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International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129

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Management theory and big data literature: From a review to a research T


Paula de Camargo Fiorinia,b, , Bruno Michel Roman Pais Selesa,
Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbourb, Enzo Barberio Marianoa, Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbourb
Sao Paulo State University, Production Engineering Department, Av. Eng. Luiz Edmundo C. Coube 14-01, Bauru, Sao Paulo 17033-360, Brazil
Montpellier Business School, Montpellier Research in Management, 2300, Avenue des Moulins, 34185, Montpellier, Cédex 4, France


Keywords: The purpose of this study is to enrich the existing state-of-the-art literature on the impact of big data on business
Big data growth by examining how dozens of organizational theories can be applied to enhance the understanding of the
Big data analytics effects of big data on organizational performance. While the majority of management disciplines have had
Organizational theory research dedicated to the conceptual discussion of how to link a variety of organizational theories to empirically
Firms’ performance
quantified research topics, the body of research into big data so far lacks an academic work capable of sys-
Research agenda
tematising the organizational theories supporting big data domain. The three main contributions of this work
are: (a) it addresses the application of dozens of organizational theories to big data research; (b) it offers a
research agenda on how to link organizational theories to empirical research in big data; and (c) it foresees
promising linkages between organizational theories and the effects of big data on organizational performance,
with the aim of contributing to further research in this field. This work concludes by presenting implications for
researchers and managers, and by highlighting intrinsic limitations of the research.

1. Introduction organizational theories are being applied to big data research is still
Over the past years, the volume, variety, velocity and value of the According to Glaser and Strauss (2009), the theories are important
massive amounts of data that firms deal with has increased ex- lenses through which to analyze various issues, and they can enable
ponentially (Fosso Wamba, Akter, Edwards, Chopin, & Gnanzou, 2015). deeper arguments. The organizational theories have several implica-
In this context, the concept of “big data” has emerged, defined as the tions in various disciplines, including information systems, as already
organizational use of such vast data to support more accurate decision- shown in classic works (De Loff, 1995). In addition, certain theories can
making processes (Davenport, 2014; Goes, 2014). Consequently, by help to support findings and discussions about the implications of big
using big data, firms can increase organizational performance data in organizational contexts, like the implications for organizational
(Raguseo, 2018; Yaqoob et al., 2016), which can signify increased performance. Thus, considering the importance of the theories to un-
competitive advantages (Kubina, Varmus, & Kubinova, 2015). Big data derstand better the implications of big data in organizational contexts
can be applied to all business functions, such as marketing (Shirdastian, and the lack of studies on the subject, the research question that guides
Laroche, & Richard, 2017). this work is: which organizational theories have been applied to un-
While technologies supporting big data have been developing ra- derstand the effects of big data on organizational performance?
pidly (McAfee & Brynjolfsson, 2012; Rodríguez-Mazahua et al., 2016), Therefore, the main goal of this study is to enrich the existing state-
academic research on the effects of this phenomenon on firms’ perfor- of-the-art literature on the impact of big data on business growth by
mance is still in its infancy (Raguseo, 2018; Sena, Demirbag, Bhaumik, examining the application of organizational theories to understand how
& Sengupta, 2017). On the other hand, companies are speeding up the big data affects organizational performance. While other emerging to-
adoption of big data technologies (Santos et al., 2017). In this context, it pics (Sarkis, Zhu, & Lai, 2011) and other management disciplines
is possible to highlight the fact that the understanding of how (Jackson, Schuler, & Jiang, 2014) have had studies dedicated to

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: (P. de Camargo Fiorini), (B.M. Roman Pais Seles), (C.J. Chiappetta Jabbour), (E. Barberio Mariano), (A.B.L. de Sousa Jabbour).
Received 24 May 2018; Received in revised form 15 July 2018; Accepted 15 July 2018
Available online 30 July 2018
0268-4012/ © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. de Camargo Fiorini et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129

understanding organizational theories supporting their development, (Brzezinski, 2015) and provides more comprehensive coverage of the
the body of research into big data lacks an academic work capable of latest literature (Harzing & Alakangas, 2016).
systematising the organizational theories supporting big data scholar- Using the first combination of keywords in the search, 541 articles
ship. To achieve the proposed goal, a structured literature review was were identified. In the second search 150 articles were identified. After
adopted, similar to those research methods employed by Seuring and the exclusion of repeated articles (articles that appeared in both sear-
Müller (2008); Lage Junior and Godinho Filho (2010); Seuring and ches), the total number identified was 588. However, all these articles
Gold (2012); Jabbour (2013); Mariano, Sobreiro, and Rebelatto, were refined by document type: article, article in press and review.
(2015), and Gaur and Kumar (2018). This work also is inspired by Finally, the number of selected articles were 285. All the searches were
previous systematized reviews which have implications for information conducted in October 2017.
systems, such as Kapoor et al. (2014a), Kapoor et al. (2014b), Dwivedi
et al. (2017a). 2.2. Selection of articles
The unique contributions of this work to better understanding the
link between big data and organizational performance can be sum- The following steps applied were the definition of the Inclusion
marised thus: Criteria (IC) and Search Filters (SF1 and SF2). The IC was defined as:
articles about big data that applied some organizational theory to study
• This work addresses the application of dozens of organizational an organizational context, for example, an organization and/or its
theories to big data research. processes.
• This work offers research avenues on how to link dozens of orga- All the 285 articles were submitted to search filter 1 (SF1), which
nizational theories to empirical research in big data. consisted of reading the title, abstract, and keywords of the studies.
• This work identifies promising linkages between organizational Articles passed through SF1 only if they demonstrated potential for
theories and the effects of big data on organizational performance, meeting the inclusion criteria (IC). Among the 285 articles, only 95
with the aim of contributing to further research in this field. passed through SF1. These 95 articles were then submitted to search
filter 2 (SF2): a full reading of the articles. As with SF1, only those that
This paper is organized as follows: following this introduction met the IC went through SF2. Of the 95, 41 passed through SF2 for fully
(Section 1), the research method is presented (Section 2). Next, a the- meeting the IC. Finally, 41 studies in the literature were identified as
oretical background of the main concepts is provided (Section 3). Sec- capable of responding to the defined research question (Table 2).
tion 4 presents the core of this paper, the organizational theories linked
to big data studies. Lastly, the conclusion (Section 5) explains the im- 2.3. Data extraction from articles
plications of this study for theory and practice.
The final steps of the integrative literature review were the in-depth
2. Research method reading and analysis of the papers to identify the contributions and the
gaps for future research. All 41 articles were analyzed in detail ac-
Inspired by Sarkis et al. (2011), this work revises literature on big cording to how they have applied management theories to underpin the
data, and highlights how management theory can be used to enhance research.
big data research. The research method adopted was an integrative – or
structured – literature review (Huisingh, 2012). This method was in- 3. Theoretical foundation
itially applied by Lage Junior and Godinho Filho (2010) and later
employed by other studies, for instance, Jabbour (2013); Mariano et al. 3.1. Big data
(2015); Seuring and Gold (2012), and examined in detail by Gaur and
Kumar (2018). Big data has been seen as a revolution in business and management
A literature review approach is suitable for emerging topics, such as (Dwivedi, et al., 2017a, 2017b; Erevelles, Fukawa, & Swayne, 2016;
big data, because, this approach classifies the literature of a research Frizzo-Barker, Chow-White, Mozafari, & Ha, 2016; McAfee &
domain, helps understanding a topic in comprehensive perspective, and Brynjolfsson, 2012), with implications for a varity of contemporary
sheds light on research gaps aiming moving a theme forward (Fosso management topics (Acharya, Singh, Pereira, & Singh, 2018; Gupta,
Wamba et al., 2015; Gunasekaran, Ngai, & McGaughey, 2006; Ngai & Kar, Baabdullah, & Al-Khowaiter, 2018; Hashem et al., 2016; Ragini,
Gunasekaran, 2007). The steps of the integrative literature review are Anand, & Bhaskar, 2018). It has attracted enormous attention world-
presented in Fig. 1. wide because of its huge potential to transform ways of doing business,
In the sequence, the details of the integrative literature review will management and research (Akter, Fosso Wamba, Gunasekaran, Dubey,
be presented: the search for articles; the selection of articles; and the & Childe, 2016; Berner, Graupner, & Maedche, 2014; Chen & Zhang,
data extraction from articles. 2014; Popovič, Hackney, Tassabehji, & Castelli, 2016). Big data de-
serves being studied further as this also can signify risks for companies
2.1. Search for articles if not properly implemented (Raguseo, 2018). As any kind of IT, big
data has its adoption challenges (Dwivedi et al., 2015).
The first step was the definition of the research question, as pre- The concept of big data can be defined as the use of massive
sented in Section 1. Based on the research question, the general and amounts of data to support different types of decision-making
specific objectives were defined too (the second step, see Fig. 1). The (Davenport, 2014; Goes, 2014). It is often characterized among scholars
third step was the definition of the combinations of keywords to use in and practitioners by the notion of several “Vs”. The big data “Vs” have
the searches. evolved from the classical three – volume, variety, and velocity – to the
The combinations of keywords used in the searches are in the two more recent additional Vs – veracity and value (Fosso Wamba et al.,
Table 1. The first combination was determined to capture articles about 2015). Whereas volume and variety refer to the large amount and the
Big Data that used theories in general (without specification of theory). several sources and types of data, velocity refers to the rapid rate at
Instead, the second combination was applied to capture articles about which data is generated (Dubey et al., 2017). Veracity, in turn, re-
Big Data that used specific organizational theories. All the two searches presents the unreliability inherent in some sources of data, which re-
were carried out on the Scopus database – the Scopus’ advanced search quires analysis in order to gain reliable predictions (Gandomi & Haider,
tool was utilized. The utilization of the Scopus database is advanta- 2015). Finally, value refers to the extent to which big data generates
geous since it indexes about 70% more sources than the Web of Science worthwhile insights and benefits through data analysis (Fosso Wamba

