Selasa B. Inggris Kelas 2 Sma

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Selasa, 05 Desember 2023

Reading :

174-06 Parkside Avenue

Brooklyn, NY 10036

March 05 December 2023

Mr. Jay McDonald
PO Box 356
Pansonia Station
New York, NY 10011

Dear Mr. McDonal,

I am replying to an advertisement for warehouse help that

appeared in the New York post on December 04, 2023.
Since graduating from high school in 2022. i have gained
valuable experiences in warehouse work. In one of my jobs, I
worked as a warehouse clerk for wide import/export companies.
In another, i worked at a lumber warehouse in yard work. In
addition, the plumbing business is one with which I am already
somewhat familiar. My uncle is an experienced plumber, and
when I were in high school, I did somde informal work with him
as an assistant in order to earn some wxtra cash. I belive my
experiences would make me a valuable employer.
I would appreciate the opportunity to come in for an
inteview and to talk with you further about my qualifications. I
do not have a telephone, but you can leave a massage for me at
(718)330-0911, or at the above address. A copy of my resume is

Your sincelery,

Nelson James

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