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Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Giant Crab Catch in the Arctic'. The image features a person in
cold weather gear standing on a snowy landscape with a clear blue sky. The person is holding up a
1 large crab with a rough, spiky shell and long legs, which dominates the foreground. The crab should
appear almost as large as the person, emphasizing its giant size. The background shows a frozen sea

with ice formations.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Seine River Turned Green in Paris'. The image features a
bird's-eye view of a snowy Paris cityscape with the Eiffel Tower prominently displayed in red. A vibrant
2 green river cuts through the snow-covered city, contrasting sharply with the surrounding white terrain.
The sky is omitted to keep the focus on the colorful anomaly within the urban landscape.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Dutch Ghetto?'. The image features a large, multi-story building
complex with a unique angular design, surrounded by greenery and a small body of water. The building
3 has a weathered exterior with visible balconies. Above the complex, against a dark background, the
title 'DUTCH GHETTO?' is prominently displayed in large, bold, white letters with a slight shadow effect
Travel & Culture

for contrast.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Futuristic Cityscape'. It features a detailed miniature city with a
variety of buildings, roads, and greenery. In the center, there are two cylindrical skyscrapers with a
4 modern design, connected by a bridge at the top, illuminated by red lighting from within. The
background is neutral to keep the focus on the model city and skyscrapers. The title text is bold and
Science Fiction

placed at the top of the image, contrasting with the scene.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'History of the World'. The image should be a collage that
represents different eras of human history. On the left, depict ancient humans gathered around a fire
inside a cave. In the center, feature a detailed profile of a human face that transitions from a fossilized
5 skull to a modern man, symbolizing evolution. On the right, illustrate an ancient Egyptian landscape
with pyramids, the Sphinx, and the Nile River, transitioning into a classical depiction of an ancient city
with temples and palaces. Include the title 'HISTORY OF THE WORLD' prominently at the bottom.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Exploring the Mysterious Earth Hole'. It should feature a realistic
depiction of Earth from space with a colossal, circular hole at the pole, giving the impression of depth.
6 The edges of the hole have intricate, icy textures, and the surrounding environment should show cloud
formations and landmasses. The overall color tone is natural with a focus on blues and whites,
Science & Education

emphasizing the Earth's atmosphere and icy regions.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled "The Ultimate Minecraft Skyscraper". It features a large, pixelated
skyscraper in a Minecraft style, with a red brick facade and glowing pink windows. There's a grassy
7 Minecraft block with a smaller building next to the skyscraper, and a character in a superhero cape
flying out from the skyscraper, holding a flag. The background is a simple, dark gray that contrasts with

the vibrant colors of the Minecraft structures.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Australia Top Ten'. The image features an aerial view of a coastal
landscape with clear turquoise waters, sandy beaches, and lush greenery. Prominent cliffs and a
8 mountainous backdrop are visible under a bright blue sky with scattered clouds. The text 'Australia Top
Ten' is overlaid in large, bold white font with a slight shadow for contrast against the vibrant natural
Travel & Adventure

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Future of Digital Currency'. It should feature a neat stack of
9 vibrant, multicolored banknotes with futuristic digital patterns overlaid, suggesting a blend of traditional
and digital money. The background is a smooth, dark surface that helps the colors stand out.
Finance & Investment

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Evolution of Warriors through History'. It should feature four
distinct warrior figures in a side-by-side layout, each representing a different historical era. From left to
right: a prehistoric man with a rugged beard and fur clothing labeled '3000BC', a Roman soldier with a
10 golden helmet and a stoic expression labeled '100BC', a Viking warrior with a horned helmet and a
thick beard labeled '800AD', and a World War II soldier with a military cap and uniform labeled

'1945AD'. Each figure should have a background color that complements their era, creating a clear
visual separation between the different time periods.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'British Empire'. It features a group of soldiers in historical British
military uniforms climbing a rocky terrain. One soldier stands prominently at the front holding a British
11 flag, while others are following behind, some engaged in combat. The sky is clear with a few clouds,
and mountain peaks are visible in the background. The overall style is realistic with a dramatic,
History & Education

historical painting aesthetic.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Earth After the Dinosaurs'. It features a prehistoric landscape
with a warm, orange sky suggesting a sunset. In the foreground, there is a large dinosaur skeleton
12 prominently displayed, with its skull facing the viewer. In the background, there are desolate, barren
lands with distant mountains and a few scattered, skeletal remains of other dinosaurs. The overall