P. de Camargo Fiorini et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129

Step 1 – Definition of the research Step 2 – Definition of the general and

question specific objectives

Step 4 – Search for articles on databases Step 3 – Definition of the combinations

by keywords of keywords to use in the searches

Step 5 – Definition of the Inclusion

Step 6 – Article selection by reading the
Criteria (IC) and Search Filters (SF1 and
title, keywords and abstracts

Step 8 – Analysis of organizational

theory application in big data-related Step 7 – Article selection by full reading
studies and identification of gaps

Fig. 1. Steps to the integrative literature review.

et al., 2015). Table 2

The analysis of such large amounts of data is called, in general Final number of articles selected.
terms, big data analytics (BDA). It consists of a combination of multiple Analysis Criteria Results (No. of
information technology-enabled resources with the purpose of dis- articles)
covering knowledge, supporting decision-making, predicting outcomes,
Total of articles identified in the database search refined 285
and, consequently, creating competitive advantage (Barbosa, Vicente,
by document type
Ladeira, & Oliveira, 2018; Davenport, Morison, & Harris, 2010). While Articles selected after reading through the title, abstract, 95
the classical 3 Vs features present significant challenges to data ana- and keywords
lysis, the additional 2 Vs are those which offer the potential value for Final number of selected articles after the full reading 41
firms to make better business decisions and achieve competitive ad-
vantages (Erevelles et al., 2016; Xie, Wu, Xiao, & Hu, 2016).
The opportunities associated with big data technologies in different firms which do not develop the resources and capabilities to use big
organizations have helped to create significant interest in this research data applications will struggle to develop a sustainable competitive
field (Chen & Zhang, 2014; Chen, Chiang, & Storey, 2012). These data advantage.
processing and analytical technologies can be applied in various high- In this context, where big data has the power to impact diverse
impact areas such as e-commerce, market intelligence, operations businesses, it is argued that its tools and philosophies are being spread
management, decision-making, supply chain and logistics, sustain- across numerous research areas and studied through the lenses of var-
ability, e-government, healthcare, and security (Chen et al., 2012; ious theories.
Manyika et al., 2011). Erevelles et al. (2016) highlight the fact that

Table 1
Combination of keywords.
Searches Combination of keywords

First combination (TITLE-ABS-KEY("big data") AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY("lens") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("theoretical lens") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("organizational theory") OR TITLE-
ABS-KEY("theory")) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY("organization") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("organisation") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("enterprise") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
("firm") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("company") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("business")))
Second combination (TITLE-ABS-KEY("big data") AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY("Affective events theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Agency theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Attribution
theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Behavioral decision theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Chaos theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Complexity theory") OR TITLE-ABS-
KEY("Contingency theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Critical theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Decision theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Deconstruction theory") OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY("Diffusion of innovation theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Discourse theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Dynamic Capabilities") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
("Ecological modernization ") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Equity theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Evolutionary theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Exchange theory") OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY("Expectancy theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Feminist theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Formal theories") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Game theory")
OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("General economic theories") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Goal-setting theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Human capital theory") OR TITLE-ABS-
KEY("Industrial organization") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Industrial economics") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Information theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Information
asymmetry") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Institutional theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Interpretive theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Knowledge Based View") OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY("Labeling theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Labor process theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Leadership theories") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
("Modernization theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Multi-level theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Natural resource based view") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Network
theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Organizational theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Path dependency theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Philosophy of Science") OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY("Sociology of knowledge") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Population ecology theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Practice theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
("Prospect theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Psycho-Dynamics Theories") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Referent cognition theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Reinforcement
theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Resource based view") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Resource dependence theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Signaling theory") OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY("Social capital theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Social cognitive theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Social construction theory") OR TITLE-ABS-
KEY("Social embeddedness theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Social exchange theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Social identity theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Social
learning theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Social network theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Stakeholder theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Structuration theory") OR
TITLE-ABS-KEY("Tournament theory") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("Transaction costs theory")) AND (TITLE-ABS-KEY("organization") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY
("organisation") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("enterprise") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("firm") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("company") OR TITLE-ABS-KEY("business")))

P. de Camargo Fiorini et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129

3.2. Organizational theories 4.2. Agency theory

According to Bacharach (1989, p. 496), a theory is “a statement of Agency theory considers the optimal form of contract to control
relations among concepts within a set of boundary assumptions and relationships in which one ‘principal’ – an entity or an organization –
constraints”. The purposes of theoretical statements are to organize and delegates work to another, the ‘agent’ (Eisenhardt, 1985). In economics,
to communicate clearly (Bacharach, 1989). the main idea of agency theory is that the relationship between the
Defining and identifying organizational theories are not simple tasks principal and the agent should reflect efficient organization of in-
(Sarkis et al., 2011). However, a theory can be seen as a system of formation and risk-bearing costs (Eisenhardt, 1989). The theory at-
constructs, variables, hypotheses, and observations (Bacharach, 1989; tempts to solve problems of agency which occur when the principal and
Bagozzi & Phillips, 1982). The constructs are related to each other by agent pursue different goals and have different risk preferences. Its
propositions and the variables are related to each other by hypotheses. main area of analysis is the contract between the parties (Eisenhardt,
Furthermore, every theory has its own limitations (Bacharach, 1989). 1989).
The phenomenon of interest in an organizational theory en- Considering BDA and the supply chain context, two studies apply
compasses all types of organization and their activities, processes, and agency theory to underpin their analysis. According to Waller and
environments (Hatch & Cunliffe, 2013). The most diverse areas and Fawcett (2013), the theory can be useful to investigate how the pro-
disciplines influence organizational theories (Hatch & Cunliffe, 2013). liferation of big data can affect the agency costs associated with the use
Organizational theories also have practical applications in many dif- of third-party logistics. Hazen et al. (2016) propose a few more gaps
ferent areas within organizations, as well in the organizational en- that application of the theory could help to fill out. They propose to
vironment, such as strategy, finance, marketing, information tech- investigate how costs associated with monitoring data from supply
nology, operations, human resources, communication, natural chain partners, used as the basis for BDPA-enabled sustainability in-
environment and supply chain management (SCM) (Akhtar, Khan, itiatives, impact long-term sustainability efforts across the supply chain.
Frynas, Tse, & Rao-Nicholson, 2018; Hatch & Cunliffe, 2013; Sarkis Moreover, it is recommended to examine how BDPA can optimize the
et al., 2011). agency relationships required for enhancing supply chain sustain-
For the purpose of this study, the definition of organizational theory ability. Finally, they additionally propose to analyse how BDPA can
presented by Sarkis et al. (2011) will be adopted. They define organi- affect the agency costs incurred by including third-party providers in
zational theory as “a management insight that can help explain or de- sustainable supply chain processes.
scribe organizational behaviors, designs, or structures”.
4.3. Contingency theory

4. Results and discussion Contingency theory states that organizations are open systems that
constantly interact with their environment and adapt to different en-
This section aims to present nineteen theories that have been used vironmental pressures. Therefore, organizational characteristics depend
to investigate big data issues. Following the structure and logic of Sarkis on the environment, the market and the technology adopted (Lawrence
et al. (2011), the focus remained only on theories that have been & Lorsch, 1973). The theory focuses on the uncertainties surrounding
mentioned in or linked to at least two published studies related to big organizations in their environment. It establishes that organizations
data. In addition, some fundamental organizational theories, such as need to adjust to these environmental conditions since such conditions
contingency theory and stakeholders theory, among others, were also can affect their characteristics (e.g. strategies and organizational
considered despite having only one study connected to big data, in structure) (Burns & Stalker, 1961; Chandler, 1990; Donaldson, 2001;
order to provide a full overview of the topic. Lawrence & Lorsch, 1967, 1973).
Each of the next sections begins with a brief definition of the theory Contingency theory can be applied to study BDA as a technological
in question, followed by big data literature linked to this theory and condition. Considering the expansion of the internet of things, organi-
potential directions for future research. Table 3 summarizes the find- zations will need to adapt to the new reality of data in abundance to
ings of this section and presents a research agenda for each theory. compete and survive. In this context, contingency theory could help to
understand the adaptation process and to explain how strategies and
organizational structures are made adequate. Waller and Fawcett
4.1. Actor-network theory (2013) also suggest using the theory to analyse how big data and SCM
can be used by logistics managers to meet internal needs and adjust to
The term actor-network theory (ANT) first appeared around 1982 changes in the supply chain environment.
(Law, 2009), and was established as a theory in 1990 by Callon (1990).
In the view of ANT, organizations are networks of heterogeneous actors 4.4. Diffusion of innovation theory
(Law, 1992) such as a person, a plant or a machine (Whittle & Spicer,
2008). According to Law (1992, p. 386), ANT addresses how these Rogers (1995) proposed the diffusion of innovation theory (DOI) to
actors and organizations are constructed from “the bits and pieces out help understand the adoption process of innovations and to explain how
of which they are composed”. and why new ideas and technologies spread.
Hazen, Skipper, Ezell, and Boone (2016) propose the application of DOI has been used as an underpinning theory in studies about big
ANT to examine and clarify the nature of big data’s impact on supply data. For example, Ahmad, Ahmad, and Hashim (2016) examined how
chain sustainability, considering that ANT provides a framework for the innovative traits of big data itself influence its successful deploy-
understanding how changes in a network (such as a supply chain) im- ment in organizations. In this case, DOI offered valuable insights into
pact the actors within it. According to the authors, the theory can be the characteristics of business intelligence that influence successful
applied to investigate whether big data predictive analysis (BDPA) adoption. Drawing on DOI, Soon, Lee, and Boursier (2016) investigated
helps or hinders competitive supply chain sustainability efforts. In ad- the key determinants affecting the adoption of big data. The authors
dition, this theory can be applied to investigate whether BDPA en- discovered that the accuracy of predictive analytics is the most sig-
hances sustainability efforts between and beyond supply chain partners. nificant determinant affecting the adoption of big data.
Lastly, ANT can be applied to investigate whether actors across the These applications of DOI are examples of the importance of the
supply chain contribute to firms’ adoption of BDPA for enhancing theory to understanding the innovation diffusion process of adopting
supply chain sustainability measures (Hazen et al., 2016). BDA in organizations.

