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1. Both text can be found at a...

A. Disaster rescue center

B. Shelter area for refugee
C. Floodwater point
D. River bank

2. What will the readers likely do after reading the texts? They will...
I. Help to pick waste inside the water
II. Report the condition of the flood water
III. Stay away from the point of flood occurance
IV. Avoid to walk on the puddle of flood water
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and IV
D. III and IV


3. What does the highlighted part mainly describe?
A. Daily value
B. Nutrition facts
C. Directions
D. Manufacturer
4. Which of the following statements are in line with the labels?
i. Sensi-shake and indulgence are of the different weight per container
ii. Sensi-shake has more calories per container than indulgence
iii. Sensi-shake and indulgence are of the same servings
iv. Sensi-shake and indulgence are milk-based products
5. Who will probably be interested in reading the text?
A. People who like sweet drinks will read and compare the weights of the products
B. Individuals who engaged in diet program will read and compare the calories of both
C. Those who have dairy allergen will read and compare the labels in terms of the
storage of the product
D. People who enjoy variety of sweet drinks may read and compare the labels to ensure
the health claims of the product

6. What is the text issued for?
A. To notify on how to join the competition
B. To tell schools and students about the rules of the competition
C. To inform schools and students about public speaking competition
D. To ask schools and students to participate in the competition
7. What will the participating students do after reading the text?
i. They may create the speech script to be recorded later
ii. They will choose the speech topic based on the requirements
iii. They will send their video performances by whatsapp
iv. They may choose a topic about politics
A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV
8. From the text we may conclude that…
A. The committee will send the certificate to the participants houses
B. The students will send their video through email

C. The competition can be joined by all ages of students
D. The participating students must send their video performances by telegram

9. What can we learn from the story?

I. Being alert to the wicked one will make us stay in safe.
II. Giving help to the wicked one will make our life in danger.
III. Being generous is the best policy even to the cunning one.
IV. Staying in the company with selfish one will not do any favour.
10. Match the action in column A and the reason in column B.

1. No one, except the crane, wanted to 1. He felt sorry on seeing the wolf’s
give help to the wolf. condition.
2. The crane helped the wolf to take the 2. The wolf promised not to do any harm to
bone in his throat the crane
3. Everyone hated the wolf for his cunning

I. A1B1; A2B2
II. A1B2; A2B3
III. A1B3; A2B1
IV. A1B1; A2B3

11. "… You must be thankful to me for not tearing you apart when your head was inside my big mouth.”
What does expression mean?
I. The wolf was thankful for the crane’s help.
II. The wolf broke his promise to give the reward.
III. The wolf wanted to tear the crane’s head apart.
IV. The wolf was grateful to have the crane as his company.

Product A Product B

12. From the text, we may infer that both products ….

I. are equipped with noise reducing material
II. are manufactured by the same company
III. have different operating time
IV. offer discount on purchase
V. are battery-powered

A. I, II, and III

B. I, II, and IV
C. II, III, and V
D. III, IV, and V
13. The advertisements will most likely attract ….
I. housemaids who tend to multitask housework
II. individuals who need practicality in cleaning
III. workers who like using conventional tools
IV. people who have an allergy to dust

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and III
D. II and IV
14. “Built-in accessories always at hand for uninterrupted cleaning”
The underlined phrase means ….
I. it takes time to use the tool to clean
II. it needs some efforts to operate

III. it removes the dirt continuously
IV. it offers undisturbed cleaning

A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV
Noam Chomsky is an American linguist, Norman Gary Finkelstein is an American
philosopher, cognitive scientist, historian, social political scientist, activist, former professor, and
critic, and political activist. He is widely author. In 2020, Norman Finkelstein was named
considered one of the most influential intellectuals the fifth most influential political scientist in the
of the modern era. world.
Apart from his contribution as a linguist, Finkelstein is known for his concern
Chomsky commits to the principles of peace, about the human rights implications of the Israel-
justice, and human rights. His analysis of the Palestine conflict and Holocaust studies. He
Israel-Palestine conflict reflects a deep concern for advocates for a more nuanced understanding of
the plight of the victims and a call for an objective the situation. He highlights consistently the
and equitable resolution to the conflict. injustices and inequalities that happened during
Chomsky also inspires many scholars and the invasion.
thinkers. His numerous books and articles Finkelstein receives praise from other
challenge them to broaden their knowledge of scholars for his wisdom in facing critics.
crisis resolution. In "Peace in the Middle East?" Although he seems like a provocative thinker, he
He discusses his personal history with the conflict shows his dignity and respect in debate, allowing
and his perspective on the importance of his opponents ample opportunity to criticize him.
recognizing and upholding basic human rights for This situation is reflected in his latest book,
all individuals, regardless of their ethnic or “Gaza: An Inquest into Its Martyrdom” which
religious background. triggers positive
responses that impact global perception.

15. The third paragraph in both texts discusses their ….

A. political contribution
B. inspirational book
C. diplomatic issue
D. social conflict
16. From the texts, we can infer that both Chomsky and Finkelstein are ….
A. humble
B. diligent
C. sociable
D. intelligent
17. Based on the information from both texts we can infer that both men ….
i. focus on human rights in their works
ii. are experts in language and peace
iii. are native to the same nationality
iv. wrote books collaboratively
v. care about political field
A. I, III, and IV

B. I, III, and V
C. II, IV, and V
D. III, IV and V

18. The following statements are in line with the review.

I. This place is surrounded by rice fields.
II. The atmosphere in the restaurant is lively.
III. The restaurant goes viral on social media.
IV. The patrons’ favorite foods are vegetarian.
V. The customers pay before eating the food.

