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7, JULY 1989

Tetanic Responses of Electrically Stimulated

Paralyzed Muscle at Varying Interpulse

Abstract-The influence of stimulus interpulse interval (IPI) on achieving the muscle contractions needed to complete
torque output during electrically-evoked contractions was investigated each phase of the gait cycle. In other words, the time taken
for the knee extensor muscles of paralyzed subjects. The parameters
measured were the rise time, magnitude, and relaxation time of the
for the generation of torque in part determines the speed
contraction at stimulus IPI’s ranging from 62 to 7 ms. Torque output of ambulation. Coordination and timing of muscle con-
increased as IPI’s were decreased from 62 to 15 ms. Peak torques were tractions have therefore become key aspects in the design
recorded at IPI’s of 12-15 ms; IPI’s less than these resulted in an in- of open-loop stimulation sequences for gait and other
significant loss of torque. Rise times decreased as IPI’s were decreased. functional tasks.
Relaxation time generally increased as IPI’s were decreased with the
longest relaxation times occurring with stimulation at an IPI of 12 ms.
In order to assist in the design of such sequences, we
To demonstrate the influence of IPI on muscle fatigue, the effect of undertook a study of the responses of paralyzed quadri-
prolonged stimulation at short (12 ms) and long (50 ms) IPI’s was also ceps muscles. This study was designed to compare the
compared. After 30 s of stimulation with an IPI of 12 ms, mean torque rate and magnitude of torque development and relaxation
had declined to 5 f 3 percent and after 30 s of stimulation with an IPI at the knee during tetanic stimulation at a wide range of
of 50 ms, mean torque had declined to 82 f 4 percent of the initial
value. Knowledge of how stimulus IPI influences the response of par-
interpulse intervals (IPI’s). A brief study contrasting the
alyzed muscle to electrical stimulation may assist in the development rate of torque loss during prolonged stimulation at short
of rehabilitation devices which utilize these technologies. and long IPI’s was also performed. The results of this
work and the implications with respect to the development
INTRODUCTION of FNS systems are discussed.

I N recent years there has been increasing interest in the

utilization of functional neuromuscular stimulation
(FNS) for augmenting or restoring function in patients suf- Outline

fering from upper motor neuron lesions [4],[7], [22]. Two phases of experiments were required for this study.
Since 1983, we have worked with thoracic level spinal In the initial phase, the response time of the torque-mea-
cord-injured volunteers to develop an FNS system using suring device was determined to verify its adequacy for
percutaneous intramuscular electrodes [ 181. In total, eight measuring the rise time of muscular contractions. Exper-
subjects have been able to ambulate with the aid of a iments to measure the response time of the system alone,
walker and, of these, three are able to ascend and descend the response time of the system with the unstimulated leg
stairs. Progress in the areas of electrode design and im- of a subject attached, and, finally, the combined response
plantation techniques, and the increasing sophistication of time of the system and the subject’s leg during an electri-
hardware and software has enabled some of these individ- cally-evoked contraction of the quadriceps muscles were
uals to walk at speeds which begin to approach normal. performed. The results revealed that this system was ad-
As ambulation speed increases, less time is available for equate for measurements of muscle rise times. Details of
the methods used, the equipment and the results of these
Manuscript received June 8, 1988; revised November 8, 1988. This work
was supported by the Rehabilitation Research and Development Service of
experiments are given at the end of the “Methods” sec-
the Veterans Administration. tion. The goal of the second and major phase of experi-
S. G . Carroll was with the Motion Study Laboratory, Veterans Admin- ments was to characterize the responses of the paralyzed
istration Medical Center, Cleveland, OH 44106. She is now with the De-
partment of Physiotherapy, Austin Hospital, Heidelburg, Victoria, Aus- quadriceps muscle to stimulation at varying IPI’s.
R. .I.Triolo is with Shriners Hospital for Crippled Children, Philadel- Subjects
phia, PA. Data were collected from two subjects who were par-
H. J. Chizeck is with the Departments of Systems and Biomedical En-
gineering, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106. ticipants in a project to restore functional tasks in para-
R. Kobetic is with the Motion Study Laboratory, Veterans Administra- lyzed individuals. Both had suffered complete spinal cord
tion Medical Center, Cleveland, OH 44106. lesions at the level of T-7/T-8 at least five years previ-
E. B. Marsolais is with the Department of Orthopaedics, Case Western
Reserve University, Cleveland, OH 44106. ously and had been involved in the project for a minimum
IEEE Log Number 8927445. of four years. Percutaneous intramuscular electrodes were

