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57 ExG21.1 For a pall plete capacitor, aroa of plato ‘i=-120 em, spacing between tho, plates, d= 5 fom, ‘eporalod by a didlectic of; ='12) connected to 40V Jagan isso ') Capactancs {iy D> sic Ener stored in captor f Sol Given A= 120en? «120% 104? d= Smm=5% 107m e=2 “ov Capacitance lua Semp apacio x) Laplace and Poisson's Equations, dv) Energy stored Is given bys Lo we 4 assy or? x (407 = 204x107 We aad on we toy =f xoxo a0 = 204x107 Ws 204ay ExS2.2:LetAs 1206m?, duSmmande, = 12iora paral plate capactor. (@ Calculate the capacitance, EGA (i) Altor connecting a 40 V battery across tno capacitor, mG *~ galgulato€, D, Q and total electrostatic enorgy. 38542 1071120120 10-4 {(i) "The source is now removed and the dielectric is 3x10 lly withdrawn from the plates. Calculate €, D, Q = 25499 x 10 F | and energy. = 255x101 {s) Whatis the vatiago batwaon ho plates. 255x110 2 = 255 pF Soln.: Qi) Tofind :E Given: A Q cy a Q=cv = 255x107 x40 om = 2x10 (Capacitance of a parallel plate capacttor Is Q= 1020c . ce So€,A wu BeY . 7 Tt m Era” Sos = ASSdx 10? 12x 120% 104 E = 8x10 Vim Sx 107 1 B= 8kvim © = 255 pF (uw) Toma :D w c-2 v De eeek 8.854x 10°? 1 gee = 885410 12x81 = 255x107? x. 2D = 84998 uCin? i “Q = 12nc @ scanned with OKEN Scanner SF _Eloctromagnotic Fiold Theory (SPPU) 5-8 + Bs 8kvim Deen = e9e,-E = 8.854% 102 12x s000 2D = 849.98 nCim? W (stored energy) = dev? = beassir x op ow (il) To find : Q, D, E,W 2043 ‘The charge remains same even alter the dielectie ‘medium is removed, Q = w2axw'¢ (lv) Voltage between plates, y Bay Vs Exd = 96% 10? x 5x 10-9 V = 4t0y Ex. 62.7 Apaatl pina casio contains trae lect ayer, Fng Capacitance (1) The porcontago of total stored enorgy located In each of tho tho regons shown in Fig. P.5.23, S=20em* Fig. P.6.23 Soin. () Capacitance ‘The symbolic representation ofthe diagram i od “t 15 2026 10% T Fig. P.5.2.3(0) ‘The capacitors C,,C, and C, are connected in series c, = San _ 8858x102 x 1x29. 10-4 020% 107 pa D _ 80x10 © & ~ 8854x1072 2B = 96kVIm Love doy . 192 Wotord energy) = dev? Lay «4 Since Voltage (V) has changed, we will se, 1g Were ¢ Atw, ¢ = SH LQ xa WDE A” Bega x10 © 2x 8.854. x 107? x 120x 104 48x 10%) W = 24481 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 5-0 {Laplace and Polsson's Equati (lv) Votinge between plates, y pad V = Exg = 96% 109 x5 x 19-3 v= soy £8237 Apia pa pcre aa coarser deacon Fes Te 888 0) Capecence (i) Tho percentage of total | stored or toto reper nergy located in each of S=200m? Fig. P.82.3 Soln. +) Capacitance “The rymboli representation of the diagram is, sok gaan 0 ood gessestn t Fig. P.523(6) “The capacitors C, Cand Care connected in srs Gy = 8854eF eaSa _ gisax 10-22% 20% 104 ed 03x10 Cy = 11805 pF WF _Etectrom: ignetio Fold Theory (SPPU) 58 So8aA _ asssx 10x 3%20%104 4” ax 10> C= 132.81 pF ‘The equivalent capacitance for w series connection is siven by, zt arg 1 1 * asx to *Trsasa = 36.3 pF (1) nergy stored ina capacior i given by, ‘imanao® Pe Pe Joya Ww, = fev" Since, tHe 2 series connection, voltages wil be diferent but the charge willbe same. Ex. 824: ( coatil ey dimensions, Son: sc evince (wevatuntistmincsS > v «8 te Tale sre hen, Thea 1g Wer = 20, trey sorting tent The tg Pecatagl eared en ghey, seeveict Inevnd = BOA mesisre Simp vr oredn elon-2 , it Se yy « 668" 109 = BEIT oy rosy _ Sita rocnapemeny sein ssn-3ie | ant Ss 2 Sy - 2680 <1 132.81 x 19712* 100 = m9 eee eee @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Lapl a cw » 5.12 ster ehow $= 30 met —_ t ee Laplace and Poleson's Equations fasah Similaly Cp = “PS Peete 25x10 = 63.7488 pF Now equivalent capactiancels, 2 ett eq 7 CTC aaa TE aq = 254995 nF 25A9959F quation of capacitance using > Looeusfasonentons > 1h Winston we wi_deive format fof Caactance of folowing geomettc shapes ung Laplace's and Polson's Equation Parallel Pate Capacitor spherical Cpactor 3. Corn Cable Copactor 5.3.1 Parallel Plate Capacitor c= (a, Derive expression for partial plate capacor wing Laplace's equation, (GRPU- Dee: 12,6 aka) = Conalder @ parallel plate Capacitor separated by 3 of + ee dx ae W_Electromagnotic Fld Thoory (SPPU) 5:19 re oneranduper lates be at poentis orand | — SPH "vivo respective = taplacet equation ln Cartesian oF FECBMBUET | Hg co-ordinate systems een bY, 2 Fv AY .g sa | - webn vy = SoD partion of the plate Is alone 29x = Inthe figure, the of’ on. hich means