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This chapter deals with the methods and procedures used by the researchers in this
study to answer the specific problems investigated. The research design, the population, the
instrument and the steps that were followed in carrying out the research are presented in the
following pages.

Research Design

The descriptive correlation method of research was used in gathering data on the
impact of social media in academic performance of the Grade 12 students of GiCC through
the use of survey questionnaire. By means of this research method, the researcher was able
to provide a secure reliable, accurate and correct information and data that are necessary to
assess the effect of Social media in student academic performance.

Locale of the Study

The target respondent for the conducted study covers all among the all students
Grade 12 Senior High students of Gingoog Christian College, and are considered as the
core significant respondents because they are the core agents in this educational research.

Research Participants

The participants of the study will be the Grade 12 students in Gingoog Christian
College on their academic students. The population of this study will be 60 participants. In
this study, it is expected that the participants of the study will be share the opportunities and
challenges that they encountered during their academic performance.

Research Tool

The effects of social networking sites on students' academic performance can be

both positive and negative, depending on the intensity of their use. Research suggests that
the relationship between social networking use and academic performance is not linear, but
rather forms an inverted U-shape. This means that moderate use of social networking sites
can have a positive effect on academic performance, while heavy use can have a negative

Spending up to about an hour and a half daily on social networking sites is positively
associated with students' academic performance. This is because modest use of these sites
is less likely to interfere with students' academic tasks and may even boost their academic
engagement. For example, social networking sites can facilitate collaborative learning,
where students engage in interactive learning by completing group work, receiving feedback,
sharing course material, and interacting with each other and their instructors.

However, spending more than this amount of time on social networking sites is negatively
associated with students' academic performance. Heavy use of these sites can interfere with
students' academic activities, forcing them to either divert time away from crucial academic
tasks or to multi-task, both of which can hamper their academic performance. Heavy social
networking use can even lead to compulsive behavior, such as excessive use and addiction,
which can detriment not only students' academic performance but also their overall well-

It's also important to note that these findings may not be universally applicable, as they can
be influenced by a range of factors, including the specific context and characteristics of the
student population studied.

Instrumentation and Data Collection

The researcher used questionnaire for the survey in collecting ideas based on their
observation done in school and was used to get the desired information from the students.
The questionnaire is composed of two sections. The students will determine the computer
networking sites that the students often time to visit, to determine the common causes of
using social media. And lastly, sought to determine the effect of social networking site in
student’s academic performance.

Preparatory Stage

The researchers made a written request addressed to the school head and to the all Grade
12 Senior High students of Gingoog Christian College. Likewise, the researchers asked
consent to distribute the questionnaires to the respondents.

Actual Data Gathering Technique

The researchers made personal conversation to the grade 12 high school students of GiCC.
Much effort was done to explain the significance of the research to the respondents. The
researchers manage to assist them through the questionnaires. To motivate them, the
researchers explained to them the purpose of the study and its significance to the students
and other individuals involved in the study.

Treatment of Data

To expedite the process of computations in this study, data observations were entered in the
Statistical Package for the Social Media. Its accuracy and reliability in statistical computation
is compensating, all calculations in this research were done through the SPSS processor to
save time.

In measuring the computer networking site, the researchers used the following scale
and descriptive interpretation:

Scale Range of points Descriptive

4 3.25- 4.00 Always

3 2.50- 3.24 Sometimes

2 1.75- 2.49 Rare

1 1.00-1.74 Never
In measuring the common causes of using social media, we used the following scale
and descriptive interpretation:

Scale Range of points Descriptive

4 3.25- 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50- 3.24 Agree

2 1.75- 2.49 Disagree

1 1.00- 1.74 Strongly Disagree

In measuring the effects of social media, we used the following scale and descriptive

Scale Range of points Descriptive

4 3.25- 4.00 Strongly Agree

3 2.50- 3.24 Agree

2 1.75- 2.49 Disagree

1 1.00- 1.74 Strongly Disagree

To test the significant difference for research problem 5 the T-test and ANOVA. Were utilized
at 0.05 level of significance.

Data Gathering Procedure

The Data for this research were collected using a survey questionnaire. The survey was
created using suitable questions modified non related research and individual questions
formed by the researcher. The survey was comprised of teen (10) questions. In the
questionnaire, Liker scale was used to determine if the respondent agreed or disagreed in a
statement. After the professor validated the questionnaire, these we redistributed to the
customers of McDonalds’-Rizal Ave. Branch Olongapo City. There searchers assured
confidentiality of their survey sheets since the identities are not Important. There searchers
also understand that people’s consciousness may also affect their honesty and effectiveness
in answering the survey, and so, there searchers give people the option of being
anonymous. Participants were given time to respond and their searchers collected the
surveys right after they finished. There were no incentives offered for participating in the
research. Next, there searchers planned the questions that they would be asking in the
interview. The researchers interviewed certain number of other potential customers walking
outside the premises for more information.

Data Analysis

The use of percentage, frequency and weighted mean were utilized to describe the profile of
the respondents in terms of age, gender, college, program enrolled, year level and student
Grade Point Averages (GPAs). Correlation analysis was used to determine relationship
between GPAs and the various engagements in SNSs. Furthermore, SPSS 17.0 was used
to analyze the collected data.

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