0018-9294/89/0700-0644$01 O 1989 IEEE

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implanted at the motor points of most of their major lower formed at least one week apart and the order of testing
limb muscles [17] and both subjects had performed daily was at random.
electrical exercise of their lower limbs for at least 30 min
in the forms of ambulation, stair climbing, standing, and/
or a seated exercise program during their years of partic- Torque was detected using a Cybex dynamometer which
ipation in this project [ 191. had been instrumented with strain gauges. The strain
gauge output was amplified, filtered at 50 Hz, and stored
Stimulation Equipment and Procedures by a MINC 11/23 microcomputer (Digital Corp., May-
nard, MA). The sampling rate employed in the fatigue
The subjects were seated on a Cybex I1 dynamometer
experiments was 50 Hz; for all other experiments, a sam-
bench (Cybex, Lumex, Ronkonkoma, NY) with the knee
pling rate of 250 Hz was utilized. A two-point calibration
of the test leg fixed securely in 30” of flexion. This angle
was employed and testing of the system using known
was chosen as it fell within the range of angles shown to
weights showed that the output voltage versus torque was
permit generation of maximal voluntary torque in normal
linear at all positions. After completion of each experi-
subjects [14], [21]. A total of nine electrodes implanted
in the vastus medialis, vastus lateralis, and/or vastus in- ment, the data were transferred onto a MicroVax I1 com-
puter (Digital Corp., Maynard, MA) for plotting and
termedius muscles of both subjects were tested. Isometric
contractions were evoked by a laboratory-built, micropro- analysis.
cessor-controlled, portable stimulator [27] which utilized Characterization of the Torque Measriring
constant-current pulses of 20 mA in amplitude and a fixed System: Methods
pulsewidth of 150 p s . The transfer function of the instrumented Cybex appa-
The experimental protocol was designed to produce ratus was determined by recording the system response to
steady-state tetanic contractions without inducing signif- a step change in torque. A step input, beginning at an
icant potentiation or fatigue. Prior to the commencement initial negative level, passing through zero to a final pos-
of data collection, each muscle was “warmed up” with itive steady-state value, was used to simulate the action
ten isometric contractions. The duty cycle was 2 s on/ of the quadriceps muscles during an isometric contrac-
3 s off and the stimulus frequency was 25 Hz. The mus- tion. Weights were suspended below the arm of the Cybex
cles were then rested for at least 5 min to allow any effects with a thin wire, and above the arm by a wire looped
of potentiation to dissipate [9]. The experimental protocol through a pulley attached to the ceiling. The weight below
consisted of 10 trains of stimulation; each being 900 ms the arm was always larger than that suspended above the
in duration and each utilizing a different IPI. In all cases, arm so that the net torque acted downwards. The step in-
900 ms of stimulation was sufficient to allow the muscle put was created by cutting the wire suspending the bottom
to reach a steady-state torque output. The intertrain inter- weight, resulting in a net torque acting in the upward di-
val was 30 s and IPI’s of 7, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 40, 50, rection. The response of the system to this “instanta-
5 5 , and 62 ms were chosen as they corresponded to fre- neous” change in torque was recorded using the same
quencies within the ranges recorded in discharging motor procedures as described above. The wire was also instru-
units during voluntary contractions of normal muscles mented to provide a timing signal which indicated the ex-
[lo], [ 151. To cancel out any effect of fatigue or potentia- act instant the step was applied for delay and rise time
tion, the IPI’s were tested in the ascending order in ap- calculations. All strain gauge measurements were syn-
proximately half of the experiments while the descending chronized to this timing signal for averaging. Step re-
order was used in the remaining experiments. The trial- sponses were collected in this manner from 1) the instru-
to-trial and day-to-day reliabilities of the results were as- mented Cybex arm alone, and 2) with the passive,
sessed by repeating the experiment on a minimum of three unstimulated leg of a paraplegic subject fixed firmly to the
occasions using two electrodes. No less than ten minutes apparatus. In all cases, the Cybex arm was held at a con-
or three days elapsed between tests of trial-to-trial and stant position, 30” below the horizontal.
day-to-day repeatability, respectively. The responses from stimulated muscle were determined
in a second series of experiments. In addition to the pas-
Fatigue Study sive mechanical tests, step responses were generated ac-
The influence of IPI on torque decline during continu- tively by stimulating the quadriceps muscles while the
ous quadriceps stimulation was performed on a total of subject’s leg was attached to the Cybex arm. The stimu-
seven electrodes from both subjects. IPI’s of 12 and 50 lator was modified to produce a timing signal which cor-
ms were chosen to represent stimulation with high and responded exactly to the onset and cessation of stimula-
low frequencies, respectively. The fatiguing procedure, tion for delay and rise time calculations and for
consisting of 150 s of continuous stimulation with a pulse synchronization purposes. All analyses were repeated on
duration of 150 p s , was performed on each of the seven the downward step associated with the removal of stim-
electrodes at the two test IPI’s on separate occasions. The ulation during relaxation of the muscle to further charac-
experimental setup including the stimulator, torque mea- terize the system.
suring system, and angle of testing was identical to that The step responses recorded from the strain gauges un-
described above. The fatigue experiments were per- der each of the test conditions were averaged to eliminate

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(Hz) Resonant Rise
Peak Time Percent Delay
Stat 3 dB (Hz) (ms) Overshoot (ms)

Cybex ( n = 7 ) 18.8 18.2 15.8 24 44.5 4

Cybex plus leg ( n = 6 ) 10.7 7.3 6.2 32 29.2 4
Stimulation ( n = 9 ) 7.7 2.1 - 88 4.5 40
Relaxation ( n = 8 ) 7.4 4.9 - 84 19.3 64

Normalized Torque


n - 9

-0.2' I 1 I I I I 1 1 I
-0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Time (seconds)

Normalized Torque


n - 6

-0.2 I I 1 1 1 I I I 1

-0.2 -0.1 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7
Time (seconds)
Fig. 1, Normalized average step responses of the instrumented Cybex ap-
paratus. ( a ) The mechanical response of the Cybex system including the
passive mass of an unstimulated leg, (b) the step response of the system
with constant stimulation of the quadriceps. Note the differences in rate
of rise, overshoot, and delay. All responses are synchronized to the ap-
plication of the step input and normalized to a steady state value before
averaging [mean values for (a) and (b) were 29.2 and 56.4 N ' m . re-
spectively]. Plots show mean. maximum. and minimum values at each
instant of time.

