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Taming, Danao, Bohol


T.L.E. 7 (ICT)

DIRECTIONS: Select the LETTER of the correct answer.

1. Which tool is used for hardware to stand on to prevent static electricity from building up?
A. Anti-static mat B. Hex Driver C. Philips Head screwdriver D. Wire cutter
2. What type of hazards when there is a cable running across the floor?
A. Physical B. Chemical C. Mechanical D. CTR monitor high voltage
3. Which of the following is a removable storage device that connects to a USB port?
A. Registers B. Flash or Thumb drive C. Memory module D. Optical drive
4. What refers to a process that can answer a decision “yes” or “no” requires a decision box that is represented by
a diamond?
A. Arrow line B. Connector C. Decision D. Process
5. The following are the benefits of proper storage of tools. Which one is NOT?
A. Costs are reduced.
B. The tools can cause injury.
C. Tools and parts are kept in good condition and are easy to find.
D. Workshop staff develop a sense of responsibility and pride in their work.
6. If a 10KB file is stored in a 1MB folder, then approximately how many files can be stored in that folder?
A. 102 files B. 112 files C. 201 files D. 211 files
7. Which of the following statement is NOT true about evaluating hazards and risk?
A. It can damage the computers and create injuries.
B. Good posture is essential for all users of computer.
C. The solution is to increase the refresh rate of the monitor to at least 75 Hz.
D. Set the eye to screen distance that permits you to most easily focus on the screen.
8. Which tool is used to clean different computer components without scratching or leaving debris?
A. Part Retriever B. Lint-free Cloth C. Cable ties D. Flat head screwdriver
9. Which of the diagram indicates both the starting point and the ending point of the process steps?
A. B. C. D.

10. Which of the following statement is TRUE?

A. Your knees be bent at a comfortable angle and greater than 90 degrees flexion when sitting in front of a
11. Which tool is used to strip and cut wires?
A. Anti-static mat B. Hex Driver C. Philips head screwdriver D. Wire cutter
12. What refers to temporary storage for data and programs that are being accessed by the CPU?
A. Random Access Memory B. Hard drive C. USB D. Memory Module
13. Which of the statement below is the best way to control hazards and risk?
A. The right lighting can reduce eyestrain, neck strain, and headaches.
B. When you type, hold your fingers, wrists, and lower arms in a straight line from your keyboard.
C. When using a computer, keep your feet flat on the floor and your knees slightly lower than your thighs.
D. All of the above.
14. Which tool is used to blow away dust and debris from different computer parts without touching the
A. Anti-static mat B. Hex driver C. Compressed Air D. Wire Cutter
15. What shape shows a decision point, such as yes/no or go/no go?
A. B. C. D.

16. The following are the good practices in maintaining tools. Which one is NOT?
A. Place tools and equipment everywhere.
B. Parts should be properly stored and labeled.
C. Tools should be properly placed on the board, and labeled.
D. Consider making an individual (or individuals) responsible for the good maintenance of tools and parts.
17. Which tool is used to retriever parts from location that are too small for your hand to fit?
A. Part Retriever B. Lint-free cloth C. Cable ties D. Flat head screwdriver
18. What chips that are located on the motherboard?
A. Register B. Read Only Memory C. Floppy drive D. Hard drive
19. Which is represented by a small circle or a connector box and is labeled using letters?
A. Connector B. Decision C. Arrow line D. Process
20. If you convert the decimal point into binary digit. What is the conversion of 28?
A. 1100 B. 1011 C. 11001 D. 11000
21. How will you prepare your tools appropriate to you work?
A. Selecting the best tool for each task requires training.
B. Preparing for a task includes also the sequence of tasks to be done.
C. All tools should be kept in good condition with regular maintenance.
D. All of the above.
22. What is the meaning of bit?
A. Binary digit B. Body Index Tip C. Board in Terminal D. Build Internal Transformer
23. What is drawn in one direction, preferably from the top to bottom to keep a flowchart clear?
A. Connector B. Decision C. Arrow line D. Process
24. Which of the following is NOT true in proper maintenance of tools and equipment?
A. All tools and equipment are danger to the works.
B. Use bins for storing small parts is a good practice on proper storage?
C. Damaged or defective equipment/tools should be tagged and removed from service.
D. Properly stored tools and equipment will be easy to find when needed and are less likely to be lost.
25. Which tool is used to loosen or tighten crosshead screws?
A. Anti-static mat B. Hex Driver C. Philips head screwdriver D. Wire cutter
26. What is being soldered the memory chips on a special circuit board?
A. Memory module B. Hard drive C. USB D. Flash drive
27. Which tool is sometimes called a nut driver and is used to tighten nuts in the same way that a screwdriver
tightens screws?
A. Anti-static mat B. Hex Driver C. Philips head screwdriver D. Wire cutter
28. Which is a magnetic storage device that is installed inside the computer?
A. Hard drive B. Random Access Memory C. Read Only Memory D. Floppy drive
29. Which tool is used to bundle cables neatly inside and outside of a computer?
A. Part retriever B. Lint-free cloth C. Cable ties D. Flat head screwdriver
30. What process is represented by a rectangle with double lines on each side?
A. Sub-process B. Decision C. Connector D. Arrow line
31. What do you use in cleaning the contacts on components?
A. Compressed air B. Isopropyl alcohol C. Water D. Cloth
32. What is being represented by a rectangle that refers to an action in a business process?
A. Process B. Decision C. Arrow line D. Connector
33. What principles that provides the foundation for all quality improvement programs?
34. Which tool is used to loosen or tighten slotted screws?
A. Part retriever B. Lint-free cloth C. Cable ties D. Flat head screwdriver
35. What type of storage that uses removable 3.5 inch disks?
A. Floppy drive B. Hard drive C. DDR D. Memory module
36. Which of the given pictures is a tweezers?

A. B.

C. D.


Prepared by:
TLE Teacher

1. A 19. A
2. A 20. A
3. B 21. D
4. C 22. A
5. B 23. C
6. A 24. A
7. A 25. C
8. B 26. A
9. A 27. B
10. A 28. A
11. D 29. C
12. A 30. A
13. D 31. B
14. C 32. A
15. C 33. A
16. A 34. D
17. A 35. A
18. B 36. A

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