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Peroxisomal disorders with infantile seizures

Article in Brain and Development · March 2011

DOI: 10.1016/j.braindev.2011.02.004 · Source: PubMed


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Jao-Shwann Liang Jyh-Feng Lu

Far Eastern Memorial Hospital Fu Jen Catholic University


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Brain & Development 33 (2011) 777–782

Review article

Peroxisomal disorders with infantile seizures

Jao-Shwann Liang a, Jyh-Feng Lu b,⇑
Department of Pediatrics and Medical Research, Far Eastern Memorial Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan
School of Medicine, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan

Received 14 January 2011; received in revised form 11 February 2011; accepted 12 February 2011


Peroxisomes are organelles responsible for multiple metabolic pathways including the biosynthesis of plasmalogens and the oxi-
dation of branched-chain as well as very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs). Peroxisomal disorders (PDs) are heterogeneous groups
of diseases and affect many organs with varying degrees of involvement. Even pathogenetically distinct PDs share some common
symptoms. However, several PDs have uniquely characteristic clinical findings. The durations of survival in PDs are also variable.
Infants with PDs are usually presented with developmental delay, visual and hearing impairment. Generalized hypotonia is present
in severe cases. Epileptic seizures are also a common characteristic of patients with certain PDs. Nonetheless, the classification and
evolution of epilepsy in PDs have not been elucidated in detail. Here, we review the relevant literatures and provide an overview of
PDs with particular emphasis on the characteristics of seizures in infants.
Ó 2011 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Peroxisomal disorders; Infantile seizures; Epilepsy

1. Definition of terms 2. Introduction

Epileptic spasms: Epileptic seizures characterized by Peroxisomes are organelles responsible for multiple
brief axial contraction, in flexion, extension or mixed, metabolic pathways, mainly related to metabolism of
symmetric or asymmetric, lasting from a fraction of a lipids and peroxides. Lack of peroxisomes or dysfunc-
second to 1–2 s. This type of epileptic seizures can be tion in any of their normal functions is the cellular basis
associated with or without particular EEG pattern, for human peroxisomal disorders (PDs). PDs are clini-
hypsarrhythmia. cally and genetically heterogeneous and can be classified
Infantile spasms: Epileptic spasms in clusters with mainly into three categories—peroxisome biogenesis
hypsarrhythmia that start in the first year of life. disorders (PBDs), single peroxisomal enzyme deficien-
West syndrome: It is the triad of infantile spasms, a cies (SEDs) and contiguous gene syndrome (Table 1)
pathognomonic EEG pattern (called hypsarrhythmia), [1]. The PBDs include Zellweger syndrome (ZS), neona-
and mental retardation – although the international def- tal adrenoleukodystrophy (NALD), infantile Refsum
inition requires only two out of these three elements. disease (IRD) and rhizomelic chondrodysplasia puncta-
Neonatal seizure: It is defined as seizures in neonates, ta (RCDP) type I. They are all caused by defects in PEX
it can be epileptic seizure or not. genes, which encode peroxins, proteins necessary for
peroxisome biogenesis and the import of the peroxi-
somal matrix and membrane proteins. The second group
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: School of Medicine, Fu Jen
includes disorders resulting from the deficiency of a sin-
Catholic University, 510 Chungcheng Rd., Hsinchuang, Taipei County
24205, Taiwan. Tel.: +886 2 29053464; fax: +886 229052096.
gle peroxisomal enzyme activity. About a dozen of such
E-mail address: (J.-F. Lu). peroxisomal enzyme deficiencies have been identified [2].

0387-7604/$ - see front matter Ó 2011 The Japanese Society of Child Neurology. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

778 J.-S. Liang, J.-F. Lu / Brain & Development 33 (2011) 777–782

Table 1
Classification of peroxisomal disorders.
Disorders of peroxisome biogenesis Disorders of single peroxisomal enzyme Contiguous gene syndrome
Zellweger spectrum X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy CADDS
Zellweger syndrome Acyl-CoA-oxidase deficiency
Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy D-bifunctional protein deficiency
Infantile Refsum disease Thiolase deficiency
2-Methylacyl-CoA-racemase (AMACR) deficiency
DHAP acyltransferase deficiency
Rhizomelic chondrodysplacia punctata Alkyl DHAP synthase deficiency
Refsum disease secondary to PEX7 mutation Hyperoxaluria type I
Unclassified/atypical PBD Adult Refsum’s disease
Mulibrey nanism
Other defects in peroxisomal b-oxidation
PBD: peroxisome biogenesis disorder; CoA:coenzyme A; DHAP: dihydroxyacetone phosphate; CADDS:contiguous ABCD1 DXS1357E deletion

