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Blog Post Questions #4

1) How far have you come with your Capstone project?

Currently, I have completed all the exploration of animation styles and art programs to now fully have a
handle on what I want to do for the final. Whether that is the Star Wars based idea or using my own
characters, I will now be able to complete an animatic of either thing as I have done the right research
and preparations.

2) How many progress updates and photos (or other evidence) have you included on your “Evidence
and Progress page”? Do you feel you have enough evidence on your website to effectively and
convincingly show your learning from the beginning of your project? Explain Yes / No?
Yes, as I have been updating my progress page consistently and have written multiple paragraphs
explaining my thought process at the time. Along with this, I have also included multiple photographs
and even links to my practice storyboards. Therefore, I believe that with this information, I can
effectively put together a reflection for my final presentation.

3) What still needs to be completed?

All that needs to be completed is deciding on doing either the Star Wars based animatic or original
character based animatic, then I would need to complete the animatic and possibly do some simple
touch ups for after-effects.

4) What has been the most rewarding aspect of your project to date? Explain why.

So far, having the process documented on my website has been the most rewarding, as it shows how
much thought goes into my project before I even start on the final, which is normally all of what most
people would see. As this project is over halfway done without having started the final animatic process,
it is still rewarding being able to clearly show these steps to others.

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