AllGoVision Operations Manual Z 1.0

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AllGoVision Operational Statement

AllGoVision Operation Statement

Video Analytics

Version 4.3
Document Date: Aug 2020

Copyright © AllGoVision 1
AllGoVision Operational Statement

Copyright © AllGoVision

No part of this document may be reproduced or adapted in any form, including

photocopying or storing it by electronic means, except as is necessary for the purpose of
the recipient's dealings with AllGoVision, without the written permission of AllGoVision .
Any copies made of any part of this document shall include the notice: ‘© Copyright

No information contained in this document shall be disclosed to any third party without
the written permission of AllGoVision.


PURPOSE ..................................................................................................................................................................5
INTRODUCTION TO OPERATIONAL STATEMENT......................................................................................................5
CAMERA INSTALLATION SCENARIO .........................................................................................................................6
FUNCTIONAL AND PERFORMANCE SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................8
Operational Scenarios ........................................................................................................................................11
Intrusion Detection (Tripwire & Trespass) .....................................................................................................11
Loitering .........................................................................................................................................................11
Tailgating ........................................................................................................................................................12
Camera Tampering .........................................................................................................................................12
Video Loss ......................................................................................................................................................13
Left Object Detection .....................................................................................................................................14
Missing Object Detection ...............................................................................................................................15
Counter Flow Detection .................................................................................................................................15
Crowding Detection .......................................................................................................................................15
PTZ Preset Analytics .......................................................................................................................................16

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PTZ handoff ....................................................................................................................................................16

Auto PTZ tracking ...........................................................................................................................................17
Smoke Detection ............................................................................................................................................17
Fire Detection.................................................................................................................................................17
People Counting .............................................................................................................................................17
Queue Management ......................................................................................................................................18
Face Recognition ............................................................................................................................................19
Vehicle Counting ............................................................................................................................................20
Vehicle Congestion Detection ........................................................................................................................21
Wrong Way Detection / Flow Control / Directional Control..........................................................................21
Speed Detection .............................................................................................................................................21
Illegal Parking .................................................................................................................................................22
Yellow Box Violation.......................................................................................................................................23
Illegal Lane Change.........................................................................................................................................24
ANPR ..............................................................................................................................................................24
False Alarms .........................................................................................................................................................9
SPECIFICATIONS** ...............................................................................................................................................8
AllGoVision Alarm Handling and Reporting .......................................................................................................26
Alarm Center ..................................................................................................................................................27
Alarm View Dashboard ..................................................................................................................................28
Data Analysis Dashboard ...............................................................................................................................32
Face Recognition Dashboard .........................................................................................................................39
LP Recognition Dashboard .............................................................................................................................42

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Reports Dashboard ........................................................................................................................................45

Health Status Dashboard ...............................................................................................................................48
Queue Management Dashboard....................................................................................................................51
Data Analysis Dashboard ...............................................................................................................................63
AllGoVision DB backup and restore ...................................................................................................................67
DB Backup ......................................................................................................................................................67
DB Restoration ...............................................................................................................................................69

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The purpose of the document is to present the AllGoVision Advanced Video Analytics Solution
operations consideration for real time threat detection. This will outline operation &
maintenance requirements of the solution for the use case.

It is important for operators to be aware of guidelines presented in this document without which
they may observe false alarms. Correct Camera installations and other environmental
conditions contribute towards the performance of video analytics. This document covers those
sections in detail.


The video analytics technology evaluates the contents of video to determine the specific
information about the video contents. The product analyses rapidly the video from surveillance
cameras for specific data, behaviour patterns, tracking movement of people/objects in
monitoring zones etc.

Note: Site Survey may be necessary during installation for adjusting camera placement to
improve performance.

For Video Analytics operators, there are several activities to be performed to operate and
maintain the analytics system. AllGoVision UI provides single pane view to manage these

• Configuring features
• Managing Licenses
• Managing camera
• Alarm handling
• Report generation
• Smart Search
• Other operational activities that are related to but independent of AllGoVision
software. For ex, DB Back up, Failover management etc.

This document provides detailed guide on camera installations, Alarm handling, Report
generation and DB Back up. This document also provides an overview of how an operator can
monitor the alarms for the configured features; what are the optimal conditions where false
alarms can be avoided for better detection capabilities.

Please refer to Installation and Configuration guide for more details on how to install and
configure various features. There is a separate guide for Smart Search explaining the
installation, configuration and usage of Smart Search.