that the veltage sa functon. quton (5.3.1) becomes = sie, vy -Efeo 639 = tera both sles wr weet, ay, fare» foe biter Beg Wher, = Constant of negation atin a = ae (5348) = megraungwirt ewe, Jov = few ae v= Geecy ‘Wher, Cy = Conon integration a = ues of, and cm be found wing the boundary | sme conditions. Png in Eastin (5.5, 0 = Gm+c, = sure Gro 830 | pont preg Vev Putting in Equation (5.3.5), - Tanne Via Cydec, f$.3.7) ba ° ve abe (5.3.8) ee (53.9) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner B = Zz 519 Lepace and Pousn's Eaton’ sO and | ~ Tiosning he values of, and In Equation (52.5) ¥ 19330” vede (5310 cemeaee | ‘This equation gives the potential at ary Point between thepites. 1331) |= wersowsta, --0v saan song 2s fe ws 5 Ba] cou 1 ont [ata is, BH) = sce witage vag long wea om Ee a, (3313) Xx, veds Diente wet. 633) 319 638) ens 639 516 = Wetrw tat the magne of et fx dens ve boundary | sve stb sce hrg et) >22 and ay= 0 ‘Maxwell's equation for good conductors Is shown in Table 65.2. Tobie Point form” @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 6.22 _ Time Varying Electromag. Fields : Maxwell Equations 19 _Glectomagrets Feld Theory (SPPU) me 5 Derivation i.e be ii oe = According to Manvel’ equation for tine varying felts, a ey 810° sin (10%t—0012) = * 5 suo e 7 Be sin toe-001.29, Toone ab en eee 7 Fe ont Given equation of Bis, Tung dot produet of oth ses wth E, B = s00.into®t-o012) 3, (at = 8 coxi-é 2) (660 | — suse Comparing Euatons (8) and), we ge = ving RETEST Euston Rese, = Bonide H-coxb-v-Exid) . “Substituting in Equation (6.6.4), we get. sx ort Boost 107 RSET ET = fi-(7xB-v-€ e, = 89877 1663) é 6.6 _ Power and Poynting Theorem -oat2] PPS Coa fa. What is Boyaiing voctor:? Derive the expression for (SPPU- Doc. 12,8 Marke) Bi »} 2 AGPPU Dee! ay 16, May. 18, Using ae 7 ee. 1 may 1, Ooo. 19,4 haha) tosuitcel Whalis Poynitog vector 2°05 9" es in Bunion (66.7). wet, a 5 (GP PU: Deo, 16006172 Marks) = H-(-2nil) -0- extn J nt of Poynting Theorem Porting theorem stay : Setting fe wector product of electric ft intnsty End Indore i irra Hot ny gl the meas of te |rave of energy flow per unit area at that pont. ‘Mathematically, ean be expressed 35, i, ae : . a (Fa baionmt or wn’) 6 ene eed | oc f where, P= Power low ore of ery ow per diferertavon we get athemat f sitar power tow eon omg hel B = Precio Wet nensy Magnetic eld intensity — I +— @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Electromagnetic Fold Theory (SPPU) 3 _ Time Varying Electromag, Flos : Maxwell Equations, Derivation ~ According to Maxwell's equation for time varying flelds, ~ Taking dot product of both sides with , exes ~ Using the veetor entity E.(xii)= -(VxB-v-Exip) 665) ‘Substituting in Equation (6.64), we get, equation, we have, id B= pi 20x = Sify (66.8) Subsitting in Equation (6.6.7), we ge, (Gat) -v xin Conader a tem 2 i+ Fi, using ‘wr rule of differentiation we get, But ei 2 (6.6.10) Similarly, a A661) = Substituting Equations (6.6.10) and (6.6.11) Equation (6.6), we get, £7 = 48E vexing By. bot oa! 72 ot * -v-Gxib “6 = itegating auton (6.2 otra volume, weet , 2D ffiike ck Poo. 3 Fw - [v@xibav { j (66,13) Using divergence theorem, last term ean be converted tosutface Integration as, [vGxhavi= $Exi)-G 6019 Substituting in Equation (66.13), we get, fiw --3 Rs “Ja -$Exi-8 6619 22 This equation represents Poynting theorem In ‘Mathematical form wich shows that the instantaneous Power flow contalns stored energy and the total power flowing in the volume, I <4 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Eloct rptfiagnetic Field Theory (SPPU) 6.6.1 Interpretation of Poynting Theorem CePA a CTA EES 1. . What is its significance of Poynting Theorem?- -§ Ext 1, The term on tHS te. [ E+T av represents the (instantaneous) power dissipated in the volume V. wy 2 The fist term on Rus ie, -2 IL Indicates the stored energy (both magnetic and ‘lectric) in the volumeV. ‘Negative sign indicates the stored energy is decreasing. ‘The second on RHS Le. XH) -d5 represents the total power flowing In volume The negative sign here indicate inflow ofthe power. Without negative sign Le. of (E x H) -d5 represents power flow out of ‘The cross product of £ and His called poynting vector denoted by P.. Ex B= Bx it wawsnt? 