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1•11111.1 " , '11,,.,11 11 ,rl1ou11 l111 tl ,, 1111· n .., k,·11·11111 1, i•.1·111•1.,ll y 111 ,11 !,·
"I' ,,, ".,!, ,, f lwy ,...,. ..,., '"" , ,d 111•1• 111,,r wl t,,r
11 11 11
1111 11 1 11 1II I 'I f I I I
.,'1 1111 "" ll1·,1•11 .111o " I'I '· ' 1 .
t' ' 1, ·1· I'"'"'" ., rw1o , l1.111d w11"d 111·.,11 ll r,1111 I" ""'''""',,! .H r11ry " ,,.., ·"''
1 111 , 11 .1,1•11 1, ( >r dy 1111 r n 1.d ,·.,r, .1n · pw·,1·111 l'r"'"'"''
., ;' -1111111 · 1, ' ', \\1th 1'' 11 , 1.1111.111 11 ·1v,·, A p .111 111 •·v, ·, .111d 111,, 1111, ,11t· 1 J
.,:,11',, ' '1"" I . " '"" ' ,11 )\,111 " rl 11· , l,.11 .1, lt' l l\11, k ,11111 ,· ,,) rl11·, 1 1.,~, l'l wy ,Il l' 11111 w x 11,,l ,111 d , 111,w "·x11.d d r11 11,rplmr11 I 11 '•
' 1llr ,l 111111 rl11,·,· \1 11,, I,""'' 1111 ihl' l,.,i l\ 111 11·11.1111 d " " ' " 11 w k .,11 11 1·,
' 11•' '\ I ·htll Ih., ,l1"
Osiolchthyos An cleclric eel can
(-lmvh1ss lish) (Cortilnnonrnis li~h) (Bony fish) d,~charge a currenl
of 600 V
I i11,11 ~ ,, 11 Classificallon of pi secs
Gill lil;unonls
Op,1rnilum ,,., .--- Gill l1lamenls \ / Operculum
'"11,ovrd ><_.
10 show g,I~ / {t"' (j Gill ba1
Waler goes ~~

1_ 1
in mouth ;i ~-
1111 ~ ·1 -1. 1.,,_, ~
v '(,
¼ '\\"'"
G,11 bar
r,gun• 4 J.: Illustration of fish gills

..._____ Waler
pas ses out
Tobie 4 .11 Comparison of distinguishing features of thrt,e subclasses of Pisces
Cyclostomate Chondrichthyes • · Osteichthyes
Ol1111cteristlcs (Jawlass fish) (Cartllagenous fish) (Bony fish)
Origin of name Cyklos-circular ; Chondron-cartilage ; ichthyes- fish Ostein- bone; ichthyes- fish
Habitat Hagfishes- Marine Mostly marine Both fresh water and marine
Lamprays- Freshwater Few sharks and rays are fresh water
Feeding habit Ectoparasites on fish Swimming predators or scavengers Swimming predators
Body shape Long eel-like body with Laterally compressed Generally spindle shaped
compressed tail Spindle shaped CJ( flattened disc shaped
Morphologlu,1 Soh. smooth and slimy Exoskeleton with placoid scales Exos~eleton with cycloid
t.atures skin without scales scales
Paired fins
Cart ilagenous Clear demarcrltion into head.
Tail fin with two unequal lobes
exoskeleton trunk and tail
External nares on tl1t, ventral side of
Jawless ci rcular mouth Paired fins
(suctorial 111ou1h) Tail fin with equal lobes
A pair of eyes without eye lids on the
A pair of eyes and nostrils
Mouth on ventral side of head
Mouth on ventral side of head
Well-developed movable jaws
Well-developed movable i aws
~~ -1l '
' .. ~ ) ,,..,,., . • ••
"" '
(Jawless fish)
Notochord as a
cylindrical rod
of cartilage

(Cartllagenous fish)
Endoskeleton made up of cartilage
with calcium carbonate coating
Endoskeleton made up Gills generally not enclosed in gill

