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Ionic Fingerless Mitts

By Carlie Perrins
These mitts are based on a popular cable
motif known as the Ionian Cable.
Reminiscent of ancient Greek columns
this symmetrical, elegant cable is an easy
and fun knit. The rest of the mitt is
straight forward stockinette stitch and is
constructed in the round with a gusset
thumb. The double knitting weight yarn
makes for a quick, satisfying project.
These mitts accommodate a range of
sizes as the cable has a significant
amount of stretch.

Work in the round, knit, purl, cable, increase, pick up stitches, cable cast on, bind off in ribbing, chart reading

Yarn: 1 ball Diamond Luxury Collection Fine Merino Superwash DK in Grey, 137yds/125m per 50g
Yardage: 115yds/105m of DK weight yarn
Needles: 4mm/US 6 circular needles 32” length for magic loop, OR 4mm/US6 double pointed needles
Scrap yarn, darning needle, 2 stitch markers, cable needle
Gauge 24sts and 28 rounds/4” or 10cm in stockinette stitch using 4mm/US 6 needles

Size One size: glove measures 6” around both palm and wrist when unstretched, and stretches comfortably to 9”
around palm and wrist.

BO – bind off p – purl
CN – cable needle pm – place marker
CO – cable cast on psso – pass slipped stitch over
dec – decrease pu – pick up
dpns – double pointed needles rep - repeat
inc - increase slm – slip marker
k – knit sl st – slip stitch
LH – left hand st(s) – stitch(es)
m – marker st st – stockinette stitch
m1 – inc 1 st by picking up the bar between two sts front
to back with your left needle and knitting it through the
back loop

CO 44 sts using 4mm/US6 needles and join into the round, being careful to not twist the sts. Work (k1,
p1) ribbing for 6 rounds.

Set-up Round for cable: k1, p3, k4, p2, k1, m1, p2, k4, p3, (k1, p1) to end of round (1 st inc).
R2: k1, p3, work cable chart line 2, p3, (k1, p1) to end of round.
Continue as established for 1 full chart repeat.
R1 of SECOND chart repeat: k1, p3, work cable, p3, k to end of round.
Work 6 more rounds, continuing now in st st for the palm as established in the last round. Thumb gusset
shaping starts on 8th round of chart repeat.

Thumb Gusset:
Left Hand Right Hand
R8: work in established pattern to last 4 sts, pm, R8: k1, p3, work chart, p3, k1, pm, k1, m1, k2,
k1, m1, k2, m1, k1. m1, k1, pm, k to end of round.
R9: work in established pattern, slipping marker R9: work in established pattern, slipping
as you come to it. markers as you come to them.
R10: work to m, slm, k1, m1, k to last st, m1, k1. R10: work to m, slm, k1, m1, k to last st before
Repeat last two rounds 3 more times, you will m, m1, k1, slm, k to end of round.
have 14 sts between markers, and will have Repeat last two rounds 3 more times, you will
finished with R16 of the chart. have 14 sts between markers, and will have
finished with R16 of the chart.
Placing thumb sts on scrap yarn:
Work to first m, remove m, k1, using your darning needle and scrap yarn pick up 12 sts and transfer to the yarn for later,
k1, remove m, k to end of round. You will now be on Round 2 of the chart.

Finish one more complete chart repeat. On R16 dec out the extra cable pattern st as follows: work in est pattern to st 7
of the chart, sl st, k next st, psso, finish the round. (1 st dec)
Then work 5 rounds (k1, p1) ribbing, and BO in ribbing to ensure adequate stretch. Weave in ends.

PU 12 sts on scrap yarn, pu 4 more sts evenly along thumb/palm seam, and join into the round. Work 4 rounds (k1, p1)
ribbing, and BO in ribbing to ensure adequate stretch. Weave in ends.

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© 2019 by Carlie Perrins


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