6.6.2. Energy stored and Radiated Power pran z (a. Derive the expression for average Paying vect £24 _Time Varying Electromag. Fields: Maxwell Equations In the equation of | Poynting theorem, the term ~ G (Ex) 45 represents the rate of enersy flow |nwards through the surface in the volumé. Hence, the term +h iex Hi) -d5 represents the ‘outward energy flow through the surface enclosing the volume, ~The rate of energy flow at any point is sven by the ‘cross product of € and ii and denoted by P. PB ’ Els in x direction fils In y direction then Bis in a Exit +-(6.6.16) direction perpendicular to E and i.e. in z-direction. B= 5a, +-s(6.6.17) fi=H,a, (65.18) and. Pa, (65.19) i.e, the wave is propagating in z-direction and it has component in X-direction and fi component in Ydirection, / ~ Substituting the values of Equations (6.6.17), (6.6.18) and (6.6.19) in Equation (6.6.16), we get, Pa, = Ba, xHyay (6.6.20) ~ Forperfect dielectric, Zand fi are given by, Eg c0s (tz) (66.21) H, = Hyg cos (wt- fiz) -nn(6.6.22) Ba but Hyg = ‘where, 1) = Intrinsic impedance Subsitting in Equation (6.6.22), we get, g, = cos (ur = (6623) H, = Fp eos (ae—Bx) “ = Pyiseiven by, ee a Fa cos? (ot Be) 46524)1 xH= (GepU= Dee: 16, Doc: 17, & @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ZI 2.20) dard Uniform Plane Waves, Comparing Equations (7.2.12) and (7.2.21), we get, aes (2.22) where, Hy = Permeability offre space = 4nx107 Him or Flm = Permitvity of fee space 85410 °C 1 © Yaa 107 xis ¥ = 299795 108 mis v= 3x10! mvs and thsis equal to speed of ght denoted by‘. 1 ey hensx 0h 00 ts 7,24 Electromagnetic Wave Equations for Conductors We wll derive electromagnetic wave equation for ‘conducting medium in terms of following field components (EF ) fe) Dand (a) ‘The Maxwell's equations for conducting medium are, 328) vd=0, (92.28) vieo 102.26 (0) Wave equation tn terms of E + biferentining Equation (7223) with respect otine we et, Lexi a. 022 vx. 229 N¥_Eloctromagnotic Field Theory (SPU) zs bu, B= pil 30.228) time, we get (7.2.29) aaee eet wd F208 Substituting these values In Equation (7.2.29), we get ai, vet = ofee SF ‘aking cul of Equation (7.2.23), we get 3) But B = ii a bu, VxVxE = (-HV-VE 12 We know that, Deed alot B Lo = 70d (72.33) From Equation (7.2.25), we have su V-D = p, (volume charge density) We know that Inslde 2 conductor there Is no 1 chorge Le, volume charge density Is ero, m0 ae eee nn ree @ scanned with OKEN Scanner pPU) 1238) (1229) ne set 41230) cee 023) 023 033) ree) auctor there m0 ot Unto Plane Waves vB eed veo 0239 sosecvting te wabesin Eqvaton (72521, we gee extxk = VE 0239, subetmatng Egon (7.238) n Equation (7.2311 we Cs _subsrvtng Equation (1230) a Egaon (7.2361 we = ovseemanenen (2) Wave equation in terms of eee ceeds] cam owe yxtxdi = -v-F8 1239) waved = vEe-B - Fi From Eqsaten (72281 wehsre oxtail = <6 _sbscnving tis wueln Equation 2238) weet wou e[s3] 024 123) e 2 Beeler x | isis o@xBre TS ovine eZ. 0 24) “Ts ts the wave equation in terms of F. Wave equation interma of D featon 02371 eset 24s) | ~ isietnenave coustoniatemetB Wave egeasonin terme ot Wetnowtan 5 = pil ae8 - vale ln Euston (72.631 weet, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 76 ‘3) B yg 2B ne SF = 0 (12.49) ‘This is the wave equation In terms of B. Mt In this section we will show that uniform plane wave is transverse (perpendicular) in nature. We will prove that the uniform plane wave Is perpendicular to the tirection of propagation. vB- po 7.3 Relation between E and Hi The wave equation for free space in terms of € is given by, iz ve VE YoSoar 031) Expanding the terms, we get GSB aires en = ooo +8, 3, +B) EE Bn GLB, GBB) = so €0 Sal a+, y+ Bal AT3.2) = Considering that the uniform plane wave Is propagating along Zdirection, then there is no variation along Xand Y direction. a ae Zao md a0 z faa) red ad z= 0 = subtng these valuestn Equation 7.3.2) we get wf) Ga)nlGs) Bo oe ope © ly Eo gal e+ Ey a, + BEd Ne_Etoctomagnot Field Theory (SPPU) = Equating the coofcients of, a, and 3, we get, ae, of3.8) (73.3) A736) | = ifthe uniform plane wave Is traveling in free space, there Is no charge present in the medium Le, volume charge density s2er0. a = a Wenewae - vd AT3.1) mB 03% where, DB = Electric flux density = remit (139) |~ = eganang Eton 29.8 Bovdaede=0 can) = Since, the uniform plane wave 1s traveling slong ‘Z direction, Els not dependent on x and y components. = Substituting In Equation (7.3.40), we cet ae, = Differentiating wrt. zwe get - 7g 03D @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Q other Noli 1@ Waves In Lossless Dielectric Medium (Perfect Dielectric) v Electromagnatic Feld (SPPU) where, 0 = angle berween Band ii Hence, E and Hi are mutually perpendicular to each (Helmholtz Equation) Uniform Plane Wav = Expanding each term, we get, #6, Hema equation io = (SPPU May 14 ar) Equiphase (Equal Phase) = Aplane wave is defined as a wave for which equipha tsa plane. = If an equiphase surface Is equlamplitude (equal amplitude), then ts called as plane wave. ‘= Wave equation for free space isgiven by, 5 oe PE = tncy5t where, E = Electric field intensity ly = Permeability of free space o = Permitivity of free space eres nena ec wn frequency. = Similarly for magnetic field intensity (Hi), we get, ou, eH, (749) 3 (74.10) = If we consider y component only, then the solution of Equation (7.4.8) canbe written, B= CoP occ tt) where and Gare any arbitrary complex constants. Equation (7.4.1) gives soltion in phasor quantity. = Interms of time varying , component canbe written Feo where, the symbol stands for sinusoidal time variation. (74.12) = Sinusoidal time form can be obtained by taking real part of the phasor form as Bc.0 = Rete, ee) = Solution of Equation (7.4.12) in terms of time varying form can be written a, By.) = Re(Cyets Ce) ot Bc. = Re (CoP coo Wien @ scanned with OKEN Scanner WY_Blectramagnetic Fiekt TMheon 8) Ss0) & Re {C, OAD 4 CoM (TAL) ~ We know the falowing trgonometie entities cas ae fej sin (ar Lua) RS HRY ooo (ae RAY sin (ORS BY TALS) we ~ sutanathen econo DANTE BLD Re (C, loos (x=) + sn (ee =a} ~ + infor ef INN (08+ Be) +} sn (oe RE) “Taking real par Ben cyooslar-PdeCyereioe eh 4.16) = This equation gives solution in terms of time varying field, = represents the sum of two waves traveling in opposite direction. WC, = G then the two waves combine to form simple standing wave which do not progress ve Propagation __—~_| \ 7 Veto of wave traveling ean be found by considenng the wave to be traveling in postive direction, {et us take only constant point in the waveform 3s ot -Bz = A (constand oFS.1) Differentiating wart, time, we get a o-B =0 a o= pt on tout represents rate of change of position which is called as velocity bat Unvitorm Plane Waves. + Be olives \ vege Rorfieesuees, fy aN OT ant eg 2 289810 ve AN LOT i, 7.5A Wave Impedance (Intrinsic Impedance) Wisgiveny, aa Beale Rorfirespares, ty = dN 107 ant ey = Sasytr® Solved Examples on EM Waves In Perfect Dielectric oT TRIAGE wave PrpAgateS In foe space, t's folds are ghon a tows Bw sone) Oto & vin Ha nytt 85, am Fri Hy and Soin. (Calculation off EB = 30 nets vim (Given) (1) ‘The standant equation of Bis, B= RSFO3 Vin Gta °) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ¥ = Velocity of propagation = 3x108 ms 1 B= ln B = 03333 rad/m @) Catculation of Hy ecient ms veinator. soln Given: B = Eye™ te? ‘This equation of electric field varies with space (x) as. well as time (0). Differentiating w.r. space (x) twice, we get & = Fymen =e ett) Fe ey mtennes 0) Differentiating g'ven equation with time (t), we get, aE, oy tena ld Fe = ~My a) 2 Fey yatteyeme-od Mt) ae Uritorm Pir &E, Seed w eyabemtie “ HS of Equations (2) and (5), is same. ‘Comparing Equations (2) and (5), we get, ey 1 78 me oe 8) This equation Is the standard wave equation which Indicates that given equatlon of E Is the wave equation, Ex. 7.0.3 : Given that the electric told Intonlly of an ‘electromagnetic wave In a non-conducting dlelectie median vith permitivily © = 9 € and permeablty uy. Ea.) = @, 50s 10°19) Vin Find ne magnate tld Intensity Hi and value of B. ’ ‘Soin, : Given equation of € Is E (0 = 50s (10? t~B2) ~W) ‘Comparing with standard equation E@.0 = By cos (wpa), oa) West, By = 5 end @ = 10? Intrinsic impedance is given by, fu. [Hobe [Mo = Mem \fene, * Woe, . sax 107 m= Vox 854% 107% n= 125580 Band i are rested as, | EI [eat = S08 (10 te) = tase +8) mm sim H = 0.04 os 1092) (43) Aim Since wave is traveling in Z-drection and Bis ia y-rction then mst bein direction @ scanned with OKEN Scanner = 1? Vix xox aasex ioe 8 = 10nd E+ 7-54: The ects fad ho foe space phan by 5 Sees (1081+ Ba) 3) vin Fee te direction of nave propagation @ Cxevlate 8 and te time it takes to travel a distance 50 cos (105t + Bx) 3, V/m, Comearing with standard equation ores (et + Bx) 3, Vim E a S0cos (10+ Bx) a, Wim Weeee © = 108 red/sec. @ Tee B Sactor of the given equation contains ‘x’ term which indicates thar the direction of wave