Even though the peroxisomes are morphologically intact survive beyond that and reach some developmental
and functioning in patients with SEDs, the clinical and milestones [10]. The brain abnormalities in ZS demon-
neurological manifestations could be as severe as PBDs. strate a unique neuronal migration defect. There are
In addition, a novel group of patients with phenotype areas of cortical dysplasia, polymicrogyria, Purkinje cell
resembling ZS was reported due to a contiguous dele- heterotopia, and abnormalities of the olivary nucleus
tion spanning the 50 ends of the ABCD1 gene, which is [11]. Based on Heymans’ survey of 114 patients with
defective in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), ZS reported in the literature, 56 out of 61 (92%) patients
and DXS1357E in Xq28 (CADDS) [1,3]. with available information developed epileptic seizures
The incidence of PDs is relatively low and is variable [5]. In Takahashi’s series, about 70% of patients devel-
among populations. For example, the prevalence of X- oped epileptic seizures in neonatal period. The pattern
ALD, the most common PD, is estimated at between started as partial motor seizure in the arms or legs or
1:20,000 and 1:50,000 [4]; the prevalence of PBDs is esti- facial muscles which almost never culminates to general-
mated to be 1:50,000 in US [5] and 1:500,000 in Japan ized tonic–clonic seizures [7]. The epileptogenic foci usu-
[6]. The precise diagnosis of PDs requires a complex bio- ally correlated to the neuronal migration defects in
chemical and genetic analyses. However, the life span of patients with ZS, however, some epileptogenic foci
affected patients is usually limited. These conditions could also occur in other regions [7,12].
make it difficult to conduct satisfactory clinical investi-
gations in peroxisomal disorders [7]. The epileptic sei- Neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy (NALD) and
zures are common in patients with PDs, but the infantile Refsum disease (IRD). Although NALD and
classification and evolution of epilepsy in PDs have IRD appear to be symptomatically distinct from ZS,
not been elucidated in details. In this article, we review they are continuous spectrum of disease severity clini-
the literatures with emphasis on the seizure pattern cally and pathologically; ZS is at the most severe end
and neurological aspects of specific peroxisomal diseases of the spectrum, whereas IRD represents the mildest
in infants. syndromic phenotype [13]. Survival of mildly affected
patients into adulthood had been reported. The milder
3. Clinical and neurological manifestations presentation and longer life span among patients of
these disorders result in more varied initial presentations
3.1. Peroxisome biogenesis disorders (PBDs) and progress histories. The boundaries between children
diagnosed as NALD or IRD are often blurred, so it
3.1.1. Zellweger syndrome spectrum (ZSS) disorders seems more appropriate to consider these disorders as Zellweger syndrome (ZS). ZS is a multiple con- a continuum of peroxisome deficiency [14]. The majority
genital anomaly syndrome characterized by craniofacial of the affected children exhibit hypotonia but attain
abnormalities, eye abnormalities, neuronal migration some degree of psychomotor development. The cranio-
defects, hepatomegaly, and chondrodysplasia punctata facial features are similar to that of ZS but are less pro-
[8,9]. Psychoneurologic symptoms are mainly mani- nounced. On the contrary, the development of
fested at birth or in the neonatal period. Death usually sensorineural hearing loss and retinitis pigmentosa in
occurs within the first year of life due to the failure of these patients are more common and apparent than in
developmental progress, although a few patients could ZS. Neuronal migration defects are not consistently
Author's personal copy

