MAYNE & KEMPER - Profilling OCR in Stiff Clays Using CPT and SPT

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Paul W. Mayne 1 and John B. Kemper, Jr.

Profiling OCR in Stiff Clays by CPT and SPT

REFERENCE: Mayne, P. W. and Kemper, L B., "Profiling OCR In Mayne [4]. The remaining half were subjected to SPT soundings.
Stiff Cla~ by C]~ and SPT," Geotechnical Testing Journal, GTJODJ, General upper and lower bounds for estimating the overconsolida-
Vol. 11, No. 2, June 1988, pp. 139-147. tion ratio (OCR) in terms of N and qc are observed in trends devel-
oped from the data bases. The OCR is a particularly more infor-
ABSTRACT: Standard penetration tests (SPT) and cone penetration
tests (CPT) have conventionally been used to index profiles of un- mative parameter for characterization of clay deposits than Su. In
drained shear strength su in clay deposits. Since s, is related to stress addition to governing Su profiles, OCR also controls the at-rest lat-
history, an alternative use of penetration resistances is the profiling of eral stress coefficient Ko, the pore pressure parameterA/, the shear
in-situ overeonsolidationratio (OCR). An empirical methodologyis de- modulus G, and other soil properties.
veloped based on compiled data bases from 50 sites investigated by
Although standardized for some time now (ASTM Method for
SPTs and 40 sites tested by CPTs. The study indicates general trends
occur between the in-situ OCR and penetration resistances normalized Penetration Test and Split-Barrel Sampling of Soils D 1586), the
to effectiveoverburden stress in clays. Site specificcalibration with lab- SPT has often been criticized by many as too crude an index for
oratory consolidation tests is required, however, for profiling. Electric measuring soil parameters, particularly in clay deposits. Indeed,
CPTs are preferable over SPTs and mechanical CPTs for profiling many researchers are reluctant to publish SPT data from sites
stress history because they are more repeatable and less subject to oper-
ator influence. tested with more sophisticated geotechnical tools, such as self-bor-
ing pressuremeters, piezocones, and dilatometers. Schmertmann
KEYWORDS: cone penetrometers, clays, cohesivesoils, consolidation [I] discusses some of the many factors affecting SPT results in
tests, overconsolidation,penetration tests, preconsolidation, profiling, clays including the energy efficiency, clay sensitivity, excess pore
standard penetration tests pressures, drilling equipment, and so forth. Despite all of the dis-
advantages, the SPT probably remains the most widely used tool
Penetration tests provide the basic means of geotechnical explo- for subsurface investigations. Since little theoretical basis for inter-
rations in North America. The standard penetration test (SPT) pretation of the SPT has been developed, soil parameters are often
provides both a disturbed sample of soil and a numerical value of estimated from empirical relationships and engineering experience
resistance (N value) in terms of blows per foot (blows/30 cm). The [1-61.
cone penetration test (CPT) provides a more accurate number than The CPT (ASTM Method for Deep, Quasi-Static, Cone and
the S I ~ in terms of a point resistance qc; however, no sample is Friction-Cone Penetration Tests of Soil D 3441) offers a theoretical
recovered. basis for interpretation of soil parameters. A comparison of cone
Common usage of SPT and CPT data in clays has been to derive data with reference values determined from laboratory tests and
a value of undrained shear strength Su for use in analyzing geotech- other field tests, however, has resulted in a semi-empirical ap-
nical problems [1-3]. Considerable variations and uncertainties proach to analysis [1,5, 7-9]. The primary advantages of cone
exist in current methodologies for this purpose, possibly caused by soundings over other in-situ tests is that quick and continuous pro-
differences in reference strengths, theories, equipment, and a host files of penetration resistance are obtained inexpensively. The elec-
of other factors. Alternatively, since the profile of s, is controlled tric CPT appears to be much more repeatable than either SPT or
by the past stress history of the deposit, direct correlations between mechanical CPT.
the penetration resistances N and qc and the in-situ preconsolida-
tion pressure would be most useful to practicing engineers. In fact,
in many very stiff to hard clays, it is very difficult to obtain thin SPT and CPT Data Bases
wall tube samples for laboratory testing without significant distur-
Two separate data bases are reviewed in this study. These sets
bance effects.
include clays subjected to SPTs and clays tested by CPTs. Com-
In this study, yield stresses determined from one-dimensional
panion series of one-dimensional consolidation tests were obtained
laboratory consolidation tests on undisturbed specimens have been
at all sites.
compiled from over 80 different clay sites. Approximately half of
A total of 50 sites was collected for the SPT data base. The sites,
the sites were field tested by CPT, and these have been discussed by
symbols, and sources of data are given in Fig. 1. Plasticity indices
ranged from 6 to 85 in these clays. SPT-N values ranged from less
than 1 to over 100 bpf. Tests were made with a standard split-
'Graduate research assistant, Cornell University,Geotechnical Research spoon sampler having a 50-ram outside diameter (OD) and 35-mm
Lab, Hollister Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853.
2Late assistant vice president, Law Engineering, P.O. Drawer QQ, inside diameter (ID). Many sources of SPT data came from private
Washington, DC 22101. reports and unpublished files because many researchers often do
© 1988 by the American Society for Testing and Materials 0149-6115/88/0006-0139502.50