propagation Ss i= xdieetion, (@ Valve of Bis given by B= ove = ome B = 10S Vaex 107 xassex to? 8 = 033ndim Dre _ 2nx3x10% @~ 108 Time = 3.14% 10° sec, Ex-7.65: The magnets eid intensity of unfom plane ave In aris 20 Aim na ston, Tho wave prpagaing Inthe & action at frequency of 2109 rade. Find (Wavelength (i) Frequency (i) Pris (6) Arphtuda of Soin, : (0) Wavelength can be found by using the relation Gis phase shit) but For air, © = €y= 8.854% 10-2 and @ = 2x 10° rad/sec. (given) de 2m * 2x :10°-Yanx 10" Basa x 16 2 = 0942m (i) Calculation of Frequency : o = Inf 122 _ 2x = og 7 pq = 31831 MHz (it) Calculation of time period : “8 31831 x 108 = 34 meee (Iv) Caleulation of E : We know that, £0 = nH E = 20x377 (H=20A/m, given) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ¥¥_Electromagnotic Field ry (SPPU) 4 Uniform Plane Waves dig Now, Bis given as, and Distance = > (Given) eee = = 88 gam FOvin FoxPro Vio? So i Distance _ _9.42 = 10°\f4nx 10-7 x9 x 8.854 x 102 ime Velocity ~ 3x 108 B = 10radm Time = 3.14% 10° sec, Ex. 7.84 Tho electric field in the tree space Is given by 50.05 (1081+ Bx) a, Vim, (Find the lrection of wave propagation (1) Calculate Band the time it takes to travel a distance ote, Soln.: Given: = 80 c0s (10% + Bx) a, Vim. ‘Comparing with standard equation Epcos (oe + Bx) &, Vim E 0 co (0814 Ba), Vim ‘We get, © = 10° rad/sec, © The B factor of the given equation contains Which indicates thatthe direct is in x-direction. term ion of wave propagation Gi) Value of fis given by 8 = ove = onfing, B = 10° Vinx 107 x Sas x19 B = 033 rad/m We know that, Ae c where, 2 = wavelength © = speed of ight = 3 x 108 mis = frequency and @ = ant 1-2 x.7.65: The magnotl Hild Intensity of uniform plano wave in aris 20 Aim In a, direction. The wave propagating Inthe, drcton ata froquency of 2x 10° radisec. Find () Wavotongth (il) Period Soin, : (Frequency (v) Amplitude of () Wavelength can be found by using the relation aa® Bis phase shi but B = wpe For air, pp nx 107 = €y= 8854x102 and 2x 10? rad/sec. (given) Ae ed 2x10 Yaneto7 base TO 2 = 0942m (i) Calculation of Frequency : o = nf 2x1 fo Bn ee ses wn: Hie (Ii) Calculation of time period : Tet. FY 318315198 “344 nse W) Calculation of E: We know that, zg Ho H*\[e, = 377 orfice spacey @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Electromagnetic Field Theory (SPPU) Soln. + () Calculation of Velocity v) For free spucs, velocity is given by, 2 veces Vio fo Vere 10°7 x 8.854 x 10° vee = 3x108mvs (i) Calculation of Wavelength (i) y_ axe nets RUE ax0tm (lil) Calculation of Phase shift (B) 2s a8 b= a Po matracin (W) Caleulation of intrinsic impedance (n) [hs anxie7 nem = 370 () If the wave Is traveling In Z-direction and the given component of in xciection (, then Fi must be in vedietion. Ex.7.6.7: A uniform plane wave with 10 MHz frequency ‘has average poynting vector 1 Win?. If the medium Is perfect dielectric with y= 2ende,= 2, tind (@) Velocty (©) Intrinsic Impedance (@) tam, value of elect ld. Soln.: Given: f = 10MHz 1Win? me? «23 (&) Wavelength (3) Caleulation of Velocity (v) vee B 7415 Unitorm Plane Waves where, @ = 2nf = 2nx 10x 106 Bs avne = ovioneg, 2nx 10x 10% Dex 10% 10° Yam 1072 xB8SI ITS y = 12247 x 108 ns {b) Caleulation of Wavelength (2) 2n__ 2m ne Bane . 2n Dax 10% 10° an x 107 x 2x 8854 10 x3 2 = 12239m {Calculation of intrinsic impedance (n) a a (a) According to Poynting theorem, average power lowing Is giventy, 2 Eo Pgg = Wi? Ey = meg By = VOxR0IORI yy = 248 Vim (Maximum or peak vl of 288 a Ege © 1783 Vin Ex. 76.8 : An olectic field Ein trea space Is given by E = 6000s 10° t- fy}, Vim. Find @ 8 ma (© HatP(01,15,04) att=8n sec, @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 3 _Electromagnetic Field Theory (SPPU) 716 Unitonn Plane Waves Solr (9) Calculation of B (Phase shift) 8 = one WS Hyand € For free space ° Given: E = S00 cos(10's- py), vim ‘Comparing with standard equation E = Ey cos [t—By) a, Vim weet, By = 800, 0 = 108 B = Winx io Rasa Io B = 0.3336 rad/m (b) Calculation of & (Wavelength) 2a on =D one A = 1884 (©) Calculation of fi We know that 1) = Wy = : From the given equation of E, we can conclude 1. Direction of propagation of wave Is in Y-dlrecion since factor Is related to’ term, 2. Direction of E in z-direction. Direction of fi must be in X-direction, +3, (Alm) ai = $0008 0% t= By) = 120% * x= 04, y = 15,2204 and (=8% 107 sec. {800 os [108 x 8 x 10° - 0.3336 x 