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Camera installation requirements are different at different places for different types of video analytics:

Left Object, Missing Object, People Count, Tailgating, ANPR, FR, Traffic Signal (RLVD)

General Camera Setup – Indoor, Tripwire, Trespass, Loitering, Crowd Detection, Crowd Behavior, Counter-Flow,
Fire & Smoke Detection, Slip & Fall detection,

Angular Camera
Height of Installation (Indoor) = 15-25
Focusing towards the monitoring zone
No occlusion scenario

General Camera Setup – Outdoor, Tripwire, Trespass, Loitering, Crowd Detection, Crowd Behavior, Counter-
Flow, Fire & Smoke Detection, Slip & Fall detection,

Angular Camera
Height of Installation (Outdoor) = 25-30
Focusing towards the monitoring zone
No occlusion scenario

Perimeter Camera Setup for Intrusion Detection, Tripwire, Trespass, Loitering

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Angular Cameras
Height of Installation = 15 feet
To be placed along the boundary wall
There should not be occlusion due to
trees etc.

Camera Setup for Illegal Parking, Wrong Way Detection, Vehicle Congestion, Counter flow detection, Speed
detection, Lane Change, Yellow box violation

Angular Cameras,
Height of Installation (outdoor) = 30 feet
Cameras installation should be parallel
to the road facing the monitored zone.
Moving traffic (no-congestion)
For speed measurement the view
should cover min. 30 m. length (along
the motion-direction).

For Speed detection, Vehicle Counting, Overhead camera is mandatory. Overhead Camera
Setup can also be used for Vehicle Congestion, Illegal Parking, Wrong Way Detection, Lane
Change, Yellow box violation

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Overhead camera installed from a

bridge over the road / highway.
Height of Installation = 30 feet


Camera Camera Minimum Indoor/
Features Requirem Resolution
Angle Height* Pixels Outdoor

Intrusion Angular Above 4 m 600 > 100 Lux Indoor 320x240 or 352x256, up to 1080p.
detection (for Indoor) (20x30) or
Outdoor Any resolution can be down
Above 10 m sampled appropriately.


Left Object Angular Above 5m 600 Good Indoor 320x240 or 352x256, up to 1080p.
detection or or
Missing (for Indoor) (20x30) (> 100 Lux) Outdoor Any resolution can be down
Object sampled appropriately.
10 m -15 m

Crowd Angular Above 6 m 20x30 > 100 Lux Indoor 320x240 or 352x256, up to 1080p.
Detection, angular or
Crowd Outdoor Any resolution can be down
Counting, sampled appropriately.

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and Loitering

Wrong Way Angular > 10m and 20x20 >100Lux Indoor 320x240 or 352x256, up to 1080p.
detection, parallel to or
Illegal road and at For Outdoor Any resolution above will be down
Parking, a coverage Vehicles sampled appropriately
Vehicle distance on HLC
Congestion road > 10m required

*With suitable lens adjustment, the height can be changed for greater coverage area. Refer focal
length V/s. coverage area calculation from Camera Manufacturers.

**The accuracy mentioned above works under most operating conditions. However, there would be
a drop in accuracy for some environment scenarios due to technological limitations. These are
o Deviation from the installation specification
o Night condition where the region of interest is not well illuminated with a local source of
o Strong and/or moving shadows in the region of interest
o Strong sources of light (e.g. car headlights) that are directly in the field of view or cast
moving beams in the region of interest
o Strong reflections from the floor that interfere with tracking of the object
o Significant shake of the camera during operation
o System problems such as network packet loss

False Alarms

The following occurrences may cause false alarms or poor detections

Scenario Action to reduce false alarms

Objects smaller than configured minimum or larger than Check & Correct object size as
maximum size configured
Sudden Illumination changes or very high illumination Try re-positioning camera to avoid high
light exposure.
Use camera functions like WDR, BLC to
handle high light exposure
Low illumination Maintain lux levels as specified in next
section of this document
Wind, rain, hail, Extreme weather conditions Check if DL algorithms can be
Ignore until these conditions subside

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Left behind object in a crowded or high activity area – Check & try reducing “Minimum
false alarms are generated, or true alarms are missed unattended time” parameter
due to occlusions that causes deformation of object as
Missing object in a crowded or high activity area – Alarm
Check with Raghvendra
Tree Swaying Trim the trees to avoid occlusion

Strong shadows or shadow movements Use DL algorithms

Birds, Animals (some cases) Use DL algorithms

Keep the camera lens clean

Unclean Camera surface due to dust, Spiders, cobwebs

Remove objects that cause

permanent or long duration occlusions
in RoI
Ensure camera is installed in physically
Unstable camera, shaking
stable position

Contact network support and stabilise

Network fluctuation causing frame drop, bandwidth
network conditions

Ensure that camera are installed in

Camera position changes physical or external controls
adherence to installation guidelines
(PTZ camera view change or fixed camera zoom provided by AGV
change) Ensure that FoV is kept stable and
same as at the time of configurations
PTZ camera position change should be
performed only by AGV application

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Operational Scenarios
Intrusion Detection (Tripwire & Trespass)

The feature will detect intrusion of a person or vehicle into any forbidden area or movement
towards such area beyond a line. The rules can be defined either by defining virtual area or
virtual line. Tripwire can enable unidirectional or bidirectional intrusion. For Trespass, the
polygonal area can be created with up to 10 lines.

