Script-Inter House Debate

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Invite- Content

Dear Mrs. Ross/Mrs Thaddani/Mrs. Nair/Miss Menzes/Mrs. Mallic Kumar

We are delighted to invite you to the Senior Inter-House Debate 2023-2024.
The Debate is scheduled on 7th July 2023 in the Girls’ Assembly Hall at ---- a.m.
We will be delighted to escort you to the Assembly, at a time convenient to you.
We look forward to having you with us to celebrate the spirit of conviction along with
acceptance of diverse perspectives.


Respected Principal, Mrs.Ross, Vice-Principal, Mrs. Ohol, Judges, Teachers and my

dear friends,

On behalf of the students of St. Mary’s School, I extend a very warm welcome to
you to the Senior Inter- House English Debate Competition.
We are indeed blessed to be able to pursue academics and extra-curricular
activities, with zeal and excellence.
Before we commence, let us pray in thanksgiving.

May I request -------- to lead us in prayer

Dear Lord,
We thank you for this wonderful day. We thank you for the countless blessings you
have showered on us, that we are here today in school to continue our education
and acquire life skills, through the various activities conducted in school.
We thank you for guiding our teachers and students every step of the way.
Please bless our Principal and Vice-Principal for their constant support and
Please bless our judges so that they may judge the participants impartially.
We ask you to bless the teachers for their support and encouragement.
We ask you to give our participants strength and courage so that they may perform
to the best of their ability.
We ask you to bless them with composure to take victory and defeat in their stride.
We ask you to hold us in your loving hands and help us to conduct the debate in all
fairness and appropriateness.

Thank you, Ramona

Introduction to the Judges

Introduction to the Debate-

-A Debate or debating is a method of argument.

It is a formal discussion on a particular matter, in which opposing arguments are put
An issue or debate always has two sides or positions. Informal debates
like discussion are very common, but the quality of a debate improves with
knowledge and skill of its participants as debaters.
Debates are a means of understanding the different perspectives that others
can have about the same subject and how those perspectives are made. This
helps to develop the capacity to view the same thing from varied perspectives and
sometimes, a better perspective.

- Why are debates important?

Debates help us think critically.

Most people tend to make arbitrary statements when in any disagreement, which
results in an argument rather than a logical discussion.

Debates improve our speaking skills

No matter how good a thinker you are and how much you know about a particular
subject, none of it will be of any value if you can’t articulate your thoughts and
convert them into meaningful words and express them with impressive
presentational skills.

Debates are a tool to resolve conflicts

Debates have been a powerful method to resolve conflicts throughout history.

The courtroom debate is a perfect example of the importance of debates in solving


“It is better to debate a question without settling it than to settle a question without
debating it.”

The Rules of the Debate-

The Rules of the Debate-

1. Speakers will introduce themselves.
2. Each participant will be given three minutes to speak. A bell will be rung at the
end of 2 minutes to indicate that the participant has only one minute left to
wind up.
3. Please note that the time will start as soon as the speaker begins speaking.
4. Speakers will not be allowed to read from a prepared script.
5. There will be a rebuttal at the end of every speaker’s argument.
6. One minute will be allotted for the same. The rebuttal will be in the form of
short precise questions asked by competing teams on the content of the
speaker’s presentation. Please note that rebuttals are meant to test the
conviction of the speakers and not question their opinions.
7. In case, no question is asked, full marks will be awarded to the participant.

Motion for the Debate-

The Order of the Debate-

-The order of participants has been pre-decided by a draw of lots.
The order is as follows;
1. St. Peter’s
2. St. Patrick’s
3. St. Michael’s
4. St. Francis’

-Vote of Thanks
As we come to the end of the Senior Inter- House English Debate, on behalf of the
Team, I would like to express my gratitude to our Principal, Mrs. Ross for providing
us this grand platform to showcase our talents.
We would like to thank our Vice-Principal, Mrs. Ohol for her constant support and
encouragement to put our best foot forward.
We are grateful to the House Teachers for their invaluable inputs in putting this
event together and guiding and leading us to participate in good cheer and spirit.
We thank the administrative team headed by Mr. Sam and the ancillary staff, for
their cooperation and commitment towards making this competition, a success.
I take the opportunity to thank all the students who have worked tirelessly behind the
And, of course last but not the least, we thank you, the audience for encouraging the

May I request our Principal, Mrs. Ross to share her thoughts.

Thank you Ma’m for your kind and encouraging words.

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