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Rodrigo duterte promise to take down the issue of rapid drug cases faced by our society and just

3 to 6 months of his term according to his statement his promises was a failure however he added
that his campaign about war on drugs will not stop until the end of his term until the last pusher
or the last drug lord are killed. On june 30 2016 philippine president rodrigo roa duterte has
implemented a war on drugs that has led to the death of over 12,000 filipinos many victims of
the drug war have been identified as suspected drug users or pushers based on police reports or
its community allegations however there are documented cases where innocent civilian including
bystander and individual with no apparent links or related to drugs have also become one of the
victims of the violence associated with the war on drug imposed by the previous president of the
philippines the primary victims of his campaign was the people belong to the poorest of the poor
families. Mark Thompson 2019

On august 6 2016 in his interview a week after bowing to continue his shoot to kill in accordance
to his war on drugs campaign his order is to shoot to kill those people involved in drugs matter
he added to his statement i don't care about human rights you people who involved in this illegal
matter you better believe me reasons that some of the family of victims who are actually not
linked to any drug cases raise their concern and voices asking for justice.
Presiding on the human rights consequences of the war on drugs in the philippines on august 2
2017 a year after president duterte statement who are not afraid to against human rights against
all the the persons involved in such matter. Vanda fell bob brown a senior fellow at the broken
institution testify and submitted her statement for the house of foreign affairs committee on the
human rights consequences against the war on drug imposed and implemented by the previous
president of the philippines president rodrigo roa duterte president duterte war on drugs in the
philippines is morally and legally unjustifiable according to her.

Her comments is clear and concise explaining that the war on drugs only exacerbates rather than
addresses the issue of illegal drug trade and use among the filipinos while deteriorating the rule
of law and the social cohesion for their more vanda felbab brown encouraged the international
committee or the community including the united states to mass condemn and sanction the
philippine government especially the president of the philippines during the time president
rodrigo roa duterte for its indefensible actions.

Supporters argue that president duterte's time in malacañang significantly advanced the fight
against drug related crime by targeting gangs and criminals organizations they highlight the large
number of arrest the surrender of drug users and traffickers and the seizure of significant amount
of illegal drugs as science of progress however critics condemn the human rights abuses and
extra judicial killings associated with the drug war they argue that marginalized community
suffer the most with many innocent bystanders being and justly killed additionally opponents
argue that the root causes of drug abuse just as poverty and lack of access to healthcare have not
been adequately address ultimately whether duterte achieve his campaign pledge concerning the
war on drugs on individual viewpoints and evaluations of the condition in the philippines
throughout his presidency using the war on drugs as a means to achieve peace in a country is not
a viable solution according to ethan nodelman 2014.

In the present time under the presidential year of our president ferdinand marcos jr according to
the study of nick aspin wall in 2024 the current president has shown little interest and helping
families to find justice as data shows drug war killings are continuing in the testimony of sierra
the sister of the one of the victim of the war on drugs who was an 18 year old Ephraim Escudero
first went missing in september 2017 he went missing for 5 days and was founded later it was
acknowledged that ibrahim may have been killed because of the drug war unless by then
president rodrigo duterte 7 years have passed and one president later escudero is no closer to
finding justice according to her statement marcos hasn't supported the families of the victims
nothing has changed all according to al jazeera in 2024 she also added that those people who
were victimized by the war on drugs without apparently the drug ended up becoming a collateral
damage against duterte's harsh anti-drug campaign.


Philippines’ War on Drugs: A Controversial Legacy Under Duterte and Marcos Jr.

Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte’s ambitious promise to eradicate drug-related issues within
3 to 6 months of his term has sparked widespread debate and analization . As the nation grapples
with the consequences of his aggressive anti-drug campaign, the focus has now shifted to current
President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. and his approach to addressing the ongoing drug war killings and
the pursuit of justice for victims and their families.
In 2016, Duterte launched a war on drugs that has since led to the deaths of over 12,000
Filipinos, predominantly affecting the poorest communities. Despite criticisms and allegations of
human rights abuses, Duterte remained resolute in his pursuit, disregarding concerns about the
rule of law and social cohesion.
Duterte’s “shoot to kill” orders and his dismissive attitude towards human rights drew
international condemnation. Critics, including Vanda Felbab-Brown, a senior fellow at the
Brookings Institution, argue that Duterte’s approach has exacerbated rather than resolved the
issue of illegal drug trade and usage. The lack of support for victims’ families and the collateral
damage inflicted on innocent bystanders have fueled calls for accountability and justice.
Supporters of Duterte’s campaign highlight the increased arrests, surrenders of drug offenders,
and seizures of illegal drugs as signs of progress. However, opponents emphasize the alarming
human rights abuses and the failure to address root causes such as poverty and healthcare access.
As the Philippines transitions under President Ferdinand Marcos Jr., concerns persist regarding
the continuation of drug war killings and the lack of support for victims’ families in their quest
for justice. Testimonies, like Sierra Escudero, Escudero sister of a victim who went missing for
5 days in September 2017 and later on he founded dead, she underscore the ongoing challenges
faced by those affected by Duterte’s anti-drug campaign.
The legacy of the war on drugs in the Philippines remains contentious, with divergent views on
its effectiveness in achieving peace and justice. As the nation navigates through this complex
issue, the spotlight remains on the government’s responsibility to uphold human rights and
address the underlying causes of drug-related problems.

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