Endoskeleton part!
made up of bone y or "'ho!~
Presence of gas-iue
pouches or not covered by any covers bladder or
Brain with large cerebellum and 10
air sac bd 5"'Ini
alimentary canal a ove
Gills enclosed in gill
pairs of cranial nerves .
Gill slits covered b 9111
pouches y
Poorly developed head Paired gonads with gonoducts covers called operc 1
B . u urn
and brain rain with .large cerebellun,
Gonads without and 10 pairs of cranial
Paired gonads with
gonodu cts
Attaches to host fish Well-developed circulatory system Well-developed circulator
Metabolism Y
with mouth Ammonotelic
Ammon otelic
Internal fertilization External fertilization
Reproduction External fertilization
Development is direct Development is direct
Development is
Mostly oviparous; Ovoviviparous Generally oviparous
(rays) Sometimes ovoviviparous or
Viviparous (sharks) viviparous
Primitive form of parental
care seen
Sharks, rays, etc. Labeo (Rohu) , catfish, etc
Diversity Petromyzon, Myxine
(hag fish) , etc.
Class Amph ibia
bia' originated from two te rms 'amphi '
These are the first land vertebrates. T he term of ·amphi
these animals can live bo th in water and
meanin g bo th and ' bios' meanin g life. That means, The largest ampr ~
or moist places. They are usually noctur nal
o n land. They are generally present in fresh water ian 1s the Ch,nese
during day time. They exhibit hiberna tio n
animals as they are active during night and inactive Giant Salamande<
structu ral features o f these animals are such
(winter sleep) and aestivation (summ er sleep). The
that they adapt to both the habitats.
of Amphibia
Table 4 . 12 Structural and functional features
Description 'j · _,R:-1.,-
Morphological Smooth or rough moist skin
features Skin possesses mucous glands and pigment cells
Body without scales
Distinct head and trunk (some may have tail)
Eyes with movable eyelids
Eardrum on skin
Lateral line sense organ may be present
Four limbs with 5 fingers each (tetrapodus and pentad
t Toes without claws and nails, but may possess webs
(-bbed feet)

•,,,;cal features
I ~
EndoskelP ton ,c; rr,oc;t l/ bw1y
Resp1rat1on by lungs or c;k1n 1n adult st.:igP ;inrJ
3-chambered heart (two auricles and one 1Pntnc
'Jill,; r .,r ,~I sr ,V1P
Blood with biconvex. oval and nucleated RBC
A pair of kidneys and urinary bladder
Brain not well-developed
Males without copulatory organ
External fertil1zat1on
Indirect development
rh,s class )
Metamorphosis 1s seen (characteristic feature of
Life cycle includes fish-li ke aquatic larva (tadpole)
Primitive form of parental care seen ,n some anima
Frogs, toads, salamanders, etc.

, .r G'c;- 1 1li;i
llll"<llllng to crcq, Th.It th 1,
llll"ll l,. 1 I
The name· 'rrptilia· 011gin atcd from th r word ·rcpt:i rc ·
d1t· ti r~t ro111pktd,· rart·, m.11 n:rtc brJtt:, I• ''
elm mdudc, creep ing n-rtcb ratcs. The rcr tilc~ art·
in .1q11.tt1c h.1b1t,1t. rhn ,m: !!cnnJlh.
ori~ma tcd on the c::irth . Hmn-vcr. ,omL' rt·prilc, h\"t' '-'cs: ::rcr"O ...-.
,l co lw the do111111.111t ~mup or or~.101,111, srai<e " ;;c,1 ,nc:,c:
~d.iptt·d to hw m warm cli111:1tt·,. R eptiles ,,·e1T bdil·w
dunll)! tlir Juras~,c period of Mesozoic c·r:i.
Tl11s w.1~ hencc. c.dlcd .1~c or" rcpt1k, ~ or11t· llC. the 3r c crc:;c:-,: x :;or-
.1rt· the pre,t·nc d.1v·,t II\ Ill!{ rq,ol c,. oi..s-, ~d"c: ~,re
lt'f'Ub 0 ( tl1:11 pt'T1o d ,lfl' called dinosaur,. Pytho n,
1on. wry I('\\ .ire lwrb1,·ort>U , f crrl·, tnJI ...corJ
Mo~, of tl1t· rqmlc~ ~how c:1rn1,·orom lllOd l· of 1111trtt
rrpuln .err uncu trh r wh1 k .1q11at1c reptik , ,in· urt·1,1
Tablt 4.13 Structural and functional features of reptil
• •,; ii i,ffiii!i- snore arid oroaa
Morphological Usually elongated and low-statured body. Few are
and ca,1.
feltum The body 1s d1fferent1ated into head, neck trunk
A pair of eyes. a pair of nostrils and a pair of
ear openings Jre oreSc"t .;>r :nc "'c .;:J

daCC\ O cacr j191: " d.:> J ~ .w.

Four limbs with hve hngers. (tetrnpodus and oenta
However, some reptiles are limbless ~or r,an1ple.
Dry and non-gl<lndular
Exoskeleton wnh bony ep1cie1 mal scalc>s
Some reptiles shed therr scales pcnod1call) This
,s .. ..11leu moulting
I o, e>.dmplc ~nal...t's dnd lizards
I drge mouth \\Ith 1110\ablt' Jdl\S
lungue rn.iy or 111d\ nut be p,011 usrble