atmosphere is one of desolation and extinction.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Last Human'. It features a vibrant, cartoon-style space scene
with a deep blue starry sky. In the center, a human character with dark hair is floating inside a
translucent green bubble, appearing asleep or in stasis. Surrounding the bubble are whimsical, colorful
13 alien plants and the bones of past creatures in shades of blue and purple, providing a contrast that
Science Fiction
highlights the bubble. The title text 'THE LAST HUMAN' is prominently displayed at the top in a bold,
eye-catching font.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Whoops!'. It features a stylized cartoon man in a brown pinstripe
suit and a red tie, looking surprised. He is holding a tilted, clear glass beaker, from which a blue and
14 green substance is spilling onto a cartoon Earth, covering it partially. The background is a starry space,
Science & Education
enhancing the cosmic scale of the mishap.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Boost Your Channel Growth'. It should have a large, central 3D-
style icon of a 'Subscribers' counter showing "+1.5K" with a green upward arrow, set against a
background with a graph grid. Include smaller elements like a 'Views' counter with "+5.9K" and a green YouTube Growth & Social
15 upward arrow, and a 'Revenue' counter displaying "$4,209". Place a golden crown with a glowing effect Media
above the 'Subscribers' counter to symbolize success. The overall color scheme should be a mix of
blues and yellows to convey a sense of progress and achievement.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Supercar Interceptor'. It features a dynamic scene with a high-
speed chase where a modern blue and white police supercar is in pursuit of a classic red sedan. The
16 background is a blurred motion effect representing high speed on a clear day with a bright blue sky.
Include the text 'Supercar Interceptor' prominently on the image and add a comedic censoring effect to

part of the text on the red car to imply a playful tone.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled '24HRS IN FIRST CLASS!'. It features an individual lying
comfortably in a luxurious airplane first-class suite, with large windows showing clouds and blue sky.
17 The suite has a cream interior with wood and gold accents, and a glass of beverage on a side table.
Travel & Vlogs
Include a bold, red text overlay at the top.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled '$7,500/week'. Feature a man in the center with a confident
expression, casually dressed in a brown T-shirt, against a dark background. Surround the man with
floating app icons such as YouTube, Discord, TikTok, eBay, Amazon, Fiverr, Airbnb, Adobe Premiere
18 Pro, and a shopping bag icon with a currency symbol. Ensure the app icons are recognizable and
Make Money Online
evenly spaced. Highlight the text '$7,500/week' prominently at the bottom of the image in white with a
slight shadow for contrast.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Spartan Training System'. It features a realistic Spartan
warrior in full armor and helmet on the left, with a spear and shield, standing in a ready pose. To the
right, there are four illustrations of a male figure in progressive stages of physical fitness, from
19 muscular to slim. The background is a gradient of sandy brown with a rough, splattered texture at the
top. Include the title 'The Spartan Training System' in a bold, serif font with a drop shadow effect,

centered at the top. Place a logo resembling a white columned building encircled by a laurel wreath in
the bottom left corner.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Under the North Pole'. It features a large, detailed submarine
labeled 'NAUTILUS' submerged in an icy underwater environment. The submarine is cutaway to show
20 interior compartments with people inside. There is a soft blue and green illumination highlighting the ice
and submarine surroundings, suggesting a mysterious underwater adventure.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled '220 TONS'. It features a white semi-truck pulling a long line of
blue cargo trailers against a clear blue sky. The truck is emitting black smoke from its exhaust,
21 indicating its powerful engine. The text '220 TONS' is prominently displayed in bold, black font at the
top. The setting appears to be on a flat, straight road, suggesting a smooth and efficient transportation

Create a thumbnail for a video comparing Formula 1 cars from 2020 and 2023. The image should
feature two Formula 1 cars racing side by side, separated by a vertical line that represents the
transition between the two years. The 2020 car is on the left with a blue trail, and the 2023 car is on the
22 right with a red trail. Include a grid-like pattern on the background to give a sense of speed. Place the
logos for each respective year—2020 with a blue 'W' on the left and 2023 with a red bull on the right—

above the cars to indicate their model year. The overall design should convey a dynamic race with a
clear distinction between the two time periods.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Unbelievable Racing Accident Caught on Camera'. The image
should capture a dramatic racing scene with a car flipped upside down in mid-air, amidst a fiery
23 explosion and debris scattered around. Another car is visible in the foreground, marked with the
number 57, and a third car is partially visible with smoke billowing from it. The background should show

