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Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 15 (2) 2020, 465-475

Research Article

Modeling, Evaluating and Scaling up a Commercial

Multilayer Claus Converter Based on Bench Scale
Sepehr Sadighi*, Seyed Reza Seif Mohaddecy, Mehdi Rashidzadeh

Catalysis Development Technologies Division, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), West

Side of Azadi Complex, Tehran, P.O. Box 1485733111, Iran.

2Gas Processing Institute (GPI), Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), West Side of Azadi

Complex, Tehran, P.O. Box 1485733111, Iran.

Received: 6th April 2020; Revised: 23rd May 2020; Accepted: 25th May 2020;
Available online: 30th July 2020; Published regularly: August 2020

Industrial scale reactors work adiabatically and measuring their performance in an isothermal bench
scale reactor is faced with uncertainties. In this research, based on kinetic models previously developed
for alumina and titania commercial Claus catalysts, a multilayer bench scale model is constructed, and
it is applied to simulate the behavior of an industrial scale Claus converter. It is shown that
performing the bench scale isothermal experiments at the temperature of 307 ºC can reliably exhibit
the activity of catalytic layers of an industrial Claus converter operating at the weighted average bed
temperature (WABT) of 289 ºC. Additionally, an adiabatic model is developed for a target industrial
scale Claus reactor, and it is confirmed that this model can accurately predict the temperature, and
molar percentages of H2S and CS2. Based on simulation results, 20% of excess amount of Claus
catalysts should be loaded to compensate their deactivation during the process cycle life. Copyright ©
2020 BCREC Group. All rights reserved

Keywords: Sulfur recovery plant; Claus converter; Catalyst evaluation; Kinetic modeling; Scale up

How to Cite: Sadighi, S., Mohaddecy, S.R.S., Rashidzadeh, M. (2020). Modeling, Evaluating and Scal-
ing up a Commercial Multilayer Claus Converter Based on Bench Scale Experiments. Bulletin of
Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 15(2), 465-475 (doi:10.9767/bcrec.15.2.7521.465-475)


1. Introduction covery unit (SRU) is cherished to convert H2S

and carbon-sulfur compounds coming from the
H2S (hydrogen sulfide) and carbon-sulfur
exhaust of those industries to the elemental sul-
components (such as CS2 and COS) are toxic by-
fur [3,4]. The modified Claus process is conduct-
products of refining natural gas and crude oil,
ed at two steps including thermal and catalytic
and therefore, their entrance in any exhaust gas
stages [5]. The catalytic reactors of a SRU is
is under stiff environmental regulations [1,2].
usually loaded by alumina (Al2O3) and titania
To tackle with this issue, the modified sulfur re-
(TiO2) Claus catalysts (combined bed or multi-
layer configuration) to promote the following re-
* Corresponding Author. actions [6,7]:
Email: (S. Sadighi)

