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General Overview:

Catch-Up Subject: Peace and values

Grade Level:8

Quarterly Theme: Personal awareness

Sub-theme: Respect for life

-principles of peace

Subject Integration:

1) Subject: Science

- connection: Science can be integrated with Peace Education to explore the

interconnectedness of life and ecosystems. By studying the balance of nature and
the impact of human actions on the environment, students can learn to respect all
forms of life and understand the importance of maintaining peace within our world.

2) Subject: Social Studies

- connection: Social Studies can be integrated with Peace Education to examine

historical contexts of conflicts and resolutions. By understanding the root causes of
conflicts and the principles of peacebuilding, students can develop a deeper
appreciation for diversity, human rights, and the value of peaceful coexistence.

3) Subject: Values Education

- connection: Values Education can be integrated with Peace Education to
emphasize the core values that promote peace, such as respect, empathy, and
cooperation. By instilling these values in students, they can better understand the
importance of respecting life and upholding principles of peace in their interactions
with others.

II. Session Outline:

Session Title: Embracing Equality

Session Objectives: Observing the principle of equality

Key Concepts: Understanding and practicing equality is essential in fostering

respect for all individuals, promoting inclusivity, and upholding the principles of
peace within society. By recognizing the inherent value of each person and treating
everyone with fairness and dignity, we contribute to creating a harmonious and just

III. Teaching Strategies:

Introduction and Warm Up:

Activity Title: Equality Circle

Description: Engage students in a circle discussion highlighting the importance of

equality and fairness in interactions.

Duration: 5 minutes

Materials: None

1. Gather students in a circle.

2. Ask students to share their thoughts on what equality means to them.

3. Facilitate a discussion on the importance of treating everyone equally and with


4. Encourage students to reflect on how observing equality contributes to a

peaceful environment.

Concept Exploration:

Activity Title: Role Play

Description: Engage students in a role-playing activity to experience different

perspectives and practice empathy.

Duration: 15 minutes

Materials: Scenario cards with diverse situations


1. Divide students into small groups.

2. Provide each group with a scenario card depicting a situation requiring equality
and respect.

3. Instruct students to role-play the scenario, focusing on how they can

demonstrate equality in their responses.

4. Encourage students to discuss the challenges and benefits of treating others

fairly in various contexts.


Activity Title: Equality Pledge Creation

Description: Guide students in creating personal pledges to uphold equality and
respect in their daily interactions.

Duration: 10 minutes

Materials: Paper, markers


1. Ask students to reflect on the session's discussions on equality and respect.

2. Instruct students to write or draw their equality pledge on a piece of paper.

3. Encourage students to include specific actions they will take to promote equality
and respect in their lives.

4. Provide time for students to share their pledges with the class, fostering a
collective commitment to observing equality.


Activity Title: Equality Journal Entry

Description: Have students write a reflective journal entry on their understanding

of equality and its significance in promoting peace.

Duration: 10 minutes

Materials: Journals, writing tools


1. Prompt students to write about how they can apply the principle of equality in
their interactions with others.

2. Encourage students to reflect on personal experiences where equality was

upheld or challenged.

3. Invite students to share their reflections with a partner or in small groups to

deepen their understanding of the session's objectives.

4. Conclude by emphasizing the importance of practicing equality as a fundamental

aspect of building a culture of respect and peace.

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