Alarm Scenarios

1. Tripwire: The person or vehicle crossed or came in the contact with the virtual line. The
alarms are sent for crossing line in the specified direction by Tripwire.

2. Trespass: The person or vehicle entered restricted area or alarm area. The alarms are
sent for entry into an area and exit from the area.

Tripwire alarm with object path tracking Trespass at night

The Loitering Detection feature detects suspicious movements by identifying the
movement/loitering of objects (persons and vehicles) within a minimum predefined time in a
virtually monitored field of view. Alarms are triggered in the event of object movement within
the minimum predefined time as set by the user. The minimum and maximum size of the object
can be set. This feature can also be used for advanced motion detection.

Alarm Scenario:

1. Person walking or moving around or partially stationary in the scene inside an area for
a minimum predefined time.
2. Object moving around or partially stationary inside an area for a minimum specified

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Person loitering in an area

The Tailgating feature identifies individuals or vehicles that closely follow the individual or the
vehicle preceding them to gain entry to a controlled/restricted access area. The rules are
defined by defining the virtual line. Alarms are triggered when the object or vehicle makes
tailgating efforts for the minimum predefined time as set by the user. Minimum and Maximum
object size needs to be specified.

Alarm Scenarios

1. A person entering with authorisation and within 5 seconds another person gets inside
without card authentication with barricade. In this scenario, alarm will be triggered for
the second person.
2. A vehicle entering a restricted area with authorization and within 10 seconds another
vehicle attempts to enter the restricted area without any authorization. In this scenario,
alarms will be triggered for the second vehicle.

Camera Tampering
The Camera Tampering feature detects camera tampering efforts by changing the camera
focus or distorting the camera view in a predefined region of interest. Alarms are triggered in
when an agent attempts to tamper a camera within the minimum predefined time as set by
the user. Minimum and Maximum size of the agent needs to be specified by the user.

Alarm Scenarios

1. If an individual blocks the camera view

2. If an individual blurs the camera view
3. If an individual attempts to break the camera

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4. If an individual attempts to distort the camera view

Video Loss
The Video Loss feature detects and alerts against instances of video feed loss. Alarms are
triggered when an agent attempts to disconnect the camera or when the camera loses
connection due to network issue.

Alarm Scenarios

1. Camera loses the connection due to network issue

2. An agent attempts to disconnect the camera

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Left Object Detection

The Left Object Detection feature identifies unattended objects left behind by a moving
agent (the owner of the object) in a virtual field of view. After locating a stationary object,
the classification task instantly detects if it is left behind by a moving agent. Alarms are
triggered when the object is left unattended within the minimum predefined time as set by
the user. The Minimum and Maximum object size and Minimum and Maximum Left Object
size needs to be specified.

Alarm Scenario:

1. Owner leaves the object and goes out of the scene. The object is unattended for more
than the minimum pre-defined duration.

2. Owner leaves the object and goes out of the scene. The object is occluded by some
other person when walking across. The object is uncovered, and no one attends it for a
preset duration.

The detection time is set in seconds and it raises alarm upon detecting a static left object for
the minimum predefined seconds. The static left object detection is also provided where the
owner of the left object need not be identified for sending alarms. The motion sensitivity of
stationary object (due to noise in object stationarity) can also be altered using advanced

The left object detection should be used in low crowding conditions.

Person carrying or with the bag – No Alarm Person leaving the bag behind – Left Object Detection

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Missing Object Detection

The Missing Object detection feature detects the removal of objects in a virtually monitored
area in the camera field of view. Users can configure the objects to be monitored. Alarms will
be generated when the specified objects are found missing within the minimum predefined
time set by the user. Minimum and Maximum object size and Minimum and Maximum Missing
Object size needs to be specified by the user.

Alarm Scenarios

1. An object present in the scene for a long time is removed within the minimum
predefined time as set by the user.

Counter Flow Detection

The Counter Flow Detection feature detects crowd movement patterns in undesired directions
in a virtually drawn region of interest. Normal crowd flow is differentiated from crowd counter
flow through user configured colour coding. Alarms are triggered when the crowd moves in
undesired direction within the minimum predefined time as set by the user. While configuring
this feature, user needs to specify minimum and maximum object size.

Alarm Scenario

1. A group of people move in an undesired direction for the minimum predefined time as
set by the user.

Crowding Detection

The Crowd Detection feature estimates the number of individuals present in a virtually drawn
field of view. It intimates the user during instances of overcrowding. Alarms are triggered when
the crowd formation reaches the minimum predefined crowd formation value as set by the
user. Values for Minimum and Maximum number of people need to be specified.

