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Cognitive Brain Research 20 (2004) 256 – 260

Research report
Alpha power dependent light stimulation: dynamics of event-related
(de)synchronization in human electroencephalogram
Michael Woertz a, Gert Pfurtscheller a,b,*, Wolfgang Klimesch c
Department of Medical Informatics, Institute of Biomedical Engineering, University of Technology Graz, Inffeldgasse 16a, Graz 8010, Austria
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Medical Informatics and Neuroinformatics, Graz 8010, Austria
Department of Physiological Psychology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg 5020, Austria
Accepted 18 March 2004

Available online


The desynchronization and resynchronization of alpha oscillations was studied in 10 normal subjects after visual stimulation of both eyes
under two experimental conditions, ‘‘eyes opened’’ and ‘‘eyes closed’’. The electroencephalogram (EEG) was recorded bipolarly over the
occipital area and sampled at 200 Hz. The data was processed in real time and evaluated online. In accordance with the alpha power in the 7
to 13 Hz band, short red light flashes of 10 ms duration were presented at intervals of at least 2 s. This stimulation resulted in an event-related
desynchronization (ERD) followed by resynchronization. Trials were controlled for artifacts, averaged offline, and the amount of event-
related (de)synchronization was calculated. The event-related desynchronization was significantly larger in the eyes open paradigm. In
addition, the latencies of event-related desynchronization and resynchronization maxima were larger in the eyes open paradigm compared to
the eyes closed one.
D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Theme: Sensory systems

Topic: Subcortical visual pathways

Keywords: Alpha rhythm; Visual stimulation; Event-related synchronization; Event-related desynchronization; Feedback stimulation; EEG

1. Introduction Numerous studies have been performed relating presti-

mulus (reference) power to task performance. However,
It is well known that the posterior alpha rhythm is online stimulation paradigms, in which the ongoing EEG
temporarily blocked or desynchronized by visual stimula- is scanned throughout the recording session and stimuli are
tion [1,3]. Although it has been demonstrated that desynch- applied directly depending on determined properties like,
ronization depends on several factors including reference or e.g. alpha amplitude, have rarely been used (e.g. Refs. [2,8]).
resting power, task difficulty, and type of cognitive We investigated the influence of differences in reference
demands, little is known about the dynamics of desynchro- power on the dynamics of alpha power dependent light
nization with respect to natural fluctuations in alpha activity stimulation. The influence of large reference power was
under real-time conditions. In brain computer interface analyzed in an orthogonal design. We distinguished between
(BCI) experiments, the EEG is analyzed in real time [10]. (i) large versus small reference alpha power using subgroups
In a typical design, subjects have to respond mentally to a of trials of each subject (analyzed offline), and (ii) light
visual cue stimulus. It is therefore important to know stimulation during eyes open and eyes closed. The latter
whether the processing of a cue is influenced by ongoing condition is also of importance for BCI research, because in
changes in a subject’s EEG alpha activity. some types of tasks ongoing EEG activity is also analyzed in
periods with closed eyes.
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +43-316-873-5300; fax: +43-316-873-
Alpha power was measured continuously and a visual
5349. stimulus was presented only after the power exceeded a
E-mail address: (G. Pfurtscheller). predetermined threshold during a reference interval. The

0926-6410/$ - see front matter D 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Woertz et al. / Cognitive Brain Research 20 (2004) 256–260 257

threshold for stimulation was determined individually be-

fore subjects performed the eyes open and eyes closed alpha
dependent stimulation task.