Table 3
Summary of organizational theories applied to big data-related research and future research directions.
Theory Studies General conceptualization Current big data-related research and application of Future research and application

Actor-network theory Hazen et al. (2016) In the view of ANT, organizations are networks of 1) To examine and clarify the nature of big data’s impact 1) To investigate whether BDPA helps or hinders
heterogeneous actors (Law, 1992) such as a person, a plant on supply chain sustainability, considering that ANT competitive supply chain sustainability efforts (Hazen
P. de Camargo Fiorini et al.

or a machine (Whittle & Spicer, 2008). According to Law provides a framework for understanding how changes in a et al., 2016).
(1992, p. 386), ANT addresses how these actors and network (such as a supply chain) affect the actors within it 2) To investigate whether BDPA enhances sustainability
organizations are constructed from “the bits and pieces out (Hazen et al., 2016). efforts between and beyond supply chain partners (Hazen
of which they are composed”. et al., 2016).
3) To investigate whether actors across the supply chain
contribute to firms’ adoption of BDPA for enhancing
supply chain sustainability measures (Hazen et al., 2016).
Agency theory Hazen et al. (2016) Agency theory considers the optimal form of contract to 1) The theory can be applied to analyse big data’s impact 1) To investigate how the proliferation of big data can
Waller and Fawcett control relationships in which one ‘principal’ – an entity or on agency costs and relationships in a supply chain affect the agency costs associated with the use of third-
(2013) an organization – delegates work to another, the ‘agent’ context (Waller & Fawcett, 2013; Hazen et al., 2016). party logistics. (Waller & Fawcett, 2013).
(Eisenhardt, 1985). The theory attempts to solve problems 2) To investigate how costs associated with monitoring
of agency which occur when the principal and agent pursue data from supply chain partners, used as the basis for
different goals and have different risk preferences. Its main BDPA-enabled sustainability initiatives, impact long-term
area of analysis is the contract between the parties sustainability efforts across the supply chain (Hazen et al.,
(Eisenhardt, 1989). 2016).
3) To examine how BDPA can optimize the agency
relationships required for enhancing supply chain
sustainability. (Hazen et al., 2016).
4) To analyse how BDPA can affect the agency costs
incurred by including third-party providers in sustainable
supply chain processes (Hazen et al., 2016).
Contingency theory Waller and Fawcett Contingency theory states that organizations are open 1) The theory can be applied to understand how big data 1) To understand the process of adapting to big data and

(2013) systems that constantly interact with their environment and can help organizations or supply chains to adapt to explain how strategies and organizational structures are
adapt to different environmental pressures. (Lawrence & environmental conditions (Waller & Fawcett, 2013). made adequate.
Lorsch, 1973). 2) It also can help to verify the adaptation processes 2) To analyse how big data and SCM can be used by
required for organizations to compete and survive in the logistics managers to meet internal needs and adjust to
new reality of abundant data. changes in the supply chain environment. (Waller &
Fawcett, 2013).
Diffusion of innovation Ahmad et al. (2016), Diffusion of innovation theory helps to understand the 1) The theory underpins the understanding of the process 1) To examine how the innovative traits of big data itself
theory Soon et al. (2016), adoption process of innovations and explain how and why of adopting big data in organizations. influence its successful deployment in organizations
new ideas and technologies spread (Rogers, 1995). (Ahmad et al., 2016).
2) To examine the key determinants affecting the adoption
of big data (Soon et al., 2016).
Dynamic capabilities view Braganza et al. (2017), Dynamic capability has emerged as an extension of RBV. 1) Big data analytics is considered a capability that can 1) Considering that the possession of a big data tool does
Chen et al. (2015), The theory states that dynamic capabilities enable firms to provide competitive advantage to organizations in highly not guarantee a dynamic response to market changes, it is
Côrte-Real et al. (2017), modify their resources to adapt rapidly to changing dynamic and uncertain environments (Dubey et al., 2017; necessary to examine causal relationships between
Dubey et al. (2017), conditions, helping them to maintain their competitive Wang & Hajli, 2017; Chen et al., 2015). findings from big data analyses and changes required in
Mikalef et al. (2017), advantage (Priem & Butler, 2001; Teece et al., 1997). 2) Big data initiatives help organizations respond to organizations (Braganza et al., 2017).
Prescott (2014), external and internal changes (Braganza et al., 2017). 2) Studies of sustainability could integrate DCV and
Fosso Wamba et al. 3) BDA applications allow for the creation or institutional theory since the latter is guided by economic
(2017), enhancement of dynamic capabilities such as rationality and fails to address social context (Dubey et al.,
Wang and Hajli (2017) organizational agility by means of effective internal and 2017).
external knowledge management (Côrte-Real et al., 3) BDA capability is context-specific due to variations in
2017). the analytics industry; thus it is recommended to develop
4) BDA for information processing reduces uncertainty context-specific BDA capability instruments, such as
(Chen et al., 2015). customer analytics, supply chain analytics, etc. (Fosso
Wamba et al., 2017).
Ecological modernization Hazen et al. (2016) This theory explains that economic competitiveness and 1) Big data and predictive analytics might be a source of 1) To investigate BDA as a means of gaining insight into
growth are not incompatible with environmental insight to support sustainable supply chains (Hazen et al., unknown or misunderstood environmental and social
protection; in fact, they are complementary sources of 2016). aspects of modern supply chains. (Hazen et al., 2016).
2) To analyse how BDA can be used to address specific
(continued on next page)
International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129
Table 3 (continued)

Theory Studies General conceptualization Current big data-related research and application of Future research and application

environmental change (Christoff, 1996; Mol, 1996; Mol & environmental and social crises (Hazen et al., 2016).
Spaargaren, 2000; Jänicke, 2008). 3) To explore BDA as a means of promoting sustainability-
focused efforts in emerging economies and developing
P. de Camargo Fiorini et al.

countries (Hazen et al., 2016).

Game theory Fu and Zhu (2017), Game theory uses a mathematical method to explain 1) To solve the pricing question of green supply chains, 1) The data from big data analysis can be used to explore
Liu and Yi (2017), competitive natural phenomena. Analytical tools are considering targeted advertising inputs and the degree of new games and thus predict, explain and prescribe various
Liu et al. (2017) applied to predict, explain and prescribe what players with green product input in the big data environment (Liu & Yi, situations in the organizational environment, such as
various degrees of rationality will do in specific situations 2017). customer behavior in certain purchase situations, and
(Camerer, 2003; Von Neumann & Morgenstern, 2007). 2) Using big data analysis, Liu et al. (2017) proposed a specific transactions involving supply chain partners,
novel two-stage game theoretical approach to decision- among other possibilities.
making policy for clients when choosing a suitable hotel
among many candidates; the merchants provided a non-
cooperative game strategy to attract the attention of
potential clients.
3) To create a credit game (model) of B2C network
suppliers and customers based on big data (Fu & Zhu,
Institutional theory Hazen et al. (2016), Institutional theory explains how pressures from an 1) To investigate the intersection of supply chain 1) To understand which pressures (coercive, mimetic, and
Waller and Fawcett organization’s external environment can influence the management and data science, including big data (Waller normative) have the greatest impact on the dissemination
(2013), adoption of certain practices and actions (DiMaggio & & Fawcett, 2013). and use of big data analyses in specific sectors.
Kwon et al. (2014) Powell, 1983; Hirsch, 1975; Meyer & Rowan, 1977). 2) Institutional theory has the potential to explore how big 2) The isomorphic processes of change could explain a
data analytics can affect financial, social, and firm’s intention to adopt big data analysis (Kwon et al.,
environmental performance measures (Hazen et al., 2014).
2016). 3) To analyse how internal practices compete with
external pressures in the adoption of BDA for sustainable

supply chain policies and practices (Hazen et al., 2016).
4) To analyse how mimetic pressures could negatively
affect a firm’s use of BDA in supply chain sustainability
and also to verify which pressure (mimetic or normative)
is more influential in an organization’s adoption of BDA
(Hazen et al., 2016).
6) Institutional theory may be useful to investigate how
differences in information freedom within global supply
chains could affect firms’ abilities to leverage big data in
the chain (Waller & Fawcett, 2013).
Knowledge-based view Côrte-Real et al. (2017), The knowledge-based view considers that knowledge and 1) The theory can foment discussions about the 1) To investigate whether there is a relationship between
Erickson and Rothberg related intangibles – from individual to collective knowledge necessary to manipulate a massive quantity of perceived levels of data quality and big data usage in
(2017), knowledge – are important to competitive advantage since data – filtering, analysis and other elaborate actions – and supply chain applications (Hazen et al., 2014).
Hazen et al. (2014) they are considered to be valuable, rare, inimitable, and how to create this knowledge, thus creating value and 2) To analyse whether data quality plays a role in the
non-substitutable resources. Accordingly, firms need to competitive advantage for the organizations. relationship between big data activities and measures of
leverage these resources into productive outcomes to 2) The knowledge-based view is used to support the supply chain performance (Hazen et al., 2014).
achieve competitiveness (Barney, 1991; Felin & Hesterly, importance of data quality for predictive big data 3) To investigate whether big data activities can be
2007; Grant, 1997; Grant & Baden-Fuller, 2004). analytics in supply chain management (Hazen et al., considered a knowledge resource and when, how, and
2014). how often firms should conduct an analysis of the quality
2) In conjunction, the knowledge-based view and dynamic of their data in order to maintain this knowledge resource
capabilities are used to understand the role of big data (Hazen et al., 2014).
analysis in the creation of agility (Côrte-Real et al., 2017). 4) To verify how data quality analyses can affect the value
of both firms' data and firms' big data activities as
knowledge resources capable of enhancing supply chain
performance (Hazen et al., 2014).
5) To investigate how the quality of the data affects
perceived value placed on big data efforts when making
strategic decisions about competitiveness (Hazen et al.,
(continued on next page)
International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129
Table 3 (continued)

Theory Studies General conceptualization Current big data-related research and application of Future research and application