1.5] 120% but, Wave of 300 MHz travels in tho 2 rection in an infiito lossless medium with &,= 9% H,= 1 and 6 = 0. White complete time domain expressions for E and Fi. Also calculate average powar density of wave, Soin: ( Cateutation of & : The standard equation of Bis given by B = pyc 83, where, fy = 100 Vin T= 300MH © = 2nf = 2nx 300% 10° radisee b= aie oom, B = 2nx300 x 10°] 107% IX BBS IOP 18.86 dm B= topo anes00n ety, gisserg 100 e886 10 a) (i) Catcutation of Eis In Xdirection and wave 1s propagating in Zedlrection which Indicates that fi must be In y-direction. ‘We know that, ani v im _. [om Me Ne = \sce; eEraTae | N= \Vaas xo x9” 2560 roo. SARI, gases — 2 TEs y al 0.796 OKO 19), 86 0 Apy @ scanned with OKEN Scanner Uniform Plane Waves Field Theory (SPPU) W_Electromay “il) Calculation of average power density ee = 7 RelExi where, Re = Real part 3 Re (xii) con, then shold bein deton ae ow tt gg = btm 07968, Bi end tection of propagntion of waves Is prendie * teach other. 50 sin (108 t+ 22) o Ht 317 133sin 1081429, EnTAt0% Apia wavolA A 4% ULS 7 sth of Penetration (8) — ra Tron wins Bap afperavaton. 5 (eéru- bee 7, ay 28a bein in deal coon ot enh tare ienath Fequeney. (iy Magnet tela H. soln, Given: EB = SOsin a0*e-+22)8, Vim a ‘Comparing with standard equation of ‘ a.Deine Dap of pena ora boos eoraie mS S (GPPU? Doe 18, De ‘eis defined as the depth in which the wave ME BS) imately 37% oF attenuated by the amount (/e) of approx e arent valve ands also eae a tin cept St bys. B = nysin(ors Ba, Vin we ge fy = 50, 0 = 108d, P= 2redin (0) Observe the equation of 7 e eI jera wave traveling in the postive 6 E = sosin iote+22) 3, Cel 4 ‘The amplitude is given bY, ; ‘ince, the B term i associated with" the direction of 5 = Rem I ‘wave propagation Isin X-dlrection, {i Calculation of and frequency when, z=0 o = nf then - ole 1 2 teh ae soci Accept, tee ae BeBe am (il) Magnetic Fletd H @ scanned with OKEN Scanner W_Electromagrietic Field Theory (SPPU) Tae it at deh 3 apo fae becomes Stes its value at z= 0 [at z= 0,6, seeps This Is the general expresion ford 7.7.4 Derivation of for Good Conductors_// fe. Derive xqression fr Depth I penevaton for good __”(GPPU'- Dec. 18, 4 Marks). = ond. “he equation for E, fora wave traveling In #2 rection isevenby, E, = Bye cos (wt) (975) For good conductors, 2(.f/%) foc 5-96 OP) alee ns E, = Bycos wt Af 8) fous” Vou 2 ‘This isthe equation for depth of penetration for good ‘conductors. 17.9) 7.7.2 Derivation for ‘The distance /c: Is called as depth of penetration oe a Uniform Plane Waves city and Wavelength In Terms of § For Good Conductors = Forgood conductors, we have, (17.10) 2740) (I T12) But B =} on .alFrom (7.7.10) ¢ and 0 i o(TT.13) 7.8 Surface Impedance and Surface Resistance ‘Surface impedance Is defined as the rato of tangential component of electric fed (6) at the surface of conductor and the linear current density (),) which flows as ‘result ofthis elect fed and its denoted by 2, E, 24-23 e(98.1) where, J, = Linear current density which represents the total conduction current pet meter ‘width flowing inthe thin sheet. 7.8.1 Calculation of Surface Resistance for a Rectangular Conductor with Infinite Depth = Consider a rectangular conductor having infinite depth hich means the thickness of conductor fs very much treater than the depth of penetration © From (7.2.10) s ) @ scanned with OKEN Scanner v Elootromagnotlc Field Theory (SPPU) where, 0 = angle between E and fi Hence, E and Hare mutually perpendicular to each other. Seo rane Waves In Lossless Dielectric Medium (Perfect Dielectric) (Helmholtz Equation) Equiphase (Equal Phase) [plane wave Is defined as a wave for which equiphase tsa plane If an equiphase surface 1s equlamplitude (equal amplitude), then its called as plane wave. ‘Wave equation for free space fs glven by, VE « nyeooF 4) where, E = Electric field intensity iy = Permeability of fee space q = Permitivity of fee space For 2 sinusoidal time variation the wave equation is on v a) . (Fes x but (G = —TPoomplex numb] VE = oP neg E : — VE eee b. (942) Let vie pt (43) This Ve is called as vector Helmholtz equation, eS = o.4) A 1 Uniform Plane Waves Expanding each term, we get, (145) 4,-f7E, a,-B7E, a, .. ses oP at Ge PER PB’, 0746) ~ Comparing the like co-efficient, we get e, Sa PR, 1a?) FB ig 148) ae = PE, MTA = Siniariy for magnetic eld intensity (fi), we get, wf 9) -A74.10) we If we consider y