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A SP E N CA P IT A L SO LU TIO N S M A Y 22, 2 0 2 1

2 4 5 PA RK A V EN U E | 3 9 TH FLO O R | N EW Y O RK | N Y 1 0 1 6 7

Book | Keeper
The Problem The Solution
We Solve We Created

According to the World Bank Group, 65 Our multicurrency mobile financial

million micro, small and medium capacity building app, Book|Keeper,
enterprises (“MSMEs”) create 90% of t h e solves the biggest impediment to finance -
new jobs in the developing countries but the lack of data to assess MSME credit risk
face a staggering financing gap of $8.1 - by enabling MSME users to enter, store
trillion, which greatly hinders growth, and derive insights from their
profitability, job creation, and poverty transactional data by responding to
alleviation. Women-owned MSMEs intuitive and gamified questions.
account for an outsized share of this
financing gap. The app converts transactional data into
bookkeeping entries (debits and credits),
E-commerce and mobile financial services [financial statements] and [business
are helping MSMEs rapidly scale analytics] (to be implemented), thus
their businesses at a reduced cost. improving MSME financial reporting,
And digital lending is making slow progress access to loans, business performance,
in reaching underserved communities and and job creation.
The app does not require MSMEs to learn
However, these digital financial services accounting or bookkeeping. It is easy-to-
alone are not expected to make a use, affordable, and secure. The app was
significant dent on the $8.1 trillion MSME designed with significant input from
financing gap because they do not address MSMEs and lenders during our founder’s
the fundamental impediment to MSME decade-long experience with IFC, a
lending - their inability to provide lenders member of the World Bank Group, USAID
with sufficient, reliable and timely financial projects, and advocacy groups for women
statements and operational data. This entrepreneurs.
exaggerates MSME credit risk, increases
risk aversion of lenders, a n d reduces
the supply of affordable MSME loans.

A SPEN CA PITA L SO LU TIO N S LLC | 2 4 5 PA RK A V EN U E | 3 9 TH FLO O R | N EW Y O RK | N Y 1 0 1 6 7

Tangible Impacts

MSME users enter simple operational and financial data on each business
transaction with, for example, customers, suppliers, employees, etc. by
answering simple and intuitive questions displayed in a gamified and fun manner.
Users can also upload documents supporting each transaction, such as receipts,
invoices, and pictures.

The app immediately displays the bookkeeping entries - debits and credits -
associated with each transaction entered by the MSME users based on double-
entry accounting principles. Users can search, filter, and select transactions and
export the bookkeeping entries, [financial statements], and [business analytics] to
(a) lenders in csv or PDF files with and (b) gain actionable business insights, which the
MSMEs can use to improve profitability, growth, and job creation.

Widespread adoption of this financial literacy app by t h e MSMEs, t h r o u g h
increased awareness campaigns and training arranged by advocacy organizations,
academic institutions, NGOs and financial institutions will h e l p bridge the $8.1
trillion financing gap by d r a s t i c a l l y i m p r o v i n g t h e a s s e s s m e n t
o f MSME credit risk. This will scale the supply of affordable loans to MSMEs,
especially women owned MSMEs, helping them grow profitably and create jobs.

A SPEN CA PITA L SO LU TIO N S LLC | 2 4 5 PA RK A V EN U E | 3 9 TH FLO O R | N EW Y O RK | N Y 1 0 1 6 7

Awareness & Training
We partner with local, regional, and international advocacy organizations,
academic institutions, NGOs and financial institutions to help MSMEs build their
financial literacy and capacity through awareness campaigns and cost-effective
training sessions.

Our training is usually offered online via zoom: 9 0 m i n u t e s for MSMEs to

learn the basics of entering, searching, filtering, selecting, and exporting data;
another 90 minutes to learn intermediate topics; and final 90 minutes to learn
advanced topics. We monitor our trainees progress real-time and intervene when
needed. We offer free training of trainers (ToT) in partnership with advocacy
organizations, academic institutions, NGOs, and financial institutions.

Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (MEL)

Our MEL services are supported by real-time and verifiable data captured by our
digital platform and reported on an anonymized basis.

We have waived the app’s subscription fee for 6-months, to be followed by a low
monthly subscription fee.

Help Desk
We partner with advocacy organizations, academic institutions, NGOs, and
financial institutions to set up help desks as needed.

You Can Help

Please contact us here to arrange a 90-minute online or offline training session for up
to 30 MSMEs in your constituency.

A SPEN CA PITA L SO LU TIO N S LLC | 2 4 5 PA RK A V EN U E | 3 9 TH FLO O R | N EW Y O RK | N Y 1 0 1 6 7

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