2. Materials and methods

Ten healthy subjects, six males and four females, vol-

unteered in this study. After the experiment had been
explained to them, subjects gave their informed written
consent. They were seated in a darkened room. Modified
welding goggles with five red light emitting diodes (ar-
ranged in the form of a cross) on each side were used for
stimulation with 10 ms single flashes. Occipital electroen-
cephalogram (EEG) was measured with two gold scalp
electrodes taking the bipolar difference O1  O2 (distance
5 cm) with reference on the forehead (Fz): (O1  O2) versus
Fz. The EEG signal was filtered between 0.5 and 30 Hz and
sampled at 200 Hz with 50 Hz notch filtering enabled. The Fig. 2. Principle of ERD/ERS calculation using the intertrial variance
real-time alpha oscillation detection was based on band-pass method. First, all trials t(i, j) (i being the trial-index and j the sample-index)
have to be filtered in the selected frequency band. Second, the average over
filtering in the 7 –13 Hz band using a second order Butter- all trials has to be calculated. The subtraction of this mean trial from every
worth filter approximation. Bandpower values were calcu- trial in the third step, squaring, gives the method its name ‘‘intertrial
lated using a time window of 250 ms with overlap N-1 (49 variance’’. Phase locked events, e.g. evoked potentials, are thereby discarded
samples), which means that for each new filtered EEG from the final result. After averaging the squared trials, ERD/ERS is
sample a new bandpower value was determined. In order determined by using a value Tref, which is normally the mean calculated
from a reference interval before the task, respectively, stimulation started.
to trigger a stimulus, the bandpower had to exceed a
predetermined threshold continuously for 250 ms. The subjects were asked to leave their eyes opened during this
threshold was calculated online from the first stimulation- 10-min period with stimulation. In the second recording,
free minute of each measurement and then set to the mean subjects were instructed to keep their eyes closed during the
bandpower value plus two times its standard deviation. 10 min with alpha power dependent stimulation. A refrac-
Subjects were asked to leave their eyes open during this tory period after each stimulation was established to last at
reference period. After determination, this threshold was least 2 s. The stimulation signal was recorded and used as a
kept constant for the rest of the run. The principle of this trigger to divide the filtered EEG data into trials lasting 6 s.
closed loop EEG processing can be viewed in Fig. 1. Artifacts were screened visually. On average, the measure-
In the experiments, two EEG recordings, each of which ment resulted in 84 trials for the eyes open and 93 trials for
lasted 11 min, were taken from subjects. The very first the eyes closed experiment. The calculation of subject
minute of each recording served to calculate the stimulation specific bandpower and event-related desynchronization/
threshold. Then, alpha power dependent stimulation was event-related synchronization (ERD/ERS) results were then
carried out in the remaining 10 min. In the first recording, based on the intertrial variance method [4,7]. The principle
of this method is outlined in Fig. 2. All trials were band-pass
filtered in the 7 –13 Hz band. Afterwards, the average of
these filtered trials was calculated and in the following step
subtracted from each trial separately, which omitted phase
locked events like, e.g. visual evoked potentials. After
squaring and averaging over trials, smoothing with a second
order low-pass filter gave the bandpower results. In order to
calculate ERD/ERS percentages, a reference interval (  1.5
to  0.5 s) before stimulation had to be chosen. The mean
of this interval served as reference value to calculate:

T̄f ðjÞ  T̄ref

ERD=ERS%ðjÞ ¼ ð1Þ
Fig. 1. Principle of closed loop data processing and online stimulation. The T̄ref
EEG signal taken from the subject is first amplified and then fed to a real-
time processing system. The online calculations performed yield the
stimulation signal for the stimulation device (modified welding goggles,
where T̄f( j) represents the average over trials with ( j) being
equipped with light emitting diodes). the sample index and T̄ref the determined reference value.
258 M. Woertz et al. / Cognitive Brain Research 20 (2004) 256–260

Fig. 3. (a,b) Results of the online stimulation after averaging over all subjects. Left panel (a) shows bandpower values in the range from 7 to 13 Hz, right panel
(b) indicates the percentages relative to the reference interval from  1.5 to  0.5 s before stimulation. Thick lines indicate the ‘‘eyes closed’’ experiment
contrasting the ‘‘eyes opened’’ measurement. (c) Outlined curves of measured values for both conditions (eyes opened and eyes closed) with respect to
reference power (small and large). Only the square roots of the mean for reference power, for maximum and minimum peaks and for maximal
resynchronization are given as measured with their timings. Other values in between these characteristic points are linearly interpolated.

For a statistical evaluation, we calculated analyses of latency in a time window of 0 – 500 ms poststimulus, (ii)
variances (ANOVAs) for the following EEG measures (cf. minimum power (‘desynchronization’) peak and latency (in
Fig. 3c), determined individually for each subject and each a time window of 0– 2000 ms poststimulus), (iii) maximal
trial, (i) maximum power (‘synchronization’) peak and resynchronization and latency (in a time window of 0– 2000
M. Woertz et al. / Cognitive Brain Research 20 (2004) 256–260 259

