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To create a game application you will need:


•Introduction to game creation

1•Write a basic description.

the features and what you want the player to achieve. It's great to have a basic outline of what you
want to do with your game in writing so that you

2•Draw some sketches.

the basic design of the screen the way you want it. It doesn't have to be very detailed, but you
should at least have an idea of where the various elements will be placed on the layout

3•Choose a method to create your game.

Initially, you need to learn the code for ActiopnScript3 to create Flash games. While you can still do
that, there are programs available that can make:

*Using Stencyl*

•step by step

1•Download and install Stencyl. Stencyl is a game creation program that does not require any coding
knowledge. You can use various logical tools to manipulate objects and

2•Create your new game. When you start Stencyl, you will be shown a list of your games. There will
be a few sample games on the list that you can take a look at to see how they work. To start

3•Choose a kit. There are several kits that contain ready-made assets and objects that can help you
quickly get your game up and running. Choose a kit if you want, or choose “Blank Game”

4•Enter your game information. Before you start building your game, you need to enter some

•Name – This is the name of your game. You can change this later to whatever you want.

• size – This is the size of your screen, and is very important because it will affect the art you use.
Since people will usually play your game with their web browsers, measure

5•Get to know the layout. When you first load your game, you will be taken to the Dashboard. This is
where you can see all the scenes for your game and access any resources. You can also change
•Scene – This is the main Dashboard window, and shows the actual game and all assets. Your game
will be a collection of scenes.

•Resources – This is a list of all the objects and assets in your game. This includes actors,
backgrounds, fonts, scenes, logic, sounds, and tilesets. Sources are set in the tree on the left

•Settings – The Game & Settings options let you customize how your game mechanics work,
including controls, gravity, crashes, screen loading and more.

6•Create actors. – An actor is any object that moves or can be interacted with in the game (players,
enemies, doors, etc.) You will need to create an actor for each object in your game. To make

* actors to Groups (Players, Enemies). This will help determine the collision properties of the actor.
Select your actor to open the Actor Editor. Then click the Properties tab, and select

*Choose a behavior (jumping, stepping on, walking). Behavior is what allows your actor to do . Click
on Behaviors, and click on the “+ Add Behavior” button

*Set control. If you are creating a player character, you will want to allow the player to move it.
When you add a Walk behavior, you will be taken to the Walking attributes screen. you bus

* can add lots of behaviors and set what actors can do.

7•crate a scene. The scene is what the player sees while playing the game. This is the background, as
well as any visible objects and actors. To create a new scene, click the Scenes option

•Background – Your scene will be resized automatically, so you don't have to worry about that for
now. You can choose to use a color as the background

•Place tiles – The tilesets included in your kit will load on the right side of the window. Click the
Pencil tool on the left menu, then click the tile you want to use. You can then put u

•Put the actor. Click the Actors tab above your tileset to switch to your available actors. You must
create one beforehand in order for it to appear in this list. Click the actor you want

•Added gravity. Click the “Physics” tab at the top of the window, then enter a value into the
“Gravity (Vertical)” box. Entering 85 will simulate real earth gravity.

8• test. Once you've created the scene and put in some actors, you can test the game. Click the
“Test Game” button at the top of the screen to play what you have now created. You can use

*Look for any aspect that isn't working, and try to fix it. For example, is the enemy behaving
properly? Can you beat the enemy? Is there a platform that can't be reached or

9• more. Now that you have a working and playable scene, it's time to build the whole game. Add
levels and challenges, and keep testing your add-ons to make sure it works

10• Lock your game. If you will be uploading the game on a site that hosts Flash games, or uploading
it to your own site, you should use “Site Lock”. This will prevent your game from being downloaded

11• games as Flash. Once you are happy with your game, you can export it to Flash format. This will
allow you to upload the game to a site that hosts Flash games, or to a site

Publish games. Once you have a Flash (.SWF) file, you can upload it to a site of your choice. There
are several sites online that host Flash games, and some may even allow A

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