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Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Repair and Termination
Table of Contents

DepEd Competency 1

Objective 1

Learning Content 1
Topic 1
Materials 1
Reference 1
Time Frame 2

Learning Activities 2

Essential Question 2
Motivation 2
Warm-Up! 2
Lesson Proper 2
Springboard 2
Review 3
Presentation of Lesson 3
Discussion 3

Evaluation 8
Drills 8

Values Integration 10

Synthesis 10
Synthesis Activity 10
Possible Answers to the Essential Question 12

Assignment 12

Bibliography 14
Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Unit 8 | Types of Communication Strategies

Lesson 4: Repair and Termination

DepEd Competency
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to engage in a communicative
situation using acceptable, polite, and meaningful communicative strategies

In this lesson, you should be able to employ solutions to repair or terminate
discussions when violations are committed.

Learning Content

Repair and Termination

● Presentation slides
● Copies of the drills

● Quipper Study Guide Oral Communication in Context Unit 8 Lesson 4: Repair and

Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Time Frame
120 minutes

Learning Activities

Essential Question
1. If using technology, refer to slide 5 of the slide presentation.
2. If not using technology, write it on the board.
“What makes repair and termination important communication strategies?”
3. Call on a few students to give responses. Make sure to elicit enough responses to
gauge what students know about repair and termination and why these are
important strategies in communication.

1. If using technology, refer to slide 6 of the slide presentation.
2. Ask the students to do the following:
3. From the previous discussion about the different violations in communication
situations, brainstorm and fill out a cluster chart with ideas on how to repair and
terminate conversations.
4. Ask some students to share their answers with the class.

Lesson Proper
After the warm-up activity, you may introduce the lesson by saying:
“In the activity, you reviewed violations in topic control and topic shifting and
related those to repair and termination. Today, we are going to discuss repair and
termination as communication strategies.”

Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Before starting the discussion, do a review on the concept of repair and
termination. You may say or do the following:
1. “Before we continue our lesson, let us talk about the meaning of repair and
2. Ask the students to state what they recall about the given word. Then, write
the following definition on the board:
3. “Repair means fixing one problem. Termination means stopping or ending
something. These are communicative strategies that are employed through
different verbal and nonverbal cues.”
4. If using technology, refer to slide 7 instead.
5. You may also ask your students to recall the other types of communication
strategies and write them down on the board.

Presentation of Lesson
1. After discussing the review of the lesson and getting insight on what the
students know about the topic, proceed to the lesson proper. Discuss the
information contained in the study guide.
2. If using technology, start from slide 9 of the slide presentation.
Presentation File Link

Repair and termination are communication strategies used to fix violations in various
communication situations. These are the strategies that can be employed when
experiencing communication breakdowns in a conversation.

Repair was first defined by Schegloff, Jefferson, and Sacks (1977) as the set of practices
whereby a participant interrupts the ongoing course of action to attend to possible trouble
in speaking, hearing, or understanding the talk. However, the practice of repairing
conversations can also extend to fixing other violations.

Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Termination, on the other hand, refers to the participants’ use of expressions to end the
conversation. A termination can be done verbally or nonverbally.

Types of Repair
The types of conversation repair are determined by who initiates the repair and by who
resolves the problem. The types of repair are the following:
a. Self-initiated repair
This type of repair is initiated and fixed by the speaker of the trouble source. This is
often carried out when the speaker corrects himself or herself or when he or she
cannot find the right word but then is able to find it after a short pause.
b. Other-initiated self-repair
This type of repair is initiated by another participant but is fixed by the speaker of
the trouble source. This typically occurs when another participant could not hear
the speaker or has misunderstood the speaker.
c. Self-initiated other-repair
This type of repair is initiated by the speaker of the trouble source but is fixed by
another participant. Often, this happens when the speaker could not find the right
word or phrase and another participant supplies it in the conversation.
d. Other-initiated other-repair
This type of repair is both fixed and initiated by another participant. This usually
occurs when the speaker misarticulates something or says wrong information,
which prompts another participant to correct him or her.

Here is a sample conversation that makes use of repair:

Louisa: You should come over to our house tomorrow. Mom said she will
prepare seafood paella for dinner.

Gian: (Looks confused) I am sorry. What did you say about dinner? Seafood

Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Louisa: I said, mom will prepare seafood paella for dinner tomorrow.

Gian: Oh, sure! I’ll be there.

In the given conversation, self-initiated other repair is observed. Gian told Louisa that he
did not quite get what she said about the food that her Mom is going to prepare. In return,
Louisa restated what food would be prepared.