component only, then the solution of Equation (7.48) can be written as, B, = C44, tite 4.11) where, C, and C, are any arbitrary complex constants Equation (74.11) gives solution in phasor quantity. In terms of time varying E, component can be written eee (0.4.12) Where, the symbol~ stands fr sinusoidal time variation, as, Ren Sinusoidal time form can be obtained by taking real part ofthe phasor form as B,@.0 = Re(E, @e%) ~ Solution of Equation (7.4.11) in terms of time varying form can be written as, Eye.) = Re (C,eHt4 cyctibe) chat Ect) = Re (C,H ol + Co cisty Wiser @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ¥ _ Electromagnetic Field Theory (SPPU) BG. = Re {C, olO*-B 4 c.gier+ Boy (7.4.13) — We know the following trigonometric ident ies er B2 = cos (or Br +i sin (wt - Bz) ...(7.4.14) lo" B2) = cos (ot + Bz) + sin (ux + Bz) SN 7.4.15) — Substituting in Equation'(7.433), we bet, E, @.0-< Re (C, feos (ox ~ Bx) +j sin (wtf) TN [cos (cx + Bz) + j sin (x + Bz)]) ~ Taking real part E(t) = Cycos (at-Bz) +C, cos (at + Bz) (7.4.16) = This equation gives solution in terms of time varying field. = It represents the sum of two waves travelling in opposite direction. If C, = G then the two waves combine to form simple standing wave which do not progress. 5 7 cee ‘Velocity of wave travelling can be found by considering the wave to be travelling in positive Let us take only constant point in the waveform as or = Bi A (constant) (75.1) Differentiating wi. time, we get az o-p%-0 . ae + = Ba wus sgrsentrnte of hangeof orion which cd as velocity (7.5.2) = Bey v-$ = Ey. bat Le Uniform Plane Waves w ve HoSo vr 1 c (7.5.3) Vie For free spaces, ly = 4nx 107 and Eq = 785x107? 2 vee = 3x10%ms 7.5.1 Wave Impedance (Intrinsic Impedance) Itis given by, For free spaces, ty = 4x 1077 and €q = 8.85% 1071? = 3772 = 1200 // 7.6 Solved Examples on EM Waves in Perfect Dielectric Ex. 7.6.1? An eleclromagnelic wave propagé space. I's fialds are given as follows sone 10Pt+2) & vim Shep Hy (00°83, ym Find Hy and 6 Soln. : @ Calculation of B = ; 30m 07 +B) | Vim (Given) ...(1) ‘The standard equation of Bis, B = ByS9005. Vim Comparing Equations (1) and (2), we get (Standard) ...(2) Ey = 30m and @ = 10% . But B Bay where, “B= Phase shift @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ¥F Electromagnetic Field Theory (SPPU) = The surface reactance is given by imaginary part of surface impedance. ox x, (7.8.14) 's 20 The depth of penetration is given by, ba\fe ono 1 _. fous a= V2 1 c= vou (7.8.15), 20 Comparing Equations (7.8.13) and (7.8.15), we get 1 R= 35 (7.8.16) 7.9 Solved Examples on Intrinsic Impedance, Propagation Constant and Skin Effect Ex. 7.91 : Caleulato’skin depth, propagation constant and veleciy v at a irequency of 1.6 MHz in Aluminium, where o=382Msim, andy,= 1 : SEALE Soln.: a (@_ Skin depth is given by, = 8 ae but @ = 2nf = 2x 16x 108 = Holy = 4nx107x1 6 = 38.2Msm = 38.2% 108 sm nn a © Na 16% 109 4 wx 10? 1 38.2% 1 = 644% 105m 44 x 10% m 8 = 64.4 (i) Propagation constant is given by Y 7-20 Uniform Plane Waves but =+.—. . 3° eaax 10 15.48 x 10° rad/m, (15.48 + J 15.48) 10° wr! (dit) Wave velocity Is given by, ole ole & a 2nf8 = 2nx 1.6 x 10% 644 x 10% v = 647.42 ws Ex. 7.9.2: Determine the depth of penetration of copper at 1 Miz (6 for Cu = 5.8x 107) Soln. : Depth of penetration is given by, = cS oo = 2nf = 2nx 1x 10° rad/s He Hy Hy= 4Rx 107% 1 where, 58x 107 © N] 2x 10x 4x 1077 x 5.8 x 107 8 = 6.6085 x 10-5 m 8 = 66,085 pm ° Ex.7.9.3: Find tho-dopth of 1 MHZ, = 6 x108 sim, He = 4; Soin. : Given: =6% 108 s/m ; Bean; ¢=anne ‘The depth of penetration Is ven by, 8 8 (2 2mm 1x 10 x 4x 10°71 x 6x 10° B= 205.469 pm @ scanned with OKEN Scanner WY _ Electromagnetic Field Theory (SPPU) E794 :Wet, Marshy sol is characterised By oa 10?sm.e, = 1Sandy,= 1. Show nat ata requency ‘of 60 Hz, Ht can be considered as good conductor. Hence calculate (Skindepth Otte peance (i) Propagaion Constant OW soln: {k eiven material is @ good conductor if the value of ©. Em. Given: ¢ = 107m = oon 1s med = tat = 2xx60 = eg €, = 885x107? x15 ,___t__ we ~ 2x 60% 8.85% 10"? x 15 = 1.998 x 10% Zor i.e. the given Marshy soil can be considered to be a good ‘conductor atthe frequeney of 60 Hz. (Skin depth ts given by bef Vins 2 Bax Ox aR 17x 1 1 8 = 649.75 m 8 (W) Intrinsic Impedance is given by, anne i. a ay RTL 85x10? 