Knowledge management Du et al. (2016) Knowledge management theory is composed of 1) Knowledge management theory can explain how big 1) To investigate the knowledge processes that
theory organizational design and operational principles, processes, data management competence affects service innovation organizations develop to implement big data analysis and
organizational structures, applications and technologies and business performance (Du et al., 2016). to discover how important the relationships between
P. de Camargo Fiorini et al.

that help knowledge workers to leverage their creativity internal stakeholders, such as managers and subordinates,
and ability to deliver business value (Gurteen, 1998). are to this process.
Organizational information Hazen et al. (2014), OIPV suggests that organizations' structure, mechanisms, 1) Big data analytics and business intelligence are 1) OIPV can be a useful lens to examine whether the data
processing view Kowalczyk and and processes revolve around information flows and have considered important information processing mechanisms quality used in big data solutions impacts information
Buxmann (2014) the main objective of reducing context-specific uncertainty for organizations. They are able to help reduce process capability and performance.
and equivocality through information processing (Daft & uncertainty and equivocality in different types of decision- 2) To investigate whether enhancing data quality helps to
Lengel, 1986; Galbraith, 1974; Tushman & Nadler, 1978) It making process (Kowalczyk & Buxmann, 2014). reduce uncertainties surrounding big data initiatives in
states that effective utilization of data requires an 2) OIPV is useful to assess the dynamics of big data organizations and/or supply chains (Hazen et al., 2014).
appropriate, context-specific composition of information utilization for information processing across different
processing mechanisms (Kowalczyk & Buxmann, 2014). decision contexts.
Resource dependence Hazen et al. (2016), RDT characterizes the corporation as an open system, 1) To investigate how resource dependence may explain 1) To investigate how the ability to use big data for supply
theory Prasad et al. (2016), dependent on contingencies of the external environment big data adoption in the context of supply chain chain decisions could affect an organization’s power in
Waller and Fawcett (Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978). Firms engage in collaborations management (Prasad et al., 2016). relation to its suppliers or customers.
(2013) with external stakeholders in order to manage their 2) RDT supports that the ability to apply big data analysis 2) To analyse whether BDA is a critical resource that
dependency on critical resources. It proposes that may increase a firm’s power (Waller & Fawcett, 2013). supply chain partners depend upon to carry out
organizations that lack certain resources will develop sustainability initiatives (Hazen et al., 2016).
relationships with other organizations with the aim of
obtaining those required resources (Ulrich & Barney, 1984).
Resource-based view Akter et al. (2016), Resource-based view theory states that organizational 1) RBV approaches big data as a resource/capability 1) To investigate whether big data activities should be
Akter and Fosso Wamba resources and capabilities vary across firms and which is able to directly or indirectly (through enhancing conducted outside of an organization using market
(2016), differentiate firms’ performance and competitive other organizational capabilities or resources) promote mechanisms or within an organization (Erevelles et al.,
Barbosa et al. (2018), advantage. Resources and capabilities constitute the main better performance and innovation. 2016).

Braganza et al. (2017), components of RBV. In order to achieve a competitive 2) RBV has also been applied to understand the impact of 2) To analyse in depth the mechanisms that foster BDA
Cheah and Wang advantage, organizations need to acquire and develop big data on the supply chain context (Gunasekaran et al., capability building.
(2017), resources that are valuable, rare, imperfectly imitable, and 2017). 3) To examine how elements such as firm structure and
Du et al. (2016), non-substitutable (Barney, 1991). 2) Big data analytics as a firm-level innovation enables employees act together with BDA capabilities in enabling
Erevelles et al. (2016), firms to achieve heterogeneity and hence affords higher differential operations performance (Popovič et al., 2016).
Erickson and Rothberg value and awareness in securing sustainable advantages
(2017), (Kwon et al., 2014).
Gunasekaran et al. 3) BDA is seen as a distinctive capability and a high-
(2017), performance business process to support business needs
Gupta and George (Akter & Fosso Wamba, 2016).
(2016), 4) Questioning the use of RBV in big data studies,
Hazen et al. (2016), Braganza et al. (2017) state that big data erodes the
Ji-fan Ren et al. (2017), theory's assumptions of valuable, rare, inimitable and
Kwon et al. (2014), non-substitutable resources.
Mikalef et al. (2017),
Popovič et al. (2016),
Prescott (2014),
Waller and Fawcett
Fosso Wamba et al.
Wang and Hajli (2017)
Social capital theory Hazen et al. (2016) The premise of SCT is that a network provides value to its 1) In the supply chain context, interactions among 1) To study how social capital affects the adoption of big
members by allowing them access to the social resources members leads to wide acceptance of the norms and data for supply chain sustainability under competition,
that are embedded within the network (Bourdieu, 1985; values of that chain, as well as sharing of information and considering inter-firm and inter-supply chain competition.
Florin et al., 2003). data. In this sense, social capital provides the conditions (Hazen et al., 2016).
necessary for knowledge and information exchange to 3) To investigate how information sharing through big
occur (Hazen et al., 2016). data analytics impacts the importance of structural and
(continued on next page)
International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129
Table 3 (continued)

Theory Studies General conceptualization Current big data-related research and application of Future research and application

relational supply chain network components (Hazen et al.,

Social exchange theory Chang et al. (2015) This theory explains human behavior in social exchanges. It 1) SET logic explains the motivational factors that lead 1) To analyse the expected intrinsic and extrinsic benefits
P. de Camargo Fiorini et al.

posits that people do others a favor with a general managers to accept and utilise big data solutions. of performing the social exchange of sharing knowledge
expectation of some future benefit, but exactly when this Beneficial factors such as organizational rewards, through big data applications within an organization or
will occur is often unclear (Blau, 1964; Gouldner, 1960). reputation, and reciprocity encourage managers to among networks.
effectively use business intelligence for big data solutions
(Chang et al., 2015).
2) Knowledge sharing provided by big data applications
can be seen as a form of generalized social exchange
(Kankanhalli et al., 2005).
Sociomaterialism theory Akter et al. (2016), Sociomaterialism approaches the integration of the social 1) Through this perspective, the capability of big data 1) To analyse how other components may influence each
Akter and Fosso Wamba and material dimensions. It is based on the logic that analytics is seen as the entanglement of three dimensions - dimension of BDA capability.
(2016) people, systems, data, and management are entangled in management, technology and talent capabilities (Akter 2) Big data needs to be investigated in a meaningful and
influencing organizational performance (Kim et al., 2012; et al., 2016; Barton & Court, 2012). All of these balanced manner by applying the right talent, technology,
Orlikowski & Scott, 2008). dimensions are interlinked and mutually supportive in and strategy (Akter et al., 2016).
improving firms’ performance.
Stakeholder theory Wilburn and Wilburn Stakeholder theory proposes that companies produce 1) Big data analytics can represent a solution for 1) To investigate whether companies may be directly or
(2016) externalities affecting several parties, both internal and companies to better satisfy stakeholders' expectations. indirectly pressured by their stakeholders – partners or
external to the firm. A stakeholder is defined as any group 2) Big data allows organizations to understand the otherwise – to adopt big data applications in achieving
or individual who affects or is affected by an organization's possibilities and probabilities of a decision to positively or competitive advantage or parity with competitors.
actions (Freeman, 1984). negatively affect their stakeholders (Wilburn & Wilburn,
Technology acceptance Liu et al. (2015), Technology acceptance model is an information systems 1) TAM has been applied in studying the factors 1) To examine whether the determinants of big data
model Soon et al. (2016) theory that explains how to encourage users to accept and influencing the adoption of big data initiatives. acceptance vary in different cultural contexts through

utilise new technology. TAM presents two factors that are 2) Soon et al. (2016) discovered that perceived usefulness cross-country and/or cross-industry studies.
important determinants of users’ acceptance: perceived and perceived benefit have an influence in adopting big 2) To analyse the differences between TAM determinants
usefulness and perceived ease of use (Davis, 1989). data. On the other hand, perceived ease of use was not a in public and private companies.
relevant predictor.
3) Liu et al. (2015) verified that social influence affects
adoption of BD initiatives, that is, the shared opinion of
groups of individuals towards big data may influence its
successful implementation.
Transaction cost theory Akter and Fosso Wamba Transaction cost theory considers the transaction as the 1) TCT is useful in studying big data analytics in e- 2) To clarify the advantages and drawbacks of outsourcing
(2016), most basic unit of measurement, and focuses on how much commerce transactions. BDA can benefit online firms by big data initiatives. Researchers are encouraged to
Hazen et al. (2016), effort, resources, or cost is necessary for two parties to improving market transaction cost efficiency, managerial investigate whether big data activities should be
Waller and Fawcett complete an exchange (Williamson, 1981). transaction cost efficiency and time cost efficiency (Akter conducted outside or within an organization through the
(2013) & Fosso Wamba, 2016). lens of TCT (Erevelles et al., 2016).
2) Transaction cost theory also presents a rational view for 3) To investigate the influence of big data analytics in
evaluating ‘make versus buy’ decisions related to big data transactions in the context of traditional and sustainable
initiatives (Hazen et al., 2016; Geyskens et al., 2006). supply chains (Waller & Fawcett, 2013).
4) To evaluate costs and benefits of shared big data
initiatives aimed at promoting sustainable practices in
supply chains (Hazen et al., 2016).
5) To investigate whether BDA reduces the cost and effort
associated with initializing sustainable supply chain
practices (Hazen et al., 2016).
International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129
P. de Camargo Fiorini et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129