A. I and II
B. I and III
C. II and IV
D. II and V

19. After reading the text, the readers will probably ….

A. order the food by using online apps
B. visit and eat in Warung Kopi Klotok
C. recommend visiting the restaurant
D. recook the recipe of Kopi Klotok

Tips for Identifying Good Online Sources
The internet makes research on almost any topic more convenient and accessible than in the past, but it
also presents some challenges. With all the information that’s online, how do you know if you’re using a
reliable source? The following tips will help you tell a good source from one that’s biased, outdated, or
1. Check the domain name
Look for endings like ".edu," ".gov," and ".org," which are usually reliable. Nonprofit websites
may also contain reliable information, but take some time to consider the organization’s purpose
and agenda to determine if it could be biased.
2. Look at the source
See if the article has an author and if they back up their claims with facts. Check when it was
published to make sure it is up-to-date. Old data might not be useful anymore.
3. Double-check with other sources
Verify the information with other trustworthy sites to make sure it's accurate.
4. Beyond the Headline
If a headline appears sensational or radical, it is important to read the article carefully to
understand the context and the source of the statement.
5. Be careful with certain sources
Websites like Wikipedia and individual blogs can be a good starting point, but don't rely on them completely
for accurate information.

20. The text will most likely interest someone who ….

A. looks for up-to-date news
B. wants to build new websites
C. needs to get credible sources
D. develops a computer program
21. To write an academic article, the readers will probably ….
I. crosscheck information from various sites
II. look for the headlines that contain opinions
III. verify that the sources have reliable authors
IV. check trusted websites with specific domain
V. read data from Wikipedia as the accurate sites
A. I, II, and III
B. I, III, and IV
C. II, IV, and V
D. III, IV and V

My Public Speaking Adventure

I still vividly recall being about 8 years old, standing in front of my class to give a
presentation. My heart raced, and my palms were sweaty – it was a nerve-wracking experience.
I struggled to think clearly, and the fear was overwhelming.

To add to the pressure, our class had a practice where if someone couldn't hear you, they
could put their hands on their heads. I remember the anxiety as hands popped up, signalling
they couldn't hear me – even the teacher joined in.

It took me years to realize the significance of public speaking in shaping my career. During
a critical point in my career, I realized that the job I desired hadn't been created yet. To find
true satisfaction in my work, I decided to work independently and collaborate with different

Through this journey, I discovered that the more I spoke, the more business I attracted,
and the stronger my passion for my work became. I transformed into my own sales and marketing
team, turning what used to be a speaking nightmare into a dream.
Adapted from:

22. The text tells us about the writer’s experience of ….

I. overcoming his fear and finding his passion in public speaking
II. presenting his work to show his public speaking competence
III. finding the appropriate jobs related to his public speaking
IV. pursuing his dream to be a professional public speaker

23. Match the state in the column A with the right event in column B.

1.Childhood 1. Learned public speaking with a trainer.
2.Adulthood 2. Had a significant fear when speaking in front of people.
3. Had a significant improvement in his public speaking

I. A1B1; A2B2
II. A1B2; A2B1
III. A1B3; A2B2
IV. A1B2; A2B3

24. The main idea of the last paragraph is that through his journey the writer ….
I. discovered more business related to speaking
II. found his passion for dedicating himself in business
III. considered speaking in front of people as a nightmare
IV. turned his opinion of a speaking nightmare into a dream

boy girl

25. which of the following are in line with the text?

I. Boys who are graduated from primary school can read worse than girls
II. The number of illiterate women are higher than men
III. More children in poverty are not able to read and write than the wealthy ones
IV. There are less than thirty percent of all children in the world do not complete primary school

A. I and II
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. III and IV

26. The graph is intended to provide data about…

A. Education challenges around the world
B. Comparison between men and women education
C. Report on children literation around the world
D. The schooling crisis between children in primary school

27. Paragraph three mainly talks about the aurora australis’ ….
A. origin of name
B. best viewing spots
C. general description
D. times of occurrence

28. It is said in the text that the Southern Lights ….

A. appear throughout the entire year and are always visible
B. occur in some parts of Australia, New Zealand, and the North Pole
C. were first seen by Captain James Cook during his voyage in the 1700s
D. are caused by a collision between solar particles and atmospheric gasses


There comes a time

When we heed a certain call
When the world must come together as one
There are people dying
Oh, and it's time to lend a hand to life
The greatest gift of all

We can't go on
Pretending day-by-day
That someone, somewhere soon make a change
We're all a part of God's great big family
And the truth, you know, love is all we need

We are the world

We are the children
We are the ones who make a brighter day, so let's start giving
There's a choice we're making
We're saving our own lives
It's true we'll make a better day, just you and me

Oh, send them your heart

So they know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stones to bread
And so we all must lend a helping hand

When you're down and out, there seems no hope at all
But if you just believe there's no way we can fall
Well, well, well, well let us realize
Oh, that a change can only come
When we stand together as one, yeah, yeah, yeah

29. The messages of the song are ….

I. helping each other builds a better future
II. working together prevents people from war
III. caring about suffering people makes us stronger
IV. standing together helps us free to make decisions

A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV
30. Notice the verse

Oh, send them your heart

So they know that someone cares
And their lives will be stronger and free
As God has shown us by turning stones to bread
And so we all must lend a helping hand

The verse implies that ….

I. some people in this world are suffering
II. someone is turning stones into bread
III. God teaches us to help each other
IV. we are praying for a helping hand

A. I and III
B. I and IV
C. II and III
D. II and IV


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