bcrec_7521_2020 Copyright © 2020, BCREC, ISSN 1978-2993, CODEN: BCRECO

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 15 (2), 2020, 466

3 Claus reaction and hydrolysis of COS in their

2 H 2 S + SO2  2 H 2 O + S n , H = −11.85 kcal (1) model [14]. The required kinetic parameters
n mol
were estimated from chemical equilibrium of
CS2 + 2 H 2 O → 2 H 2 S + CO2 , H = 4.54 kcal (2) each reaction according to the mass conserva-
3 tion law and temperature-dependent equilibri-
CS2 + SO2 → CO2 + S n , H = −12.9 kcal (3) um constants. In the other research, Abedini et
n mol
al. proposed a model for rapid estimation of the
Industrial scale reactors usually work adia- produced sulfur in converters of Claus process.
batically, and they are essentially different To simplify the model, they only considered the
from bench or even pilot scale reactors. In the main Claus reaction [15]. Nabikandi and
former, there is a temperature profile along the Fatemi developed a kinetic model for an indus-
catalytic bed whereas in the latter a constant trial scale SRU unit in which main Claus reac-
temperature governs the whole bed. There are tion and hydrolysis of CS2 and COS compounds
many literatures that tried to model a laborato- were included [16]. They recommended that
ry or bench scale and an industrial scale Claus using kinetic based equations for simulating
reactor (called catalytic converter). Kerr et al. SRU was more accurate than using equilibri-
devoted a research on developing a kinetic um (Gibbs free energy minimization) modeling
model for the modified Claus reaction approach. Ghahraloud et al. built a thermal
(Equation 1) in a laboratory scale device, and model and catalytic sections of a commercial
they estimated kinetic parameters for the Ar- scale SRU loaded with alumina catalyst based
rhenius form of its reaction rate [8]. In the on kinetic parameters reported in the litera-
other works, these researches developed a ki- ture. They concluded that s kinetic model could
netic model for COS and CS2 hydrolysis reac- be successfully used to simulate the output
tions [9], and then tried to find a deactivation variables of the target SRU.
mechanism for the Claus catalysts in a labora- Moreover, in the other research accom-
tory scale reactor [10]. plished by these authors, this proposed kinetic
Mendioroz et al. studied the kinetic of modi- model was utilized to simulate the sulfur emis-
fied Claus process on -alumina at low temper- sion of a SRU [18]. Based on simulations re-
ature (100-200 °C) in a bench scale device [11]. sults, it was recommended that by implement-
To develop Langmuir type expression for the ing isothermal reactors instead of adiabatic
main Claus reaction, experiments were carried convertors, less H2S emission (about 1.8%) was
out at the different SO2 and H2S concentra- achievable. In this respect, Sadighi and Mo-
tions. The results showed the chemical reaction haddecy used the solid package of Aspen plus
between adsorbed species, such as H2S as the for simulating and optimizing inlet tempera-
controlling step of the process. Nedez and Ray tures of SRU convertors [19]. By comparing
tried to comprehend mechanisms involved in simulation results with data obtained from the
the deactivation of Claus catalysts based on the under study unit, it was confirmed that using
bench scale experiments [12]. In this research, Aspen plus was reliable for optimizing temper-
a feed containing H2S, SO2, H2O and CS2 was atures of Claus convertors, especially when the
used, and O2 was injected as a deactivation corresponding kinetic constants of the loaded
agent. They discovered that the main cause of commercial catalysts in the convertors of SRU
the deactivation for the Claus alumina catalyst were not available.
was the sulphation of its surface, and it could The aim of this research is to evaluate the
tremendously affect the activity of the catalyst performance of an industrial Claus converter
versus time of the operation. Zagoruiko and by using data obtained from isothermal bench
Matros [13] proposed a mathematical model for scale experiments. To emulate behaviors of a
the main Claus reaction carrying out in a cata- Claus converter in terms of H2S and CS2 con-
lytic reactor under conditions of sulfur conden- versions, a multilayer Claus model is devel-
sation. To construct the model, a Langmuir oped. Next, by using this combined bed model,
type expression was successfully used, and the bed temperature for carrying out bench
based on simulation results, a reverse flow was scale experiments is proposed such that the be-
recommended to regenerate the catalytic bed havior of the Claus converter can be imitated.
which was deactivated by the accumulation of Thereafter, an adiabatic model is developed,
sulfur inside pores of the catalyst. and it is applied to scale up a bench scale reac-
Gemmingen and Lahne developed a kinetic tor to an industrial Claus convertor. Outputs of
model for a Linde Clinsulf process for the sul- this model are validated versus the actual data
fur recovery, and they only included main gathered from a commercial SRU.