4.5. Dynamic capability view investigate BDA as a means of gaining insight into unknown or mis-
understood environmental and social aspects of modern supply chains.
Scholars argue that resource-based view (RBV) has not adequately Second, to analyse how BDA can be used to address specific environ-
explained how and why certain firms have a competitive advantage in mental and social crises. Third, to explore BDA as a means of promoting
situations of rapid and unpredictable change (Eisenhardt & Martin, sustainability-focused efforts in emerging economies and developing
2000). For that reason, the dynamic capability view (DCV) has emerged countries.
as an extension of RBV. DCV states that dynamic capabilities enable
firms to modify their resources to adapt rapidly to changing conditions, 4.7. Game theory
helping them to maintain their competitive advantage (Priem & Butler,
2001; Teece, Pisano, & Shuen, 1997). The capacity to reconfigure and Game theory uses a mathematical method to explain competitive
transform in order to renew competences distinguishes dynamic cap- natural phenomena. It is applied through various models, such as the
abilities from capabilities per se (Braganza, Brooks, Nepelski, Ali, & loan game, the buying and selling game and transaction game models
Moro, 2017; Teece et al., 1997). (Camerer, 2003; Von Neumann & Morgenstern, 2007). The theory
The logic of DCV has been applied to conceptualize BDA as a cap- consists of an analytical mathematical method, in which analytical tools
ability that can provide a competitive advantage to organizations in are applied to predict, explain and prescribe what players with various
highly dynamic and uncertain environments (Chen, Preston, & Swink, degrees of rationality will do in specific situations (Camerer, 2003).
2015; Dubey et al., 2017; Wang & Hajli, 2017). For example, BDA as an Links between game theory and the application of big data were
organizational capability has a positive impact on the environmental found in the studies of Fu and Zhu (2017); Liu and Yi (2017), and Liu
and social performance of supply chains (Dubey et al., 2017). Fosso et al. (2017). Liu and Yi (2017) applied game theory to solve pricing
Wamba et al. (2017) add that to effectively translate the capability for issues in a green supply chain, considering targeted advertising inputs
BDA into firm performance, it is necessary to concentrate BDA on and the degree of green product input in the big data environment.
personnel expertise, infrastructure, and management capabilities. Using BDA, Liu et al. (2017) proposed a novel two-stage game theo-
Although BDA capability can have a direct impact on an organiza- retical approach to decision-making policy for clients when choosing a
tion’s performance, it also has an indirect impact by improving other suitable hotel among many candidates; the merchants provided a non-
process-oriented dynamic capabilities (Fosso Wamba et al., 2017). Chen cooperative game strategy to attract the attention of potential clients. In
et al. (2015) mention that applying BDA across a supply chain enables addition to this, Fu and Zhu (2017) created a credit game (model) of
greater dynamic information processing capability, which in turn en- business-to-consumer (B2C) network suppliers and customers based on
dows the organizational decision makers with knowledge, enabling big data.
them to produce better resource configurations and reconfigurations to Future studies can expand the games created by Fu and Zhu (2017);
create competitive advantages. Liu and Yi (2017) and Liu et al. (2017), adapting them for other si-
Braganza et al. (2017) state that big data initiatives help to respond tuations and even replicating them. The data from BDA itself can be
to external and internal changes. For instance, where an organization's used to explore new games and thus predict, explain and prescribe
big data initiative suggests benefits can be gained from changes to various situations in the organizational environment, such as customer
supply chain activities, the organization would need to reconfigure its behavior in certain purchase situations and specific transactions in-
warehouse, distribution and logistics capabilities. However, further volving supply chain partners, among other possibilities. The key con-
research is required to examine causal relationships between findings clusion is that an abundant amount of data can boost the use of game
from big data initiatives and changes required in organizations, since theory in forecasting, explaining and prescribing various situations in-
possessing a big data tool does not guarantee a dynamic response to volving several players in the organizational environment.
market changes.
Côrte-Real, Oliveira, and Ruivo (2017) also mention that BDA ap- 4.8. Institutional theory
plications allow for the creation or enhancement of dynamic cap-
abilities such as organizational agility by means of effective internal Institutional theory explains how pressures from an organization’s
and external knowledge management. Chen et al. (2015) state that external environment can influence the adoption of certain practices
using BDA for information processing reduces uncertainty by stimu- and actions (DiMaggio & Powell, 1983; Hirsch, 1975; Meyer & Rowan,
lating insight and knowledge creation, and increases capability in 1977). In this theory, the organization’s external environment is called
strategic decision-making. the institutional environment, and institutionalization occurs when
Therefore it is clear that, in environments where dynamism is high, there is reciprocal typification of habitual practices and actions by
the main source of competitive advantage stems from companies being certain players in this environment (Berger & Luckmann, 1966).
able to create or reinforce their organizational capabilities through the Players within the same institutional environment share, dis-
use of BDA (Mikalef, Pappas, Krogstie, & Giannakos, 2017). seminate, stimulate, or copy these habitual practices and actions
through three isomorphic processes of change: coercive, mimetic, and
4.6. Ecological modernization normative. The coercive isomorphism is caused by political influence
and problems of legitimacy. The mimetic isomorphism results from
Ecological modernization is used to describe a technology-based standard responses to uncertainty and the normative isomorphism is
and innovation-oriented approach to environmental policy and politics associated with professionalization or social influences (DiMaggio &
(Christoff, 1996; Jänicke, 2008). It encompasses all measures taken to Powell, 1983).
foster eco-innovation and to support the diffusion of these innovations There are interesting opportunities to study big data using institu-
(Jänicke, 2008). In summary, the theory explains that economic com- tional theory as a theoretical lens (Braganza et al., 2017; Hazen et al.,
petitiveness and growth are not incompatible with environmental 2016; Kwon, Lee, & Shin, 2014; Waller & Fawcett, 2013). One example
protection; in fact, they are complementary sources of environmental would be to investigate the intersection between SCM and data science,
change (Christoff, 1996; Jänicke, 2008; Mol, 1996; Mol & Spaargaren, including the study of big data (Waller & Fawcett, 2013). Specifically,
2000). Ecological modernization has been used as a technological ad- Hazen et al. (2016) mention that institutional theory has the potential
justment, policy discourse and a belief system, among others (Christoff, to explore how BDA can affect financial, social, and environmental
1996) and continues to be the focus of various studies in different areas. performance measures.
Hazen et al. (2016), for example, linked ecological modernization to Institutional theory could also help to understand which pressures
BDA and pointed out three directions for future research. First, to (coercive, mimetic, and normative) have the greatest impact on the

P. de Camargo Fiorini et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129

dissemination and use of big data analyses in specific sectors. Besides resource is still unknown.
that, the isomorphic processes of change could explain a firm’s inten- In addition, there has been little published about how data quality
tion to adopt BDA. It should be taken into account that when im- analyses can affect the value of both firms’ data and firms’ big data
plementing organizational innovations, some firms pursue similarities activities as knowledge resources capable of enhancing supply chain
with prominent organizations, and when there is little information performance. Lastly, it is recommended to investigate how the quality
about the new technology, the company may follow existing practices of the data affects perceived value placed on big data efforts, when
or past experiences (Kwon et al., 2014). making strategic decisions regarding competitiveness.
Hazen et al. (2016) proposed future applications of institutional
theory in big data-related research. The first is to consider how internal
practices compete with external pressures in the adoption of BDA for 4.10. Knowledge management theory
sustainable supply chain policies and practices. Furthermore, it is sug-
gested to analyse how mimetic pressures could negatively affect a firm’s Knowledge management is composed of organizational design and
use of BDA for supply chain sustainability, and also to verify whether operational principles, processes, organizational structures, applica-
the mimetic or normative pressure is more influential in an organiza- tions and technologies that help knowledge workers to leverage their
tion’s adoption of BDA. In the context of global supply chains, char- creativity and ability to deliver business value (Gurteen, 1998). It is a
acterized by differences in freedom of information between countries, social process that focuses on encouraging the creation of new knowl-
institutional theory might be useful to investigate how these differences edge through voluntary sharing of knowledge within organizations,
affect firms’ ability to leverage big data in the supply chain (Waller & between organizations and with external partners (Tzortzaki &
Fawcett, 2013). Mihiotis, 2014). There are two keys to knowledge creation and sharing:
collaboration, and the need for managers to encourage their sub-
4.9. Knowledge-based view and intangible assets ordinates to voluntarily transfer their experiences and talents to the
organization (Tzortzaki & Mihiotis, 2014).
Since Schumpeter’s (1934) work, the importance of intangible assets To investigate how big data management competence affects service
has been discussed. An intangible asset is characterized by not being innovation and business performance, Du, Huang, Yeung, and Jian,
physical, as the loyalty and satisfaction of consumers, reputation and (2016) used knowledge management theory (KMT) to build a theore-
image, and competences and know-how of employees, as well as tical framework. Through this framework, they discovered that colla-
techniques and technologies. Intangible assets can provide a competi- boration between big data lead to high levels of effectiveness in internal
tive advantage for organizations (Andreou, Green, & Stankosky, 2007; operations, greater competitive advantage in the service market, and
Spender, Bednarz-Łuczewska, Bordianu, & Rohaert, 2013; Teece, 1998). effective data service development, which in turn are reflected in su-
Similarly, the knowledge-based view (KBV) considers that knowl- perior service innovation and business performance.
edge and related intangibles – from individual to collective knowledge – KMT and other knowledge-based approaches can be useful to study
are important to competitive advantage since they are considered to be many aspects of big data adoption. For example, to investigate the big
valuable, rare, inimitable, and non-substitutable resources (Dwivedi, data knowledge processes that organizations developed to implement
Venkitachalam, Sharif, Al-Karaghouli, & Weerakkody, 2011) Accord- BDA, and to discover how important the relationships between internal
ingly, firms need to leverage those resources into productive outcomes stakeholders, such as managers and subordinates, are to this process.
to achieve competitiveness (Barney, 1991; Felin & Hesterly, 2007;
Grant & Baden-Fuller, 2004; Grant, 1997).
The application of the KBV in the literature is vast. Considering big 4.11. Organizational information processing view
data studies, the theory is important in fomenting discussions about the
knowledge necessary to manipulate a massive quantity of data – fil- Organizational information processing view (OIPV) suggests that
tering, analysis and other elaborate actions – and how to create this organizations’ structure, mechanisms, and processes revolve around
knowledge, thus creating value and competitive advantage for the or- information flows and have the main objective of reducing context-
ganizations. specific uncertainty and equivocality through information processing
The KBV has been applied to study the relationships between data (Daft & Lengel, 1986; Galbraith, 1974; Tushman & Nadler, 1978). While
quality, predictive analytics, and big data in SCM. Hazen, Boone, Ezell, uncertainty refers to incomplete knowledge, equivocality results from
and Jones-Farmer, (2014) affirmed that big data as a knowledge re- conflicting interpretations about a decision-making situation (Daft &
source is dependent on data quality. Only with high-quality data can Lengel, 1986; Galbraith, 1974).
big data can provide a competitive advantage to organizations. Côrte- OIPV states that effective utilization of data requires an appropriate,
Real et al. (2017) empirically tested the KBV and dynamic capabilities context-specific composition of information processing mechanisms
to understand the role of BDA in the creation of organizational agility. (Kowalczyk & Buxmann, 2014). In this regard, BDA and business in-
The authors discovered that BDA could create agility through knowl- telligence are considered important information processing mechan-
edge management, which consequently affects organizational processes isms for organizations. They are able to help reduce uncertainty and
and competitive advantage. equivocality in different types of decision-making process. Specifically,
Erickson and Rothberg (2017) compared capabilities possessed by the more the decision processes involves non-routine aspects or un-
hospitality firms versus those possessed by firms in various healthcare certainty, the more valuable these mechanisms are to improving deci-
sectors. They used the KBV in their analysis and, with a basis in in- sion-making performance (Kowalczyk & Buxmann, 2014). Thus, OIPV
tangible assets research, considered big data an intangible asset. can be applied to assess the dynamics of big data utilization in in-
As previously stated, the KBV can be important in fomenting dis- formation processes across different decision contexts.
cussions in big data studies. Further research could investigate if there In addition, OIPV can be a useful lens to examine whether the data
is a relationship between perceived levels of data quality and big data quality used in big data solutions impacts information process cap-
usage in supply chain applications. It is also necessary to analyse abilities and performance. Levels of data quality may play a role con-
whether data quality plays a role in the relationship between big data cerning the completeness of knowledge and interpretation of informa-
activities and measures of supply chain performance. Hazen et al. tion (Hazen et al., 2014). In this context, it could be investigated
(2014) state that big data activities can be considered a knowledge whether enhancing data quality helps to reduce uncertainties sur-
resource, but when, how, and how often firms should conduct an rounding big data initiatives in organizations and/or supply chains
analysis of the quality of their data in order to maintain this knowledge (Hazen et al., 2014).

