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Calculating Cool:

Building a Scientific
Calculator with
Welcome to the Calculator

In this workshop, we'll learn how to build a

scientific calculator using HTML. Get ready
to dive into the world of web development
and mathematical operations.
Understanding HTML
First, let's brush up on the basics of
HTML. We'll cover tags, elements,
and the structure of a web page.
Don't worry, it's easier than it
Laying the Foundation with HTML
We'll start by creating a simple HTML
form to gather user input. This will be
the building block for our calculator.
Get ready to flex your coding
Styling with CSS Magic
Time to add some flair with CSS! We'll style
our calculator to make it visually appealing
and user-friendly. Let's make it look as cool
as it functions.
JavaScript: The Power
Behind the Calculator
Now, let's bring our calculator to life
with JavaScript. We'll write functions
to perform mathematical
operations and update the display.
Get ready to unleash the magic of
Adding Advanced Functions
We'll level up our calculator by adding
advanced functions like trigonometric
and exponential operations. It's time
to take our calculator to the next
Handling User Input and
Let's ensure our calculator can
handle user input gracefully. We'll
implement input validation to
prevent errors and provide a smooth
user experience.
Responsive Design for
Any Device
We'll make our calculator responsive
to ensure it looks great on any
device. From desktops to
smartphones, our calculator will
adapt seamlessly.
Testing and Debugging Like
a Pro
It's time to put our calculator to the test!
We'll learn effective testing and debugging
techniques to ensure our calculator works
Sharing Your Calculator
with the World
Congratulations! You've built a cool
scientific calculator with HTML, CSS,
and JavaScript. Now, let's explore
how to share it with the world and
make an impact.
You're a Calculator Pro!
You've mastered the art of building a scientific
calculator with HTML. Keep coding, keep
exploring, and keep creating cool projects. The
world is your playground!
Do you have any
+91 620 421 838

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