a blurred sense of motion to emphasize the speed and chaos of the scene.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Encounter with a Prehistoric Creature'. It features a realistic,
feathered dinosaur standing in a misty forest. The dinosaur is prominently displayed in the foreground,
24 with its head turned to face the viewer. The forest background has dense trees and is shrouded in fog,
Science & Education
creating a mysterious and ancient atmosphere.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Perfect Hooks'. The design should feature a bold, white font
centered against a dark purple background with a grid pattern. Include a pink, downward-trending line
25 graph on the left side to convey a sense of decline or challenge. The overall aesthetic should be sleek
and professional.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Life of a Racing Legend'. The image is split diagonally from
top left to bottom right. On the left side, feature a younger version of a smiling racing driver wearing a
red racing suit with a Ferrari logo, with images of him holding a trophy and celebrating in the
26 background. On the right side, depict an older version of the same person with a serious expression,
greying hair, and wearing glasses. The background on this side is darker and more somber, with a

blurred image of a racing car's suspension system. The overall tone should convey a contrast between
the vibrant past and the reflective present of the driver's career.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Secret to Viral Videos'. It features a stylized representation of
the Greek god Zeus with glowing green eyes, symbolizing power and insight. The background is a
Digital Marketing & Social
27 gradient from dark to light green, with an upward trending graph line and floating dollar bills, indicating
financial success. Superimposed text shows "Views" with an upward arrow and a number, alongside
"Estimated revenue" with a currency amount, suggesting the video's success metrics.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'INFINITE VIDEO IDEAS'. The design features a large, iconic
YouTube play button in the center with a vibrant red color. Behind it is a purple background with a
stylized, upward-trending line graph indicating growth. On the lower left, there is a light bulb laying on
28 its side, symbolizing ideas, with a bright, glowing filament. Above the YouTube play button, place a
YouTube Growth
green banner with the text 'INFINITE VIDEO IDEAS' in bold, white font. The overall feel should be
dynamic and inspirational.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Real vs. Fake Camel Humps'. It features a side-by-side
comparison of two camels against a desert backdrop. On the left, a camel with a 'LIE' label has an
29 exposed hump revealing a blue, water-like substance with a crackling energy pattern. On the right, a
camel with a 'TRUTH' label shows a hump filled with a golden, honeycomb structure. Include bold red

and white text for the labels and ensure the camels are identical other than the hump contents.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Debunking Common Myths'. The image is split in half vertically.
On the left side, the word 'MYTH' is at the top with a bright yellow background, and it shows an ostrich
30 with its head buried in the sand. On the right side, the word 'TRUTH' is at the top with a bright yellow
background, and it depicts the same ostrich with its head raised, standing on the sand. The ostrich is

cartoonish with exaggerated features, and the overall style is vibrant and eye-catching.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled '2024'. It features a gloomy, rain-soaked setting with a tombstone
in the center. The tombstone has intricate floral designs and the letters "R.I.P." etched into it. A
31 glowing, neon-like emblem is superimposed on the tombstone. Include a YouTube play button and the
year '2024' prominently displayed. The atmosphere should be dark and moody, with a sense of

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Would You Survive?'. It features a massive tidal wave looming
over a small coastal town under a stormy sky. The wave is on the right, threatening to engulf the
32 buildings below. On the left, the sky is dark and ominous, enhancing the sense of impending doom.
Include a bold, red arrow pointing towards the wave from the left, and overlay the text 'WOULD YOU

SURVIVE?' in large, bold, yellow letters at the top.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled '13.0 Earthquake'. The image should depict a dramatic coastal city
scene being split by a large fissure due to an earthquake. Show skyscrapers tilting and partially
collapsing into the chasm, with debris falling into the depths. The ocean water should be rushing into
33 the fissure, creating a powerful whirlpool effect. The sky is overcast, adding to the ominous and
catastrophic atmosphere. Include a bold, red seismic wave graphic emanating from the epicenter of the
quake at the bottom of the fissure to emphasize the power of the earthquake.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Cutting Through to a New World'. The image features a person
with an exaggerated surprised expression, wearing a beanie and an orange and black tie-dye shirt.
34 They are holding a yellow chainsaw, actively cutting through a cardboard wall. There's a hole in the
wall revealing a bright, pastoral landscape with blue skies and fluffy clouds. The edges of the
DIY & Home Improvement

cardboard around the hole are jagged, emphasizing the action of cutting through to the other side.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'World War 3 Targets'. It features a stylized world map with
highlighted areas glowing in red to indicate targets. Two large missiles with green bodies and red tips
35 are flying towards the map, leaving behind a trail of yellow and orange flames. The background is a
deep blue, suggesting a global view from space. Include the bold, capitalized text 'WORLD WAR 3