Alarm Scenario

1. The people assembled inside a virtual area exceed the minimum predefined count.

In instances of overcrowding, alarms are sent at regular interval until the crowd recedes.

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Crowd Detection – when count exceed the predefined count

PTZ Preset Analytics

A PTZ Camera has different pre-set positions at different Pan-Tilt-Zoom levels to get a closer
view of critical areas within the reach of PTZ range of the camera. With PTZ Pre-set Analytics,
the analytics would run for each pre-set position in a cyclical order and send alerts against
any detected rule violation. Similar or different analytics features (rules) can be run on
different pre-set positions. The time interval can be set by the user so that after that defined
interval the camera would move to the next pre-set view and analytics would be run on that
particular view.

Alarm Scenario

2. On ptz camera, 3 pre-sets are created with Tripwire, Trespass, Loitering and the time is
set for 120 sec. So, analytics will run on each pre-set for 120 sec in patrolling mode.
Patrolling will be performed only on configured pre-set.

PTZ handoff
The PTZ Handoff feature detects violation on a Fixed Camera and triggers the PTZ camera in
view for auto tracking the object. Since the PTZ hand-off is an extension of Fixed to PTZ Pre-Set
feature, the user needs to create a pre-set for PTZ and link this pre-set with a feature and
another PTZ camera. When an alarm is triggered by a PTZ camera, it is possible to alert and
enable another PTZ camera to further view the agent with the PTZ to PTZ Handoff feature.

Alarm Scenario

When a triggering event like as line crossing is detected in fixed camera view, the PTZ camera
moves to a specific position and immediately starts tracking that object. There can be one
fixed camera with multiple PTZ cameras.

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Auto PTZ tracking

The Auto PTZ Tracking is an extension of the PTZ Preset Analytics feature. This feature
continuously tracks a single object with Pan, Tilt & Zoom.

Alarm Scenario

Alarms are generated when an object touches the boundary of the Region of Interest. After
this, PTZ camera moves to the appropriate position and continues tracking the object.
Camera movement and tracking stops when object moves out of camera view or another
clearer object enters the Region of Interest. The tracking may also stop due to occlusion.
Since this feature is primarily used for Intrusion detection, Camera installation is similar to
Intrusion detection.

Smoke Detection
The Smoke feature accurately detects smoke in the camera field view in a virtually monitored
region of interest. Alarms are triggered when flames are detected in the virtual region for the
minimum predefined time as set by the user. This feature is primarily used in large indoor and
outdoor areas. It is an early warning feature.

Alarm Scenario

Smoke detection alarm is generated when more than 30% of RoI is filled with smoke.

Fire Detection
The Fire Detection feature accurately detects flames in the camera field view in a virtually
monitored region of interest. Alarms are triggered when flames are detected in the virtual
region for the minimum predefined time as set by the user. This feature is primarily used in large
indoor and outdoor areas. It is an early warning feature.

Alarm Scenario

Fire detection alarm is generated when more than 30% of RoI is filled with fire.

People Counting
The People Counting feature counts the number of people traversing a certain passage. This
feature provides traffic-flow measurement with real-time or periodic reporting as configured
by the user. While best results may be achieved by using Overhead Camera at entry/exit
points, this feature also supports Angular Camera. Counts are provided bi-directionally (both
Entry and Exit Points).

Alarm Scenario

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1. Over Head Camera – The people walking in the scene. Counts the people crossing
the line
2. Angular Camera – The camera is fixed in angular direction. It counts the people
crossing the line

Queue Management
This feature detects queue waiting time and queue length (number of people in the queue).

Alarm Scenario

1. Overhead IP cameras to be installed at the entry into the queue and exit from the queue

2. Single camera can be used for both entry and exit of queue only for small straight queue

3. For standard size queue there should be overhead cameras both at entry and exit

4. An overview camera covering across the queue can be optionally placed for matching

the results with overhead camera

5. Queue line can be straight queue or zigzag (snake) queue

6. The queue should be managed by railings and entry and exit line is provided

7. The counting accuracy may be affected if baggage is involved

8. Details about the number of people entering the queue and exiting from the queue is sent
along with details about the waiting time is sent via email


• Ingress – Refers to the count of people coming into queue

• Egress –Refers to the count of people coming out of queue
• Waiting time – Refers to the Waiting time in the queue

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Face Recognition
The Face Detection feature detects and recognizes faces identified in the video feed with the
registered faces in the database to generate alerts corresponding to a match or
mismatch. This feature supports multiple applications like People Authentication, Blacklist
Alarm, Forensic Face Search, and Attendance Monitoring.

