TI - 2022 - Validasi Farmasi Industri

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Validasi Metode Analisis

Dr. rer. nat. Tanti Tatang Irianti, M.Sc., Apt.

2022 3
Validasi Metode Analisis
❖Kemanfaatan metode harus konsisten dengan tujuan utama
validasi metode diusulkan, yaitu,
Prosedur analisis harus divalidasi:

a.secara menyeluruh, termasuk penyiapan sampel sebelum

b.mencakup rentang konsentrasi analit yang dinyatakan
dalam lingkup metode.
c.untuk masing-masing jenis matrik dimana metode tersebut
akan digunakan.

Gonzales and Herrador, 2007, Trend in Analytical Chemistry, 26 (3): 227-238

The Manager ’s Guide to VAM, UK Department of Trade and Industry,
Valid Analytical Measurement Programme [ Eurachem Guide, 1998 ].

2022 5
Eurachem Guide, 1998

2022 6

Eurachem Guide, 1998

2022 7
Kapan Suatu Metode Analisis Perlu
divalidasi atau revalidasi ?
[ Huber, in: Nash and Wachter, 2003 ]

❖Sebelum metode diterapkan atau diberlakukan untuk

penggunaan rutin.

❖Bila kondisi berubah dilihat dari tujuan metode tersebut

divalidasi [misal: instrumen dengan karakteristik yang berbeda].

❖Bila metode tersebut berubah dan perubahan tersebut diluar

lingkup awal metode tersebut saat divalidasi.

2022 8

❖Bila kontrol kualitas mengindikasikan bahwa metode baku

tersebut berubah dengan berubahnya waktu.

❖Ada maksud untuk membuktikan kesetaraan antara dua metode

(metode baru dan metode baku).

2022 9
Metode Compendial/Farmakope

Metode yang termuat di dalam farmakope

sudah divalidasi

Jadi tidak perlu dilakukan validasi lagi


diperlukan verifikasi

Kazakevich, Y. and LoBrutto, R., 2007, HPLC for Pharmaceutical Scientists,

Chpt. 9
2022 11
Assignment of Validation Parameters

Kazakevich, Y. and LoBrutto, R., 2007, HPLC for Pharmaceutical Scientists,

Chpt. 9, p.459.
2022 12
2022 13
Bukti Bahwa Metode Analisis yang ada
di Farmakope/Compendia
Sudah di Validasi
2022 15
2022 16
2022 17
Adjustment or Modification
2022 19
Verification of an analytical procedure is:

The demonstration that a laboratory is capable of replicating

with an acceptable level of performance a standard method.

Verification under conditions of use is demonstrated by

meeting system suitability specifications establihed for the
method, as well as a demonstration of
accuracy and precision
other method parameters for the type of method
Ora Laboratory Procedure, FDA: Ora-Lab.5.4.5
2022 20
Typical Analytical Characteristics Used
In Method Validation




Limit of Detection

Limit of Quantitation



2022 21
Table 2: Data Elements Required for Validation
[ USP-35, p.881 ]
Analytical Category Category II Category Category
Performance I Quanti- Limit III IV
tative Tests
Accuracy Yes Yes * * No
Precision Yes Yes No Yes No
Specificity Yes Yes Yes * Yes
Detection Limit No No Yes * No

Quantitation No Yes No * No
Linearity Yes Yes No * No
Range Yes Yes * * No

* May be required, depending on the nature of the specific test

2022 22
United State Pharmcopeia, No.31-NF 26, (2008), ch. 621

2022 Snyder dkk., 2010, Introduction to Modern Liquid Chromatography, Chpt. 12 23

Categories of assays for which validation data
[ USP -35, p.881 ]
◼ Category I :
Analytical procedures for quantitation of major
components of bulk drug substances or active ingredients
(including preservatives) in finished pharmaceutical

◼ Category II :
Analytical procedures for determination of impurities in
bulk drug substances or degradation compounds in finished
pharmaceutical products. These procedures include
quantitative assays and limit tests.

2022 24
Categories of assays for which validation data
[ USP -35, p.881 ]

◼ Category III :

Analytical procedures for determination of performance

characteristics (e.g., dissolution, drug release, etc.).

◼ Category IV : Identification tests

For each assay category, different analytical information
is needed. Listed in Table 2 are data elements that are
normally required for each of these categories.

2022 25
Guidance for Method Validation

Ahuja dan Dong, 2005.

2022 26

2022 27
Identitas Analit, p.182

Confirmation of the identity of an analyte’s spot can be

also determined by two- dimensional TLC with full scan
UV/VIS and cochromatography.
The analyte’s spot should be intensified by doing a
cochromatography, and new spot should not appear and the
visual appearance shall not change; Rf value of the analyte
shall agree with the reference standard within +/- 5%.

2022 28
Peak purity, p.182

2022 29
Clarke’s, 2011, 4th Ed., p.607

2022 30
2022 31
2022 32
2022 33
2022 34
Moffat, A.C., 1986, [ Editor ]
Clarke’s Isolation and Identification of Drugs Second
Edition, p.308

The A1%
1cm value are divided into 3 categories:
Category 1:

The letter a after figure A indicates that the value is a


mean value based on several reported figures all of which

lie within a range of
+ 10%
of the mean

2022 35
Moffat, A.C., 1986, [ Editor ]
Clarke’s Isolation and Identification of Drugs Second
Edition, p.308

Category 2:

The letter b after a figure A indicates that the value is a


single reported value of

unknown reliability

2022 36
Moffat, A.C., 1986, [ Editor ]
Clarke’s Isolation and Identification of Drugs Second
Edition, p.308

Category 3:

The letter c after a figure A1cm indicates that the value is a


mean value based on several reported figures some of

which lie outside
+ 10%
of the mean

2022 37
2022 38
2022 39
2022 40
Hub. pKa vs pH vs Ionisasi Anait

2022 41

2022 42
Metode H P L C

❖ Metode HPLC

Puncak-puncak kromatogram terpisah sempurna dilihat dari

Resolusi yang dihasilkan

Juga harus diperhatikan baseline resolutionnya

2022 44

Ahuja dan Dong, 2005.

2022 45

2022 46

2022 47
Ampisilin, Amoksisilin, Pensilin G-Na,
Penicilin V.

Amoksisilin Ampisilin

Penisilin G Na Penisilin V

2022 48
Ampisilin, Penisilin G, dan Penisilin V


Apakah ketiga obat tersebut dapat di analisis:

Secara Spektrofotometri Ultraviolet ?

Secara Titrimetri (Iodometri) ?

Mengapa Demikian ?

2022 49

2022 50
forced degradation
Forced Degradation Studies

Ahuja dan Dong, 2005.

2022 52
2022 53
Forced Degradation Study (Ahuja &Dong, 2005, p.366)

2022 54
2022 55

2022 56
Forced Degradation

Dr. rer. nat. Tanti Tatang Irianti, M.Sc., Apt.

2022 58
Forced Degradation Studies

Ahuja dan Dong, 2005.

2022 59
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[ minute ]

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