P. de Camargo Fiorini et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129

4.12. Resource dependence theory to replace it (Barney & Arikan, 2001).

The RBV has been used extensively by information systems and big
Resource dependence theory (RDT) characterizes the corporation as data scholars (Wade & Hulland, 2004). At least 19 articles were found
an open system, dependent on contingencies of the external environ- to use RBV as a theoretical lens in big data-related research. Most of
ment (Pfeffer & Salancik, 1978). According to RDT, firms engage in these studies approach big data as a resource/capability which is able to
collaborations with external stakeholders in order to manage their de- enhance a firm's performance and innovation. Gupta and George (2016)
pendency on critical resources. It proposes that organizations that lack and Mikalef et al. (2017), for example, have taken insights from RBV to
certain resources will develop relationships with other organizations suggest resources that are likely to improve BDA capability and con-
with the aim of obtaining those required resources (Ulrich & Barney, sequently enhance firms’ performance. Specifically, data, technology,
1984). and basic resources – such as sufficient investment and time – are
In summary, RDT explains how dependence on resources external to suggested as three necessary tangible resources, and managerial and
the organization relates to organizational actions, network exchanges, technical big data skills are identified as two important human skills. In
and outcomes (Aldrich & Pfeffer, 1976; Emerson, 1962; Pfeffer & addition, firms need to construct intangible resources such as a data-
Salancik, 1978). Central to these actions is the concept of power, i.e. driven culture and appropriate intensity of organizational learning to
control over vital resources (Ulrich & Barney, 1984). Organizations create big data capability and pursue competitive advantage.
attempt to reduce others’ power over them, often simultaneously trying Akter et al. (2016) studied BDA capability based upon on three
to increase their own power over others. Although constrained by ex- different factors – management, technology and talent capabilities – in
ternal factors, managers can still act to reduce environmental un- order to achieve improved firm performance. Wang and Hajli (2017)
certainty and dependence (Hillman, Withers, & Collins, 2009). explored the business value of BDA in healthcare, by considering big
RDT has been related to big data mainly in the context of SCM. data as a technical resource with the potential to create analytics cap-
Specifically, within a supply chain framework, RDT has been found abilities that, in turn, support better healthcare performance.
very useful across a wide range of applications (Hazen et al., 2016). RBV has also been applied to understand the impact of big data on
Through the lens of RDT, Prasad, Zakaria, and Altay, (2016) studied the supply chain context. Gunasekaran et al. (2017) argue that big data
big data in humanitarian supply chain networks. It was noted that re- assimilation is a capability that is dependent on connectivity and in-
source providers have the necessary power to pressure non-govern- formation-sharing resources, and which positively impacts supply chain
mental organizations (NGOs) to adopt BDA and to specify the expected and operational performance and subsequently the achievement of
outcomes. NGOs’ resource dependence on governments and donor competitive advantage at a firm and supply chain level.
agencies could lead to widespread big data adoption, revolutionizing Going beyond the technological perspective, Ji-fan Ren, Fosso
how NGOs deliver humanitarian services and thus enhancing outcomes. Wamba, Akter, Dubey, and Childe, (2017) highlights the importance of
The supply chain, in fact, involves different organizations with information quality in big data, which is vital to the data management,
distinct levels of power and dependences. Usually, organizations share diagnosis, and value generating processes to enhance business value
information with their chain partners and, depending on which side of and firm performance.
dependence an organization stands, the sharing of data, information or Drawing on RBV, Popovič et al. (2016) found that the utilization of
analysis can become a critical resource (Ketchen & Hult, 2007). From BDA in manufacturing operations can enhance manufacturing perfor-
such a perspective, Waller and Fawcett (2013) argue that the ability to mance. However, it is worth noting that this study emphasizes that
apply BDA to that information may increase a firm’s power. Therefore, information technology resources and capabilities per se do not en-
RDT may explain how the ability to use big data for supply chain de- hance firm performance. They can act as key enablers of higher-order
cisions could affect an organization’s power in relation to its suppliers organizational capabilities, or interact with other business resources to
or customers. increase firm performance. In manufacturing, a firm’s BDA capabilities
Corroborating to that argument, Hazen et al. (2016) add that RDT and organizational factors can facilitate effective utilization of BDA in
can also explain the adoption and use of BDA for supply chain sus- operations, which thus moderates the performance benefits of BDA
tainability. In this respect, BDA could be seen as a critical resource that utilization. When firms utilize BDA more extensively, they are better
supply chain partners depend upon to carry out sustainability in- able to forecast previously unpredictable outcomes, and improve per-
itiatives, increasing power for the organization holding BDA resources formance. As a result, they experience operational process benefits in
and capabilities. the form of cost reductions, better operations planning, lower inventory
levels, better organization of the labor force and elimination of waste.
4.13. Resource-based view Similarly, Akter and Fosso Wamba (2016) argue that BDA is a dis-
tinctive capability of high-performance business processes to support
Resource-based view (RBV) theory states that organizational re- business needs.
sources and capabilities vary across firms and differentiate firms’ per- Big data and RBV have also been related in terms of innovation.
formance and competitive advantage (Barney, 1991). Resources and Some studies state that big data management may lead to innovation.
capabilities constitute the main components of RBV. Whereas resources Big data competence can be developed when companies clearly identify
refer to tangible and intangible assets (e.g., technology, human and the critical business processes that are impacted by big data and that
organizational), capabilities are identified as tangible or intangible enable the planned new data services, and then apply the appropriate
processes that facilitate the deployment of other resources and enhance big data assets skillfully for innovations (Du et al., 2016). Big data per
overall productivity (Akter et al., 2016). se is also considered an innovation that impacts organizational per-
In order to achieve competitive advantage, organizations need to formance. Adopting BDA as a firm-level innovation aims towards het-
acquire and develop resources that are valuable, rare, imperfectly erogeneity and hence affords higher value and awareness in securing
imitable, and non-substitutable (Barney, 1991). First, the valuable as- sustainable advantages (Kwon et al., 2014).
pect of resources is their power to enable a firm to enhance net rev- RBV states that unique internal resources explain the heterogeneity
enues and reduce net costs, or to generate something of value to cus- of firms’ performance. Following this idea, the majority of relevant
tomers that competitors cannot achieve. Second, rarity indicates that studies consider conducting big data activities within the organization
the resources are not abundant and are possessed only by a small to sustain competitiveness. However, Erevelles et al. (2016) raise the
number of firms. Third, the imperfectly imitable dimension suggests issue that some firms outsource big data consumer analytics. In this
that a resource cannot easily be copied. Finally, non-substitutable sense, researchers are encouraged to investigate whether big data ac-
means that there must be no strategically equivalent resource available tivities should be conducted outside of an organization using market

P. de Camargo Fiorini et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129

mechanisms or within an organization. On one hand, RBV assumes the It posits that people do others a favor with a general expectation of
existence of team-specific assets that are handled with higher pro- some future benefit, but exactly when this will occur is often unclear
ductivity within an organization than outside of an organization. On the (Blau, 1964; Gouldner, 1960). Therefore, SET assumes the existence of
other hand, transactional cost analysis assumes that the same activity relatively long-term relationships of interest based on intrinsic and
can be performed either within or outside of an organization using the extrinsic benefits (Blau, 1964; Molm, 1997).
market mechanism. This discussion highlights the use of RBV in the Employees tend to take a long-term approach to social exchange
context of big data and also helps managers to decide which big data relationships at work and expect to receive benefits from such re-
activities to perform within or outside their organization (Erevelles lationships (Wayne, Shore, & Liden, 1997). Extrinsic benefits refer to
et al., 2016). those that employees receive from the organization for good perfor-
In the opposite tendency to most other studies, Braganza et al. mance, whereas intrinsic benefits refer to those that employees ex-
(2017) question the use of RBV in the context of big data. According to perience internally through performing well (Cooper & Jayatilaka,
their research, big data erodes the theory's assumptions of valuable, 2006), such as self-efficacy.
rare, inimitable and non-substitutable resources. First, data – the core Following the logic of SET, Chang, Hsu, and Wu, (2015) studied
resource of big data initiatives – is not rare, since it can usually be motivational factors that lead managers to accept and utilize big data
bought from data providers. Second, physical resources such as hard- solutions. It was found that benefit factors such as organizational re-
ware and software are neither rare nor imperfectly inimitable. Third, wards, reputation, and reciprocity encourage managers to use business
although human resources with high-level data skills are harder to find, intelligence effectively for big data solutions. According to Kankanhalli
they can be poached by competitors. Finally, many big data roles are et al. (2005), knowledge sharing can be seen as a form of generalized
carried out by actors outside the organization, so have little or no social exchange. Therefore, through knowledge sharing, managers can
control over these resources. Therefore, it is argued that the capability receive organizational rewards, increase their reputation and re-
of big data to provide a competitive advantage is limited when one of ciprocity, which in turn motivates them to perform such social ex-
RBV’s assumptions is not met. changes (Chang et al., 2015).
Nonetheless, Barbosa et al. (2018) claim that even though ordinary Accordingly, SET can be applied to big data studies to analyse the
data originating from organizations’ operations is not rare or in- expected intrinsic and extrinsic benefits of performing the social ex-
imitable, when the capability to derive knowledge from such data is change of sharing knowledge through big data applications within an
used, organizations may achieve competitive advantage. organization or network.