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• FA0 CLAY (Hanzawa, 1977) 0 ANACOSTIA(Mueser et al, 1973)

• FUKAGAWA(Endo et al, 1969) 0 PORTSMOUTH(Hayne & Jones, 1983)
• ORINOCO(Yegtan & Lasaivia, 1984) GLEN BURNIE (Mayne & Jones, 1981)
• LONDON(Stroud, 1974, Skempton, 1961) • BALTIMORE(Larson & Mosher, 1985)
BEAUMONT(Rahar & Ingram, 1983) • ANNAPOLIS(Frost & Mayne, 1985)
0 INDIA (Bhandari, 1984) WASHINGTON, D.C. (Gordon & Mayne, 1986)
WALDORF (Schnabel, 1972) @ PLEISTOCENE(Mueser et al, 1967)
MOUNTVERNON(Schnabe], 1972) 0 MONMOUTH(Frost & Mayne, 1985)
& RICHMOND(Casagrande, 1966) ALEXANDRIA (Mueser et al, 1971)
~> FORTFRANCIS (Fabtus, I984) • HYBLAVALLEY (Frost & Mayne, 1985)
O THUNDERBAY (Fabtus, 1984) I.ANNAM (Frost & Mayne, 1985)
NAGOYA (Ueshita e t a ] , 1974) 4 CHICACOHARDPAN(Lukas & debussy, 1976)
W~ CAPETOWN(Wright & Wilson, 1984 MILWAUKEE (Lukas & debussy, 1976)
SHANGHAI (Fang, 1980) CHICAGO TILL (Lukas & debussy, 1976)
TRINIDAD (Watson et al, 1984) DETROIT (Lukas & debussy, 1976)
4> CRETACEOUS(Mueser et al, 1967) SANTOS (Tetxetra, 1960 a)
BUENOSAIRES (Bolognesi & Moretto, 1960) BRAZIL (Tetxetra, 1960 b)
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA(Mueser et al, 1971) CALVERT (Mart|n & Drahos, 1986)
e ALBANY(Mayne & Swanson, 1985) O WEST POINT (Sherman & McAnear, 1973)
TAMPA (Sonnenfeld et al, 1985) HOUSTON (Focht et al, 1978)
ROORKEE (Mohan et al, 1978) MANHATTAN (Parsons, 1976)
AUGUSTA(Alperstein & Leifer, 1976) CHESAPEAKE (Mayne & Jones, 1980)
EDOGAWA (Inoue et al, 1977) & NEW BRUNSWICK (Keenan & Bozozuk, 1985)
BOSTONBLUE (Taylor, 1948) ARGENTINE LOESS (Bolognesl & Moretto, 1957)
0 YORKTOWN(Mayne, et al., 1987) MIOCENE (Gordon & Mayne, 1987)
FIG. 1--SPT data base listing of symbols and clay sites with oedometer results. References given in bibliography.

