Reviewr - Kervin

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1. After a month of going to school, Margarette has saved money from her daily allowance. She wants to
put the money to her existing bank account. What kind of form is she going to fill-out?
A. Bank Deposit Slip C. Personal Data Sheet
B. Bank Withdrawal Slip D. Student Information Form

2. Important and accurate information are supplied in filling-out a form. What information is needed
when filling-in the name of the person to be notified in case of emergency?
A. the complete name of the father and mother
B. the name of the class adviser and the school address
C. the occupation of the parents including their workplace
D. the name of the person to be contacted in case something bad happens

3. Schools use different forms as tools to gather information. What form is filled out when a learner wants
to join in a specific club like English Club, Math Club, etc.?
A. Co-curricular Club Application Form
B. Curricular Club Application Form
C. Pupil's Identification Card
D. Pupil's Information Sheet

4. Dictionaries, thesaurus and/or online resources make us understand the meaning of words. Which
among the three is a book of words and their synonyms?
A. almanac B. dictionary C. online resource D. thesaurus!

5. These are words or phrases within a text that writers and speakers use to help explain the meaning of
unfamiliar words. What is this called?
A. context clues B. definition C. examples D. Solution
D. resources

6. What do you call an adverb which shows how often a thing is done?
A. adverb of frequency C. adverb of time
B. adverb of intensity D. adverb of manner

7. It is a change which is a result or a consequence of an action.

A. cause B. effect C. problem

8. Jocelle is fond of reading newspapers especially the sports page. In the sports news, Hidilyn Diaz was
hailed as the first Filipina athlete who brought the first gold medal in the make history for the country.
Choose the coordinating conjunction to complete the sentence.
A. and B. but C. for D. or

9. Nowadays, online learning is enjoyed by our learners. Online resources are good for student learning
A. using online resources is a trend
B. students can access their lessons at any time of day or night
C. students can take more time to reflect on some materials before moving to the next
D. Both B and C are correct.
10. Daniel expressed remorse over the death of her pet, which he had left when he had his vacation. What
does the underlined word mean?
A. sorry or sadness B. argument
B. comment
C. happiness
11. You should do something with your cable TV. Only the video is clear. The sound and conversations
are almost inaudible. Give the best definition of the underlined word.
A. weak and dizzy C. unable to be heard
B. lacking in strength D. whistling sound

12. One of the reminders of Dr. De Guzman to his patients is to cover their mouth and nose with a tissue
or sleeve coughing or sneezing. Supply the appropriate conjunction to complete the sentence.
A. although B. how C. unless D. when

13. Why is the sentence below called a complex sentence? "While playing football, the ball thrown by my
friend hit the boy crossing the street."
A. It has no dependent clauses.
B. It connects two independent clauses
C. It consists of just one independent clause.
D. It combines a dependent clause with an independent clause

14. In the sentence "Our faucet has a leak, so the plumber came to fix it." Which part of the sentence
states the problem?
A. the plumber came
B. Our faucet has a leak
C. so the plumber came to fix it
D. has a leak so the plumber came

15. "There was insufficient supply of food, so the rich man donated sacks of rice." Which part is the
A. supply of food C. There was insufficient supply of food
B. the rich man donated D. the rich man donated sacks of rice

Study the dictionary entry below. Then answer the questions that follow. Write only the letter of the
correct answer.
Volcano (val ka'no) noun. a vent in Earth's crust through which molten lava and gases are ejected;
Taal Volcano is the world's smallest active volcano.

16. How many syllables are there in the word volcano?

A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4

17. Which of the following shows the correct pronunciation of the word?
A. vol cano B. volc a no C. vol ka no D. val ka no

18. What is written right after the definition?

A. sample sentence C. syllabication
B. pronunciation D. synonyms

19. Over the years, their mining industry had become unprofitable. This was the reason why they
migrated to another place. What word has the same meaning as unprofitable?
A. fruitful B. gainful C. successful D. unproductive

20. Edgar dreams of life as a bed of roses - having lots of money, many cars, and everything he desires.
What kind of life is he dreaming?
A. comfortable living B. full of challenges C. full of struggles D. unpleasant life
21. Which of the following is a simple sentence?
A. I like coffee and Mary likes tea.
B. Our car broke down; we came last.
C. The delivery man was the first to knock on my door.
D. Even though we are rich, we drive antique cars.

22. You accidentally hit your classmate with your bag. What will you tell her using a simple sentence?
A. I am so sorry, classmate.
B. Oh, I'm sorry because I hit you.
C. For what I have done, please forgive me.
D. Please forgive me for I've been so clumsy.

23. You meet an old friend along the corridor. Which is a proper greeting using a complex sentence?
A. How are you, my friend?
B. I am happy because we meet again
C. It's been a long time, my old friend.
. D. I'm happy to see you after a long time.

24. Which of the following is a complex sentence that shows cause and effect?
A. I got tummy ache when I ate too much ice cream.
B. The child cannot reach the fruit, so he got a ladder.
C. I was soaking wet, so I changed my clothes immediately.
D. Skin rashes appear during summer, so we need to avoid the sun.

25. Which of the following sentences does NOT show cause and effect relationship?
A. My clothes got dirty because of the oil spill.
B. I flipped the light switch that's why the light came on.
C. He insulted his neighbor so his neighbor became angry.
D. My tooth really ached before I went to the dentist.

26 Which sentence shows problem-solution relationship?

A. I ate tons of chocolates so now I feel sick.
B. Their plan A didn't work that's why they decided to do plan B.
C. She never gave up on her writing, and now she's published a book!
D. Since I was up all night with my sick child, I'm exhausted this morning

27. Which of the following sentences is correctly formed?

A. Dina waters the plant in the garden daily.
B. Dina watered the plants in the garden daily.
C. Dina will water the plant yesterday.
D. Dina waters the plan tomorrow.

28. The following statements show the correct form of subject-verb agreement except for one. Which is
A. Filipinos are known for helping one another through the "Bayanihan" spirit.
B. Either the president on the scientists support the ambitious dream of reaching the planet Mars.
C. The Grade 6 pupils, together with their teacher, visit the planetariurn every now and then.
D. The fiesta committee, along with the barangay captain, find ways to help people celebrate
fiesta even in this time of pandemic.

29. The following statements shows correct usage of coordinating conjunction EXCEPT one. Which is it?
A. When they arrive, the food was already served.
B. Either the teacher or the pupils will visit the library.
C. Diana wants to buy gift for her teacher, but she forgets her money at home.
D. The pupils attend flag ceremony every Monday and wear their complete uniform.
30. Anne submitted her project completely. She extremely made her full effort to finish it on time. She
will absolutely receive a good grade for her work. What kind of adverb is used in the sentences?
A. adverb of frequency
B. adverb of intensity
C. adverb of manner
D. adverb of time

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