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Dosen pengampu : Handarini, S.Pd.,M.Si

Di Susun Oleh:

Puttri Sopiyani C123002


Task 4 (for TLM Students), Use the information below to describe how blood is taken:

1. Preparing the vials, needles and tampons

2. Choosing a proper vein.
3. Disinfecting the puncture.
4. Applying the esmarch on the arm.
5. Piercing the needle in the vein.
6. Pushing the vial forward to collect blood
7. Releasing the esmarch and filling the vial with blood 8. Pressing the tampon on the piercing
9. Discarding the used materials into a container
10. Putting the sample on ice.


Taking blood samples aims to help detect the presence of disease, toxins, bacteria or
dangerous components in our body, this can also help us to check the patient's health condition as
a whole. To take the correct blood sample, first communicate with the patient. Then phlebotomy
preparing the vials, needles and tampons.
After that phlebotomy looking for or choosing proper vein. The process of looking for
veins is done by palpation (touching) the antecubital area. To make this process easier, we can
apply Esmarch to the patient's arm.
If we have done palpation and already know where the patient's veins are, then carry out
the proces disinfecting the puncture in the area where blood will be drawn.
Prepare the syringe, tighten it and pump it first so that there is no air in the syringe. Open
the needle cap then inject into the area that was palpated earlier if blood is visible. Pull the pump
on the needle slightly so that the blood enters the tube, release the Esmarch and fill it completely
to the limit of the syringe. [5-7]
If the injection tube is full, prepare a cotton swab over the needle before taking it out.
Withdraw the needle slowly while pressing slightly on the top then apply the plaster. After that,
put the sample into the EDTA tube, label it and store it in a bag filled with ice. [8 & 9]
The final stage is to dispose of the tools that have been used in special waste bins for
infectious goods. [10]

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