Copyright © 2020, BCREC, ISSN 1978-2993

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 15 (2), 2020, 467

2. Materials and Methods version of H2S and SO2. The first Claus reactor
is loaded with separate layers of Al2O3 and
2.1 Process Description of the Understudy In-
TiO2 catalysts at its top and bottom, respec-
dustrial Scale Claus Unit
tively. The gas hourly space velocities (GHSV)
A block flow diagram of the understudy of these layers are about 1050 h-1 and 2100 h-1,
Claus process unit is presented in Figure 1. As respectively. For the understand Claus con-
seen, the acid gas from the upstream is di- verter, the mass of Al2O3 and TiO2 catalysts
rected to the acid gas KO drum D-101. The ex- loaded in the top and bottom layers of the cata-
haust gas from this drum is warmed up to 220 lytic bed are equal to 17900 kg and 12780 kg,
°C in the E-106 by using HP steam, and then it respectively.
is conducted through the reaction furnace (H-
101). The following reaction is carried out in 2.2 Experiments in the Bench Scale System
this unit:
Experiments were carried out in a bench
3 scale plant designed and constructed by Re-
H 2 S + O2 → SO2 + H 2 O (4)
2 search Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI,
Iran) for the purpose of studying the catalytic
The process gas leaving the gas cooler (B-
section of the Claus process. The flow diagram
101) is entered to the first catalytic reactor (R-
of this unit is presented in Figure 2. The reac-
101) with the temperature and pressure of
tor is a tube with the inside diameter of 16 mm
about 250 °C and 1.34 barg, respectively. In
and total length of 2160 mm. For both Al2O3
this reactor, sulfur is produced, and thereafter
and TiO2 catalysts, the first layer (length of 30
it is trapped. Due to the exothermic nature of
Claus reactions, the temperature increases
across the catalytic bed. However, the inlet
Table 1. Specifications of the Claus catalysts
temperature of the reactor should be adjusted
studied [20].
such that its outlet temperature reaches about
310 °C for hydrolyzing COS and CS2 com- Specification Unit Al2O3 TiO2
pounds. The hot gases leaving the first reactor Color - white white
are cooled in a condenser (E-104) by generating Shape - Pellet Bead
LP steam. The condensed sulfur is also sent to Size mm 3-6 3-4
the sulfur degassing pit (T-101). The output
Density kg/m3 680 980
stream of the first Claus reactor is conducted to
the second and third converters to further con- Strength N/cm >12 >70
Specific surface m2/g 300-400 >100

Figure 1. Block flow diagram of the target Claus unit.

Copyright © 2020, BCREC, ISSN 1978-2993

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 15 (2), 2020, 468

mm) is filled with inert -Al2O3 beads to obtain To carry out experiments, the bench scale
a uniform flow and temperature. The middle reactor is loaded with 26.5 cm3 and 13.5 cm3 of
layer is loaded with the catalyst mixed with the Al2O3 and TiO2 catalysts, respectively. To miti-
equal volume of quartz particles, and the re- gate the effect of the wall and diminish the axi-
mained volume of the reactor is charged with al dispersion and back mixing phenomena,
-Al2O3 particles. The specifications of the both catalysts were diluted with the equal vol-
Claus catalysts are presented in Table 1. It ume of quartz. It is obvious that the GHSV of
should be mentioned that catalysts studied in the catalytic bed can be regulated by manipu-
this apparatus were the same types as used in lating the rate of the gases and water injected
the commercial scale Claus converter. by MFCs and micro pump, respectively.
In this unit, temperature along the catalytic
bed is adjusted by using five temperature 2.3 Developing Kinetic Models for the Claus
indicators and controllers (TIC). Additionally, a Reactor
gas chromatograph (GC) with the thermal con-
2.3.1 Kinetic model of the bench scale Claus re-
ductivity detector (TCD) and using helium as a
carrier gas is applied to analyze the various
species in the feed and product (i.e. N2, H2S, Kinetic models of the studied Claus reactor
SO2 and CS2). By using mass flow controllers were previously described in detail [20], and it
(MFCs) and a micro pump for injecting water,
feed ingredients of the bench scale reactor are
set on values similar to those of a Claus con- Table 2. Feed composition of the multi-layer
verter. However, due to limitations in the gas catalytic bed.
analyzing system, carbonyl sulfide (COS) and Compound Mol%
carbon disulfide (CS2) are lumped into a single
compound i.e. CS2. Similarly, CO2 and N2 are ‍CS2+COS 2.05
lumped into N2 component. According to the H2O 25.24
mentioned assumptions, the feed composition is H2S 3.61
adjusted to the values close to the industrial SO2 2.86
scale plant (Table 2).
N2 Balanced

Figure 2. Schematic flow diagram of the bench scale Claus reactor [20].