I Anato...ical feature• Fndos"-eleton consists of bony sl...ull and ribs

Rel>p11 atron by lungs
3-chambered hea, t (t,,o au, icles and one rn("omplecel} d1v1ded \cmtrrcle)
es have d 4 chambe,ed hea, t
I Blood with b1eon ve:1., oval dJld nu~lcdted RBC
A i>a•r or k,dfle.,.., d
,~ an u11na,y bladde1
Bi au, wrth 12 pa,r-s ot o ·aru 1
Males gen~ ~ly a ncn es
P<>ssess CQpulatory organ
Reproduction Internal fertilization
Oviparous. Some are ovoviviparous
Presence of shell and embryonic membrane for egg
Embryo lies in fluid filled sac (amnion)
Direct development
Primitive form of parental care is seen in some
Diversity Terrestrial forms: Snakes and lizards
Aquatic forms: Crocodiles, tortoises and alligators
Largest living reptile-Python

The an:s (birds) possess some unique morphological features and hence, are mmt easil y recognizable ,1111mal\ \! t . ,
unique features include wide variety of body colours and presence offeathers. They show some bch,1v1on r·.,t ,- ,
are not found in other groups of animals. The most interesting habits such as singing. nest building, par ·:n,1 ,:· ••
tendency of migration make them the most studied group of animals. The study of birds is knovvn ,15 nrr.:c·. · £ - •
birds can survive in variety of habitats and hence, are omnipresent. Birds are homeothermic or warm-blool.'.~.: ,r;;:-"

Table 4 . 14 Structural and functional features of Aves

Characteristics . . . ;·-
. D

Morphological Streamlined body divisible into head, neck, trunk and short tail
features A pair of eyes, a pair of nostrils and a pair of ears openings are present ori the ~eac
Two pairs of limbs. Forelimbs modified into wings. Hind limbs covered with 1:or",
epidermal scales. Their digits end in claws
Exoskeleton made up of feathers
Skin thin and dry with preen gland at the tail
Jaws modified into beak
Large and powerful eyes
Anatomical features Endoskeleton made up of fused and hollow bones. It also includes bony skt..11
Alimentary canal ends in 3-chambered cloaca
Spongy, inelastic lungs connected to air sacs
Breast muscles attached to large breast bone
Pharynx without vocal cords
Special organ, syrinx present at the base of trachea which produces sound
A pair of kidneys. Urinary bladder is absent
4 -chambered heart w ith two auricles and two ventricles
Blood with biconvex, oval and nucleated RBC
Large brain with optic lobes and cerebellum
1 2 pairs of cranial nerves
Female bird has only one ovary and oviduct (left side)
Reproduction Internal fertili zation
Oviparous. Some are ovoviviparous
Eggs contain yolk and are enclosed in calcareous shells
Embryonic membranes are present (amnion, chorion, yolk sac, allantois)
Development is direct
Hatching of eggs at constant temperature by female bird in the nest
Large extent of parental care seen even after hatching
Diversity Peacock and crow;
Flightless birds: Ostrich, Penguin, Kiwi and Duck
/ /

r .;Ji;,;
.. 15 swctural and functJonal f~re s of marrir
ri,ble .,.
~v3; 111:r

The ood; ,s d,tttr<:r ,-3i'::<J nto r < ·i:;r::--. -.: y ,. :;-rj::


thora / ,3!Jd abdorrn

Skin is covered b; '::toslrel<:10n r;f r ar
ar a a ~ r ,;;: et:'::" ~ ~-: ::. --~e ~-'=
A pair of eyes 111th mr.Naole lids, a 0-3,r rf --:OSTJ 11s
prese nt on the h<;ad
Mouth bounded b; mo ,able lips
- nis s cai ea theco dont dent ition
Movable jaws possess teeth embedded ,r %C1,,.ets
Dentition is the characteristic feature of mamm
Mammals are characterized 'oy the developm-:: m of two sets of tee:"i ,.. ::--e :e :;re - ,.
teeth; permanent teeth) This is called diphyodont denti
tion. Direr e": :-1 :)es o: :ee::'"'
called heterodont dentition
developed to suit their var ; ing feeding habrts. Tn·s 1s
may be o rr:y-1 -:ea 11 : , "e r- 1 : a1,s
Two pairs of pentadactyl limbs are prese nt. The digits
nails and hoofs
(oil) glands. wa:t. glands. s-Nea: g a"os
Anatomical Skin is glandular. The skin glands include sebaceous
and milk glands
vertebral column. ribs and g ra es
Endoskeleton made up of bones. It includes bony skull.
Alimentary canal ends in anus
diaphragm seoarates chest ca 1rt'J :, 'Jr
Spongy and elastic lungs for respiration. A muscu lar
Larynx is the sound-producing organ
y bladder
A pair of bean-shaped kidneys. Ureters open into urinar
4-chambered heart with two atria and two ventricles
es lymphatic sysrem
Well-developed blood vascular system which includ
Blood with biconcave, circular and anucleated RBC
Large and well-developed brain with cerebrum and
Sensory centres in cerebrum
12 pairs of cranial nerves
Unisexual with sexual dimorphism
Paired gonads in males and females
atory organ called penis
Testes descent into scrotal sacs. Males possess copul
Females possess well-developed mamm ary glands
ff.production Internal fertilization
Eggs are small and microscopi c without any shells
The eggs retain in the uterus of female for developmen
Embryonic memb ranes are present
MoSt of th e mammals are viviparous
Young ones are fed by mother's milk .
Greatest extent of parental care b m .
Y eans of feeding, protection from enemies
and training
to lead the life independently
► ' •