Alarm Scenario

Individuals walking towards the camera field of view are recognized. The face detection allows
±20 degree tilt in both x and y direction. Upon Face recognition it is alarmed whether captured
face image it is accepted or rejected. Details of the recognized face are displayed in real-

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Vehicle Counting
The Vehicle Counting feature counts the number of vehicles crossing a virtual line in a vehicle
lane or entry / exit gates. It reliably monitors vehicle activities for traffic surveys or permanent
deployment and provides periodic report counts of vehicles by their class, direction, and
time. Vehicle Counting feature can be enabled for Line and Area Based Vehicle Counting.
The feature works bi-directionally, meaning the counting can be done for both directions.

Alarm Scenario

Over Head Camera – The vehicle going in the scene. Counts the vehicle crossing the line or
running inside the area

Angular Camera – The camera is fixed in angular direction. It counts the vehicle crossing the
line or running inside the area.

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Vehicle Congestion Detection

The Vehicle Congestion feature detects the percentage of area occupied by vehicles and
provides alerts against vehicle congestion as the user-specified number of vehicles occupy
the specified virtual area. Alarms are triggered when vehicle formation reaches the minimum
predefined vehicle formation value as set by the user.

Alarm Scenario

Alarms are triggered when Vehicle Congestion value reaches the minimum predefined
vehicle formation value as set by the user.

Wrong Way Detection / Flow Control / Directional Control

The Wrong Way Detection feature detects vehicle movement in a direction different to the
user specified direction in a virtual field of view. Alarms are triggered when vehicle movement
is detected in an undesired direction within the minimum predefined time as set by the user.

Alarm Scenarios

1. The person moving in the wrong direction defined by the user in the scene.
2. The vehicle moving in the wrong direction defined by the user in the scene.

Wrong way detection for vehicle

Speed Detection

The Speed Detection feature detects the speeding of vehicles above specified speed limit
observed in the camera field of view. For this feature, the camera needs to be installed parallel
to the road. Upper Speed Limit, Lower Speed Limit, Minimum Object Size and Maximum Object
Size needs to be specified by the user.

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Alarm Scenario:

Alarms are generated if the vehicle is found speeding for a minimum predefined time as set
by the user

Illegal Parking

The Illegal Parking feature detects instances of vehicle parking/stopping in a virtual field of
view (no parking zone or restricted zone) within a specified period as configured by the user.
Illegal Parking detection feature identifies instances of illegal parking omnidirectionally. To
enable this feature, user needs to provide the values for Minimum and Maximum vehicle size
and Minimum and Maximum object size.

Alarm Scenario:

Vehicle or object stationary in the scene inside an area for the minimum specified period.

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Illegal parking detection

Yellow Box Violation

The Yellow Box Violation feature detects vehicles entering a virtually drawn yellow box in the
virtual region of interest. Alarms are generated when the vehicles are present in the virtual
yellow box for the minimum predefined time as set by the user. This feature is primarily used in
traffic management to prevent congestion during traffic jams. Yellow Box Violation feature
identifies instances of yellow box violation omnidirectionally. To enable this feature, users need
to specify the values for Minimum and Maximum Vehicle Size.

Alarm Scenario:

Vehicle or object enters and remains in the region of interest for the minimum specified period
as set by the user.

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Illegal Lane Change

The Lane Change Detection feature plays a crucial role in traffic management and
monitoring. This feature automatically monitors irregularities in vehicle movement by identifying
instances of lane change and generating real-time alarms against the same.

Alarm Scenario:

Vehicle or object cross the line drawn for disallowed lane or crosses more than one lane at a

Automated Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) feature analyses rapidly the video data on the
principle of image processing to detect license plates (or number plates) of vehicles and
extracts the alpha numeric data to recognize and store the vehicle license plate identity.
Alarm Center – the management client for AllGoVision Video Analytics displays the License
Plate Data, apart from providing extensive search, reporting and analysis options.

The video feed coming from IP camera is processed frame by frame for detection and
recognition of license plate which has 3 steps involved in the process.
• In the step 1, the clear image captured by the camera is processes for presence of
any vehicle license plate. On successful detection of license plate the detected
license plate is captured. This step is known as License Plate Detection (& Capture).
• In the step 2, the captured license plate image is segmented into optically recognized
characters and the alpha numeric value is extracted.
• In the step 3, the license plate identity (the alpha-numeric code) is stored in the
database. The user has options to manually examine the code and modify if required.
There is option for the matching the extracted code with the existing entries in a list of
registered license plates. Depending upon match or mismatch the license plate is
recognized or unrecognized with respect to registered database.

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Alarm Scenario:

• Time out: If a vehicle enters a monitored zone, and doesn’t exit within a specified
time limit, an alarm can be generated.
• Detects ingress without egress and sends alarm on timeout after ingress without
• Detects and sends alarm for egress without ingress.
• Sends daily reports of ingress in PDF.
• When a number registered in Black list / White list/VIP or customized category,
alarm is generated with vehicle number.
• Alarm output displays License plate along with the Car Image.
• Supports Capture of License plate along with the Driver Image when used along
with Face Recognition feature.
• Red Line Violation Detection (RLVD) alarm is generated when a vehicle jumps red
signal. Car image and number plate is displayed in alarm.
• For better detection based on HSRP standards, operator can enable this option
and reject other non-standard number plates. (Disable Send all Detection option)
• ANPR For Access Control – Enable this option in cases where the LPR alarm is
expected when the plate is still in view. For instance, when a boom barrier is to be
opened after the LPR alarm is raised.