When repairing other violations in the communication situation, the speaker has to do so
cautiously, without being rude. Here are some guidelines on how to repair or terminate:
a. Recognizing the violation is the first step to repairing a conversation. When a
participant interrupts or overlaps, the main speaker should recognize this situation
and address it briefly. For example, the speaker can say, “I appreciate your input.
Let’s discuss that once we are done addressing this particular topic.”
b. Shifting back to the main topic is the next step after recognition. One may use
verbal cues such as anyway, going back, or as I was saying.
c. Asking leading questions is necessary to let other participants know that they have
returned to the original topic. Yes-no questions are usually used to confirm
understanding among members.
d. After disregarding unnecessary topics or once the participants have said what they
want to say at that time, the conversation may already be terminated. This can be
done by taking a break, rescheduling the discussion, or by simply using
statements that signal the end of the interaction.

Here is a sample conversation that makes use of both repair and termination:

Angelo: I think we should already prepare our summer outing. What do you

Sam: I agree with you. Where do you think should we go this time?

Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Pia: I think we should go to Siargao. I have learned that-

Ryan: Siargao is nice, but what about Palawan?

(Sam and Ryan started talking about the things they want to do in Palawan.)

Angelo: Guys, wait. Let’s listen to Pia first. Let’s see what we can expect in
going to Siargao.

(Angelo, Sam, and Ryan listened to Pia’s comments about Siargao.)

Angelo: I think it is final; we will go to Siargao.

Sam: Yes, Siargao it is.

Ryan: Can we just continue the following details tomorrow? I need to go


Pia: Me too. We should go home already.

Angelo: Okay. Bye, guys!

In the given communication situation, Ryan grabs the floor from Pia. Another violation,
overlapping, occurs when Ryan and Sam speak at the same time. Angelo repairs the
conversation by asking the other participants to listen to Pia first. The conversation ended
properly because of the expressions they used to signal termination.

Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Guidelines in Repair and Termination

Guidelines in Repair and
Examples of Verbal
Communication Situations

Thanking a teacher
1. Be polite when
- Greeting your teacher after
terminating a discussion
class and thanking him or her is Goodbye and thank you
especially if the speech is
a simple example of

2. Ensure that the correction Informative Speeches

done in the repair - As informative speeches are
What I mean is that
communicative strategy is merely technical in nature, it is
concise but clear. inevitable to experience repairs.

3. Consider the context of

the speaking situation when
Casual conversations with peers
using the communication What I am saying is
- This situation may both use
strategies. That is, use
repair and termination,
formal language for formal
especially that the speaker is
context and informal or I’ll see you again
more comfortable speaking or
casual language as tomorrow!
using informal language.
preferred when in an
informal context.

Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Ask the students to work on the following exercises. You may print out copies from

Identify whether the communication strategy used in the given situation or

line is repair, termination, or neither of the two. Write R, T, or N,

1. Sarah couldn’t remember a certain word she was about to say, and her friend
said it for her. (R)
2. “Hey, let’s just continue discussing this tomorrow. I have to head home.” (T)
3. “Hi! I haven’t seen you in so long! We have so much to catch up on.” (N)
4. While answering a question, Jonathan stuttered but immediately corrected
himself. (R)
5. The teacher made sure that the students did not deviate from the main topic. (N)
6. Carrie didn’t know much about the topic, so she steered the conversation toward
a topic that she was more comfortable discussing. (N)
7. “That would be it for today. See you tomorrow.” (T)
8. “Let’s talk about this later, okay? For now, I have to get to class.” (T)
9. “Have you seen Mandy . . . I mean . . . Randy?” (R)
10. “Did you mean to say ‘resuscitate’?” (R)

Answer the following writing prompts.

1. What are the possible violations when using repair and termination?
2. What is the relationship between verbal fillers and repairs?
3. In one paragraph, answer the question: What are the advantages and disadvantages
of using repair and termination in communication?

Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Table 8.4.1. Output-based Rubric for Drills (Part II)

Criteria Does Not Meet Nearly Meets Meets Exceeds

Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
1 2 3 4

Content (50%) The written The written The written The written
Clear answers output lacks output is output is output is
on the focus on the partially focused on focused on
questions and questions and focused on the the questions the questions
presence of does not have questions and and and
relevant relevant there are substantiated well-substant
supporting supporting some with relevant iated with
details details. supporting supporting highly
details that are details. relevant
irrelevant. supporting

Organization The ideas lack The ideas are The ideas are The ideas are
(30%) organization somewhat sufficiently exceptionally
Clarity and and organized, organized, well
coherence of coherence. coherently mostly organized,
ideas The structure developed and coherently coherently
of the answer easy to follow. developed and developed and
is hard to easy to follow. easy to follow.