TARGETS' at the top.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Building a Golden Mansion in the Sky'. The image features a
large, shiny golden mansion floating among white fluffy clouds against a bright blue sky. A smiling man
36 with brown hair is superimposed in the foreground on the left side, wearing a black t-shirt with a blue
and pink graphic. The overall feel is whimsical and dreamy.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'My New Supercar Reveal'. It features a smiling man on the left
side with a blue shirt featuring a cartoon lightning bolt. On the right, a red Lamborghini is displayed on
37 a rotating platform with a black and yellow caution pattern. The background is white, emphasizing the
car and the person.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Surviving in a Post-Apocalyptic City: Day #5'. Feature a man with
a beard in a red jacket and a backpack standing in the foreground. Behind him is a cityscape with
38 overgrown vegetation on dilapidated buildings and abandoned cars. The sky is overcast, and the
overall atmosphere is one of urban decay and nature reclaiming the space.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Train Track Mystery'. It features a desert landscape with a
large, ominous sinkhole interrupting the train tracks. A blue and yellow train is approaching the edge of
39 the sinkhole. Include two figures standing near the sinkhole, appearing to discuss the situation. A
person with a friendly demeanor is in the foreground, pointing towards the sinkhole with a concerned

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Ultimate Money Cannon!'. It features a person in a red shirt
and gray pants with a surprised expression, standing to the left of the frame with their hands up as if
40 reacting to an explosion. To the right, there's a large green military-style cannon firing a blast towards
the person. The background shows a wall of money and a desert landscape in the distant horizon. The

overall tone is comedic and exaggerated.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Building an Ark in Minecraft'. It features a large, pixelated wooden
ark in the style of Minecraft, floating on wavy blue water. The ark has a highlighted section showing
41 various Minecraft animals and a portal inside. In the foreground, a character with a surprised
expression is looking at the ark, with a hand to their face. The background includes a dramatic

mountain range under a light sky with faint clouds. Include a red arrow pointing towards the ark.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Post Human Society'. It features an overgrown urban landscape
42 with dilapidated buildings covered in lush greenery. The sky is overcast, hinting at a serene yet
abandoned world. Vegetation engulfs the architecture, suggesting nature has reclaimed the city.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Surviving the Bullet Storm'. It features a man in the center with a
shocked expression, surrounded by a barrage of metallic, sharp projectiles coming towards him from all
43 directions. The background is a simple, textured gray that contrasts with the shiny silver of the
projectiles. The man's white shirt appears to be tearing apart, with pieces flying off, adding to the

dynamic sense of action and danger.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'NO CARS ALLOWED!'. It features an urban street scene with a
clear day sky. Multiple cyclists are in motion on the road, with no cars in sight. Include roadwork Urban Planning & City
44 barriers and traffic signs indicating road closures and restrictions. Emphasize the absence of cars with Development
a bold, orange text overlay at the top stating 'NO CARS ALLOWED!'.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'WANTED'. It features a large, bold 'WANTED' text in white at the
top with a black background. Below, there is a person in a hoodie lying down on a colorful, graffiti-
45 covered surface, facing away from the viewer. The person's identity is obscured, and the hoodie is
gray. Five white stars are aligned below the 'WANTED' text. The overall tone is edgy and urban.
Create a thumbnail for a historical documentary titled 'The Berlin Wall'. It should depict a long stretch of
the Berlin Wall with a watchtower in the background. The sky is overcast, and the wall dominates the
46 foreground with a guard tower overlooking the scene. The colors are desaturated except for the grass,
which has a vivid yellow hue. Include a bold, black arrow pointing at the wall, and the words "BERLIN

WALL" in large, bold lettering at the top.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Mystery of Numbers'. The design features a multitude of 3D
brown cardboard boxes with white numbers on them, arranged in rows on reflective dark red platforms.
47 The boxes are of varying sizes, creating a sense of depth and complexity. One box in the center is
illuminated by a beam of light from above, highlighting the number 31. The overall atmosphere is

enigmatic, with a subtle gradient background transitioning from dark at the bottom to lighter at the top.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Berghain: The Model'. Feature a highly detailed scale model of the
Berghain club with realistic textures. The model should include the club's facade with graffiti at the base
48 and a glowing orange interior visible through the roof. The background is dark to highlight the model,
with the word 'BERGHAIN' in bold, white font above the building.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Who Committed This Game Show Fraud?'. It features a man with
a censored bar over his eyes, conveying anonymity. The background is a deep blue with the 'Who
Wants to Be a Millionaire' logo subtly visible. Red arrows point towards the man, drawing attention to
49 him as the subject of the fraud. Below, a graphic mimics the game show's answer selection interface,
with options A, B, C, and D, highlighting names of famous artists. The overall tone is dramatic and
suggests a scandal.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'How New York Moved to the Netherlands'. The image features a
textured map of the Netherlands in grayscale with a highlighted red cut-out of New York State. The
50 New York cut-out appears raised and is being moved with a red arrow indicating motion towards the
Netherlands. The background is a plain light blue, and the title 'NEW YORK' is in bold at the top left,

