have the =} em, clicked: fh crwise she "SRS" may not beactivated whennesdd Important: ‘The airbags are designed te activate only in certain frontal and front angled impacts (within the shaded area shown inthe illustration on page 45), Only during theserypes of umacks will they provide tneér supplemental protection. The driver and passenger shoukd the Seat hells, otherwiseit is not nossible for the airbags to provide their incended supplemental protection, In eases of other frontal impacts, rall-overs, certain side impacts, rear callisions, or other accidents without sufMcien @ontal rorces, the airbag ‘Will nol be aaivated, The diver and. Passengers will then be protected by the fastened seat bats, ‘We cantion younot toray onthe Dresence of an airbag m order t0 aw id Weaing your seat rat, St Important! ‘The "SRS" is designed to reduce the Potential of injury in certain frontal and front-angled impacts which may canseinjuries, however, no system avallable today can totally diminate fnnfusies ome fatalities, The activation of the "SRS" temporarily releases a small amermt of dust fromthe air-bags. This dust, hhorvever, Is netther mjurtons t0 your health, wor does itbuedicabe a tire the vehicle. The service life ofthe airbags extends to the date indicated on thelad cated on thesriver side door Latch post, Toprovide continued reliability after that date. they should be inspected by an authorized Mercedes- ‘Bent dealer at tat time and replaced when necessary. ‘Warning! Itis very important for your safety toakways be ina praperly seated. position ared (0 wear your seat bell. ‘For wasimam protection n the event of a collision always bein normal seated position with your back against the seat back, Fasten ‘your seat helt and ensure that itis, properly positioned on the body. Shuoy the airbag iuflates with, ‘considerable speed and foroe, 2 proper seating position wll keep you in a safe distance frem the airbag: + Sk propetly bated in an upright postion with your back again. thesem bad + Adinstthe driver sem as fr ‘asponse rearward, still ermiang pr oper operation ‘of vehide-oontrels, + Donot lean with yor head or chest dose othe stewing whed ‘or dashizeard, + Adjust the passenger seat as far as posstble rearward from the heproperly secured in a child restraint system. + Rew-facing child restraints amet. not be a front seat with a passenger side-airbag, Failure to follow theseinstructions ‘can result m severe injuries to you or ‘ther oops, 32 Satecy Guidelines for the Seat Balt, Enver gency Teaioning Retractor and Airbas ‘Waming + Damaged beks or bets that were nigh a eed van aocideut ast he replaced and ther anchoring points must alse be cieded. Use ny bats neal er sapped by an authorized Mercedes ens ‘+ Donot pass belts over sharp edges. ‘+ Donot make any modification that ‘could changethe effeciveness of ‘he belts, + The “SRS" Is designed to mmnction a ouediaeanly basis, Ant airhag or emergency tensioning, retractor (FTR) that was activated mast hereplaced. © Nosmedineations or any kind may Ie made tozury componetts a wiring ofthe "SRS". This, indudes the installation of ‘additional trim material, badges ‘etc. over the steering wheel hub or tront passenger alrhaz cover and fnvstaltation of addidiowea dearrical/electronic equipment on ‘oc near "SRS" components and wiring. + Several alrbag system components sat the steerliez wheel axt hol alter the airbas has inflated. Dortt try totoudi them, ‘+ Tinproper work om the system, ingludinez incorrect hustallationt and removal, canlead topessile injury through an uncontrolled ‘activation of the "SRS". * Inadaden. Geoush mproper ‘Work there isthe r Terderig dhe SS" neperative ‘Work on the "SRS" must therefore only he performed by an authorized Mercedes-Benz le, «| When sorappingthe airbag unit or emergency tensionins retractor. iis mandatery (0 follow our safety instructions. ‘These mngtructions are avallable sat Your atlhorized Merowdes- ‘Benz dealer. ‘When you sell the vehick we strongly tye yon to givenotceto the secant one that it ie cquioced ‘withan "SR" by alerting him tothe applicable section in the Swiner's ‘Manual, 33 Infant and Child Resramt Syste, ‘Werecommens thal all infinis and children be restrained al all times while the vehicle isin. motion, Tuportaut The use of infenl or chile restraints is eaqinod by levy in all $0 ses