4.14. Social capital theory 4.16. Sociomaterialism theory

Social capital theory (SCT) was first defined by Bourdieu (1985) as Sociomaterialism addresses the integration of the social and mate-
“the aggregate of the actual or potential resources which are linked to rial dimensions. It is based on the logic that people, systems, data, and
possession of a durable network of more or less institutionalized re- management are entangled in influencing organizational performance
lationships of mutual acquaintance or recognition”. Its basic premise is (Kim, Shin, & Kwon, 2012; Orlikowski & Scott, 2008).
that a network provides value to its members by allowing them access Through this perspective, Akter et al. (2016) argue that BDA cap-
to the social resources that are embedded within the network ability is composed of three dimensions and not only the material one,
(Bourdieu, 1985; Florin, Lubatkin, & Schulze, 2003). technology. It relies on the entanglement of management, technology
These social networks need to be developed through investment and talent capabilities. (Barton & Court, 2012). All of these dimensions
strategies oriented towards the institutionalization of group relations, are interlinked and mutually supportive in improving firms’ perfor-
which are reliable sources of benefits (Portes, 1998). In general, social mance. Therefore, to develop BDA capability it is essential to focus on
capital can be broken down into two elements: (a) the social relation- sophisticated technology, robust talent and analytics-driven manage-
ship itself, which allows individuals to claim access to resources pos- ment culture (Akter & Fosso Wamba, 2016).
sessed by their associates, and (b) the amount and quality of those re-
sources (Bourdieu, 1985; Portes, 1998). 4.17. Stakeholder theory
This theory has been applied widely in several research areas.
Although very few studies have related SCT to big data, it is possible to Stakeholder theory proposes that companies produce externalities
construct a relationship with SCM (Hazen et al., 2016). In terms of SCT that affect several parties, both internal and external to the firm. A
in the supply chain, interactions among its members lead to wide ac- stakeholder is defined as any group or individual who affects or is af-
ceptance of the norms and values of that chain, as well as the sharing of fected by organization's actions (Freeman, 1984). For instance, stake-
information, data, and analysis to improve the overall performance of holders can be suppliers, partners or customers, as well as govern-
the network (Chiu, Hsu, & Wang, 2006; Hazen et al., 2016; Huysman & mental entities.
Wulf, 2006). According to Kankanhalli, Tan, and Wei, (2005), social In order to attend to stakeholders’ expectations and concerns,
capital provides the conditions necessary for knowledge and informa- companies must identify all those parties that are affected by their
tion exchange to occur. decisions. Usually, stakeholders exert pressure on companies to reduce
On this basis, Hazen et al. (2016) argue that SCT should be applied negative impacts and increase positive ones (Sarkis et al., 2011).
to study big data in the SCM context, with the purpose of improving However, different stakeholder groups may perceive such impacts dif-
sustainable performance. The authors state that more research is ferently. For this reason, the more information an organization can
needed into how social capital affects the adoption of big data for gather about its stakeholders and their requirements, the better the
supply chain sustainability under competition, considering inter-firm organization can meet their expectations and avoid unintended nega-
and inter-supply chain relations. Furthermore, it remains to be in- tive impacts (Wilburn & Wilburn, 2016).
vestigated how information sharing through BDA impacts the im- In this context, BDA can represent a solution for companies to better
portance of structural and relational supply chain network components. satisfy stakeholders' expectations, by analyzing and predicting the im-
pact of decisions on stakeholder groups. Wilburn and Wilburn (2016)
4.15. Social exchange theory argue that big data allows organizations to understand the possibilities
and probabilities of a decision to positively or negatively affect their
Social exchange theory (SET) is derived from economic exchange stakeholders, specifically for decisions related to corporate social re-
theory and explains human behavior in social exchanges (Blau, 1964). sponsibility and sustainability initiatives. It is especially important for

P. de Camargo Fiorini et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129

companies working in global communities with different cultures, remains to be investigated whether BDA reduces the costs and effort
norms, and needs (Wilburn & Wilburn, 2016). associated with initializing sustainable supply chain practices (Hazen
Another possible relation to big data comes from the pressures that et al., 2016).
stakeholders can exert on companies. As stated by Akhtar et al. (2018)
and Sarkis et al. (2011), stakeholders may be responsible for pressuring 4.20. Outlook on promising theories for big data studies: implications for a
companies to adopt sustainable practices. Following this idea, compa- research agenda
nies may be directly or indirectly pressured by their stakeholders–
partners or otherwise – to apply big data in achieving competitive ad- There are several different organizational theories which remain to
vantage, or simply parity with competitors. be applied by big data researchers. For example, at least 10 other
theories were found to have only one article linking them to big data.
4.18. Technology acceptance model Considering the low number of studies addressing these theories, they
are mentioned as promising theories for big data studies. These theories
The technology acceptance model (TAM) is an information systems are: (1) decomposed theory of planned behavior; (2) evolutionary
theory that explains how to encourage users to accept and utilise new perspective; (3) expectancy theory; (4) goal contagion theory; (5) in-
technology (Davis, 1989). It has been widely applied by information formation systems participation theory; (6) normalization process
systems scholars to addresses the challenge to organizations of pro- theory; (7) service-dominant logic; (8) social comparison theory; (9)
moting acceptance of new information systems (Liu, Dedehayir, & systems theory; and (10) technological, organizational, and environ-
Katzy, 2015). TAM presents two factors that are important determi- mental framework. The findings for each theory are presented in
nants of users’ acceptance: perceived usefulness and perceived ease of Table 4.
use (Davis, 1989). The fundamental principle is that the better users
perceive that a specific application will enhance their performance, and 5. Conclusion
the less effort the application requires to use, the higher the adoption
rate will be. Since the model was first developed, several other factors As we could conclude from the extensive review carried out in this
have been added. article, the management theory supports studies on big data, because
TAM has been applied to study the factors influencing the adoption despite of the particularities of each theory, it helps with predicting,
of big data initiatives. Soon et al. (2016), for example, applied TAM to monitoring, assessing, and adapting processes, internal structures and
analyse the determinants of big data adoption. It was discovered that decision making between members within a supply chain taking into
perceived usefulness and perceived benefit have an influence in account aspects such as: costs, suitable types of relationships, and sus-
adopting big data. On the other hand, perceived ease of use was not a tainability issues, towards organizational competitive advantage.
relevant predictor. Liu et al. (2015) incorporated variable social influ- In the next section, implications for theory and practice related to
ence with TAM and analysed its impact on the adoption of big data in the effects of big data on firms’ performance are highlighted. As the
an organization. Social influence seemed to affect adoption of big data purpose of this study is to enrich the existing state-of-the-art literature
initiatives; that is, the shared opinion of a group of individuals towards on big data by examining organizational theories that have been ap-
big data may influence its successful implementation in organizations. plied to understanding how big data affects organizational perfor-
mance, a number of implications emerge.
4.19. Transaction cost theory
5.1. Implications for theory and practice
Transaction cost theory (TCT) considers the transaction as the most
basic unit of measure and focuses on how much effort, resources, or cost First, in terms of implications for theory, this work aims to list the
is necessary for two parties to complete an exchange (Williamson, theories that have been used to support the development of big data
1981). Transaction costs are defined as the costs beyond the cost of the research. While other emerging topics and disciplines have had studies
product or service that are required to exchange a product or service dedicated to understanding the management theories underpinning
between two entities (Sarkis et al., 2011). The goal is to maximize empirical research (such as Sarkis et al., 2011; Jackson et al., 2014),
transaction performance and minimize costs. this research delves into the past, present and future of the links be-
Akter et al. (2016) argue that TCT is useful to study BDA in e- tween dozens of organizational theories and big data research. Ex-
commerce transactions. BDA can benefit online firms by improving ploring how the scholarship on big data has used organizational the-
market transaction cost efficiency (e.g., buyer-seller interaction online), ories can create insights for theoretically robust and original research in
managerial transaction cost efficiency (e.g., process efficiency) and big data and firms’ performance. Researchers should keep in mind that
time cost efficiency (e.g., searching, bargaining and after sale mon- the selection – and justification – of the organizational theories they use
itoring) (Akter et al., 2016). BDA can offer the necessary efficiency to in big data research can have profound implications for the state-of-the-
perform online transactions, minimizing costs as well as offering in- art literature. In addition, Table 3 provides future research avenues for
formation and transparency for both sides. each theory presented.
TCT also presents a rational view for evaluating ‘make versus buy’ As implications for managers in charge of big data operations, this
decisions (Geyskens, Steenkamp, & Kumar, 2006; Hazen et al., 2016). work highlights the complexity behind the links between big data and
This approach may be applied to clarify the advantages and drawbacks firms’ performance. Each theoretical angle adopted by researchers can
of outsourcing big data initiatives. Researchers are encouraged to in- produce particular research findings and insights. For example, re-
vestigate whether big data activities should be conducted outside or search using RBV will highlight big data as a unique resource which can
within an organization under the lens of TCT (Erevelles et al., 2016). affect firms’ performance (Gupta & George, 2016; Wang & Hajli, 2017).
There is also the opportunity to investigate the influence of BDA in On the other hand, the selection of another theory would have pro-
transactions within the context of traditional and sustainable supply duced alternative results and insights. Drawing on ecological moder-
chains. Waller and Fawcett (2013) question how big data affects the nization, big data is seen as a source of insight to support sustainable
reduction in internal transaction costs compared to external transaction performance (Hazen et al., 2016), whereas stakeholder theory suggests
costs, and also if it affects the structure of supply chains. Another ex- that BDA can represent a solution for companies to meet stakeholders'
ample is pointed out by Hazen et al. (2016), who mention the need to expectations (Wilburn & Wilburn, 2016). For a complete summary, see
evaluate the costs and benefits of shared big data initiatives aimed at Table 3. In this regard, if managers are aware of the complexity behind
promoting sustainable practices in supply chains. Finally, it also research results on the links between big data and firms’ performance,