with 'NETHERLANDS' in bold at the top right.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'It's so WEIRD!'. The image features a modern high-speed train
with a sleek blue and white design, prominently displayed in the foreground with a slight tilt to suggest
51 motion. The background shows train tracks leading into the distance with a train station platform to the
left. The sky is overcast, and there's a large red arrow pointing at the train. The text "It's so WEIRD!" is

superimposed in large, bold font, creating a sense of curiosity and emphasis.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'CHEATER EXPOSED!'. It features a 3D-rendered Mario from the
Super Mario series with a surprised expression, holding up his hands as if he's been caught. The
52 background is dark with a subtle spotlight effect on Mario. Include bold, yellow text with a black outline
that reads "CHEATER EXPOSED!" in the upper portion of the image. The overall style should mimic

the visuals from the Super Mario 64 game.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The $2 Billion Home'. It features a towering, modern, multi-story
building illuminated with warm interior lighting against a twilight sky. The building's unique architecture
53 includes protruding sections and an open terrace near the top. The image has a large, bold text overlay
that reads "THE $2 BILLION HOME" with a stylized dollar sign. The color scheme is a contrast of the
Luxury Lifestyle

building's yellow-orange lights and the cool blue of the dusk sky.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled '$1,500,000 MISTAKE!'. It should depict a large building mid-
collapse with a cloud of dust and debris surrounding it. The building is angled as if it's falling towards
54 the viewer. The background should be a cityscape with clear skies. Include bold, yellow text at the top
Real Estate
with the video title.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Mega Yacht with 2 Pools'. It should depict a large, luxurious yacht
sailing on the ocean during twilight. The yacht is illuminated with warm interior lighting, highlighting its
55 multiple decks and two visible swimming pools. The image should convey a sense of opulence and
exclusivity, with clear, calm waters surrounding the vessel. Include the text 'MEGA YACHT WITH 2
Luxury Lifestyle

POOLS' prominently on the image.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled '$250,000,000 New York Penthouse Tour'. It features a man in a
suit standing inside a luxurious penthouse with large floor-to-ceiling windows overlooking Central Park
56 in New York City. The cityscape is visible in broad daylight with clear skies. The price '$250,000,000' is
prominently displayed at the top left corner, and the initials 'EY' are at the bottom left corner of the
Real Estate

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Patrolling the Seas'. It features a large, modern patrol boat with a
57 distinctive blue and white color scheme, cutting through calm ocean waters. The sky is overcast, and in
the background, a faint coastline can be seen.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Top 10 Vintage Recipes'. It features a sepia-toned kitchen scene
with a woman in a polka-dot dress and apron, smiling as she takes a large bite out of a roasted turkey
58 leg. There are plates with food remnants on the counter beside her. Include a 'TOP 10' text overlay in a
bold font at the top of the image.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Touring a Luxury Golden Yacht'. The image features a sleek,
modern yacht with a metallic golden hull, moored in calm waters near a tropical coastline. Palm trees
59 and upscale homes can be seen in the background, under a soft, early evening sky with a hint of pink
and orange hues from the setting sun. The yacht's design should be futuristic, with smooth curves and
Luxury Lifestyle

large windows, reflecting the opulence and exclusivity of a high-end lifestyle.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Massive Landslide Threatens Homes'. The image should depict
an aerial view of a residential area with several houses at the edge of a large, freshly collapsed
60 landslide. The earth should appear to have given way, creating a sharp contrast between the green
grassy area and the exposed brown soil of the landslide. The houses should be alarmingly close to the
News & Current Events

edge, emphasizing the imminent danger they face.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Top 10 Mysterious Sightings'. The image should feature a rural
landscape with a clear sky. In the foreground, there are two tall, slender, humanoid figures standing
61 among the trees. They appear to be silhouetted and have an eerie presence. Include the text 'TOP 10'
prominently on the thumbnail. The overall tone should be mysterious and intriguing.
Create a thumbnail for a woodworking tutorial video titled 'Custom Drawer Build'. The image should
feature a person in a plaid shirt opening a large, olive green drawer with golden teardrop-shaped
62 knobs. The top of the drawer unit has a wooden sign that reads 'PEDULLA STUDIO'. The background
should be a workshop setting with a subtle, soft focus to keep the attention on the drawer and the

person interacting with it.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Innovative Woodturning Tricks'. The image is split into two halves.
On the left, a person's hands are using a file on a spinning wooden cylinder on a lathe, with wood
63 shavings flying off. On the right, the same person's hands are driving screws into a wooden object on
the lathe, with multiple screws partially screwed in and sticking out at various angles. The overall tone

