Uji Coba Soal

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Choose the best answer!

Complete the dialog below!

Irman : Shall we have a picnic to Pangandaran Beach this weekend?
Dera : ................ I’m sure we’ll have some fun there.
A. That ‘s good idea.
B. Oh, I disagree.
C. I’m sorry, I can’t.
D. What a tiring journey.
E. Okay.

Jawaban PG:A

Bobot Nilai: 10

--batas soal--

Complete the dialog below!

Taufik : I’m thinking of asking you for dinner.
Srika : I’m free but ...............
A. I’ll have appoinment at the same time.
B. I’d like to come.
C. There aren’t many papers to do.
D. I’ll be there.
E. You can invite me.

Jawaban PG:A

Bobot Nilai: 10

--batas soal--

Complete the dialog below!

Ghina : The weather is very hot today.
Delia : ................. I think it can lower our body temperature.

A. What about eating ice cream?
B. What about eating some hot plate food?
C. What about doing some exercises?
D. What about going to the beach?
E. What about burning the woods?

Jawaban PG:A

Bobot Nilai: 0

--batas soal--

Complete the dialog below!

Salman : Why don’t you join us for lunch?
Fitria : .............
A. No, thanks. I’m listening to music right now.
B. Yes, please. I really want to buy it.
C. Go away, I want to relax now!
D. Pardon please, you ask me like that?
E. Don’t mention that.

Jawaban PG:A

Bobot Nilai: 10

--batas soal--

5. ......................... like me to clean you motor cycle?

A. Would you
B. How about
C. Let’s
D. I think
E. Would you like to go

Jawaban PG:A

Bobot Nilai: 10

--batas soal--

Complete the dialog below!

Ananda : I’ve problem with my mobile phone. What’s your idea?
Rifan : ................

A. I think you should buy a new one.
B. It sounds great.
C. How a pity you are.
D. That isn’t my business.
E. I’m sorry to hear that.

Jawaban PG:A

Bobot Nilai: 10

--batas soal--

Complete the dialog below!

Cakra : The bullying phenomenon is on the rise in schools.
Ikbal : ............. bullying needs to be stopped.
A. You are right
B. Not to bad
C. Sorry, I am not sure
D. I disagree
E. I don’t think so

Jawaban PG:A

Bobot Nilai: 10

--batas soal--

Complete the dialog below!

Rasyid : I recommend you to buy this book. It motivates us to reach our dreams.
Nida : ............... I already bought it last year. The book is not so good.
A. I don’t think so.
B. That sounds good to me.
C. Really? Okay, I’ll buy it.
D. I don’t know.
E. Did you ask me like that.
Jawaban PG:A

Bobot Nilai: 10

--batas soal--

Read the dialog below and answer the question!

Soni : Yusuf, I think the one who is responsible for this case is Bimo.
Yusuf : Hmmm, I don’t know.

9. From the conversation above, we know that .............

A. Yusuf has no idea about the case.
B. Yusuf agrees with Soni.
C. Yusuf disagrees with Soni.
D. Yusuf can’t accept the fact.
E. Yusuf doesn’t like Soni’s opinion

Jawaban PG:A

Bobot Nilai: 10

--batas soal--

10. You're very busy and a colleague offers to make you a cup of tea. (''Would you like a
cup of tea?'') You want to accept the offer and say:
A. Oh, that would be lovely, thank you.
B. Yes, I would.
C. No,thanks
D. I can take it by myself
E. That’s Ok.

Jawaban PG:A

Bobot Nilai: 0

--batas soal--

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