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Nama : Meilisa Danaiyanti

Nim : 048876421
Bahasa Inggris niaga


The ongoing global supply chain disruptions and rising energy prices have significantly
impacted the effectiveness of monetary policy in controlling inflation. The recent surge in
inflation rates has been largely attributed to these external factors, which have increased the
cost of production and led to higher prices for goods and services. In this context, monetary
policy, which primarily focuses on managing the money supply and interest rates, may not be
as effective in controlling inflation. This is because the root cause of the inflation is not a
monetary issue but rather a supply-side problem. As a result, central banks may need to
consider additional measures to address the underlying issues driving inflation.
One potential measure could be to focus on supply-side policies, such as investing in
infrastructure and logistics to improve the efficiency of supply chains. Additionally, central
banks could also consider implementing policies that directly address the energy crisis, such
as providing incentives for the development of renewable energy sources or supporting
energy-efficient technologies. Furthermore, central banks could also explore the use of
unconventional tools, such as forward guidance or negative interest rates, to manage inflation
expectations and stabilize the economy. For instance, the European Central Bank has used
negative interest rates to stimulate economic growth and combat deflationary pressures.
In conclusion, the ongoing supply chain disruptions and rising energy prices have
significantly impacted the effectiveness of monetary policy in controlling inflation. Central
banks need to adapt to these new challenges by considering additional measures that address
the underlying supply-side issues driving inflation. By focusing on supply-side policies and
unconventional tools, central banks can better manage inflation expectations and ensure price
stability in the economy

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