._ , 4 J'J ) ( t npl 1 "

MtJnkry!.i, ( l1hnp.ir11CC'1
1lurnon,,, 1•lo pt1o nl.!i, corrlc
/\rl 1u1e.1I ,,111r11019
l..orucnr rnornrnrJI Ull ,c wh ulu
, 111,w w 1d, 111,1,, ,,f .,,, 1,, 1 1
111111.1 1111 11.d , .111 d d1 t·11 v.11 1l'd 11.11 111.11 ,. il ll'y
1111 , 1, 1 11 11 l.11 g,· 1'''1'1 ,l.1111111
'111 11, .111d < l11ld , .11 t·, 111.11,111 1.,I,
.,r, , .,,, ,,,,, 1 1111 ,,,
· h.1, 1\ , ii lit<' 11 11111 !' 11f r ltdd
I, 111 11, , /\ 1. 111 11~ 1111 111,

' 11,, "" '" h,·1, Ill

Brrd Mamma l
Amphibian Reptile
Fis h
y in diff ere nt ver teb ra tes
F19uro. 4.33 He art 's ana tom

Di ver sit y in Placen tal Ma mma ls

l'ltc pl.1 n·111.d ,11.1111111.11,
,lfl' ril l' IIIO Sl ~uc rns firl gro up or 111a111111ak Th l'y C.111
li w in Wltk
b.1~i, of 111a11y 1no rpholog1c
A blue .vra;e,
• l

ir ron dit ior K Th l'y .1rl' fi1r thn categorized 011 thl' thl' 1110 ,t
r.111 gt· or rli111.11 tes i11cl11dl' tongue we1grs ;s
of li.'l 'din g. An 1<111 g the var iom groups, pri ma
lude~ k·111uf\,
r h.1r.1r tl'ri~ti rs and 111o dl's
m· pril ll,ll l'S nll'ans forl'111osr in r:111 k. Th is gro up inc ITTJcn as an ~-E::r<i'"
l'Vo lw d 111.1111111:ils. T hl' n.11 'lligc11t n1:1111111al~ l'V<>lvcd ,o
l'lt'., .,lo ng wit h l111 1n.1 11s. H11111ans arl' th l' 111ost intl
111<111kt·y,. ,ljll' ~.
hy. h11111:111s arc ar thl' pl':t k.
1:1r. In l'Vo l11tion:1ry hin.1rc

Placen tal
Egg-laying mammals
Thl 'sl' .l rl' ,·1v1p.m 1u,
or T hcs,· .ire viviparous
( :h.1r.1ct as rl'ptill'~ arl' ~l'l'
' hin m rl·1n .1111, 111 urn u,
Youn~ om·s arl· small .111d till)
Thl '~l' .m· ovip.1rom (wo mh) 11II .111 .,d, ·.111"·,I ,t.1;:<
whcll horn
L:1y ,·gg~ <'lll-lo~,·d in hard 11,hrJ :"
Wh ile ill \\'tlllfh. ti>l'lll' 1, 11,,u
Th l')' arl' pm ll'<'ll·d ill .1 Sj)l' , 111rr, 11!,\?
,hl·ll, 1110tlll'r through .1 ,pn· ,m1
pouch Oil llH>rlll'r\ ahdollll'll
Ali l'f' h.11ch111g. you ng onl'~ pla cen ta
(m arsupi um )
.m· il·,1 011 11101ha·~ milk k T hi~ gro up ot' .11 >ll» .1I, ·" '' ,,uh
Th ey ,ll'l' feel on n1111hl'f'·~ lllll .1, rh,,
For n,.11ll pk , plll)' .1111 ron~i(krl'd .i- trul' 111.1111111.11, 1
l ill the pouch
,•.1tl'f'. (/:',/111/11,1). I )u,·k- hi lln po'-"'" .1II dH· , l1.1r.K1,·n,u , tl'.IW fl'' ·'

pl.rt ypu ,
For ,·x.11llp l,·, k.ll1g.1mll, kol.1
this .-1.i-~
he.1 r, ,·1.-. , ., 1tuu1Jlf
• l'.\,11 11plc. .-.1r. I1,111. 111,111M •
l'lt .

ma mm alia
Fi!Jure 4 34 Cla ssi fica tion of

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