not report such data in the geotechnical literature. Reference and symbols for each clay are listed in Ref 4. Plasticity indices of
sources for these data are given in the Bibliography appended to the clays typically ranged from 3 to 90. The clays have been depos-
this paper. ited in a variety of geologic environments including terrestrial, ma-
The SPT resistances were obtained by the fall of a 63-kg (140-1b) rine, glacial, and alluvial.
hammer falling 12 cm (30 in.). At each test, the sampler is driven For the CPT data, the clays were tested in the field with cones
three successive increments of 15 cm (6 in.) each. The SPT-N value having a 60 ° apex and a projected area of 10 cm 2, advanced at
is taken as the sum of the last two increments. Because of the inef- approximately 2 cm/s. Most of the cone penetrometers (80%) were
ficiencies of the operator and equipment, only 35 to 80% of this of the Fugro electric type; some having been modified as piezo-
total energy is transmitted to the sampler, however. Typically, the cones. The remaining 20% were mechanical Dutch or Begemann-
average transmitted energy is about 55 to 60% [10]. type cone penetrometers. Only the point resistances were reviewed
No distinction has been made between data derived from donut in this study although most of the cones also had 150-em2 friction
hammers versus safety type hammers, primarily because the infor- sleeves. Values of qc ranged from 0.1 to over 10 MPa at the clay
mation was not reported by the sources. Robertson et at. [I1] have sites. The total resistance qc and net cone resistance (qc -- ~/z) are
shown that safety hammers may typically be 50% more efficient considered in this study since both are used in common practice.
than donut hammers. However, no corrections for unequal area projection and pore-
The CPT data from 40 different clays have been compiled from pressure effects as recommended by Jamiolkowski et al. [12] have
the published literature. The sites, plasticity, indices, reference, been made.

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Erza Rismantojo (Soilens, Pt.) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

In-situ stress states ranged from normally consolidated (over- CPT- q° RESISTANCE (tsf or kg/cm')
consolidation ratio [OCR] = 1) to heavily overconsolidated (OCR
= 57). The apparent preconsolidation pressure (Op') from oedom-
eter tests varied from 20 to 4000 kPa. Of course, sample distur- 2 5 I0 20 5O tOO 2O0
bance effects and difficulties exist in the accurate determination of I000 _ = = = l I #, ,'_I0
%" from consolidation tests. The values of OCR considered herein
were those reported by the published source of data.
N= = to~

020 U ~

Numerous important factors, such as differences in geology, cal-

U,I , ~/~
ibration, operators, drilling rigs, rods, clay sensitivity, mineralogy,
1:7. 2
sample disturbance, and so forth, were beyond the scope of consid-
eration in this study. In some cases, it was necessary to interpolate ....
data for purposes of comparison. Also, it is noted that in addition 0-5
to the normal scatter of data reported by each source, some error T
was likely incurred by the writer in scaling data from the original Z
graphs and figures. 0.2
O') 10 03

