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Pidato Bahasa Inggris Tentang Bullying

Assalamu’alaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh, Hello everyone,

Good Morning Ladies and Gentlemen,

First of all, I would like to invite you all to express our gratitude to the God for his blessing in
our life so that we can gather around in this great hall on this beautiful day.

Second of all, I would like to express my gratitude to all people who have devoted their energy
and attention to make this event run smoothly as we experience today. I would also like to thank
the committee for giving me the chance to deliver my speech in this memorable event.

My name is Tukiman Jayadi. I’m a teacher and I’m going to deliver my speech about bullying
especially the one that happened at school.

Ladies and Gentleman,

Bullying may seems like a small problem for some people. Most people may not realize that the
damage caused by bullying can be so serious. It can be as serious as “death” in extreme cases. If
you think that bullying is not a serious matter to deal with just because it merely hurt “feelings”
then I have to tell you that you are completely wrong. This “merely hurt your feelings” thing can
be the beginning of various worse scenario such as physical assault, suicide or any other kinds of
violent acts carried out in the name of revenge.

As I said just now that bullying is not a serious problem for some people, just because we simply
don’t see the damage. But the thing is, based on my experience as a teacher, I learned that the
effect of bullying can stay undetected for years. During this time, the effect of bullying keeps
corrupting the soul of the victim. They may hold it inside as a grudge, or they may also develop
trauma which may result in self-withdrawal from the society. I believe that this is something that
we don’t want to happen to our children. That is why we have to act right now to stop it, and I
mean all of us with no exception.

If you are a teacher, you need to be more sensitive towards your students’ behavior. If you notice
even a small change in their attitude at school, you need to try to reach out to them personally.
This small change can be as simple as being unusually quiet in the classroom all of sudden to
spending more time alone and daydreaming. Try to create a strong bond with all of your student,
try to be someone around when they need it the most, because I believe, being a teacher is not
just about showing them information related to the subject that you teach at school but also
creating warm and comfortable environment for each and every one of them to develop and grow
their potential.

If you are a student and you are currently being bullied by some of your friends, you need to
know something, they can only hurt you if you believe what they say. So, step one, ignore them.
If they keep doing their action or even do something worse such as blackmailing you and asking
you to do something that you don’t like or forcing you to give them some money, try to be brave
and report it to your teacher, because it is no longer just a bullying, it is a crime and they deserve
harsh punishment. I know it is going to be difficult, but make no mistake, your live at school will
be even worse if you don’t do it. Just think about it for a while. Besides, our school will not
tolerate bullying and it means that we are ready to take serious decision if it happens within our
territory, but we can only do this if we know that it happened, and we can only know if you are
willing to help us by reporting it.

If you are the bully, I have only one statement for you, Please stop, for your own good. Why do I
have to stop when I actually enjoy it, Sir? Some of you may think of this question right now, and
if you do, let me explain to you. At this moment, bullying other student may be fun for you. It
might even give you this feeling that you are stronger than the others. But all of that will change
when the person that you bullied finally decided to take extreme action. Ask yourself right now,
will it still be fun, when your friend decided to write a final message for you and post it on
instagram and commit suicide after that? And in this final message, he or she explained that the
reason for him or her to end his/her life was because of you, because you keep treating him or
her disrespectfully. I believe you will be famous in no time, and I hope you can enjoy that. Or in
another case, will it still be fun, when the person that you bullied finally gone insane enough to
actually take revenge on you in an extreme way. I’m not going to explain this part, but I believe
you have some idea about it in your mind, and I believe that you don’t like it.

Ladies and Gentleman,

It is clear to us now that bullying won’t bring any good for anyone including the bully. That is
why, in this special moment, I would like to invite you all to work together to fight this problem
and to put an end to it. Because I believe that the only way that we can stop bullying is that if we
work together. Thank you so much for your attention.

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