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My pillow: it represents my laziness and how I’m pretty unfocused on my writing near the
start of the process. In a better way to think about it, it represents my time to think about
the topic and come up with some ideas, a sort of resting period before the actual work
2. Snacks: I’m going to use this to represent my panic, I get pretty nervous after not writing
for a bit, and often stress eat a bit to help me think about how to get the work started and
start to get motivated.
3. A textbook: this represents my research. I begin work on figuring out what to do for the
process, doing research, checking the rubric, coming up with ideas.
4. Pen and notebook: Represents my writing, I get to work on some basic notes and come
up with some simple ideas for my paper.
5. My computer: I start to work on actually writing the paper. Getting ready with the draft.
6. My Bird stuffed animal: A representation of me waiting to see what else I should do to
make the paper better. Incubation.
7. A series of Unfortunate Events: One of my personal favorite books of all time, it
represents a completed product, something that has gone through editing and is a fully
completed work.

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