Estimates of Undrained Strength 0.05 W

s. = N=
Since both the SPT and CPT are relatively quick tests, a com-
mon parameter often derived from these tests is the undrained 8z 0
shear strength s~. A theoretical expression for s, from the cone =<
point resistance q~ is -I , J ~ I i , I Z
0.1 0.2 O.5 I Z 5 I0
qc -- Po
s, -- - - (1)
FIG. 2--Comparison between undrained strengths from triaxial com-
pression and measured cone resistance. Mechanical cone data denoted by
where double enclosed symbols. Remainder are from electric cones.
Nk = bearing capacity factor, and
Po = total overburden factor.
by pore-pressure effects on unequal area [12,16,17]. However, this
The bearing capacity factor Nk has been observed to range from is only possible with piezocone equipment.
6 to 30 [1, 7-9]. The Po term may be interpreted as the total vertical In Fig. 2, data from mechanical cones are denoted by double
stress, horizontal stress, or octahedral stress, depending upon the- enclosed symbols. The remaining data are from electric cones. A
oretical assumptions [7,13,14]. In many cases, especially stiff significant distinction occurs between mechanical cones and elec-
clays, the Po term is relatively small with respect to qc and may even trical cones. For example, Figure 3 shows cone resistances from
be neglected as noted by Lunne and Kleven [8]. In very soft clays or mechanical CPTs are over twice those measured by electronic
very deep soundings, however, the value of Po is important [14]. CPTs for an organic alluvial clay in Washington, DC. A Bege-
The calculation of undrained strength from CPT data requires a mann-type mechanical cone and a Fugro-piezocone were used.
representative Nk value. Preferably, this Nk should be determined Even after correcting for pore-pressure effects (a = 0.65), the val-
by calibration with a reference strength that is appropriate for the ues still differ by a factor of 2.
particular loading conditions. The reference strengths that are The differences in responses of mechanical and electrical cones
most commonly adopted in practice include field vane (FV), un- have been discussed by Schmertmann [9], primarily from data ob-
confined compression (UC), unconsolidated-undrained(UU), and tained in sandy and silty deposits (Fig. 4). Data from clays tested
triaxial compression (TC), which are possibly not the most appro- by the author (Yorktown Formation and Potomac River) appear to
priate choices for simulating the stress paths of most geotechnical exhibit a similar trend with previous comparisons. Consequently,
problems. For comparative purposes, a consistent reference mechanical cones are characterized by point resistances the order
strength is necessary. of twice those obtained by electric cones.
If Po = 0 for simplicity [8,15], the expression for undrained IfPo = 3'z = total vertical stress is adopted, then the normalized
strength may be reduced to undrained strength ratio may be calculated

Su = q~/N~ (2) (s.lo~o') -- q~ -- 3'z (3)

Nk O'vo
where N= is the cone factor for this case.
For triaxial compression as the reference strength mode, the A comparison of laboratory TC strengths and the CPT data in
cone data base compiled from 40 different clays and presented as terms of net cone resistance is shown as Fig. 5. The cone factor Ark
Fig. 2 indicates that 6 < Ncc < 34. The log-log axes are used in varies between 6 and 25 with a best guestimate of about Nk = 15
Fig. 2 in order to show data that span over two orders of magnitude for electric cones and Nk = 20 for mechanical cones. In Figs. 2 and
(0.1 < qc < 11 MPa). Recent detailed studies of cone penetrome- 5, no distinction has been made between isotropic (CIUC) and an-
ters have shown the need for correction of point resistances caused isotropic (CAUC) triaxial tests. However, a review of triaxial test

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Erza Rismantojo (Soilens, Pt.) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.


OCT 17 1996.
FugPo Ptiz~QCr'$c Corm Hus~'~= I rmc.u.
- - E

2:0 CLAY I

30 t,Lm =
p[~ s 3Y - I0 <t


50 -15

2 5 I0 20 50 I00 200


0 I 2 3 MPo 0 0.5 MOo

POINT RESISTANCE PORE PRESSURE FIG. S--Normalized triaxial compression strength (CIUC and CA UC)
and normalized net cone resistance.
FIG. 3--Comparison of mechanical and electric CPT soundings in Poto-
mac River alluvium.

y I I I I mined from triaxial compression (TC) tests. For very stiff fissured
POTOMAC ORGANIC CLAY clays, there can exist scale effects, as related to the small size of the
cone penetrometer, which may require lower N~ factors than those
2.0i determined from TC tests.
-~ :,~-~ YORKTOWN SANDY CLAY Many empirical expressions for s, as a function of SPT-N value
.J oo have been proposed [1,2]. A statistical analysis of undrained tri-
~ u 1.s \ axial strength data on insensitive clays in the United Kingdom by
z~ Stroud [6] indicates that
z o @ ~X ,~ istignaledis clue to Continuous
o w • ~[~ ~ M ~VS, incremantaltip advance
w _1 s, = f i N (4a)