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exhibited a flat response out to a frequency of approxi-

mately 8 Hz at which point a prominent null was observed
in the spectrum. This was consistently followed by a flat
response at the same level and a resonant peak at approx-
imately 16 Hz. The half power and statistical bandwidths
were both between 18 and 19 Hz in this case. Addition of
the passive leg resulted in a shift to lower frequencies out
to a resonant peak at about 6 Hz, followed by a major null
at 8 Hz. The statistical and half-power bandwidths in this
case were 8 and 11 Hz smaller than those characteristic
of the system without the mass of the leg. The average
step responses of the system with and without stimulation
are shown in Fig. 1. Fig. l(a) illustrates the step response
of the Cybex and the unstimulated leg while Fig. l(b)
Frequency (Logarithmic scale) shows the average step response obtained by stimulating
(a) the quadriceps muscles. The step responses produced by
the contracting muscle displayed longer rise times, larger
delays, and smaller overshoots than those seen in the sys-
tem with the unstimulated leg.
The responses elicited by stimulation of the quadriceps
muscles were characterized by transfer functions which
showed an additional shift to lower frequencies. Fig. 2
shows the transfer functions associated with each step re-
sponse pictured in Fig. 1 . The transfer function of the
Cybex arm and the passive leg is presented in Fig. 2(a)
while that of the system during stimulation is given in
Fig. 2(b). The statistical bandwidth of the system during
stimulation was 7.7 Hz compared to the 10.7 Hz band-
width of the passive system. In addition, the stimulated
10-1 100 10' 10' and passive systems exhibited half power bandwidths of
Frequency (Logarithmic scale) approximately 2.1 and 7.3 Hz, respectively, as shown in
(b) Table I. These results indicate that the instrumented Cy-
Fig. 2 . Average transfer functions of the instrumented Cybex apparatus. bex apparatus is capable of passing all frequencies of in-
(a) System response of Cybex with passive, unstimulated leg attached. terest in the stimulated muscle response without distor-
(bj transfer function of the system with active contraction of the quad-
riceps muscles. The transfer function of the passive system is consist-
tion. The instrumentation, including the mass of the leg,
ently characterized by a flat response up to a resonance and followed by is of sufficient bandwidth to measure the responses of the
a prominent null. The response of the stimulated system begins to atten- quadriceps muscles to stimulation.
uate at frequencies above 2 Hz. Statistical bandwidths are indicated.

fluctuations due to random noise. Transfer functions were
calculated by differentiating the average step responses to
obtain the impulse responses of the system, and then com- Fig. 3(a) shows typical responses from one electrode at
puting the power spectral density. A differentiating filter IPI's of 12, 20, 50, and 62 ms. An initial overshoot with
with a bandwidth of 50 Hz was used, after which a digital several secondary oscillations was seen for all electrodes
low-pass filter with a bandwidth of 50 Hz cutoff was ap- during stimulation with IPI's of and less than 40 ms.
plied to prevent the introduction of high frequency noise. Maximum torque was therefore defined as the average
Equivalent statistical and half-power ( 3 dB ) bandwidths steady-state output occurring during a 100 ms window.
[2] were computed for the transfer functions of the Cybex beginning 750 ms after the onset of stimulation. The de-
alone, the Cybex and the unstimulated leg, and the Cybex gree of fusion induced by stimulation at each IPI was as-
and the actively contracting leg during both the generation sessed by measuring the amplitude of the ripple and ex-
and relaxation of knee extensor torque. Rise times, pressing it as a percentage of maximum torque [6]. Tetanic
overshoots, and delays were also compiled from each of response time was defined as the time taken for torque to
the average step responses. rise from 10-90 percent of maximum ( t 10-yOpercent ). To as-
sess rise time independently of changes in torque, rise time
Characterization of the Torque Measuring was also expressed in units of time per Newton meter.
System: Results Relaxation time was similarly defined as the time taken
The characteristics of the instrumented Cybex appa- for torque to decay from 90 to 10 percent of maximum
ratus are summarized in Table I . The Cybex arm alone ( t y O ~ I o p e r c and
c n t ) also expressed in units of time per New-

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: IPI-I2


I 1-
Y =-



-* ; 1 I I I 1 I I I
0 U I4 U U I I1 I4 I6 I
Time (Second)