Copyright © 2020, BCREC, ISSN 1978-2993

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 15 (2), 2020, 469

was confirmed that with an acceptable error, it RCS = rCS (2) + rCS (3) (18)
could certainly predict the H2S and CS2 conver-
2 2 2

sions. The following assumptions were pre- RH O = 2rCS (2) − rH S (1) + rH O (1)
2 2 2 2
sumed in this model: the reactor works in plug
flow regime, activity of Claus catalysts do not RSO = rCS (3) + 0.5rH S (1) − 0.5rH O (1)
2 2 2 2
vary, the reactor is isotherm, and both feed and
product streams behave such an ideal gas. RH 2S
= −2rCS (2) + rH S (1) − rH O (1)
2 2 2
Therefore, rate constants for Equations (1)
to (3) were written as follows [12]: RN = 0
2 (22)
Forward path of the main Claus reaction:
3 1.5 1.5
CH S CSO RS = − rCS (3) − rH S (1) + rH O (1) (23)
rH S (1) = −k1 2 2
(5) n n 2
n 2 2

(1 + K C )
2 2
5 H 2O RCO = −rCS (2) − rCS (3)
2 2 2
Backward path of the main Claus reaction:
rH O (1) = −k2 CH O Csnns1 (6) Kinetic coefficients corresponding to the
2 2
studied Al2O3 and TiO2 catalysts (Table 2) are
And, second & third reactions corresponding to presented in Table 3 [20]. Moreover, XRD
CS2 conversion: analysis of the sulfur produced by Claus cata-
rCS2 (2) = −k3CCS
CH 2O (7) lysts proved that sulfur allotropes have eight
atoms of sulfur (S8) which is consistent with

rCS (3) = −k4 CCS CSO (8) the other research [21]. Therefore, the stoichio-
metric coefficients of sulfur in the kinetic mod-
2 2 2

Besides, kinetic constants of the model were ex- el of Al2O3 and TiO2 catalysts (i.e. n in Equa-
pressed as follows: tions 1 and 3) are equal to eight.
−E In the current study, to develop the multi-
k1 = k01 exp  1 
 RT  (9) layer model for the bench scale reactor, two
k1 distinguished subroutines were constructed for
k2 = (10) Al2O3 and TiO2 layers. These functions were
named Alumina_model and Titania_model, re-
k3 = k03 exp  3  (11) spectively. Hence, Equations (5) to (24) for each
 RT  layer in conjunction with its corresponding ki-
−E netic parameters (Table 3) were implemented
k4 = k04 exp  4 
 RT  (12) and solved in MATLAB programming interface
(MathWorks, 2013). As seen in Figure 3, the
5910 feed of the Claus converter (Table 1) is injected
log K p (T ) = + 1.13  10−3 T − 1.038  ln(T ) (13) to the Alumina subroutine. The product of the
Al2O3 bed is calculated by the Alumina_model,
By considering an infinitesimal volume of cata- and then it is introduced to the Titania section.
lyst inside the reactor, the mass conservation Finally, the output of the multilayer catalytic
was expressed as: bed is determined by the Titania_model.
 ( V .Ci )
QCi V + dV − QCi V  Ri .V = (14)
Table 3. Kinetic parameters estimated for the
And consequently, this equation can be assert- Al2O3 and TiO2 commercial catalysts [20].
ed as follows:
Ci Ri  ave Kinetic parameter Al2O3 TiO2
V mf (15) k01
1.3610-7 15.94105
1 xm ,i E1 (kcal/mol) 7.64 25.05
 ave i (16) k03
123.17103 97.49103
Pi R  E3 (kcal/mol) 12.12 8.68
= Rg T  i ave 
V  mf  (17) k04
  29.13 16.81
In Equation (17), Ri is the reaction rate of all E4 (kcal/mol) 3.5 3.5
components i.e. CS2, H2O, SO2, H2S, N2 and sul-
K5 87.05 218.69
fur through the catalytic bed which was formu-
lated as: ns1 0 0