~ LC

B& ~ ~ ~ trend line where the factorf~ generally varies from 3.5 to 6.5 kPa (73 to 136
psf). For certain clays, a general trend for f l as a function of plas-
l I, l I m
0"50 lO0 150 200 250 ticity index was observed. An average value off1 = 4.4 kPa is sug-
gested by Stroud [6]. Other expressions for estimating s,, from N
qc (MECHANICAL CONE) kglcm 2 values have been given by Hara et al. [3] indicating an exponential
FIG. 4--Observed trend between mechanical and electric cone resis-
tances. Modified after Schmertmann [9]. s,,(kPa) = 29N °'72 (4b)

D e t e r m i n a t i o n o f I n - S i t u OCR
results from 42 different clays has shown that the undrained
strength from CAUC tests averages about 88% of the undrained The concepts of critical-state soil mechanics and (SHANSEP)
strength as determined from CIUC tests [18]. method can be shown to relate the normalized undrained strength
The observed variability of Nk factors indicates the need for site to effective overburden ratio (s,,/a~') with OCR according to [4,19]
specific calibration of the CPT to reference strengths measured in
the laboratory. In this study, attention has focused on s~ as deter- (') = ( s j o ~ . ~ ' ) O C R A (5)

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Erza Rismantojo (Soilens, Pt.) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

where cone resistance is generally between 2 to 6 for OCR = 1. The

specific cone penetrometer can be calibrated at a specific site with
(') = normally consolidated strength ratio,
a series of consolidation tests on specimens taken from adjacent
A = strength rebound exponent, and
OCR = (a,'/a~o') = overconsolidation ratio.
A similar approach for SPT data may be followed as shown by
Fig. 7. Regression analyses on 110 data points indicate that, on the
Rearranging in terms of OCR
average, (r = 0.85)

OCR=(S./O~o'y/^ (6) OCR = O.193(N/a~o') °'689 (9a)

\Su/ ~vnc'/
where N is in blows/30 cm and o." in MPa. The observed deviation
Typical values of (,) = 0.3 and A = 0.7 apply to triaxial from the assumed log-log relationship suggests that the proposed
compression [18,19]. However, the appropriate values to use with power function for N values by Hara et al. [3] may be more appro-
CPT and SPT would depend upon the actual (and unknown) stress priate for s. estimates. For a forced exponent = I, the regression
paths followed by these in-situ tests during penetration. data indicates
Equations 3, 4, and 6 imply that direct relationships between
OCR and normalized cone resistance (q~ -- 7z)/a~o" and between OCR = 0.05 (N/a~o') (9b)
OCR and normalized standard penetration resistance (N/a~o') may
be possible. A statistical analysis of the available 102 points con- where a,,~' is in units of MPa. Therefore, a simple one-parameter
tained in cone data base indicates an average trend (r = 0.91) expression for OCR in terms of normalized N value may assume
the form
OCR = 0,37(q~-L--~---~ L°~ (7)
\ Ovo' / OCR : K~(N/o~o')P= (9c)

Figure 6 shows that a general expression for CPT resistance is ap- where the atmospheric pressure (Pa = 1 tsf = 100 kPa) is intro-
proximately duced so that the equation is dimensionless. The empirical param-
eter ~ appears to vary between 0.2 and 1.0 for the clays reviewed. It
is important to note that the upper and lower bounds of the SPT
O C R = ~ ( q ~ - L - : - ~ ~) (8) data base range by a factor of 5 as compared with a range of 4 for
k O'vo' /
mechanical cones and about 2.5 for electric cones.
The net cone resistance has been normalized to the effective
overburden stress in order to provide dimensionless parameters.
For most of the data base, 0.3 < ~ < 0.8 for electric cones and
0.12 < r~ < 0.5 for mechanical type cones. The normalized net


2 5 K) 2O 50 ©0

l i" I I " i q
~ 100

20 OCR = K, Po ( N, ) ~ /

,,4"0 "

= I0

5 ° /', 6/'3f

2 5 I0 20 50 I00 o ~ / AA . - - / - - - , / ./
I0 20 50 I00 200 500

FIG. 6--Observed trend between laboratory determined OCR and nor- FIG. 7--Trend between laboratory measured OCR and normalized stan-
malized net cone resistance. Used by permission from ASCE. dard penetration resistance.