Fig. 3. (a) The response of one electrode to stimulation at IPI’s of 62, 50,
20, and 12 ms. Note the initial overshoot during contractions at IPI’s of
20 and 12 ms and the incomplete fusion during stimulation at IPI’s of
50 and 62 ms. (b) The method for measuring rise time, relaxation time,
and the 100 ms window used for calculating maximum torque. The onset
of stimulation is marked by an arrow.

ton meter. Definitions and measurements of the above pa- both subjects, pooled results from the electrodes have been
rameters are shown in Fig. 3(b). Repeatability was deter- presented as normalized values. The mean response for
mined by calculating the mean percentage error at each each electrode following stimulation at all test IPI’s was
IPI for two electrodes tested on a minimum of three oc- given the value of 100 percent and the value for each IPI
casions. was normalized with respect to this mean. The normal-
As absolute values for torque, rise time, and relaxation ized data from the individual electrodes were then pooled
time varied considerably from electrode to electrode for for each IPI. The ranges of absolute values for torque,

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TABLE 11 % Max Torque




Range of Range of

: l i
Range of Rise Relaxation
Torques Times Times
Subject Muscle ( N - m) (ms) (ms)

RL L lnt/Lat 54-79 233-201 81-108 20

R Lat 30-44 165-93 70-95 10 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65
L Med/Int 25-36 231-93 59-95
L Lat 35-51 240- 170 73-101
I P I las)
BK R Lat/Int 37-60 333-191 63-9 1
L Int 69-91 236-76 70-95 Fig. 4. Influence of stimulus IPI on maximum torque. Each point is the
L Lat 18-24 214-106 36-68 mean normalized response* of 9 electrodes f 1 standard deviation (SD).
R Med 28-63 103-65 69-91 * The mean response for each electrode following stimulation at all test
R Lat 36-61 95-60 61-89 IPIs was given the value of 100 percent and the value for each IPI was
normalized about this mean. The normalized data from the individual
electrodes was then pooled for each IPI.

rise time, and relaxation time together with a profile of

each electrode are given in Table 11. 200 -

180 -
Tetanic Torque
160 -
Despite the wide variation in the magnitude of torque
140 -
produced by the electrodes, a clear relationship between
120 -
IPI and maximum torque emerged (Fig. 4). For IPI’s be-
100 -
tween 55 and 20 ms, torque increased linearly as IPI was
decreased. No statistically significant changes in torque BO -
were obtained with IPI’s less than 20 ms although peak 60 -
torque was recorded at IPI’s of 12 or 15 ms for ail elec- 40 -
trodes. A consistent albeit insignificant decrease in torque 20 -
was observed when IPI’s less than 12 or 15 ms were used. 0
1. . . .1. . . .1. . . .1. . . . ’ . . . .1‘ . ‘ . ‘ . ‘ “ ‘ . ” .

The mean difference between minimum and maximum

relative torques was 37 i- 8 percent. No ripple was ob-
served during contractions using IPI’s of 20 ms and less.
At IPI’s of 40, 50, 5 5 , and 62 ms, the mean ripples were
3 f 1 percent, 4 i- 1 percent, 4 f 1 percent, and 7 f 2
percent of maximum torque, respectively. Tests of re-
peatability using two electrodes showed that mean trial-
to-trial errors were always less than the mean day-to-day
errors ( T - T : 2.4 f 1.9 percent versus D-D: 7.2 f 4.7 est responses were recorded with stimulation at the short-
percent: p < 0.02). In addition, a clear effect of IPI on est IPI’s (Fig. 5 ) . In addition to expressing rise time sim-
the repeatability was observed for both trial-to-trial and ply in units of time, it was also expressed as the rise time
day-to-day errors. The average trial-to-trial mean per- per Newton meter. This permitted an assessment of the
centage errors for stimulation at IPI’s equal or greater than influence of IPI on rise time without the confounding
50 ms was significantly greater than for IPI’s less than 50 variable of torque which, as we have seen, was also influ-
ms (IPI > 50, x = 4.8 k 1.5 percent versus IPI < 50, enced by IPI. Fig. 5 illustrates that the rise time was par-
x = 1.3 f 0.6 percent, p < 0.001). A similar pattern ticularly sensitive to changes in IPI’s of 40 ms or more
was seen for day-to-day errors although the critical IPI when it was expressed for a constant level of torque. In-
was 40 ms ( IPIs > 40, x = 12.5 i- 1.9 percent versus deed, the mean differences between minimum and maxi-
IPI’s < 40, x = 3.6 f 1.3 percent, p < 0.001). mum relative values of rise time and rise time per Newton
meter were 59 It 27 percent and 95 f 38 percent, re-
Rise Times spectively. Examination of trail-to-trial variations re-
As was seen for torque output, considerable variations vealed no influence of IPI. The average mean percentage
in rise times were observed between the electrodes. In all errors for all IPI’s was 3.8 f 1.5 percent. Day-to-day
cases, however, the time required for torque to increase variations were also small for all IPI’s except when the
from 10 to 90 percent of maximum increased in a linear IPI was 62 and 40 ms. The average mean percentage error
fashion as the stimulus IPI was lengthened so that the fast- for all other IPI’s was 2.0 f 1.4 percent. For IPI’s of 62

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650 IEEE T R A N S A C T I O N S ON B I O M E D I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G . VOL 36. N O 7. JULY 1989

contrast, a slow and incomplete loss of torque accom-

:I A
100 -
panied continuous stimulation at IPI’s of 50 ms. At the
5 s sampling point mean torque had declined to 97 f 2
90- percent and at the 30 s sampling point it had declined to
BO ~
82 f 4 percent. After 150 s of continuous stimulation, 20
70 - f 9 percent of the mean torque was still being generated.
60 -
I Fig. 7 illustrates a typical pattern of torque loss at both


, , 1 , , , , , 1 , , ~ , ~ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

10 15 20 25 30 35 40
~ ,,,,

50 55 60
IPI’s for one electrode. This trend was observed in all
electrodes tested.