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• Alarms can be generated based on colour of number plates (for ex, yellow plates
for taxis).
• ANPR Based No Helmet Detection – Using this option, ANPR can generate alarms
when the vehicles classified as 'Motorbike' have no riders wearing helmets

AllGoVision Alarm Handling and Reporting

Alarms generated by the AllGoVision Application can be viewed both in the Web UI and the
Alarm Center.

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Alarm Center
To view and export alarm reports from the Alarm Center, log in to the enterprise account with
the correct credentials. You will now find the following dashboard after logging in:

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Alarm View Dashboard

To view the list of functions under Alarm View, click on down arrow mark in Alarm View
dashboard. You will now find the following list of functions. Refer to the below image for more

• Alarms: This option lets you view the list of available alarms
• Queue Management: This option gives you live updates and reports for Queue
• Alarm Color: This option lets you change the colors for the different types of Alarms
(For example, Red for Tripwire or Yellow for Camera Tampering)
• Alarm Notification: This option lets you enable the notifications for all types of for
different types of alarm pop ups in the window
Note: The Alarm Email feature is added but not operational at the moment.

In this tab, you will find the list of available alarm types. They can be configured by
configuring the below features:

• Alarms can be searched by filtering the Alarm Name/Alarm Description/Object

Type/Color options
• Alarms can be filtered according to their date and time
• Users can format the Alarm List in Excel by clicking on the Export to Excel option
• Users can format the Alarm List in PDF by clicking on the Export to PDF option

Note: Alarm Color feature is not working at the moment

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Alarm Color
This feature lets you change and configure the colors for different types of Alarms. To
configure Alarm Color, click on the Alarm Color option from the Alarm View dashboard. The
Alarm Color settings will appear as in the following image:

Queue Management
When you click on the Queue Management option, you will find the following two tabs:

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• Queue Management Live Update

• Queue Management Alarms
Queue Management Live Update
Following are the functions of the Queue Management Live Update Tab

• Users can click on this tab to live alarm updates of the Queue Management feature.
Updates are available periodically at an interval of 10 seconds
• Users can also filter the updates depending on the Camera Name, Queue Number,
Average Waiting Time, Average Service Time, and Alarm Update Time

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Queue Management Alarms

This tab has the following functions:

• The Queue Management Alarm tab provides information about the different Queue
Management Alarms
• Users can export the alarm list in Text format by clicking on the Export to CSV option
• Users can export the alarm list in PDF format by clicking on the Export to PDF option
• Users can export the alarm list in Excel format by clicking on the Export to Excel option

Alarm Notification
The Alarm Notification option has the following features:

• Users can enable Notification and Alarm Sound for the list of features as highlighted in
the following image
• Users can set the interval for pop up alarm generation. For example, if you set the
Alarm Interval at 10 second, you will receive Pop up notification for the Alarms at a
period interval of 10 seconds.

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Data Analysis Dashboard

To view list of functions under Data Analysis, click on down arrow mark in Data Analysis
dashboard. You will now find the following list of functions.

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• Click on Alarm Analysis option to view and analyze camera alarms details
• Click on Camera DD Analysis option to view and analyze feature alarms details
• Click on Feature DD Analysis option to view and analyze feature alarms details
• Click on People Count option to view people count details
• Click on Crowd Count option view crowd count details
• Click on Vehicle count option to view vehicle count details
• Click on Comparison Map to view and export the comparison reports

Alarm Analysis
Users can see the graphical image of camera alarms by clicking on the Alarm Analysis
feature. Following is brief list of its functions:

• Users can filter alarms by using Last one day/week/month option to view alarms from
single or multiple cameras
• Users can view graphical representation of alarms by selecting Site/Zone for multiple
cameras with multiple features
• Users can view the graphical representation of alarms by selecting Zone only option
• Users can view the graphical representation of alarms by selecting Site and Features

Camera Drill Analysis

Users can view the graphical image of the camera alarms by using the following features:

• Users can fetch the Camera alarms by using dropdown list of Last One
Day/Week/Month data

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• Users can view and asses the number of alarms with the number of cameras for the
last one Day/Week/Month

Feature Drill Analysis

Users can view the graphical image of the feature alarms by using the following features:

• Users can fetch the feature alarms through the dropdown list for Last One
• Users can view and analyze the number of alarms with their respective features for the
Last One Day/Week/Month

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People Count
Users can view the graphical image for People Count through the following features:

• Users can view and analyze the graphical representation for the Total People Count
with in and out time by the specified time of interval
• Users can export graphical images in image format by using the Export to JPG option
• Users can export details of people count in textual format by using the Export to CSV

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Crowd Count
Users can view the graphical image for Crowd Count by using the following feature:

• Users can view and analyze the graphical representation for the live crowd count
details and filter them according to site-wise data

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Vehicle Count
Users can view the graphical image of the Vehicle count by using the following features:

• Users can view and analyze the graphical representation for the Total Vehicle Count
by the specified time of interval
• Users can export images of graphical representation in image format by using the
Export to JPG option
• Users can export the details of the vehicle count in text format by using the Export to
CSV option

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Comparison Map
Users can view the graphical image for the Comparison Map by using the following feature:

• Users can view the graphical representation of the Comparison Report by selecting
the First and Second Time Interval

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Face Recognition Dashboard

Click on the down arrow mark in Face Recognition dashboard to view the list of functions
under the Face Recognition Dashboard. You will find the following set of features in this

• The FR Alarm option enables you to view and analyze the FR alarm details
• The FR Report option enables you to view and export FR Report details
• The Attendance Mgm option enables you to view and analyze the Attendance
Management details

FR Alarm
Users can view the image and additional FR Alarm details by using the following feature:

• Users can view details about the highlighted face in Alarm Preview Pane

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FR Report
Users can view the image for FR Reports details by using the following set of features:

• Users can export the FR Alarm List in textural format by using the Export to CSV option
• Users can export the FR Alarm List in PDF format by using the Export to PDF option
• Users can export the FR Alarm List in Excel Format by using the Export to Excel option

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Note: If users click on the Export to XSLX Tab, the following excel file will be automatically

Attendance Management
Users can view the image and additional details for Attendance Management by using the
following features:

• Users can click on the Daily and Monthly report options to filter attendance according
to daily or monthly basis
• Attendance details can also be filtered by entering the Name, ID, details about
Present, No Out, or Absent

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LP Recognition Dashboard
Users can click on the down arrow mark in the LP Recognition dashboard to view the list of
available functions under the LP Recognition. Upon clicking the down arrow mark, users can
view the following set of functions:

• The LPR Alarm option enables users to view and analyze details about the LPR Alarm
• The LPR Report option enables users to view and export details about the LPR Report

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LPR Alarm
Users can view details about the LPR Alarm by using the following set of features:

• Users can view details about the highlighted vehicles in the Alarm Preview Pane. Here,
users can also check which specific Alarm ID is selected in the LPR Alarm List

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LPR Report
Users can view image and additional details about the LPR Report by using the following

• Users can export the LPR Alarm list in Textual format by using the Export to CSV option
• Users can export the LPR Alarm List in PDF Format by using the Export to PDF option
• Users can export the LPR Alarm List in Excel Format by using the Export to Excel option

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Note: If users click on the Export to XLSX tab, the following excel file will be automatically

Reports Dashboard
Users can click on the down arrow mark in the Reports Dashboard to view the list of functions
available in this dashboard. Upon clicking the down arrow mark, users will find the following
list of functions:

• The Export Reports option enables users to view and export the Report details

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• The Report Config option enables users to view the Config Report details
• The Report files option enables users to view the available Report Files

Export Reports
Users can view the image and additional details about Export reports by using the following

• Users can export the Reports by their Start and End Time by selecting the Camera
Name and the Analytic feature

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Reports Config
Users can view details about the Reports Config by using the following feature:

• Users can view and access reports by selecting the Report Type from the dropdown,
choosing the Report Interval, and entering the Receiver’s Email Address

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Report Files
This option enables users to see the available files sent via email. Here, users also have the
option of directly downloading the required file(s) by clicking on the Download Tab as shown
in the following image.

Health Status Dashboard

Users can click on the down arrow mark in the Health Status Dashboard to view the list of
available functions in this dashboard. The Health Status Dashboard has the following

• Users can click on the Server Status tab to view and analyze details about the Server
• Users can click on the Camera Status option to view and analyze details about the
Camera Status

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Server Status
Users can view the Server Status details by using the following set of features:

• Users can check the Service Status of the Server along with CPU and RAM Usage in the
main dashboard
• Users can export the Server Details in Text format by using the Export to CSV option
• Users can export the Server Details in PDF format by using the Export to PDF option
• Users can export the Server Details in Excel format by using the Export to Excel option

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Camera Status
Users can view the image and additional details about the Camera Status by using the
following set of features:

• The Analytic Over Last option enables users to view the status of the graphical
representation of the Analytics running on the cameras as per the specified number of
• Users can view the status of the CPU and RAM usage for the selected number of days
by using the Analytic Over Last option
• Users can export the Camera Status details in Text format by using the Export to CSV
• Users can export the Camera Status details in PDF format by using the Export to PDF
• Users can export the Camera Status details in Excel format by using the Export to Excel