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Erza Rismantojo (Soilens, Pt.) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

Direct T r e n d s for P r e c o n s o l l d a t l o n Stress Again, a similar trend should be observed for SPT resistance.
Figure 9 presents the observed relationship. A general expression is
Tavenas and Leroueil [20] observed a direct relationship be-
tween the laboratory preconsolidation pressure and cone resis- ap" = ~sNPa (12)
tance. For two sensitive Canadian clays, they noted that ap' =
q J 3 . A general expression appears to be where the value of r~ may be obtained by calibrating N values with
the results of oedometer tests performed on thin-walled tube sam-
ap" = q~/f3~ (10) pies. Comparing the observed bounds of the CPT and SPT data
bases, it is seen that the ratio q J N should be between 1.6 and 2.0.
where consistent units are used. Reviewing the available data in
This ratio is consistent with direct trends between measured q~ and
Fig. 8, it is observed that/3, typically varies between 2 and 6 for
N at clay sites reviewed by Robertson et al. [11].
electric cones and between 3 and 10 for mechanical cones. More
Regression analyses of Fig. 9 indicates (r = 0.90)
recently, Konrad and Law [21] have shown that if the cone resis-
tances are corrected for pore pressure effects, the parameter B, %,(kPa) = 67N °'83 (13a)
may lie in a narrower range of between 3.8 to 5.3.
It is noted that Eqs 8 and I0 cannot both be valid since this im-
or for a forced exponent = 1
plies that the preconsolidation pressure is proportional to the mea-
sured total resistance q~ as well as the net resistance q~ -- %. Simi- a,'(kPa) = 48N (13b)
lar arguments exists between Eqs 1 and 2 for representing s,.
Wroth [22] has discussed the theoretical justification for using net
cone resistance, and it is therefore recommended that this be used Disen~ion of SPT/CPT Profiling
in the interpretation of CPT data. In order to use CPT and SPT data for profiling in-situ OCRs in
A statistical study of 106 data points shown in Fig. 8 gives an
clays, site specific calibration with laboratory oedometer tests is re-
average relationship (r = 0.96)
quired. Although both tests are standardized, the penetration test
results are significantly affected by the specific equipment used.
ap' = 0.243(q~) °96 (II)
The SPT and mechanical CPT are also subject to variations caused
by operator performance. The electric cone is more accurate, yet
Neglecting the exponent term, a general trend for the preconsoli-
requires special care with electronics in the field.
dation pressure in terms of cone resistance appears to be ar, =
The SPT is particularly vulnerable to variability and operator
qc/4. influence [10,11]. Reproducibility of results depends upon many
factors including quality control, liners, number of rods, condition
of the rope, and so forth. In very soft clays, the method is not pre-
cise enough to accurately provide a measure of resistance and may
be denoted by weight of hammer (WOH) or weight of rods (WOR).
-~ CPT-qc RESISTANCE (tsf or kq/cn~) The degree to which repeatability of SPT results may be ex-
pected is illustrated in Fig. 10. These tests were performed in a very
J 2 5 I0 20 50 I00 200
lo[--I I I I I ..... I ~/,,ll
..... 11_I~ ,.,("
1/) 50 (t)

® * --20 50
o'p=K s
- ,o 20

8 ° 10
0.5 ,ooo [
0_ o. ¢~
50o 5
0,2 "J

o. N N!
,oo I
~ , N"~i~ - 0.5
11.¢~ 0,5

o i- I ,,-. 2 0 1-0"3z/0"3
2 K
/ - .
i "°~l'-I.......... I I - o.I ~ Jo
b 0.1 t tO -b~ 0.s I 2 5 I0 20 50 100

FIG. 8--Apparent relationship between oedometer yield stress and cone FIG. 9--Apparent trend between oedometer yield stress and standard
resistance. Used by permission from ASCE. penetration resistance.