15 ns 290 (lid Propagation constant is gven by, y= asp Pea = What sewn by polarization ofthe wave ? Feet (SPPU- Dec. 17, 4 Marks) a. -Expain platzation of uniform plan waves : (SPPU- May 18, Dec. 19, 4 Marks) lo: For uniform’ plano wave, oxpain ta terms. : Polatization. (SPPU- May 19,4 Marks) ~The time varying direction and relative magnitude of ‘lectrc fet stength In space Is called as polarization of waves. = For uniform plane waves, the electric fleld (E), magnetic field (Fi) and power of the wave (P) are perpendicular to each other. = {fa uniform plane wave Is travelling along Z-axis and E 1s in Xdirection then Hi must be In Y-direction, = The component of € along X-axis is given by E, = Bg cos (ut Bz) a, +-(7.10.1) Where, Bg = Magnitude along X-axis, ‘The component of E along Y-axis is given by, l= Eo cos (ut-fie—9) 3, (7.10.2) Whete,Eyo = Magnitude slong Y-axis, @-= Plc angle between, and, J yhoa Types of Polarization @ scanned with OKEN Scanner lain types of. polarization of uniform plan waves © SSS PRU: May 18, Doo: 194 Mar). Polarisation can be of following types : near Polarization 2. Eliptical Polarization |_-3-Gireular Polarization ae = From Equations (7.10.1) and (7.10.2), if, B, = Egg cos (orf) Which indicates thatthe wave will oscillate along X-avis, conly with angular frequency equal to 'u’ as shown in the Fig, 7.10.1, — Fig. 7.10.1 : Linear polarization along x-axls = Othen, B, = Egeu(at-fr-*3, hich ndates thatthe wave wil osllat along aes nly with angular fequeney equal to‘ as shown inthe Fig. 7.102. + &=0 & Fig. 710.2: Linear polartzation along y-axis ~ Whoth E, and; oselate atthe same time provided that they are lo phase Le, both have angular frequency ‘a, then the direction of resutont Feld @s constant and the wave is said to linearly polarized as shown in the Fig. 7.103. z a tangle Fig.7.103:LinearPoanzaton // Eliptical Polarization Elliptical Polarization is the general definition of electro-magnetic wave polarization state whose field pattern can be expressed as se clelated as ria M path of@is traced a a funtion of time, we get on clipe path. W amplitudes €, and E, are not equal andthe phase between them i 0° then Eis maximum, a the some instance 6, Is zero and vice-versa then ellitcal polarization takes place. reritsenettpe men ff Gieular Polarization Is a special case of elliptical Polarization, 'E, and €, have equal magnitudes and phase between them is 9 then at any instance, the magnitude of resultant E will be constant. Waa @ scanned with OKEN Scanner netic Field Theory (SPPU) Uniform Plane Waves — If we trace path of E with respect to time, we get a circular path as shown in the Fig. 7.10.5. & y Or. iD Po-rns:coeatcresrpowitn 7.11 Reflection by Perfect Conductor - Normal Incidence 1Q. . Explain how reflection of wave takes place by pertect ~-eonductor, +: (SPPU- Dec, 17, 4 Marks) ~ Ma wave Is incident on an ideal conductor, then Incident wave will be totally reflected and there won't be any transmission n the conductor. Consider an incident wave along X-axis given by Bowe where, E, = Amplitude of ALA) ident wave B = Phase shift Ifthe is no transmission, entire wave will be reflected back is opposite direction given by, E, oft TAL) IF the wave is incident at plane x = 0, the total field strength (E,) willbe zero Ey = E+E, <0 Be -5 (7.113) ‘At any other distance, total field strength is given by Ey) eit got bug =e, By = Beit ge ® E, (eit Bay Er) = B,fo0s Bx—jsin Bx cos x —j E,() = -2jE,sinBx (TULA) Sinusoidal variation form of Equation (7.11.4) is Ep Qut) = Re (E(x) oh) = Re [2] E, sin x (cos at + j sin axl) = Re [~2j sin Bx €0s of ~ 2}? &, sin ot sin Bx} bu Pet E60 = 26, sinotsin Bx (rats ‘Thisis the equation of total electric According to Poynting theorem, P= Exit After reflection phase of Eis reversed i.e. it changes by 180°, ‘Similarly, phase of H also changes by 180°. The total phase change in power of wave will be 180° + 180" }60° which means that it will not reflect We can conclude that after reflection phase of Eis reversed but phase of H should not be reversed. For incident magnetic field we can say Hew (711.6) For reflected magnetic field, H, l* (7.11.7) ‘The total magnetic field strength is given by, Hy) = Hees Holle Since there is no phase reversal, we can say H, =H, Hy) = Hee yy, eid = H, (eos Bx—j sin Bx + c0s Bx + j sin hx] Hy(x) = 2H, cos fx wAT.LL8) ‘Sinusoidal variation form of Equation (7.11.8) is Hp = Re (Hy (x) -

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