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Queue Management Dashboard

Users can click on the Queue Management Dashboard option to view the list of functions in
this dashboard. The Queue Management Dashboard has the following set of functions:

• The Real Time Lane Operation option enables users to view the status of the Lane or
the Counter operation
• The Queue Analytics option enables users to view details about Queue Management

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Real Time Lane Operation

Users can click on the Real Time Lane Operation option to view the list of functions under the
Real Time Lane Operation tab. Upon clicking this option, users will find the following list of

• Overview
• View Area
• View Zone
• View Queues
• View Cameras
• View Service Counters
• Transaction

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This option enables users to view the image for the Overview details like the Number of Zones,
Queues, Cameras, Counters, Operational Service Counters, and Non Operational Service
Counters. Users can reset the entire data by clicking on the Reset Data Tab.

Note: If the data is reset, then it needs to be reconfigured through the Multi-Camera
Configuration Tab in the Configuration Server.

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View Area
Users can view the image for a specific area along with additional details by using the
following features:

• Users can click on the Entrance, Check_In, Security_Hold, Immigration, or Emigration

tabs to view all the zones created in those specific areas

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View Zones
Users can view zone-specific details by using the following feature:

• Users can click on the available zones to view the queues created in that specific
zone. For example, if a user clicks on 123 Zone, they will be able to view the list of
available queues created in 123 zone

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View Queues
Users can view queue specific details by using the following feature:

• If you click on the View Queues option, you will find the different queues listed in
separate tabs as in the following image

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For example, if you click on the Entry1 queue, you will find the following options as displayed
in the below image. The Operational and Non-Operational counter details are color coded.
While Green indicate operational counters, Red indicates non-operational counters. Users
can view the number of counters and they will also receive live updates at an interval of 10

View Check-In
Users can view the check-in details by using the following feature:

• When users click on the View Check-in option, the different Check-in zones will be
listed as in the following image:

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For example, if a user clicks on the CHECKIN tab, they will find the following options as
displayed in the below image. The counters are color coded with Green indicating
Operational counters and Red indicating Non-Operational Counters. Users can also view the
number of counters as well as the live updates at an interval of 10 seconds.

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View Cameras
Users can view the image and additional camera details by using the following feature:

• When users click on the View Camera option the camera details are listed against the
respective cameras. If users click on a particular camera, the Camera View will be
displayed in the following page

For example, if a user clicks on the Entry1 Camera tab, the following page will be displayed,
listing out the Zone Name, Camera Name, Number of Counters, Operational Counters, and
Non-Operational Counters

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Service Counters
Users can view the image and additional details of the Service counter by using the following

• Click on the Service Counter option to view the Service Counter details including the
Counter ID, Service Counter name, Camera Name, Queue, Zone Name, and
Operational Status

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Upon clicking the Transaction option, users can see the following two tabs:

• Queue Management Live Update

• Queue Management Alarms
Queue Management Live Update
• Users can click on the Queue Management Live Update tab to view details about the
live updates. New updates are available at an interval of 10 seconds
• Users can filter the contents according to the Queue Count, Camera Name, Queue
Number, Queue Name, Average Waiting Time, and Date when it was last updated

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Queue Management Alarms

• Users can click on the Queue Management Alarms Tab to view details about the
Queue Management Alarms
• The Alarm List can be exported to Text Format by using the Export to CSV option
• The Alarm List can be exported to PDF Format by using the Export to PDF option
• The Alarm List can be exported to Excel Format by using the Export to excel option

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Data Analysis Dashboard

To view the list of functions under the Data Analysis option, click on the Data Analysis Tab.
You will now find the following set of functions:

• View Areas
• View Zones
• View Queues

View Areas
• When users click on the View Area option they can view the zones created in that
specific area. For example, if you click on the Entrance Area option, you can find the
list of zones created in the Entrance Area

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View Zones
• When users click on the View Zones option, they will find the list of queues created for
that specific zone

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View Queues
• Users can click on the View Queues option to view the list of available queues

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• If the user clicks on a specific queue tab, Entry1 queue, for example, then they will find
the following details as displayed in the below image

In the following graph, you will find:

• The waiting time interval of the total number of people

• The waiting time statistics listing people waiting in the queue for the maximum time
• The Average Wait/Service Time and Queue Count
• The Overflow displaying the wait time/service time and the queue count overflows

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AllGoVision DB backup and restore

DB Backup
1. Log in HeidiSQL.

2. Go to Tools menu. Select ‘Export DB as SQL’

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3. Create backup file of Allgovision DB as shown below. Save backup in your preferred folder.

4. Export DB backup

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DB Restoration
1. For Restoration, go to HeidiSQL

2. Click ‘Run SQL’

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3. Open the backup file to be used for restoration

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4. Check that allgovision database is restored in home page

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