The relationships observed between IPI and maximum
IPI (msl
torque and IPI and rise time concur with previously pub-
lished studies of mammalian muscle 131, [25]. Specifi-
Fig. 6 . Influence of stimulus 1P1 on relaxation time. Relaxation time was
calculated as the time required for torque to decay from 90 to 10 percent cally, our observation that torque output was inversely
of maximum. Each point is the mean normalized* response from 9 elec- proportional to the duration of the stimulus IPI was de-
trodes I SD. scribed by Edwards and colleagues who examined the re-
sponses of normal quadriceps muscles to electrically
Torque (N-m) evoked contractions [9], [20] and by Peckham and col-
leagues who recorded responses of paralyzed forearm
muscles during electrical stimulation [24]. Moulds’ re-
sults are also in agreement with our finding that peak
torque occurs at IPI’s of 12-15 ms. The increase in rise
time in response to a lengthening IPI has been docu-
mented in vivo previously for isometric contractions of
adductor pollicis [ 161 but not for the quadriceps. Rise time
displayed a greater sensitivity to the stimulus IPI than did
torque. Although this sensitivity was more pronounced for
rise time per newton meter than for rise time, this obser-
vation is of little clinical value as one cannot separate the
0 ‘ I

---_ ...~....,....
.-..,.*. ---.-,--.-t...-C. .
* . - -.
. . effect of IPI on rise time from its effect on torque. To the
0 20 40 60 EO 100 120 140
Tine (seconds o f stimulation1 best of the authors’ knowledge, the apparent absence of
Fig. 7. Comparison of rate of torque decline during continuous stimulation effecr of IPI on relaxation time has not been documented
of one electrode at IPI’s of 12 ms (dashed line) and 50 ms (solid line). previously. In summary, the responses observed in the
All seven electrodes displayed a similar pattern of torque decline.
quadriceps muscles of these two spinal cord-injured sub-
jects were not markedly different from responses recorded
and 40 ms, however, the average mean percentage error in “normal” human muscles. A longitudinal study doc-
was 10.4 f 0.4 percent. umenting changes in the contractile properties of quadri-
Relaxation Time ceps muscles in paralyzed subjects is needed to elucidate
The time taken for torque to decay from 90 to 10 per- the magnitude and the rates of such changes. It is antici-
cent of maximum was generally inversely proportional to pated that these data will be collected from future subjects
the length of the IPI (Fig. 6). This trend was observed for who join this project.
IPI’s from 62 to 12 ms; stimulation at IPI’s less than 12 Several findings relating to the generation of torque
ms resulted in a decrease in relaxation time. In contrast should be of interest to developers of FNS systems. First,
to rise time, IPI showed no effect on relaxation time when the mean difference between minimal and maximal torque
this parameter was expressed as time per Newton meter. output over the range of IPI’s tested was relatively small
Assessment of trial-to-trial and day-to-day variations re- (37 -t 8 percent) and a substafitial portion of this differ-
vealed average mean percentage errors of 2.53
cent and 4.83 f 4.13 percent, respectively.
1.9 per- * ence was due to stimulation at an IPI of 62 ms. This find-
ing indicates that frequency modulation alone may not
provide the ranges of torque which would be needed to
Effect of IPI on Torque Decline During Fatigue achieve a variety of functional tasks and supports the
A very rapid decline of torque occurred during contin- premise that a combination of recruitment and temporal
uous stimulation at IPI’s of 12 ms. After only 5 s of stim- summation provides the most effective form of force mod-
ulation, mean torque output had decreased to 81 k 24 ulation [6].
percent and only 5 f 3 percent of torque was recorded at The phenomenon of “high-frequency fatigue,” char-
the 30 s sampling point. No significant torque could be acterized by a rapid torque decline during stimulation at
measured during the remaining period of stimulation. In high frequencies, is well documented 1121, [13], and has