ene ell ‘Sanadian provinoss, Infants and emall¢hildren shoul be seated in an infant or child restric. system, which is property secured by np bell ar lp ball portion ofa Inn shoulder be, and the complies with Us. Federal Macoe Vehicle Safety Standard 213 ene Canadian Moor ‘Vehicle Seftty Standard 213.1 Asalement by thechild redraint manufactier of eoapliance with his standard can be for onthe instruction label on the restr: and in the insraction manuel provided with therestraint ‘When vsing any infant orchid pestvint spelen, sete carey eo ad ilowall -ranufacruers insiuctions for instalation ansiue. ‘Warning! According to accident statistics, children aresafer when property Testrained in thereat seating positions ‘than in the front seating positions. Rew aug did vats i ot be used in the front passenger seat. They could be struck by the airbag when if inflates ina crash. Itthis happens. a child in the restraint could beserlously inured, Infants and small children should never beheld on the lap iwhilethe ‘ehidleis in motion, During an accident they wonld be almost. Impossible tohold. and could be ‘ctnhed between the adn and the dashboard. Infants and small children should never share-a seat Lelt with another ‘ocaupant, Daring an accident, they ‘could be ormshed hytoveen thie ‘ocoupart arnd seat be. (Cluldren too big for chlld restraint svete sh dein rear yeats using regular seat belts, Position shoulder belt across chest and shoulder, not face or necks. A. boosier seat may be necessary to achieve proper belt posiionin., ‘When the child restraint isnotin use, remove from the car or secure it with theseat bet fo prevent the child restraint from becoming a projectilein the event oFan accident, US.A. Models onty: Since 1996 all U.S. child resircints comply with US. regulations without disuse of a tether sap, Canada Model: only: ‘ther re es tie he ‘Consuk your authorized Merceces- "= ‘Benz dealer for installation of these anchorages. Incomplisnce with Canadian Motor ‘Vehicle Satey Stenudart 210.1, chil restai tober haivare is abet bein ol Kt legate the tu M4 Steering Lock, © Thekey canbe withdram inthis osition only. The steering is locked with the key removed from the Seerng lock Thekey ean be emoyed only «wih the selector lever in postion "P", Afterremoving the Key oe with the key in string lock osition 0: the selector lever i= locked in position "F*, 1 steering is unlocked. Cfnecsssary, move steering wheel slightly to allow the Key to be. Uumed clockivise lo poslicn L) Mos, decirical consimers can be ‘operated. For deiaded inforr:ation sce respective subjects. 2 Driving postion. 3 Seating position Ref to Indes for Starting cons turing Ofte emsine. Waning, When leavingthe vehicle aways remowe thekey from de steeting leek, Lonotlerve chikiren unattended m the vehide, ‘Unsupervised Use of veh equipment may cave serious personal injury, Nos: Aowarning will sound when the river's door is opened with he key in stearing lock position L or 9, ‘With the enging at idle speed, the ‘charging rete of te alternator (output) ie limited Ics therefore recommended to turn ‘off unnecessary electrical consamers ‘wile driving. in sop-and-go traffic. ‘This orsecution helps toavoid raining of the bare. ‘Unnecessary stain on the bakery and changing syster may be minimized by uming off te following power ‘consumers, for example; Heated seals, ea’ wincow dattoater: In tition the aaulomalic ince air volume control should be set lo" MIN ‘Cantons Topreverr areclerated batery sliecharas-and 4 possible dend battery, always remove hhekey fom the leering foc. Do not leavethekey in steering oo¢k postion 55 ot i .4.) Combination Switch, 1 Loweam (exterior lamp switch position > 12 High beam (exteyior leme swilch position © ) 3 High team flesher chigh beam wwakbleindepenien. of ester lamp switch position) 4+ Tum signa, right Tum signal, let ‘To signal miner directicnal changes, such as changing lanes en alighovar Move combination itch ty the point, ‘ofrestsance only and hold it here To qperatethe cum signals ‘continaensty, move the conibination switch pastiliepoer ofresisance rip s€ loasn). The switch i automatically canceled when the aeering wheel is framed z linge enongh degree © Press sich irielly: “Ong wipe wilhors Washer ware Gelect only ifvindew swe Dress wich cas resistance point: Winkshield washer, winded