is one of craftsmanship and ingenuity.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled '120 DIYs Modern Decor Ideas'. The thumbnail should showcase a
collage of various modern decor items. Include a potted plant with a textured vase on the left, a
64 wooden shelf with a stack of books in the center, and a sleek table lamp on the right. Feature a large,
bold font in the center with the text '120 DIYs' in white and 'MODERN DECOR IDEAS' in black, set

against an orange backdrop. The overall design should convey a clean, contemporary aesthetic.
Create a thumbnail for a fitness video titled "Over 50?". It should feature a stylized woman with a fit
physique standing against a bright yellow and turquoise background. The woman is holding her head
with both hands, elbows flared out, and the image is split down the middle. On one side, she appears
65 as a normal woman, and on the other, she is depicted with an X-ray effect showing muscles and
bones. Include a large, bold question "Over 50?" in the upper left corner and a red arrow pointing
towards the woman from the right side of the image.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Contrast of Wealth'. It features a man on the left side, wearing
a black shirt and a red bandana, holding a piece of chicken with a bite taken out of it. He is looking to
the right with a concerned expression. On the right side, there is a young girl sitting amidst a pile of
66 trash and discarded fast-food wrappers, looking directly at the viewer with a serious expression. The
Social Issues
background shows a cluttered urban environment with some buildings and a blue sky with light clouds.
The overall tone conveys a stark contrast between the two subjects.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled '$1 Street Food Around The World'. The background is a bustling
urban street with colorful signage and a clear sky. A man in the center holds two plates of food, one
67 with bright red glazed shrimp and the other with brown stir-fried noodles. He wears a blue shirt, a red
bandana, and has a surprised expression. Overlay a red price tag shape with a bold '$1' in the upper
Travel & Food

right corner.
Create a thumbnail for a food vlog titled 'Day in My Diet: Breakfast to Dinner'. The left side shows a
close-up of hands holding a bagel sandwich with cream cheese, smoked salmon, capers, onions, and
avocado, set against a blurred background. The right side features a slice of pepperoni pizza being
68 held up with cheese visibly stretching, set against a sunny outdoor backdrop. Include timestamps '9:30
Food & Cooking
AM' over the bagel sandwich and '1:00 AM' over the pizza slice, indicating the times the meals were
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Eat Like a King!'. It features a large, appetizing burger with a
golden bun, fresh lettuce, sliced tomatoes, onions, and a juicy beef patty. To the right, include a cup
with the Burger King logo. The background should be dark to highlight the burger and cup, with a
69 radiant light effect that suggests the burger is the star of the show. Include bold text at the top saying
Food Reviews
"EAT LIKE A KING!". Add a graphic of a yellow seal with a black fork and knife crossed in the center,
indicating a dining recommendation.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled '10 Day Arm Transformation Challenge'. The left side of the
thumbnail shows a cartoon arm with a flexed bicep, labeled 'DAY 1' with a red background. The right
70 side features the same arm, but significantly more muscular and with a red inflamed area indicated by
an arrow, labeled 'DAY 10' with a green background. The style is exaggerated and cartoonish with bold

outlines and bright colors to emphasize the transformation.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled '300 DAYS'. The background is a gradient from dark at the top to
light at the bottom with a digital, graph-like overlay. Large, bold green text '300 DAYS' is prominently
71 displayed at the top. A person wearing a red hoodie with a glowing red visor obscures their face stands
to the right. On the left, include a YouTube analytics graphic showing an upward trend with a green
YouTube Growth