J.-S. Liang, J.-F. Lu / Brain & Development 33 (2011) 777–782 779

present in patients with NALD; they were only observed (ranges 2.75–10 years) with changes in behavior, includ-
in 20% of the patients [15–18]. Moreover, there was no ing emotional lability, withdrawal or hyperactive behav-
significant correlation between seizures and neuronal ior [19]. Focal or generalized seizures occur in the late
migration defects in these patients [7,17]. Seizures may stage of the disease. The EEGs may be normal or exhibit
either be present in the neonatal period or manifest later. slowing of the background activity with a maximum in
The epileptic seizures in patients with NALD are always the posterior regions corresponding to the localization
generalized, with tonic, clonic and myoclonic varieties. of the white matter lesions in the early stage. Slow wave
Both epileptic spasms and infantile spasms have been would become progressively widespread, sometimes
reported [19–21]. In comparison with ZS, the seizure fre- accompanied with paroxysmal discharges, in correspon-
quency and intractability are more severe in NALD. In dence with the deteriorated demyelinating process [25].
IRD, epileptic seizures and neonatal seizure had also
been observed [18]. The comparison of neurological 4.2. Defects of peroxisomal b-oxidation: Acyl-CoA-
manifestations in Zellweger spectrum disorders is listed oxidase deficiency, D-bifunctional protein deficiency
in Table 2. (DBPD), peroxisomal thiolase deficiency, 2-methylacyl-
CoA racemase deficiency Rhizomelic chondrodysplasia punctata (RCDP).
The main clinical features of RCDP include shortening Although there are defects in only a single peroxi-
of the proximal long bones (rhizomelia) with metaphy- somal enzymatic process, these disorders can be as
seal cupping, coronal clefts of the vertebral bodies, gen- severe as those in which peroxisomal activities are nearly
eralized epiphyseal stippling (chondrodysplasia or completely absent. The clinical presentations of the
punctata) and other evidence of disturbed ossification. first three disorders resemble that of the ZSS. Moreover,
Abnormalities of the central nervous system include the marked clinical similarities make it impossible to dis-
cerebral and cerebellar atrophy, abnormalities of myeli- criminate between the PBDs and certain single enzyme
nation and neuronal migration defects involving the mid- deficiencies on clinical grounds [26]. Acyl-CoA-oxidase
brain [22]. Most RCDP children have manifested deficiency was first described in 1988 in siblings with
profound growth and psychomotor retardation. Seizures neonatal hypotonia, seizures, severely delayed psycho-
are common. In White’s study, 84% of individuals who motor development, and neurological deterioration
lived beyond 2 months of age developed seizures [23]. [27]. All the signs and symptoms are similar to that of
The average age of seizure onset was 0.4 ± 2.2 years. Sei- NALD. About 90% of patients exhibit neonatal hypoto-
zure types included absence, myoclonic, tonic, and tonic– nia and early-onset seizures [26,28]. The D-bifunctional
clonic. Different seizure types could evolve in the same protein is involved in the b-oxidation of all fatty acids
patient with age. However, the EEG often showed metabolized in peroxisomes. Patients with DBPD man-
non-specific generalized changes [23]. ifest Zellweger-like clinical phenotype including hypoto-
The lifespan is broad with some children dying in the nia, craniofacial dysmorphia and neonatal seizures
first year and others surviving into young adulthood. [29,30]. Pathologic studies in DBPD revealed neuronal
The degree of plasmalogen deficiency correlates directly migration disorders similar to those in ZS [7,29,31]. Epi-
with phenotypic severity [24]. leptic seizures usually develop in early infancy and are
intractable. Epileptic spasms or infantile spasms had
4. Single enzyme deficiency been reported [7,32]. Peroxisomal thiolase deficiency
had only been described in a single patient with pro-
4.1. X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) found hypotonia, intractable seizures since neonatal per-
iod and subtle dysmorphic features [33,34]. In contrast
X-ALD is the most common PD with impaired b-oxi- to all other patients with defects involving peroxisomal
dation of saturated very-long-chain fatty acids (VLC- b-oxidation, those with 2-methylacyl-CoA racemase
FAs). Onset of symptoms is usually at approx. 7.2 years deficiency do not present seizure early in life, but epi-

Table 2
Comparisons of neurological manifestations of Zellweger spectrum disorders.
Epileptic seizure +++ +++ +
Neonatal seizure ++ + +
Seizure intractability + ++ –
Seizure pattern Partial motor Generalized seizure; epileptic spasms/infantile spasms
Neuronal migration disorder +++ + +
–: Absent; +: mild or occasionally present; ++: moderate or frequently present; +++: severe or almost constantly present; ZS: Zellweger syndrome;
NALD: neonatal adrenoleukodystrophy; IRD: infantile Refsum disease.
Author's personal copy