swiper, headlamp cleaning svete. (cally in egenor lamo site osions 2 o a0 7 Windshield wiser © Wiper oft 1 Intermitent wining W Somme) wiper apesd I Fest wiper speed os omer immatures sgnohas slower than approx: 16rrpI Kali the wine speed aulcmatically switches tothe nest Tower sauna, Insaling "the inlerval beween {sees i ke the ‘pon accel again, the wiper speed toumm tothe orevious seting, Note: ‘The windshield washer reservoin, hoses and nezzes ae smtamaically 36 ‘Winds Waster Fld Mising Ratio For Lerperauures above treesing: MB Windshield Washer Concemrate"$” and water | part "5" to 100 pats weber (40 m1"! tw I gallon waier. For (empermure below freezing: MB Windield Washer Cencenente sand canrmercially available premised windshield washer solvert/znlitreece 1 part "Sto 106 pars solvent (40 ml #9101 glen savend. ‘Windshield Winer Smears Tethe windshield wiger smears the ‘windehiekl, even ching rain, actovate dhe weshier sysem as offen a ‘necessary. The hus! in the wesher Resavoirsouldbe:nised inthe comes, ‘Blocked Windslueld Wiper Ifthe windshiekl wiver locked (for example, due lo snow), switch off the wiper motor. For safety rezsuns before remwving ice snow, remove key from steering lork. Reroveblockase. Adtivate combination switch again (key in steenng locks postion 1). Eaves enecy Queration of Windshida Wine Incase of windshield wiper rralftmecion in switch positions or TT, tum covbinaion avi tc wiper seting 1. Tliye the system checked at your aullwized Mercoles Ber dealer es 00n as possible. Signalg Turns whh Hazard Fissher in Ue For example, when the vehicles being lewed Gey in seering lock trmed to postion 21 “With hazard flasher an, activate ‘combination swith Jer ltl or right tm signal only theselected tum signal will Bink, ‘Upon canceling emu signal, dhe hazard flasher will operate again. Turn Signal Failure Tone ofthe tum sienzls fails, the tien. signal indicater system flasties and sounds aa faserthan normal. rate: In ‘aeiition, the exterior lamp Failure indicaler will comeon. 57 Exterior Lamp Switch -O- Cmala only: ‘When the engine is running, the low beam Gncludes parking lamps, de marker lamps. tail les, kcense plate Inmps and instrument panel lamps) ere auremeticalyy switches! on. Note: For nighttime driving the exterior lame sviteh oud be timed to postion FO to penn activation of the high bean headlamps on Parking leaps (also side -natker lamps, tailarroe, censeplie lamps, instrument panel emp) Canada only: When the engine ismining, the bow ‘beam is adcitionally switched cn, Parkina Kemps plus low ‘beam. of high bear. headlemps,(corhination. viel pushed forward ‘Seanding lamps, right (am fll one 09}, Standing Tames, lel Gum kit 0 stops) famps Callout ene tops wt. parking andior headlamps on Reer fog lamp (pull out to ‘2nd desert) in addition to Lamps Trdicator lap Blmmplovincames ie Standing Lamps ‘When the vehicle is parked an the Stree lhe standing [arr trial or lel side parking lamps) can be tnmned on, meking the vehicle more visibleto passing weicles. ‘The starciing lamps camot be operates. with ihe key in seering lock position 3 Note: With the key removed and « front door ‘pen, 2 axtble waming will sound if Une vehicle's ederier Iams (exceat standing le-nps) arenol swicched off Fog lamps vill operate wit dae parking lamps and the low of hich ‘beam headlamps. Fog lamps shoud ‘nly be used in conjunction wil low ‘beam headlamps. Const your state Motor Vehicle Regulations reganting alloweble Lamp cperarion. Tos lamps are auvaratically switched oft when lhe estar Ierp switch is fumed fo position 9. 58 Inside -and Esverior Rear View Mirrors Inside Rear View Mirror Theminree is electrically aeljustable, ‘Use vour inside izrorto éeermine the Bize and distance of objects seen in the passenger sice convex mirror. ‘The switch is lovatesd on the center console Seating lock posilion ¢ or 1). Tum switch toporitin 2, Toadine, move the switch forwant, backware orto either side Aniighare Night Position ‘With the key in steering lock oosition 2, the mirror responds to ehanggs in Tighk sensitivity 50 OD Ester rear view miner, {EA 1 Exteriorrear view minor, right, Estetion Rear View Mirrors, ‘Tun key in tearing lock to position 2 Gwith either itor. door apery lhe -mievers can be operated with key. removed atin steering lock position 0 wi. ‘Tum switch toeelect the mirror to be adiusted. Toadius, nove the switch forwert, backward oe to ether site. Nore: ‘Theesterior aimers have elecricaly herled lass, The hester swilehes on automaricay, depending on ourskle terrperatine, Tan exterior sitror housing is Rrcibly pivoted from ts normal positon, i rast bereoasi.ioned by applying tiem bressune und i snaps into place, Waming: Exerdse care when using the passenger-sidemirtor. The passenaer-sideexterior mirror is convex (outwardly curyedsurface for a wider eld of view). Objects in mirror are doser than they appear. ‘Check veur inside new view airy ‘or slanoe ever your shoulder before changing lanes. 