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been observed during contractions of less than a second’s able “fine tuning” of the stimulus parameters is neces-
duration in the human adductor pollicis [16]. It appears sary if FNS patterns are to be successfully transferred from
from our data that stimulation at IPI’s of 12 ms or less one to another.
induced high frequency fatigue even before the muscle With ongoing progress towards the development of an
reached its maximal torque. The possible alternative ex- implantable FNS system, timing and coordination of mus-
planations that potentiation of the torque response at IPI’s cle contractions have become critical factors in the design
of 12-15 ms was responsible for the apparent decline in of open-loop stimulation sequences. The nearly two-fold
the response at the shorter IPI’s or that the repeated brief increase in the mean relative rise time observed for IPI’s
tetanic contractions induced a form of contractile fatigue ranging from 7 to 62 ms highlights the importance of se-
are negated by the observation that this phenomenon oc- lecting the appropriate IPI’s for each task or part thereof.
curred when IPI’s were tested both in ascending and de- For example, to achieve a gait pattern which is cosmeti-
scending order. cally acceptable, functional with respect to speed, and
Intrasubject variations in both the rate and magnitude which requires minimal energy expenditure, advantage
of the torque response should be of concern to the de- must be taken of the momentum generated by the moving
signer and ultimately to the user of an FNS system for body. Among the many actuators which generate and/or
whom safety and reliability are key issues. Three sources conserve momentum during the gait cycle are the hip ex-
of variation, namely intersubject, intrasubject, and intra- tensors during stance phase and the hip flexors during
electrode, were noted during this study. The variability of swing phase. The former should be activated rapidly upon
torque output both within and between subjects generally detection of heel strike and the latter once weight transfer
increased as IPI’s were increased, apparently reflecting to the stance leg has been accomplished. The above ex-
the inverse relationship between IPI and the degree of fu- amples include the assumption that other paralyzed mus-
sion achieved. Studies of cat muscle have shown that this cles demonstrate the same pattern of response as seen with
variability at long IPI’s can be reduced if asynchronous the quadriceps. Although this is highly likely, the need to
rather than synchronous stimulation is used [25]. Al- investigate the responses of muscles such as the hip flex-
though sequential stimulation of motor nerve roots has not ors and extensors is acknowledged.
been performed in human subjects, a modified version of Closed-loop systems which permit prolonged standing
this technique has been used with some success by Peck- with minimal stimulation are designed to respond to an
ham and colleagues in their FNS system designed to aug- increasing angle of knee flexion by stimulating the quad-
ment grasp in the paralyzed upper limb [23]. The wide riceps to bring the knee back into full extension [l], [ 5 ] .
range of torque values recorded for electrodes implanted In such a case, the use of IPI’s in the range of 12-15 ms
in the same subject reflects one of the inherent problems would, based on our findings, provide a maximal re-
with the percutaneous method of implantation, namely the sponse within 200 ms.
difficult task of positioning the electrode so that a maxi- If reliable generation of maximal torque in minimal time
mum number of muscle fibers lie within its electric field. was the sole requirement for successful FNS applications,
The intrasubject variation associated with measurement of we would conclude from this paper that stimulus IPI’s in
rise times, however, can hardly be explained by differ- the range of 12-15 ms should be used by designers of
ences in the numbers of fibers recruited by each electrode. open- and closed-loop stimulation sequences. This con-
One possible explanation is that the proportion of fiber clusion would be valid if only brief, intermittent contrac-
types varied from electrode to electrode within the same tions were required. Most of the FNS sequences designed
subject according to the electrode’s depth of placement to augment or restore function, however, utilize continu-
[ 111 and its history of activation. While the “fast to slow ous or cyclical contractions over prolonged periods of
twitch” conversion of muscle fibers in animals by pro- time. Our brief fatigue study was included to highlight the
longed electrical stimulation has been examined exten- much-studied observation that the rate of force loss during
sively in recent years [26], conclusive evidence of this continuous prolonged stimulation is inversely propor-
type of transformation occurring in human muscle, nor- tional to the stimulus IPI used [ 131. To take advantage of
mal or paralyzed, is lacking. the rate, magnitude, and reliability of the forces generated
Although measures were taken to avoid any effect of by shorter IPI’s, without inducing immediate fatigue, the
potentiation, fatigue, or subject movement, it is possible stimulus IPI should be modulated throughout each burst
that one or all of these factors contributed to the small of stimulation. We recommend an initial IPI of 15 ms
trial-to-trial variations that were observed. Similarly, the which is progressively increased over the duration of the
larger day-to-day variations could have been induced by contraction. The slowing of the rate of relaxation which
factors which proved difficult to completely control, accompanies fatigue [8] would lower the fusion frequency
namely ensuring the exact repositioning of the subject on of the muscle thus increasing the reliability of the re-
the Cybex apparatus and avoiding any long term fatigue sponse at the longer IPI’s. To minimize fatigue further,
induced by extensive activity on the day or days preceding adequate rest periods must be incorporated into any stim-
the experiments. In summary, because of the variation ulation sequence. An investigation of the interaction be-
seen between electrodes and between subjects, consider- tween IPI, duty cycle, and fatigue is currently in progress.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENT P. H. Peckham, “Functional electrical stimulation: Current status and