Table 4
Summary of promising theories for big data-related studies and future research directions.
Theory Studies General conceptualization Current big data-related research and application of theory Future research and application

Decomposed theory of planned Esteves and The Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior (DTPB) is an 1) To develop a model that predicts the intention to adopt 1) Models like the one elaborated by Esteves and Curto
behavior Curto (2013) extension of the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) (Ajzen, big data technologies (Esteves & Curto, 2013). (2013) can be important to understand the nuances of the
1991). In TPB the behavioral intention is an antecedent of adoption of big data analysis.
P. de Camargo Fiorini et al.

behavior and is determined by attitude, subjective norms 2) The Esteves and Curto (2013) model can be adapted
and perceived behavioral control (Ajzen, 1991; Taylor & and applied in other situations.
Todd, 1995). To better understand the relationships between 3) New models based on TPB/DTPB can be developed.
belief structures and the antecedents of intention, Taylor and
Todd (1995) decomposed beliefs (attitude, subjective norms
and perceived behavioral control) into multidimensional
Evolutionary perspective Du et al. The evolutionary and competence-based organizational 1) To build a theoretical framework to investigate how big 1) The evolutionary perspective in the model can be
(2016) theories were born in the 1980’s from critiques of contract data management competence affects service innovation useful to understanding other internal organizational
theories (Kállay, 2012). Evolutionary theories are considered performance and how service innovation performance puzzles in big data research.
as a subset of a wider class of theories (Hodgson, 1998) and subsequently affects business performance (Du et al., 2016).
focus on innovation, learning and steady competitive
advantage, considering firms’ history (Kállay, 2012).
Expectancy theory Chang et al. Expectancy theory considers that individuals perform for – 1) To foster the acceptance and usage of business intelligence 1) Following Chang et al. (2015), future studies must
(2015) or contribute to – an organization in exchange for certain as a set of solutions for big data analysis, Chang et al. (2015) collect data from various countries to generalize the
rewards or inducements (Scholl, 1981). examine how the motivational factors of both expectancy results.
theory and social exchange theory (SET) affect managers’ 2) Chang et al. (2015) focus on behavioral intentions, not
willingness to utilise business intelligence. actual use behaviors, although it has been demonstrated
that behavioral intentions lead to actual use behaviors.
Goal contagion theory Lee, Li, Shin, The goal contagion theory explains the process of goal 1) To explain the intention to adopt innovative information 1) There are opportunities to study social comparison
and Kwon contagion, through which individuals automatically adopt technology (IT) in firms with limited IT knowledge (Lee behaviors at the organizational level, and the subsequent
(2016) and pursue a goal that is implied by another person’s et al., 2016). goal contagion that derives goals from the observation of

behavior (Aarts, Gollwitzer, & Hassin, 2004; Leander & comparable companies and competitors (Lee et al., 2016).
Shah, 2013). 2) The adoption of big data analysis can be examined
through goal contagion theory and other organizational
theories, such as stakeholder theory and institutional
theory. These theories together may provide a better
understanding of the forces present in the organizational
environment and of how organizations behave in the face
of these forces to adopt big data analysis.
Information systems participation Silva (2015) Information systems participation theory (ISPT) presents the 1) Silva (2015), grounded in ISPT, studied a large diabetes 1) The ISPT can be applied in conjunction with other
theory key parameters for designing systems with the participation screening project to integrate, converge and derive expedient theories to fully explore the importance of stakeholders
of users (Markus & Mao, 2004). insights from such an accumulation of data and make and specialists in big data analysis platform design.
recommendations for a successful big data analysis Stakeholder theory and institutional theory can maximize
implementation. the ISPT framework, identifying the right stakeholders
and managing their expectations and demands.
Normalization process theory Shin (2016) NPT is derived from the theory of socio-technical systems. It 1) NPT offers a window for analyzing the complex process of 1) To investigate social processes that can explain why
(NPT) refers to the social processes through which ideas, actions, adopting and embedding big data in organizations, supply big data initiatives become normalized in certain
and even new technologies become routinely embedded and chains, and wider society (Shin, 2016). companies while in others they do not.
accepted in everyday work life (May & Finch, 2009; Sooklal,
Papadopoulos, & Ojiako, 2011).
Service-dominant logic (SD logic) Xie et al. SD logic is a theory that explains value co-creation between 1) Through the lens of SD logic, big data platforms represent 1) It is necessary, drawing on SD logic, to explore how big
(2016) firms and customers (Vargo & Lusch, 2004, 2008). The main an important channel for companies to co-create value with data can collaborate in value co-creation processes in the
premise is that organizations, markets, and society are customers. Such technologies enable organizations to context of multiple actors.
fundamentally concerned with the exchange of services for exercise a service-dominant strategy, by allowing collection
the benefit of a party. of customer data, superior communication with customers,
and effective response to changes (Xie et al., 2016).
Social comparison theory Lee et al. Social comparison theory explains how individuals evaluate 1) Social comparison can be applied to understand 1) To Investigate how social comparison activities may
(2016) their own opinions and abilities by comparing themselves organizations’ intentions in adopting big data (Lee et al., influence organizations’ intention to adopt big data (Lee
with others (Festinger, 1954). The main motivation of social 2016). et al., 2016).
comparison is self-assessment (Wood, 1989).
(continued on next page)
International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129
P. de Camargo Fiorini et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129

they will be able to better understand – and manage – this process.

3) To investigate how big data can help organizations as

1) To identify other contexts rather than supply chains in

2) To analyse the costs of poor data quality on big data

evolve adequately according to environmental changes.

open systems to interact with their environment and to
1) To investigate how data quality affects the big data
efforts of partner firms within a supply chain system

which TOE factors and components are important to

initiatives for supply chain members’ internal and
5.2. Limitations

Finally, it is possible to point out that this work has some limitations

external interactions (Hazen et al., 2014).

regarding its scope. First, the search for articles was carried out only in
the Scopus database, which, despite being highly distinguished, does
Future research and application

not gather all the latest research on the subject. Second, studies that
have been published since the search was performed are also outside

promote usage of big data.

the range of coverage of this work. Therefore, other organizational
(Hazen et al., 2014).

theories may have been related to big data but have been left out of the
discussion of this article.


This work was supported by CAPES - Coordination for the

Improvement of Higher Education Personnel [PDSE Processo no
sub-systems that absorb data from all points of the chain and
help organizations to interact with their environment (Hazen
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explain organizational movement toward big data usage in

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supply chain management (Chen et al., 2015).

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data system supporting Bosch Braga industry 4.0 strategy. International Journal of of Technology (UOIT), Canada. Her research interests include information systems and
Information Management, 37(6), 750–760. information technology, big data, operations management, and organizational perfor-
Sarkis, J., Zhu, Q., & Lai, K. H. (2011). An organizational theoretic review of green supply mance.

P. de Camargo Fiorini et al. International Journal of Information Management 43 (2018) 112–129

Engineering of the Paulista State University "Júlio de Mesquita Filho", Campus of Bauru -
Bruno Michel Roman Pais Seles is a researcher at the Department of Production SP. Master's and PhD advisor in the graduate program in production engineering, in the
Engineering, Sao Paulo State University (UNESP), Brazil. Bruno Michel holds a bachelor area of applied quantitative methods and the sustainability of productive systems. Editor-
degree in Business Administration from the Sao Paulo State University and has a master's in-chief of the journal Operations and Systems Management (GEPROS). He holds a degree
degree in Production Engineering: Operations and Systems Management from the Sao in Mechanical Engineering from the University of São Paulo - USP (2005) and in
Paulo State University. His research interests include business administration, operations Pedagogy from the Federal University of São Carlos - UFSCar (2011). He is also a Master
management, environmental management, corporate social responsibility and sustainable (2008) and Doctor (2012) in Production Engineering from the University of São Paulo. He
supply chain management. has experience in the area of Production Engineering, with emphasis on Economic
Engineering, Data Envelopment Analysis and Development Economics.
Charbel Jose Chiappetta Jabbour has been an academic at prestigious universities such
as Montpellier Business School, France, University of Stirling, Scotland, United Kingdom, Ana Beatriz Lopes de Sousa Jabbour is an expert in sustainable operations, technology
UNESP-Sao Paulo State University and USP-University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, and USP- and supply chain management. She has worked as Associate Professor for Montpellier
University of Sao Paulo. He has published highly-cited articles in first-tier journals, in- Business School (France), University of Strathclyde Glasgow-School of Engineering
cluding Industrial Marketing Management, International Journal of Production Research, (United Kingdom), and Sao Paulo State University-Department of Production Engineering
International Journal of Production Economics, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of (Brazil). She has published in journals such as Technological Forecasting &Social Change,
Cleaner Production, Technovation, among others. International Journal of Production Economics, International Journal of Production
Research, Journal of Cleaner Production, and others.
Enzo Barberio Mariano is Assistant Professor in the Department of Production


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