60 ‘Exterior Rear View Mirror Mulliple Tarages is vehicle & equinged wih ani- Fozaing dval-cane side windosrs (0 Drovide extra inaulction againet heat, cold ard noise, Because ofthe sccond pane of lass, under catain ight and ‘eather conditions a multe image mey beco7e noliceatle, especially ‘when lacking through the side ‘windows at-an cutside rear view minve. ‘Scoring Mirror Positions in Memory Fading the mirrors ott ‘Tum switch to point rearwar, Frees sswildh forward until Une miners are folded ont Dono: fold amirors out, forcing them ‘by hang. This will Jamage the ‘operating mechanisar of the mritrors, Tolding themirrors in The eserion at inside rear view ‘i mise postions afe sueed iets Tum switch to point rearward, Press mar eas fe are ame yl, cearvan unl ie murs ere ‘column postion and can be" recalled} Solded in ‘when nevessay, see Trex. Note: the inside rer eww minror ons Aadiusted separately, the originally sloned postion remains in. memory. To reeall posite press the desired position button, él sun Visors Swing sum vigors down to protect Frome seats: ‘Touch the cover to lower theminvor, agains, sun are. cee aoe ‘The lamp will switch on adowrabicaly. ‘With che viser engaged in its inner Iesunkigt enters through aside ‘mourring, the lamp cin be switche: on Close the cover and the lamp will go ‘windon, disengage wiser fom inne by opening the cover, oar, ‘mounting.and diol tothe side. From this position, the visor can slide: Wamine, forward and backward on is shaft. Dont use the ven ror while 1S 62 Imerior Lighting Interior Lanups oor contact) B A Tnteriog lamps are switeled on, and otf dele sca ‘wher locking oe oekingtie tcl orien eset thee wl es dey when the key if in steering Tock position 2 Binerior lamps switched off Alnterice lamps switchod off Wireriee lamps sitehed on 3 Rew Conteny Lams A B ACoretesy lamps switche! off BeCourtesy lamps switche 0 Note: The courtesy lamps canal be ssvirched off as long 2: ¢ rear door is open. 4 Reading Lamps. Tront 4g B ‘A Reading lamp switched otf B Reeling lanp switched on 5 Reading Lamns, Rear The lamps are switched on md oi incividealty witha switch in the respective Entrance Lamps, Exit Lamns ‘The lamps aneswiched on and off bv the done contact sites. 63 ‘Telephone Contral Urtt (Commvartarent, To open: Press bullon(2). Glove Box ‘The alove box lid ie enaioped witha ‘Sontaingr 1er coins and eral azeessories. To open: Press bullon (4). Note: ‘The storage compartments may be Jockgd and valesked by using the “master key inlock 5} Storage Commartments in the Storage Compartments in the Door Dashboard Locking: | Tum masterkey in lock (Sto therighe 6 Door oockes 1 Storagelevealasses ane remove Touper: ‘compartment Fold donn cover, 2 Button for torace! Unlocking: . ‘egealosses comontment Tum master key backcovatticel > Compartment for eormpact 3 Glovebox: position unibrella 4 Buicon forelove boxe 3 Tok Caution! Keep compzrtment lics closed This will prevent storec objects from bein, Urown about znc injuring vehicle ‘scenpants bring an accident. 64 in center console, fort Ashtrays By touching thetop of the cover ligly, theasiay pens ‘automaically. To remove ashiray from cenier console: Push sliding knob (1) tomar dhe right to-giget the ineer. invear doors Torremowe zshiray trom near door: Hole Joft mad right side oF insert. and pull wp. Toinsall aseray: Ingal inser into ashtray farce and push conn toenange. Turkey in steering boek lo- Position Lor. Pushin lightorrt'r 4 vill pop ont ‘aigortatically when het. Warning! Neer toute heating dann ot sides orthe lighter, atknob nly 65 ‘Sdding Roof with Rear Pop-Up ‘Tum key in steeringlock to position L ‘Feature or 2

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