Copyright © 2020, BCREC, ISSN 1978-2993

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 15 (2), 2020, 470

2.3.2 Kinetic model for the industrial scale re- z (32)

actor tan 1 =
To develop an adiabatic model in this re- z1 = x  tan 1
search, by assuming a variable cross section ar-
z1 = ( 2 R − x )  tan 1 (34)
ea (A) along the x-direction of the horizontal re-
actor (see Figure 4), Equation (17) can be ex-
A2 = z1  l (35)
pressed as below:
A = A1 + 2 A2 (36)
Pi  R .ˆ 
= A R T  i  (25)
x  mf  For the understudy Claus reactor, the
 
values of fixed variables including R, LR, and t,
But, the area cross section of the reactor is
are 1.925 m, 6 m and 0.15 m, respectively. Fi-
sum of the area of the cylindrical (A1) and tori-
nally, to find the temperature profile along the
spherical (A2) sections of the reactor. According
catalytic bed, the heat balance equation is ex-
to the Figures 5 and 6, these variables are ex-
pressed as follows:
pressed as follows [22]:
 = cos −1 1 − x R ) (26)
dT UAext (Text − T ) +  i =1 ( −ri ) −H r
) (37)
 m f , j C p, j
l = 2 R sin  (27) j =1

A1 = LR  l (28)
D  (29)
( RC − Rk )
z = RC − −  ext − t − Rk 
 2 
Dext = 2  R + t (30)
Rk = 3  t (31)

Figure 4. Horizontal view of the industrial

scale Claus reactor.

Figure 5. Cross-section of the industrial scale

Claus reactor.

Figure 3. Diagram of the multilayer Claus bed Figure 6. Torispherical head of the industrial
model. scale Claus reactor.

Copyright © 2020, BCREC, ISSN 1978-2993

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 15 (2), 2020, 471

Because of insulating the Claus reactor, it is ancy can be related to the difference in hydro-
assumed that the overall heat transfer coeffi- dynamic regime and non-linearity of the sys-
cient (U) is equal to zero. Therefore, there is no tem.
heat transfer between the wall of the vessel To find a better temperature for the bench
and the environment, and the converter can be scale equipment, variations of H2S and CS2
modeled as an adiabatic reactor. To develop the contents of the product versus bed temperature
industrial scale adiabatic model, Equations (5) are presented in Figures 7 and 8, respectively.
to (37) were implemented in Matlab environ- As seen, by increasing this variable, the H2S
ment (MathWorks, 2013a), and similar to the content increases due to the exothermic and re-
bench scale multi-layer (combined bed) model, versible nature of the main Claus reaction
they were sequentially solved for Al2O3 and (Equation 1). Conversely, temperature has a
TiO2 catalytic layers using the corresponding negative effect on the CS2 content of the prod-
kinetic parameters (Table 3), fixed variables of uct. Furthermore, as observed in Figure 8, CS2
the industrial scale Claus Converter is effectively converted at the temperatures
(dimensions of converter and volume of cata- higher than 290 °C because of high activity of
lysts), and actual operating conditions (GHSV titania layer at the elevated temperatures [23].
and composition and temperature of feed). In this layer, CS2 conversion is corresponded to
the reactions with both SO2 and H2O
3. Results and Discussions (Equations 2 and 3), and therefore both reac-
tions are active over the titania catalyst.
3.1 Evaluating the Bench Scale Claus Reactor
It is supposed that the relation between the
The temperature of the bench scale reactor CS2 conversion and temperature of the catalyt-
is set on the weighted average bed temperature ic bed is nonlinear due to the different activi-
(WABT) of the industrial scale plant (equal to ties of titania catalyst at low and high temper-
289 °C). The GHSVs of Al2O3 and TiO2 catalytic atures. Hence, if evaluation of the multilayer
beds are set on actual values equal to 1051.9 h-1 catalyst is carried out at the WABT (equal to
and 2105.5 h-1, respectively. According to re- 289 °C), the titania catalyst is not effectively
sults obtained from the proposed combined bed active, and the CS2 conversion is definitely low-
model, it is found that molar percentages of er than the actual value observed in an indus-
H2S and CS2 in the output stream of the bench trial scale reactor. In contrast, in this layer due
scale reactor are 1.28% and 0.14%, respectively. to the exothermic nature of the main Claus re-
Based on data gathered from the industrial action (i.e. Equation 1), H2S is efficiently con-
scale reactor, these values should reach 1.61 verted to sulfur, and therefore its conversion is
mol% and 0.02 mol%, respectively in the prod- obviously higher than the expected value in a
uct of the first converter. Therefore, it is discov- commercial scale converter. Thus, as seen in
ered that evaluating a multilayer Claus bed Figures 7 and 8, at the bed temperature of
(isothermal reactor) at the WABT of an adia- about 307 °C (higher than WABT), H2S and
batic converter cannot accurately reveal the be- CS2 contents of the outlet stream can meet
havior of Claus catalysts in a combined bed their actual values expected in a commercial
configuration. It is supposed that this discrep- scale SRU at the start of run (SOR).

