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The skin lightening market

Skin lightening and whitening products have become more popular in the world and it has
growing market as well. These items, which range from lotions and creams, are all intended to
change the tone of a person's skin. While some people use these products to increase their
confidence and self esteem.The purpose of using skin lightening or whitening product is seen in
this essay , along with the impact these product have on people's health and society as a whole.
To begin with, there is a deep rooted beleif among the society, particularly, those who live in
popular regions that in order to meet the beauty standards, individuals, particularly women,
have to be white in color,accordingly these creates a huge impact on women and they wanted
to consume a huge number lightening products without knowing the negative effects of
it.another reason is the people have a mindset of thinking that is white superior.The influence of
media created a major impact on this,while some advertisement showing people that the
people with white skin are more attractive and successful,keeping that in mind people use
different cosmetic products to enhance their skin color. The next reason is personal preferences
for some people the choice to use skin lightening product is purely personal and by will they
apply it.
To continue with causes,people wants their skin to be healthy.The use of sunscream in not
common among people,and humans are exposed to sun without any precautions,and that
produces sun spots,and creates rednees in the face and with that the face becomes darker an
humans prefer to buy skin whitening products. The use of skin lightening products is common
among female students in this study and some of these products can cause skin problems such
as skin peeling, acne, and itching (Rusmadi et al., 2015). Blacked tone person does not have a
great confidence in he or she and being black has a negative affect on individuals and it could
lead to have issues like mental health and self worth.
However,there are Such items have a direct affect on health, specially the skin of the person
using many of the humas are unaware of the ingredients that is being used in these
chemical products for example,a chemical named steroids has been used in some of the beauty
products and it can lead to serious impact on the physical look of personals.One of the major
side effect is carry on with the next effect is racial discrimination.The
society thinks that ‘white’ is better than ‘dark’.and dark people are more likely to be
labours,thus those with darker skin may experience discrimination.
In conclution The use of skin-lightening or skin-brightening products is used for reasons,varing
from personal preferences and influence of media,however the health and societal effects are
complex.Steps needed to be taken in order resolve this issue.Due to the harmful ingredients
applied individuals face consequences for the future.
Rusmadi, S. Z., Ismail, S. N. S., & Praveena, S. M. (2015). Preliminary Study on the
Skin Lightening Practice and Health Symptoms among Female Students in Malaysia.
Journal of Environmental and Public Health, 2015, 1–6.

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