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The Uses:
1. To show general truth
Ex : Ice is cold. Fire is hot. Sugar is sweet
The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
A week has seven days.
2. To show habit / daily activity
Ex : Faris usually goes to school by bus.
We always have breakfast at 6.
3. To show present state / condition
Ex : Today is Thursday.
I love music.
Yusuf looks so cute today.

Sentence Pattern

1. Verbal sentence

Pattern Example

+ S + V1 (s/es) + ... Willy always plays football every afternoon.

- S + do/does + not + V1+ ... Willy doesn’t always play football every afternoon.

? Do/does + S + V1+ ... ? Does Willy always play football every afternoon?

QW+ do/does + S + V1+ . . .? What does Willy always do every afternoon?

Who/what + V1(s/es)+. . . ? Who always plays football every afternoon?

(asking for subject?

2. Nominal sentence

Pattern Example

+ S + is/am/are + C Anam is smart.

- S + is/am/are + not + C Anam is not smart.

? Is/am/are + S + C ? Is Anam smart?

QW + is/am/are + S + ... How is Anam?

Who/what + is/am/are + C ? Who is smart?

(asking for subject)

Some adverbs often used in Simple Present Tense are : always, usually, often / frequently,
sometimes/ occasioanally, seldom / rarely, never, every ... (everyday, every Sunday,..), on
Sundays, once a week, twice a day, etc.

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