Figure 7. H2S content of product versus tem- Figure 8. CS2 content of product versus temper-
perature of the bench scale reactor. ature of the bench scale reactor.

Copyright © 2020, BCREC, ISSN 1978-2993

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 15 (2), 2020, 472

In Figure 9, variations of CS2 and H2S mole (belongs to R-101). Based on results presented
percentages along the multilayer catalytic bed in Table 5, one can conclude that the developed
at the temperature of 307 ºC is depicted. As adiabatic model is able to calculate the gas con-
seen, the slope of the curve for TiO 2 layer (from centrations and the output flow temperature of
26.5 cm3 to 40 cm3) is larger than that of Al2O3 the target reactor with a reliable accuracy.
catalytic layer (from 0 to 26.5 cm3). This phe- Moreover, it is observed that mole percentages
nomenon proves that TiO 2 catalyst has consid- of CS2 and H2S in the exhaust gas, obtained by
erably higher affinity to convert and hydrolyze the model, is lower and higher than the actual
carbon-sulfur compounds than Al2O3 catalyst, values, respectively. It is supposed that the
and if the converter is totally loaded with the main source of this error is soaring the activity
latter catalyst, the carbon-sulfur content of the of catalyst at the initiation, causing a higher
tail gas will not meet the requirements. Addi- conversion for CS2 compound. As the result, the
tionally, Figure 9 illustrates the generation of temperature rises, and the backward path of
H2S through TiO2 layer because of promoting main Claus reaction is strengthened due to its
the reverse Claus reaction (see Equation 1). exothermic nature. Thus, H2S is generated
Therefore, to compensate the H2S production through TiO2 catalytic layer [20]. Another rea-
through this layer, implementing at least a re- son for this deviation is to model Claus reactor
actor after the first converter is essentially as an adiabatic system. Hence, due to transfer-
needed. It should be recalled that approximate- ring heat from the surface of the converter to
ly all carbon-sulfur compounds are depreciated the environment, there is an inevitable positive
through the first converter, and therefore the error for the outlet temperature computed by
temperature of the second reactor can be re- the adiabatic model.
duced up to the dew point of the elemental sul- Besides, the mole percentages of H2S and
fur. Therefore, H2S conversion increases be- CS2 through the catalytic bed (x-direction) are
cause of the exothermic nature of the main presented in Figures 10 and 11, respectively.
Claus reaction. However, if the temperature As seen, H2S content of the feed decreases
reaches the values lower than sulfur dew point through the first layer of the catalytic bed (i.e.
temperature, it is cultivated, and fills the pores Al2O3); however, through the second layer (i.e.
of the catalyst. Consequently, Claus catalysts TiO2), it goes up due to rising the bed tempera-
are encountered with an accelerated deactiva- ture and promoting the backward main Claus
tion [24,25]. reaction (see Equation 1). Hence, it is essential
to implement another catalytic converter after
3.2 Scale Up the Bench Scale Claus Reactor the first one working at the lower tempera-
tures to efficiently convert H2S in SRUs for sat-
The adiabatic model is run by using actual
isfying the environmental regulations of gas
operating conditions (i.e. feed temperature of
235 °C, feed composition of Table 1, and feed
flow rate of 1225.06 kmol/h), dimensions of
Claus converter and actual volume of catalysts Table 4. H2S and CS2 content of the product
Bench Bench
Component Industrial
scale scale
(mol%) scale
@ 289 °C @ 307 °C
H2S 1.61 1.28 1.58
CS2 0.02 0.14 0.02

Table 5. Comparison between the actual val-

ues and model outputs for the target industrial
scale Claus reactor.
Actual Adiabatic
value model
Reactor temperature
307.6 315.1
H2S in product
1.61 1.99
Figure 9. CS2 and H2S profiles through the cata- (mol%)
lytic bed of bench scale Claus reactor at T = 307 CS2 in product
ºC. 0.118 0.002