arrow and the text 'Estimated revenue: $103,944.79'. The overall tone is sleek and tech-inspired.
Create a thumbnail for a fitness transformation video titled '10 Day Abs Challenge Results'. The left
side shows a person with a less defined body and a slightly protruding belly marked with red areas to
indicate fat, labeled 'DAY 1'. On the right side, the same person appears with a more toned and
72 muscular body, particularly showing defined abs with red areas indicating muscle soreness, labeled
'DAY 10'. A bold red arrow points from the 'DAY 1' image to the 'DAY 10' image, emphasizing the
transformation. The background is a gradient from light at the top to blue at the bottom.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Viking Workout Music'. It features a muscular man with a beard,
resembling a Viking, standing shirtless in the rain. The background is a misty, mountainous landscape.
73 The text "VIKING" is prominently displayed in a bold, white font with "WORKOUT MUSIC" underneath
in a smaller size. The overall mood is intense and focused.
Create a thumbnail for a fitness video titled '30 MIN MORNING'. The thumbnail is split into two halves.
On the left side, illustrate a character with a fuller figure wearing a sports top and shorts, standing with
hands on hips. On the right side, depict the same character but with a slimmer physique and a
74 confident pose. The background for both halves should be solid colors that contrast with each other.
Include a large, bold arrow pointing from the left side to the right to indicate transformation. The bottom
of the thumbnail features a bright, eye-catching banner with the video title text.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'World's largest beaver dam'. It should feature an aerial view of a
dense green forest with a large beaver dam visible. Overlay a semi-transparent white dashed line
tracing the outline of the dam. On the right side, include a close-up of a beaver with wet fur, looking
75 towards the camera, and superimpose it onto the forest background. Add a white arrow pointing from
the text to the dam. Include the text 'World's largest beaver dam' in a bold font at the top and the logo
'CLIMATE HEROES' at the bottom left corner.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Edge of the Universe'. The background should depict a
vibrant cosmic scene with a swirling galaxy in fiery orange and red tones. A silhouette of a person
76 stands in the foreground, gazing into the cosmic whirlpool, casting a long reflection on a subtle surface
that suggests a boundary or horizon. The title text 'THE EDGE OF THE UNIVERSE' is prominently
Science & Education

displayed in a clean, modern font, contrasting with the dynamic and colorful space scene.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled "Never Go Back". It features a monochrome lunar landscape with
a desolate, rocky terrain. In the center, encircled by a prominent red ring, is a slender, eerie alien figure
77 with elongated limbs. The sky is a deep black, enhancing the starkness of the moon's surface. Include
Science Fiction
the phrase "NEVER GO BACK" in bold, impactful font at the top.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Mysteries in Space'. The image should feature a vibrant depiction
of a celestial scene with a large, swirling blue planet taking up one side of the frame. A dynamic and
fiery orange-black wormhole appears to be consuming a part of the planet. A bright beam of light
78 should be shooting across the scene, intersecting the wormhole. The background should be a star-
Science & Technology
filled cosmic space with smaller planets visible at a distance. The text 'MYSTERIES IN SPACE' should
be prominently displayed in bold, attention-grabbing font.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Mystery at 7520'. It should feature a split-screen design with the
left side showing a close-up of a woman with a concerned expression, and the right side depicting a
79 mailbox with the number 7520 on a sunny day, surrounded by overgrown grass. A large red arrow
points towards the mailbox, suggesting a clue or significant detail. The overall mood should convey

intrigue and suspense.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'INSANE TWIST'. The thumbnail features a portrait of a smiling
woman on the left side with a blue background. On the right side, there is a grainy, zoomed-in image of
80 a person with their hands covering their face, encircled in red with the caption "*laughing*" underneath.
A jagged white tear effect separates the two images. Include the text "INSANE TWIST" in bold,

attention-grabbing font across the thumbnail.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Finding the Truth'. The image should feature a two-story house
engulfed in flames with smoke rising against a clear sky. On the right, overlay a portrait of a smiling
81 woman with curly hair and glasses. The bottom of the image should have the title 'FINDING THE
TRUTH' in bold white letters.
Create a thumbnail for a documentary titled 'The Untold History'. The image features a monochrome,
grainy, halftone effect with a man in vintage clothing standing in front of an old building. He is wearing
82 an apron and has a contemplative expression. The title 'REAL STORIES' is prominently displayed in
bold, capitalized letters.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Her Last Birthday'. The background is a crime scene with a "DO
NOT CROSS" tape across the scene and a crime scene investigation van marked with "Ohio Attorney
83 General BCI & Special Agent". On the right, overlay a smiling young woman with blonde hair. Add a
dramatic red overlay to the top edge and text in bold red font.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Winning $1,000,000'. The thumbnail features a person with a
hoodie obscuring their face, standing with their back to the camera. The iconic YouTube play button
84 replaces the person's head. In the background, there is a large, bold green "$1,000,000" text with a
slight glow. The foreground is filled with scattered stacks of green dollar bills. The overall tone is

dramatic and eye-catching.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Deep Sea Mysteries Unveiled'. It features a mysterious
underwater scene with a dark, deep blue ocean. In the foreground, there’s a giant squid engaging in
85 battle with a deep-sea robot, its tentacles wrapped around the mechanical body. In the background,
Marine Biology
faint glows of bioluminescent creatures can be seen.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Master Vegan Baking'. It features a vibrant kitchen setting with a
focus on a large, beautifully decorated vegan cake in the center. Surrounding the cake are various
86 ingredients like almonds, oats, and berries. The background shows a sunny kitchen window and a shelf
Food & Cooking
filled with colorful baking books.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Ancient Civilizations: Lost & Found'. It depicts an archaeological
dig site with a newly uncovered ancient statue in the center. The background is a dusty excavation site
87 with tools, bones, and pottery shards. The sky above shows early morning light breaking through. The
title 'Ancient Civilizations' is etched in a stone-like font, suggesting antiquity and mystery.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Mindfulness for Beginners'. It features a serene, natural setting
88 with a peaceful lake and a clear blue sky. In the foreground, a person in a relaxed yoga pose meditates
on a floating lotus leaf. The soft glow of sunrise adds a calming effect.
Wellness & Meditation