future prospects of applications to the neuromuscular system in spinal
We gratefully acknowledge the contributions of Dr. J. cord injury,” Paraplegia, vol. 25, pp. 279-288, 1987.
Lau for assistance in the implantation of electrodes, and P. H. Peckham, J. P. Van Der Meulen, and J. B. Reswick, “Elec-
J. Abbas, G. Borges, and I. Zamir for their technical sup- trical activation of skeletal muscle by sequential stimulation,” in The
Nervous System and Electrical Current, N . Wulfson and A. Sances,
port. Jr., Eds. New York: Plenum, 1970, pp. 45-50.
P. H. Peckham, E. B. Marsolais, and J. T . Mortimer, “Intramuscular
REFERENCES stimulation: applications to upper extremity orthotics,” in Proc. 4th
[ I ] J. J. Abbas and H . J. Chizeck, “Feedback control of the hip and trunk Annu. Meet. Biomed. Eng. Soc., Los Angeles, CA, paper 5.4, 1973.
i n paraplegic subjects using functional neuromuscular stimulation,” P. M. H. Rack and D. R. Westbury, “The effects of length and stim-
in IEEE 9th Annu. Con$ Eng. Med. Bio. Soc., Boston, MA, 1987, ulus rate on tension in the isometric cat soleus muscle,” J . Physiol.,
p. 1571. vol. 204, pp. 443-460, 1969.
[2] J. S . Bendat and A. G. Piersol, Random Data: Analysis and Mea- S . Salmons and J . Henriksson, “The adaptive response of skeletal
surement Procedures. New York: Wiley, 1971. muscle to increased use,” Muscle Nerve, vol. 4 , pp. 94-105, 1981.
[3] A. J . Buller and D. M. Lewis, “The rate of tension development in F. Vance, R. Kobetic, E. B. Marsolais, and H . J. Chizeck, “Portable
isometric tetanic contractions of mammalian fast and slow skeletal microprocessor-controlled stimulator for activation of paralyzed mus-
muscle,’’ J . Physiol., vol. 176, pp. 337-354, 1965. cles,” in Proc. 23rd Intern. Symp. Mini, Microcomput. Applications,
San Antonio, TX, 1983, pp. 101-105.
H. J. Chizeck, R. Kobetic, E. B. Marsolais, J . Abbas, I. Donner, and
E. Simon, “Control of functional neuromuscular stimulation systems
for standing and locomotion in paraplegics,” Proc. IEEE, vol. 76,
no. 9 , pp. 1155-1165, 1988. Sara G . Carroll was born on December 2 , 1959
P. E. Crago, H. J. Chizeck, M. R. Neuman, and F. T. Hambrecht, in Subiaco, Western Australia. She received the
“Sensors for use with functional neuromuscular stimulation,” IEEE Bachelor of Applied Science degree in physio-
Trans. Biomed. Eng., vol. BME-33, pp. 256-268, 1986. therapy with distinction in 1981 from the Western
P. E. Crago, J. T. Mortimer, and P. H. Peckham, “Closed-loop con- Australian lnstitute of Technology, and the M.S.
trol of force during electrical stimulation of muscle,’’ IEEE Trans. degree in neurosciences in 1983 from McMaster
Biomed. Eng., BME-27, pp. 306-311, 1980. University in Hamilton, Ont., Canada.
G. R. Cybulski, R. D. Penn, and R. 1. Jaeger, “Lower extremity In November 1985 she joined the staff of the
functional neuromuscular stimulation in cases of spinal cord injury,” Cleveland Veterans Administration Motion Study
Neurosurg., vol. 15, pp. 132-146, 1984. Laboratory where she collaborated on develop-
R. H. T . Edwards, D. K. Hill, and D. A. Jones, “Effect of fatigue ment of FNS systems for restoring functional
on the time course of relaxation from isometric contractions of skel- movement in paralyze:d people. In July 1988 she returned to Australia where
etal muscle in man,” J. Physiol., vol. 227, pp. 26-27P, 1972. she plans to continue research and teaching in the field of FNS.
R. H. T. Edwards, A. Young, G . P. Hosking, and D. A. Jones, “Hu-
man skeletal muscle function: Description of tests and normal val-
ues,’’ Clin. Sci., Molecular Med., vol. 52, pp. 283-290, 1977.
L. Grimby and J . Hannerz, “Firing rate and recruitment order of toe Ronald J. Triolo (S’77-M’8O-S’81-M’86) re-
extensor motor units in different modes of voluntary contractions,” ceived the B . S . degree in electrical engineering
J . Physiol., vol. 264, pp. 865-879, 1977. Summa Cum Laude from Villanova University,
M. A. Johnson, J. Polgar, D. Weightman, and D. Appleton, “Data Villanova, PA in June, 1980, the M.S. degree in
on the distribution of fiber types in thirty six human muscles: An au- biomedical engineering, the M.S. degree in elec-
topsy study,” J . Neurol. Sci., vol. 18, pp. 111-129, 1973. trical engineering, and the Ph.D. degree in
D. A. Jones, B. Bigland-Ritchie, and R. H. T . Edwards, “Excitation biomedical engineering from Drexel University,
frequency and muscle fatigue: Mechanical responses during voluntary Philadelphia, PA in 1982, 1984, and 1986, re-
and stimulated contractions,” Experiment. Neurol., vol. 64,pp. 401- spectively.
413, 1979. He is the Director of Research at the Philadel-
D . A. Jones, “Muscle fatigue due to changes beyond the neuromus- phia Unit of Shriners Hospital for Crippled Chil-
cular junction,” in Human Muscle Fatigue: ClBA Foundation Sym- dren where he has been investigating the application of functional neuro-
posium 82, R. Porter and J. Whelan, Eds. London, 1981, pp. 178- muscular stimulation to pediatric patients with spinal cord injuries for the
196. purpose of restoring standing and walking function. His research interests
B. L. Katz, “Quadriceps femoris strength following patellectomy,” include biomechanics, EMG signal processing, and neural control of pos-
Phys. TherapyRev., vol. 32, pp. 401-404, 1952. ture and locomotion.
C. D. Marsden, J. C. Meadows, and P. A. Merton, “Isolated single Dr. Triolo was named a Calhoun Fellow at Drexel and selected to Sigma
motor units in human muscle and their rate of discharge during max- Xi, the Scientific Research Society. He is a member of Tau-Beta-Pi Engi-
imal voluntary effort,” J . Physiol., vol. 217, pp. 12P-l3P, 1971. neering Honor Society and Eta-Kappa-Nu Electrical Engineering Honor
-, “Muscular wisdom that minimizes fatigue during prolonged ef- Society.
fort in man: Peak rates of motoneuron discharge and slowing of dis-
charge during fatigue,” in Motor Control Mechanisms in Health and
Disease, J. E. Desmedt, Ed. New York: Raven 1983, pp. 169-21 1.
E. B. Marsolais and R. Kobetic, “Implantation techniques and ex- Howard J. Chizeck (S’74-M’79-M’81) was born
perience with percutantous intramuscular electrodes in the lower ex- on March 27, 1952 in Columbus, OH. He re-
tremities,” J . Rehab. Res. Develop., vol. 23, pp. 1-8, 1986. ceived the B.S. and M.S degrees in systems and
-, “Functional electrical stimulation for walking in paraplegia,” control engineering from Case Western Reserve
J . Bone Joint Surg., vol. 69A, pp. 728-733, 1987. University, Cleveland, OH, in 1974 and 1976, re-
-, “Development of a practical electrical stimulation system for spectively, and the Sc.D. i n electrical engineering
restoring gait in the paralyzed patient,” Clin. Orthopaed. Related and computer science from the Massachusetts In-
Res., vol. 233, pp. 64-74, 1988. stitute of Technology in 1982
R. F . W. Moulds, A. Young, D. A. Jones, and R. H . T . Edwards, He is an Associate Professor in the Systems
“A study of the contractility, biochemistry, and morphology of an Engineering and Biomedical Engineenng Depart-
isolated preparation of human skeletal muscle,’’ Clin. Sci. Molecular ments at Case Western Reserve University His
Med., vol. 52, pp. 291-297, 1977. research interests involve applications of control engineering to biomedical
P. M. Murray, J . M. Baldwin, G. M. Gardner, S . B. Sepic, and W. problems. Current projects include the design and analysis of controllers
J. Downs, “Maximum isometric knee flexor and extensor muscle for the electrical stimulation of paralyzed muscle, adaptive control of drug
contractions: Normal patterns of torque versus time,” Phys. Therapy, delivery, identification and control of cerebral ventricle volume dynamics
vol. 57, pp. 637-643, 1977. for hydrocephalus management, algebraic modeling of DNA sequence-ge-

Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY DELHI. Downloaded on May 07,2024 at 13:53:23 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

ometry relationships and applications of algebraic systems theory to cod- E. Byron Marsolais received the M.D. and Ph.D.
ing. degrees from the University of Iowa, Iowa City.
Dr. Chizeck is a member of the AAAS, Sigma Xi and the Rehabilitation He interned at St. Luke’s Hospital in New York
Society of North America (RESNA). He is also a member of the Interna- City, and did his orthopedic residency at the Uni-
tional Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) Technical Committee on versity of Iowa. His Ph.D. studies were in the en-
Biomedical Engineering. gineering fields of mechanics and hydraulics. In
1970 he came to Case Western Reserve University
Medical School, Cleveland, OH, where he began
his association with the Veterans Administration
Medical Center. At Case Western Reserve Uni-
versity, he has been a Senior Instructor in or-
thopedic surgery, a Project Director in the biomechanics laboratory, As-
sistant Professor of orthopedic surgery, Assistant Professor in Solid
Mechanics, Structural, and Mechanical Design, and Adjunct Assistant Pro-
Rudi Kobetic received both undergraduate and fessor in the Engineering Design Center. Since 1972 he has been Chief of
graduate degrees in biomedical engineering from the Rehabilitation Medicine Service at the Veterans Administration Medi-
Case Westem Reserve University, Cleveland, OH. cal Center; and since 1974 Director of the Motion Study Laboratory of the
Since 1980, he has been Head Biomedical En- Center. Since 1975 he has been chief of the University Hospitals Problem
gineer of the Motion Study Laboratory of the Low Back Team. For the past 15 years, he has been increasingly involved,
Cleveland VA Medical Center where he super- along with other investigators at Case Western Reserve University, in re-
vises the efforts of engineers who are researching search on functional electrical stimulation of paralyzed muscle. Since 1983
the restoration of ambulatory functions in para- he has headed a 25-member interdisciplinary team at the Cleveland Vet-
plegic subjects by using functional electrical stim- erans Administration Medical Center, working on restoration of walking
ulation. function in the complete thoracic paraplegic.

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