Copyright © 2020, BCREC, ISSN 1978-2993

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 15 (2), 2020, 473

emission. Furthermore, Figure 10 demon- bed is presented. As seen, through the Al2O3
strates that at the SOR, a part of Al2O3 catalyt- layer, the temperature increases versus x-
ic layer (from 158 cm to 196 cm) does not play a direction because of the exothermic nature of
significant role in boosting H2S conversion. the main Claus reaction. Then, as seen in Fig-
However, commercial Al2O3 Claus catalysts, ure 11, at the start of the titania layer (length
hastily lose their activity versus time [26], and of 196 cm), by promoting Equations (2) and (3),
therefore this excess volume of catalyst is re- CS2 of the feed which is mostly unconverted in
served to repay the loss of catalyst activity ver- the previous layer (alumina catalyst has low
sus process time (life of the commercial Al2O3 affinity to convert CS2) is exceedingly convert-
catalyst is about three years). ed to H2S, CO2, and elemental sulfur. Thus, the
As presented in Figure 11, the CS2 conver- temperature sharply increases due to the exo-
sion is mainly boosted by the second layer of thermic nature of Equations (1) and (3) (see
the catalytic bed (about 195 cm to 240 cm), and Figure 12), and the probability of collision be-
converting carbon-sulfur compounds will not tween molecules or diffusion of molecules to-
promote without providing TiO2 catalyst at the wards active sites of the catalyst is intensified
bottom of the Claus converter. Additionally, [27]. Afterwards, the rate of the backward
similar to the Al2O3 catalyst, an excess amount Claus reaction (an endothermic reaction, see
of TiO2 catalyst is granted for this layer; how- Equation 1) increases due to the elevated bed
ever, the deactivation rate of TiO2 catalyst is temperature (at the length of 210 cm), and af-
lower (life of the commercial TiO2 catalyst is ter reaching a peak, the temperature slightly
about seven years). Therefore, the height of the decreases along the length of the Claus con-
excess layer is less than 15 cm (from about 225 verter.
cm to 240 cm).
In Figure 12, variations in the profile of the 4. Conclusions
temperature along the length of the catalytic
Carrying out isotherm bench scale experi-
ments under the linearly weighted average
temperature of a commercial Claus converter
(i.e. WABT) imposed inaccuracy to assess activ-
ities of those catalysts. A kinetic-based multi-
layer Claus model confirmed that to compro-
mise between H2S and CS2 conversions of the
isothermal bench scale reactor and those of an
adiabatic Claus converter, experiments should
be done at the temperature of 307 ºC instead of
the WABT of 289 ºC. Moreover, the industrial
scale adiabatic model developed for a real
Claus converter was able to calculate the tem-
perature, and molar percentages of H2S and
CS2 of the product equal to 315.1 °C, 1.99%,
Figure 10. H2S profile through the catalytic bed and 0.002%, respectively. Based on data gath-
of Claus converter. ered from the target SRU, the actual values of

Figure 11. CS2 profile through the catalytic bed Figure 12. Temperature profile through the cat-
of Claus converter. alytic bed of Claus converter.

Copyright © 2020, BCREC, ISSN 1978-2993

Bulletin of Chemical Reaction Engineering & Catalysis, 15 (2), 2020, 474

those variables were 308 °C, 1.61 mol%, and Text Ambient temperature, (K)
0.118 mol%, respectively. It was supposed that U Overall heat transfer coefficient,
the main source of above deviations was the (kcal. m-2.K-1.h-1)
high activity of Claus catalysts during bench V Catalyst bed volume, (m3)
scale experiments. Additionally, the negligence WABT Weighted average bed temperature
of the heat transfer from the surface of the con- (ºC)
verter to the environment (i.e. to consider adia- xm,i Mass fraction of component i, (-)
batic process) exacerbated the heat increase Z Depth of the reactor head, (m)
through the catalytic bed. About 20% of the to- ΔH Reaction heat, (kcal.h-1)
tal catalyst volume was regarded to compen- i Density of component i, (kg.m-3)
sate the loss of catalyst activity during cycle V Volume element of catalyst bed, (m3)
life. ave Average density of the flow through
the catalytic bed at the reaction tem-
Acknowledgement perature, (kg.m-3)
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