780 J.-S. Liang, J.-F. Lu / Brain & Development 33 (2011) 777–782

Table 3
Comparisons of neurological manifestations in different defects of peroxisomal b-oxidation.
Neurological symptom Childhood Racemase Acyl-CoA D-BP Peroxisomal Biogenesis (ZSS) CADDS
X-ALD oxidase thiolase
Neonatal hypotonia + + + + +
Neonatal seizures + + + +
Seizures after neonatal period + + + + +
Macrocephaly +
Retinopathy + + +
Hearing loss + +
Peripheral neuropathy ± + +a
Neuronal migration defect + + +
Leukodystrophy + + + +b Delayed myelination
X-ALD, X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy; D-BP:D-bifunctional protein deficiency; ZSS, Zellweger syndrome spectrum; CADDS, contiguous
ABCD1 DXS1357E deletion syndrome.
A plus sign (+) denotes presence; a minus sign () denotes absence ; a plus/minus sign (±) denotes that the clinical symptom may or may not be
Seen in IRD.
Seen in NALD.

lepsy and neuropathy developed later on [19]. A com- greater than 50% reduction in seizure frequency among
parison of the clinical consequences of specific defects 40–50% of children under the ketogenic diet [38,39].
involving peroxisomal b-oxidation is shown in Table 3. Recently, fenofibrate, a peroxisome proliferator-acti-
vated receptor-a (PPAR-a) agonist, has been shown to
5. Contiguous ABCD1 DXS1357E deletion syndrome have anticonvulsive properties and may be related to
(CADDS) the underlying mechanisms of the ketogenic diet regi-
men [40]. These findings may provide hope into future
CADDS is a new contiguous-gene deletion syndrome application of ketogenic diet in the treatment of intrac-
with novel phenotype resembling ZS [1,3]. These male table seizures in certain patients with PDs. Although
patients manifested profound neonatal hypotonia, failure EEG changes are usually non-specific in PDs, multifocal
to thrive, cholestatic liver disease, accumulation of spikes in the early stage and evolutionary diffuse slow
VLCFA and short life span (<1 year). Two out of three background activity, sometimes together with paroxys-
patients with CADDS have early-onset seizures at mal discharges in the late stage, are common features
2 months of age. observed among patients with PDs. In addition, EEG
in patients with certain PDs did show notable findings.
6. Conclusion For example, epileptic spasms or infantile spasms with
hypsarrythmia have been observed in patients with
PDs include heterogeneous disease groups, with var- NALD and DBPD. Moreover, seizures of NALD and
iable degrees of severity. However, central nervous sys- DBPD are intractable.
tem is always affected and exhibits different clinical Due to the lack of large series of studies, the epileptic
manifestations. Epileptic seizures are a common presen- characteristics among different groups of PDs could not
tation in patients with PBDs and certain peroxisomal b- be efficaciously evaluated. Based on currently available
oxidation defects [7,14,19,25,35]. Seizures can also occur literatures, though it seems that there were no easily
in neonatal period or infancy. There was correlation observable differences in the electroclinical characteris-
between earlier onset of seizures and the severity of dis- tics among patients with epilepsy classified into different
eases. Seizures of these patients may be difficult to con- genetic complementation groups of PBDs, some specific
trol despite the use of multiple anticonvulsants due to epileptic syndrome does exist in certain PDs. For
the heterogeneous pathogenetic mechanisms involving instance, West syndrome had been observed in the
in PDs. Not only disordered cytoarchitecture of the NALD and DBPD [20,21]. However, the characteristics
cerebral cortex resulted from neuronal migration defects of epileptic seizures in patients with different PDs should
or demyelination can cause seizures, but other biochem- be further clarified in the future.
ical abnormalities, such as aberrant fatty acid composi-
tions in neuronal membranes [36] or misregulation of
GABAergic signaling [37], would also contribute to Acknowledgments
the pathogenesis of seizures in patients with PDs. The
ketogenic diet has been used as a treatment in case of We would like to thank Mr. Kevin Liu for the assis-
intractable childhood epilepsy, and reported to have tance of manuscript preparation. This work was sup-
Author's personal copy

J.-S. Liang, J.-F. Lu / Brain & Development 33 (2011) 777–782 781

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