ms poststimulus) and (iv) maximal ERD for minimum REF. Significant effects for factor COND were obtained for
power. EEG measure (iv) is different from (ii) as the the desynchronization peak ( F(1,9) = 14.47; p < 0.01) and its
calculation of ERD scales the change in power. With the latency ( F(1,9) = 7.15; p < 0.05) indicating that the peak has
calculation of percentages, a high reference and high event- smaller power and occurs later in the eyes open as compared
related power gives the same results like a low reference and to the eyes closed condition. Factor REF also reached
low event-related power. significance for the desynchronization peak ( F(1,9) = 7.85;
p < 0.05), but not for its latency, showing that trials with
small reference power have a peak with significantly smaller
3. Results power than trials with large reference power. A significant
influence from factor COND could also be observed for
The average absolute bandpower waveforms of all sub- maximal resynchronization ( F(1,9) = 9.23; p < 0.05) and its
jects and the ERD/ERS curves are depicted for the eyes latency ( F(1,9) = 5.37; p < 0.05) revealing that power during
open and eyes closed condition in Fig. 3a,b. resynchronization is larger and occurs earlier in the eyes
The data show a large increase in power with a maximum closed than in the open condition. No significant interaction
at stimulus presentation and a sharp decline immediately after between COND and REF could be observed in any of the
stimulation under both experimental conditions. The sharp above cases. Finally, for maximal ERD, significant F-values
‘synchronization peak’ is the result of alpha power dependent were observed for all three variance sources, COND
feedback stimulation, i.e. a stimulus is presented only during ( F(1,9) = 10.60; p < 0.01), REF ( F(1,9) = 25.49; p < 0.01),
periods of rising alpha power and after a threshold is and COND  REF ( F(1,9) = 9.83; p < 0.05). These findings
exceeded. Although maximal power during stimulation indicate that desynchronization is larger during eyes open
appears similar in both situations, the extent of desynchroni- and depends on reference power in that large reference
zation and the latency of the resynchronization reveal clear power leads to the strongest event-related desynchronization
differences between eyes open and closed. Because these in the eyes open condition.
differences may be simply due to the larger reference alpha
power level with closed eyes, we differentiated between trials
with small and large reference power (using the mean over all 4. Discussion
trials in each condition and subject as a cutoff score to
generate groups of trials falling below and above the respec- For the closed loop approach (i.e. the alpha power
tive median). Then, ANOVAs with the within subject’s dependent stimulation) used in the present study, we found
factors condition (COND: eyes open versus closed) and different reactivity patterns for light stimulation during
reference power (REF: small versus large) were calculated closed and opened eyes. Whereas desynchronization latency
for the seven dependent measures described above: power varies only as a matter of stimulation condition (eyes open
and latencies of synchronization (i), desynchronization (ii) versus closed) and is generally reduced during eyes closed,
and resynchronization (iii) maxima giving six measures, as power estimates vary as a function of stimulation condition
well as the maximal ERD for desynchronization (iv). Fig. 3c and reference power as well. For ERD, the findings reveal
indicates the measured values (i) –(iii). Given is the square an interesting dissociation with respect to reference power
root of the mean from trials with high and low reference and stimulation condition. First, for the eyes open condition
power averaged over all subjects in both conditions, eyes (with small overall reference power) ERD is significantly
opened and closed. In Table 1, standard errors of the mean of larger than for the eyes closed condition (with large overall
measured peaks and latencies are summarized. reference power). Second, the influence of large versus
The results indicate that neither the synchronization peak small reference power has a significantly stronger enhancing
nor its latency showed any significant effects of COND or influence on ERD for the eyes open condition. In other

Table 1
Standard error of mean (S.E.M.) values for peaks and latencies
Reference Synchronization Sync Desynchronization Desync Resynchronization Resync
(AV) peak (AV) latency (s) peak (AV) latency (s) maximum (AV) latency (s)
Small reference, 4.885 14.468 0.007 2.203 0.023 8.175 0.161
eyes open
Large reference, 7.853 14.654 0.005 2.734 0.032 8.154 0.176
eyes open
Small reference, 5.421 13.107 0.008 4.466 0.032 9.159 0.084
eyes closed
Large reference, 8.835 13.401 0.007 5.265 0.031 11.564 0.112
eyes closed
Given are the S.E.M. values for reference interval, synchronization, desynchronization and resynchronization maxima as depicted in Fig. 3c. S.E.M. values of
peak latencies are given as well.
260 M. Woertz et al. / Cognitive Brain Research 20 (2004) 256–260

words, there is a general tendency that large reference power lular system whereas during closed eyes, the magnocellular
is related to a larger extent of desynchronization (ERD). In system will be primarily activated. The reason for this
studies focusing on cognitive performance, it was shown assumption is that with open eyes, the perception of lines,
that large reference power and a large ERD are closely contours, and colors is possible which is analyzed by the
associated with good performance, whereas small reference parvocellular system whereas with closed eyes, changes in
power and a small ERD are related to comparatively bad brightness are the only feature that can be analyzed. The
performance (for a review see Ref. [5]). Although we are not important point here is that the magnocellular system
able to make inferences about cognitive performance in the responds earlier and faster than the parvocellular system
present study, the finding that ERD depends on the presti- (for a review cf. Ref. [9]). In agreement with this notion, the
mulus reference power is in good line with the general findings demonstrate that the latencies of the de- and
phenomenon that already the prestimulus reference has an resynchronization maxima are significantly reduced during
impact on the extent of ERD. The potential meaning of the stimulation with closed eyes. Future research, however, is
present finding for cognitive processes may be interpreted necessary to further validate this interpretation.
on the basis of the significant interaction between COND
and REF with ERD as a dependent measure. If the extent of
desynchronization in the present paradigm would be influ- Acknowledgements
enced only by the larger stimulus intensity during eyes
open, ERD should be not differentially affected by reference This work was supported in part by the ‘‘Fonds zur
power. Thus, not only stimulus intensity, but also the Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung’’, Project
cognitive state, too (eyes closed may be related to a more P14831.
drowsy state than eyes open), has an impact on the extent of
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