Language Use There are four There are two There is one There are no
(20%) or more to three language language
Accuracy of language language error. errors.
spelling, errors. errors.
and word

Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Values Integration
Ask the students the following question to help them connect the lesson to real-world
situations: “What are the benefits of self-correcting?”

Synthesis Activity
1. Divide the class into five groups.
2. Have the students pretend that they are working in a publishing company and are
tasked to create comics for a project.
3. Let them decide on the genre, topic, characters, conflict, and other elements of
their writing and drawing.
4. The comic strip should adhere to the following guidelines:
● The comics should be written on a short bond paper.
● The output should be limited to 4 pages.
● The output should integrate and discuss the types of communication
5. Ask the students to share their outputs with the class.
6. After the activity, ask the students the following:
● What did you enjoy in the activity?
● What is the main idea of your comics?
● What communication strategies are used in your scripts? How were these
● How did the use of the communication strategies help you in doing the

Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Table 8.4.2. Output-based Rubric for Synthesis Activity

Criteria Does Not Meet Nearly Meets Meets Exceeds

Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
1 2 3 4

Content (30%) The topic of The topic of The topic of The topic of
The relevance of the comic strip the comic strip the comic strip the comic strip
the comic strip to
the topic is not is somewhat is engaging. is very
engaging. engaging. engaging.

Structure One or no Two Three Four

(20%) communicatio communicatio communicatio communicatio
The presence of
the four
n strategies n strategies n strategies n strategies
communication are used in the are used in the are used in the are used in the
comic strip. comic strip. comic strip. comic strip.

Organization The ideas in The The The

(20%) the comic strip organization of organization of organization of
The organization
and logical
are not ideas in the ideas in the ideas in the
progression of well-organize comic strip comic strip is comic strip is
d and are may be easy to follow effortless to
difficult to challenging and follow and
understand. for high school understand. understand
students to

Creativity The The The The

(20%) illustrations, illustrations, illustrations, illustrations,
The creative
presentation of
graphics, and graphics, and graphics, and graphics, and
the comic strip captions lack captions captions captions
creativity. observe a observe observe an
minimal level creativity. exceptional
of creativity. level of

Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies


Language Use There are four There are two There is one There are no
(10%) or more to three language language
language language error. errors.
grammar, and errors. errors.
word usage

Possible Answers to the Essential Question

Possible answer 1: The repair communication strategy is important because it shows
the speaker’s knowledge and credibility. Although the repair literally means that the
speaker committed a mistake, the term also implies that such a mistake is fixed.

Possible answer 2: Termination is an important communication strategy because it

serves as a signal to the listener or receiver of the message to conclude or end the

Possible answer 3: Repair and termination, as communication strategies, are very

important because they help in overcoming communication breakdowns and achieving
the purpose of communication.

On a long bond paper, the students are tasked to do the following:
1. Make an editorial cartoon that reflects a national issue and presents a certain repair
or termination done in communication. For example, an editorial cartoon of the
president’s secretary justifying his words or actions is an example of repair.
2. On the same paper, students construct a title and a one-paragraph explanation of
their drawing.

Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Table 8.4.3. Output-based Rubric for Assignment

Criteria Does Not Meet Nearly Meets Meets Exceeds

Expectations Expectations Expectations Expectations
1 2 3 4

Content (50%) The editorial The editorial The editorial The editorial
The relevance of cartoon is not cartoon is cartoon is cartoon is very
the editorial relevant to the somewhat relevant to relevant to the
cartoon to the topic. relevant to the the topic. topic.
The The The explanation is
explanation is explanation is explanation is very clear.
unclear. somewhat sufficiently
clear. clear.

Organization There is no There is a There is a There is a very

(20%) logical somewhat logical logical
The organization progression of logical progression of progression of
and logical detail. The progression of details. The details. The
progression of transitions details. The transitions transitions
between ideas transitions between ideas between ideas
are not between ideas are seamless. are very
seamless. are somewhat seamless.

Language Use There are four There are two There is one There are no
(10%) or more to three language error. language
language language errors.
grammar, and errors. errors.
word usage

Web Box
You may suggest this site to help the students get ideas and guide them in drawing
the editorial cartoon.

Grade 11 • Unit 8: Types of Communication Strategies

Devito, Joseph A. 50 Communication Strategies. Bloomington, IN: IUniverse, Inc., 2012.

Padilla, Mely, Ligaya C. Bicomong, Hilaria P. Dato-on, Ma. Anniedith B. Rosario, and Leticia L.
Sabornido. Speech for Effective Communication. Meycauayan, Bulacan: Trinitas
Publishing, Inc., 2003.

Schegloff, Emanuel A., Gail Jefferson, and Harvey Sacks. “The Preference for Self-Correction in
the Organization of Repair in Conversation.” Language 53, no. 2 (June 1977): 361-82.


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