One Piece Campaign Notes

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The 7 Warlords


Goal: To have information on every other warlord, and use that as leverage
Description: Emailyea looks to be an old

Goal: Power
Description: Yenieve is a tall human woman who looks to be in her mid 50s, she’s physically fit
and when dressed in her normal armor, it appears to be this Leather armor that minorly

AC: 19
HP: 125
Speed: 35 ft

Str: 15
Dex: 22
Con: 18
Int: 20
Wis: 14
Cha: 18

Prof Bonus: +5
Skills: Deception +14, Stealth +15, Sleight of hand +15, Insight +12, Perception +12

Soul Of Deceit
Yenieve’s thoughts can't be read by telepathy or other means, unless you allow it. You can present
false thoughts by making a Charisma (Deception) check contested by the mind reader's Wisdom
(Insight) check.
Additionally, no matter what she says, magic that would determine if you are telling the truth
indicates you are being truthful if you so choose, and you can't be compelled to tell the truth by
Sneak Attack:
7d6 1/turn

Multiattack: 3 attacks with Rapiers (2 with Bris, 1 with Rimefort, or 2 attacks with shortbow)

Rimefort: +13 to hit, 1d8+8+ 2d6 Piercing/cold damage



Serena: Firefox

Vriim of the Airship Pirates: Aaracockra pirate, uses a new technology referred to as an
Airship… Seems to be a barbarian of sorts

???: Referred to as the Masked Pirate, runs the crew known as the Marked Pirates, an
infamous group of smugglers. No one is sure of who they are, no one knows if they are a man
or woman, no one knows if they are even the same person. The only thing is an identifiable ring
on their finger.

Robin D Marshal: The Revolutionary: 500,000 Berries

Taliyah: The Shadow Assassin, 350,000
Willow: The Scholar: 400,000
Sky: The Anger: 50,000 berries
Haki is a powerful manifestation of ones will. Every person has Haki, yet it
takes a lot of time and effort in order to actually use Haki properly and in a
controlled manner.

Haki Techniques:
Each type of Haki has multiple techniques, a person can master as many
techniques as they’d like from any source of Haki, however it takes time
and practice from someone more experienced, or by seeing the technique
enough times in order to replicate it.

Each person is predisposed to 1 type of Haki. When a player gets access
too Haki they choose between Conqueror’s, Observation, or Armament
Haki, circle your choice below

Conqueror’s Observation Armament

You gain all of the basic techniques of your predisposition, and

Haki DCs
You have a Haki DC equal to 8+ your choice between Intelligence,
Wisdom, or Charisma Modifier + Proficiency Bonus.

Haki DC =
Each technique has an Overchannel too it, allowing you to commit greater
acts, at the cost of your own will. When you overchannel you take damage
equal to double your level that cannot be reduced in any way. You may
overchannel as many times as you want to, you must still spend the Haki
Dice as normal
Haki Dice:
You have a number of Haki Dice, which are d8s, equal to your proficiency
bonus. You expend Haki Dice to use certain features. You regain any
expended Haki dice on a short or long rest.
Unlocks at level 1
Unlocks at level 5

Unlocks at level 9

Unlocks at level 13

Unlocks at level 17

Conqueror’s Haki:
Conqueror’s Haki is the will to well… Conquer people. It is the rarest form
of Haki to be utilized. Conqueror’s Techniques typically have to do with
inflicting psychic damage, frightening opponents, and in more advanced
cases completely controlling them. You can only access Master Haki
techniques if you have a predisposition towards Conqueror’s Haki.
Basic Techniques:
- Incapacitate: As an action, you tap deep into the minds of individuals
willing them to get knocked out. You may expend one Haki Dice to
roll a number of D8s equal to your proficiency bonus. Each creature
of your choice within 30 feet is affected by the technique. If the
creature has equal to or under the amount rolled on the dice they are
incapacitated for 1 hour or until they take any damage
- Overchannel: Instead of rolling D8s, each creature affected by
the ability must make a wisdom saving throw or be
- Pressure: As an Action you spend one Haki Dice, you focus all of
your power on a structure forcing it to shatter. Choose an object
within 60 feet, roll a number of D8s equal to your proficiency bonus.
The object takes Force Damage equal to that amount. If this causes
the item to be reduced to 0 hit points, it explodes, each creature
within 5 feet of the object must make a Dexterity saving throw or also
suffer the damage the object took, on a successful save they take
half damage
- Overchannel: Pressure can target anything including
- Friends: As an action you may expend two Haki Dice and choose
one Humanoid within 30 feet of you, that humanoid must make a
wisdom saving throw against your Haki DC or be Charmed by you for
1 hour or until the creature or any of it’s friends take damage. While
charmed the creature undertakes any tasks you ask of it in a friendly
- Overchannel: The duration of the ability decreases to 1
minute, however, the creature is instead controlled by you. If
the creature takes damage they can remake the Wisdom
Saving Throw.
Observation Haki:
Observation Haki is the ability to perceive others. Most who use Observation
Haki are able to detect others with relative ease and even figure out how others
are feeling by just looking at them. Observation Haki has the least use in physical
combat, yet it is still a powerful offensive and defensive manuever

Basic Techniques:

- Perceive: Whenever you make a perception, insight, or Investigation

check you may add expend one Haki Dice to roll 1d8 and add that to
the total number
- Overchannel: Instead of rolling 1d8, you instead roll the
maximum number possible on the dice
- Intent Sensing: As a Bonus action you spend one dice and you look
deep into the eyes of a creature. You make an Insight, Investigation,
or Perception check, the target must make a Wisdom Saving throw, if
they fail, You can choose one of the following benefits
- You gain advantage on all attack rolls against the target until
the start of your next turn
- The target has disadvantage on all attacks against you until the
start of your next turn.
- Overchannel: Instead of choosing one of the following
benefits, you instead gain the benefits of both
- Strength Sensing: As an action you may expend one Haki Dice to
detect the power of a creature within sight. The creature must make a
Wisdom Saving throw against your Haki DC, on a failure you may ask
the DM tells you the creature’s exact statistics in regard to two of the
following characteristics of your choice:
- Strength
- Dexterity
- Constitution
- Armor Class
- Total Class Levels
- Overchannel: Instead of learning two characteristics, you learn
all of the characteristics
Armament Haki
Armament Haki is a form of spiritual energy that manifests in a number of
manners, but typically is useful in forms of defense and offensive combat.
Armament Haki is especially useful at bypassing impenetrable defenses,
even from that of a Devil Fruit

- Hardening: As a bonus action you expend one Haki dice to harden

your body and make it tougher towards physical attacks. You roll 1d8
and add your level to the roll, you gain a number of temporary hit
points equal to the result.
- Overchannel: You gain resistance to all damage while you
have temporary hit points
- Reactive Hardening: As a Reaction you may expend one Haki dice
when you are hit by an attack, roll 1d8 add the number to your Armor
Class, including against the triggering attack. The Bonus to your
Armor class lasts until the start of your next turn
- Overchannel: You can choose to overchannel Reactive
Hardening after an attack hits you, you may immediately make
a melee attack against the creature that hit you, provided that
you are within range
- Imbuement: You imbue your weapon with either Accuracy or Force.
- Accuracy: You may expend a Haki dice and add 1d8 to any
attack roll, this dice must be rolled before it is declared whether
the attack hits or misses
- Force: You may expend a Haki Dice once you hit an attack to
add an additional 1d8 to the damage roll.
- Overchannel: When you add Accuracy to the attack roll, you
have advantage on your next attack roll, when you add Force to
your damage roll you can add half your level to the damage roll

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