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Erza Rismantojo (Soilens, Pt.) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.


60 I 2 3 0 I0 20 30 0 0.5 I 1.5

Norfolk I
I Yorktown 1
I ( t I
! i 1 .I'o
t I
I I t IA
t I
I I I !
I0 t I I / ~ MEAN AHD I
MEAN AND 1 I / I :1: ONE
OF 18 l OF6Z I
i q
! i
.I- I
I-- 14 t
(1. I
la t
t-~ I
/ I
16 /

FIG. lO--Summary of CPT, SPT, and laboratory data in sandy clay of Yorktown Formation.

sandy clay from Newport News, VA, termed the Yorktown Forma- pressure o / and penetration resistances qc and N. The observed
tion [21]. The sensitivity of the marine deposit is between 4 and 9, relationships are site-specific and require calibration with labora-
as measured by limited field vane shear tests. Laboratory tests de- tory consolidation tests.
termined the effective preconsolidation pressure to be on the order 3. Mechanical cone resistance in clays appears to be on the or-
of 860 kPa (18 ksf). Statistical analyses of the boring data gave a der of twice the values as determined from electric cones. There-
mean N value and plus or minus one standard deviation of 14 +_ S fore, separate calibrations are required.
blows per 30 cm, corresponding to a coefficient of variation of 4. The observed bandwidths between upper and lower bounds
0.35. In comparison, electric CPTs at the same site indicated a of the data bases indicate that the electric cone is more reliable and
mean cone resistance (uncorrected) of about 2 MPa and coefficient repeatable than either the mechanical cone or standard penetra-
of variation of about 0.12. An analysis of Fig. 10 indicates that the tion test.
average OCR profile could be represented by Ks = 0.6 and ~c =
0.4. Acknowledgments
The effects of pore pressures during cone penetration can sig-
nificantly affect the measured point and friction resistances Thanks and appreciation are given to Anne Bethoun and Ken
[12,16,17]. Consequently, the CPT data should be corrected for Ellis for preparing the manuscript and figures.
pore pressures on unequal area projections. This is possible only
with piezocone equipment [7].
In addition to use of SPT and CPT for site characterization, the References
author [24] has found significant merit in profiling the in-situ Ill Schmertmann, I., "Measurement of In Situ Shear Strength," Pro-
OCR in clays by the flat dilatometer (DMT) and the electric piezo- ceedings, In Situ Measurement of Soil Properties, Vol. II, ASCE, Ra-
cone (CPTU). These devices require a higher level of sophistication leigh, NC, 1975, pp. 57-138.
in the field, but the results are generally well worth the effort. The [2] DeMello, V., "Foundations of Buildings on Clay," Proceedings, 7th
International Conference on Soil Mechanics, State-of-the-Art Vol-
use of several types of in-situ tests on the same site is extremely ume, 1969, Mexico, pp. 49-136.
helpful in developing stress history profiles. [3] Hara, A., Ohata, T., and Niwa, M., "Shear Modulus and Shear
Strength of Cohesive Soils," Soils and Foundations, Vol. 14, No. 3,
Sept. 1971, pp. 1-12.
Conclusions [4] Mayne, P. W., "CPT Indexing of In Situ OCR in Clays," Proceed-
ings, Use of ln-Situ Test in Geotechnical Engineering, ASCE, 1986,
A review of SPT data from S0 different clay deposits and CPT VPI, Blacksburg, VA, pp. 780-793.
data from 40 clays has been made where stress histories are known [5] Mitchell, J. K. and Gardner, W., "In Situ Measurement of Volume
from consolidation tests. The compiled data bases suggest the fol- Change Characteristics," Proceedings, ASCE In Situ Measurement
lowing: of Soil Properties, Vol. If, 1975, Raleigh, NC, pp. 274-345.
[6] Stroud, M., "SI~ in InsensitiveClays," Proceedings, European Sym-
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Erza Rismantojo (Soilens, Pt.) pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.

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