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Urban Gardening Hacks'. It showcases a lush rooftop garden in an
urban setting with skyscrapers in the background. In the foreground, various innovative planting
89 solutions like vertical gardens and recycled containers are visible. Bright and fresh vegetables and
flowers dominate the scene. The title text 'Urban Gardening Hacks' is crafted in green, leafy letters.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Future Tech Expo 2024'. It features a sleek, futuristic exhibition
hall filled with various high-tech gadgets and vehicles. In the center, a holographic display shows a
90 rotating earth with data streaming around it. The background is a busy expo scene with visitors
interacting with tech displays. The title text 'Future Tech Expo 2024' is in a modern, digital font.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Epic Fantasy Battles'. It depicts an intense battlefield scene with
mythical creatures like dragons and warriors clashing under a stormy sky. The foreground shows a
91 heroic figure wielding a glowing sword. The chaotic, epic atmosphere is heightened by lightning and
fire effects.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Chill Jazz Nights'. It features a cozy, dimly lit jazz club scene with
92 a saxophonist in the center. The background shows a softly focused crowd enjoying the music, with
glasses of wine on the tables. Warm, moody lighting complements the relaxed ambiance.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'AI Revolution in Business'. It features a modern office
environment transformed by AI technology. In the foreground, a humanoid robot is seen assisting a
93 human worker. The background includes screens displaying data analytics and AI algorithms. The title
Business & AI
text 'AI Revolution in Business' is sleek and prominently displayed in a tech-inspired font.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Solo Traveler’s Guide to Japan'. It shows a picturesque scene of a
traveler overlooking the iconic Mount Fuji at sunrise. The foreground features the traveler with a
94 camera and backpack, capturing the moment. The serene landscape of cherry blossoms and traditional
temples fills the background.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Tiny Homes, Big Dreams'. It showcases a charming, compact tiny
95 home surrounded by a lush garden. In the foreground, a smiling couple is decorating their miniature
porch. The background emphasizes open, scenic landscapes with distant hills.
Tiny Houses

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Secrets of Sand Sculpting'. It features a sandy beach scene with
an artist sculpting an intricate castle. The foreground highlights the detailed textures of the sand
96 sculpture. The ocean and a setting sun provide a vivid backdrop. The title text 'Secrets of Sand
Sculpting' is whimsically shaped like sand dunes.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Retro Gaming Revival'. It depicts a vibrant arcade scene filled with
97 classic gaming cabinets and neon lights. In the center, a player is enthusiastically engaging with a retro
space shooter game. The background is lively with other players and vintage posters.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Underwater Yoga: A New Wave'. It features a surreal underwater
98 setting with a group of people practicing yoga poses inside transparent bubbles. Fish and coral form a
colorful backdrop, enhancing the tranquility.
Fitness & Yoga

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Art of Glassblowing'. It showcases an artist in a glowing
99 workshop, pulling a vibrant molten glass from a furnace. The background displays various beautiful
glass creations.

Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Mountain Biking Extreme'. It features a dynamic scene of a
mountain biker leaping from a high trail. The background shows a rugged mountain landscape with
100 dramatic clouds. The motion blur emphasizes speed. The title 'Mountain Biking Extreme' is bold and
Mountain Biking
adventurous, mimicking the terrain's contours.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Night Sky Photography: Capture the Stars'. It depicts a
photographer setting up a camera on a tripod under a star-blanketed sky. The foreground shows the
101 camera's display with a stunning starry image preview. The serene, dark landscape enhances the
celestial theme. The title text 'Capture the Stars' shines like the night sky.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'The Science of Happiness'. It features a bright, inviting seminar
room with a diverse group of attendees smiling. A presenter points to a colorful brain scan image
102 showing areas of happiness activation. The background is decorated with positive affirmations and
light, airy colors.
Create a thumbnail for a video titled 'Drones in Disaster Relief'. It features a high-tech drone flying over
103 a disaster-hit area, delivering supplies. The background shows a partially collapsed building and
emergency crews at work. The scene is depicted with a hopeful tone, emphasizing the drone's role.

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