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Section A

Question 1

1 Sixth meaning of ideology Eagleton (1991:84) states that false or deceptive belief are
produced to legitimize the material structure of society as a labor. This is where the
objects we make starts to determine our conditions of existence for example beauty
filters causes people to think that what’s blurred out is ugly and people with spots and
pigmentation are ugly. Thus people are opting to use filter when uploading pictures on
social media platforms for example there are millions of Snapchat users. So now filter
have created an idea of what beauty is.

Question 2

John Gerring's framework includes

1Location which are thoughts, behavior, language. This ideology aims to inform people
that beauty filters promotes western ideal of beauty meaning only people will light skin
are beautiful. Which is racial and problematic

2 Subject matter which refers to politics, power and social status

This ideology helps us come to realization that beauty filter only favors western racial
group(whites) and blacks are regarded as ugly

3 Subject refers to individual that ideology belongs to for example in this case study we
see that this ideology belongs to people who are not considered beautiful by the world

4 position refers to Dominant or Subordinate in this instance it is Subordinate ideology

5 Functions this ideology is repressing the idea of being beautiful

6 motivate referees to interest base. This ideology doesn’t support the use of beauty

7 Cognitive/affective structure refers to values or beliefs. The app filter VS reality

believes that beauty filters make people feel ugly without the filters and only promote
one ideal of beauty. This ideology aims to tell people that they should accept who they
are they are beautiful the way they are and there isn’t only one form of beauty. This
ideology doesn’t distort reality rather accepts reality.

Question 3

3.1 according to Barthes myth helps to naturalize particular worldview and myth is
based on human’s history and myth cannot occur naturally. Myth is not a lie. Myth does
not try to hide the truth but it is a certain version of truth. Myth works to justify and
develop and therefore myth are always linked to ideology and cannot be fully
understood without considering their ideological dimensions. For example beauty filters
did not occur naturally rather they were created by humans . Accordence to myth also
beauty filters doesn’t entirely cover up the real person rather show or reveal what users
wants to be revealed. Myths simplified inherent contradictions by making use of binary
oppositions. Another example the use of beauty filters neutralizes the ideology of
perfection which favors the whites in short beauty filters I consider them to be racial
discrimination. On the other hand…

Stereotype are socially problematic because they encourage social tension.

Stereotyped myths often emphasize negative traits which may be insulting to that Is
represented for example beauty filters convey a message that people with dark spots
they are not beautiful so they should cover up their imperfections.

3.2 Counter myth

Counter myth have one thing in common they are constructed to express opposition to
a certain and often more dominant ideologies. For example the filter vs reality app aims
to change people’s ideology of beautiful by simply revealing what beauty filters have
created in our society for crippling people or teaching them what is considered beautiful.

Question 4

>Photography is generally understood to present the viewer with slice of reality thus to
be directly mimetic. We have two approaches to representation the first view reflect
believe that representation should be a mirror image of reality. The second approach
places the agency of creating meaning through representation. It is through
representation that people organize the world and reality through the act of naming it
elements. What photograph shows us is how a particular thing could be seen or could
be made to look. Important questions to critically view visual images you should ask is
why are these representations constructed the way they are and who benefited from
them being understood.



1 Image A= Cross sign ( on the sanitizer bottle) is Symbolic because the cross sign
stands for a larger body of idea in this image it represents health.

3 Image C = the tick sign it is Iconic because signifier resembles the object.

4 Image D = distance sign It is Arbitrary because there’s no resemblance between

signifier and reference in this instance it is distance.

5 Image E = Virus sign Indexical because it is a direct physical or casual link between
signifier and referent on this image the devilish red sign represents Corona Virus.

Question 6

Visual rhetoric encompasses the skills of visual literacy and the ability to analyze
images for their form and meaning. According to Duncan Rayburn we have 7 visual
situation elements.

(Blog | » Use of Visual Rhetoric: Benefits and Possibilities, 2021) 1 Exigence
that describes occasions for example image A states that Covid never rests so we must
keep our hands clean this serves as a warning about Corona virus.

2 Location this context indicates medium for example the Covid-19 messages is
communicated via posters.
3 Communicator refers to who created the visual rhetoric. The posters were created by
the department of health.

4 The audience refers to readers or viewers. The Covid-19 messages are directed to
South Africa citizen as they are some phrases are written in iSizulu most spoken SA

5 The method refers to how communicator addresses audience e.g repetition, proximity.
Method used here is repetition method. “Covid never rests Bafowethu".

6 Purpose refers to what do the visual texts want to accomplish. The covid messages
aims to educate people about covid and what they should do to survive.

7 Timing refers to right thing at the right time. The covid messages are written during
the pandemic of the outbreak of Corona virus.


Eagleton. and Remeika., 2000. Ideologie. [Place of publication not identified]: J.B. Metzler.

2 2021. America’s Visual Rhetoric – Sammamish PBL. [online] Available at:

<> [Accessed 14 June 2021].

3 Medium. 2021. Charles Sanders Peirce: Symbolic, Iconic, and Indexical Signs. [online] Available at:


29e0e40bef1d> [Accessed 14 June 2021]. 2021. Blog | » Use of Visual Rhetoric: Benefits and Possibilities.

[online] Available at: <> [Accessed 14 June


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