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Philippine Republic

Japanese Occupation
Manuel A. Roxas Elpidio Quirino
HUKBALAHAP control over Central Luzon EO No. 355 -- Replaced the National Land Settlement
RA No. 34 -- Established the 70-30 sharing Administration with Land Settlement Development
arrangements Corporation (LASEDECO) with expanded
RA No. 55 -- safeguard against arbitrary ejectment responsibilities
of tenants.
Commonwealth Period

1935 Constitution
Commonwealth Act No. 178 (An Amendment to Rice Tenancy Act No. Ramon Magsaysay Diosdado Macapagal
4045), Nov. 13, 1936 – controls in the landlord-tenant relationships RA No. 1160 -- Abolished the LASEDECO and
RA No. 3844 of August 8, 1963 -- Abolished share
tenancy, institutionalized leasehold, set retention limit
National Rice and Corn Corporation (NARIC), 1936 – Established the price established the National Resettlement and
at 75 hectares, invested rights of preemption and
of rice and corn Rehabilitation Administration (NARRA)
redemption for tenant farmers, provided for an
RA No. 1199 -- organized share-tenancy and
Commonwealth Act. No. 461, 1937 – Specified reasons for the dismissal leasehold system; provided the security of tenure
administrative machinery for implementation,
of tenants institutionalized a judicial system of agrarian cases,
of tenants; Court of Agrarian Relations.
incorporated extension, marketing and supervised
Rural Program Administration, created March 2, 1939 – Provided the RA No. 1400 -- Created the Land Tenure
credit system of services of farmer beneficiaries.
Administration (LTA)
purchase and lease of haciendas and their sale and lease to the tenants.
RA No. 821 -- Provided small farmers and share
Commonwealth Act No. 441 enacted on June 3, 1939 – Created the tenants loans with low interest rates of six to eight
National Settlement Administration percent. Corazon Aquino
Ferdinand Marcos, Sr. EO No. 228 – Declared full ownership to qualified
RA No. 6389 RA No. 6390 -- Created the Department farmer-beneficiaries covered by PD 27. It also
of Agrarian Reform and the Agrarian Reform Special determined the value remaining unvalued rice and
American Period Account Fund. corn lands subject of PD 27 and provided for the
PD No. 2 -- Declared the country under land reform manner of payment by the FBs and mode of
Philippine Bill of 1902 – max 16 has. for private individuals and 1,024 has. program. It also activated the Agrarian Reform compensation to landowners.
Coordinating Council. EO No. 229, Proclamation No. 131, EO No. 129-A --
for corporations. defined the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program
PD No. 27 -- Restricted land reform scope to tenanted
Land Registration Act of 1902 (Act No. 496) – registration of land titles rice and corn lands and set the retention limit at 7 and expanded powers of the DAR
under the Torrens system; did not solve problem completely hectares. EO No. 405 -- vested in the Landbank of the
Fidel V. Ramos Philippines the sole power to valuate land
Public Land Act of 1903 – introduced the homestead system in the EO 407 -accelerated land distribution
RA No. 7881, 1995 – Amended certain provisions
of RA 6657 Erap Estrada
Tenancy Act of 1933 (Act No. 4054 and 4113) – regulated relationships RA No. 7905, 1995 – Strengthened CARP.
EO N0. 151, September 1999 (Farmer’s Trust Fund) –
between landowners and tenants of rice (50-50 sharing) and sugar cane EO No. 363, 1997 – Limits the type of lands that
may be converted Allowed the voluntary consolidation of small farm
lands. operation into medium and large scale integrated
RA No. 8435, 1997 – Plugged the legal loopholes
in land use conversion. enterprise that can access long-term capital.
RA 8532, 1998 – Provided an additional Php50
billion for CARP and extended its implementation
First Philippine Republic for another 10 years.
planned to confiscate the largest estates, especially the “Friar lands” but Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo
“To make the countryside economically viable for
never implemented
the Filipino family by building partnership and Benigno Aquino, Jr.
promoting social equity and new economic
Vowed to complete CARP
opportunities towards lasting peace and
Spanish Period sustainable rural development.”
EO 26 - cooperation between several government
Land Tenure Program, Provision of Support
agencies for a National greening program
encomienda system Services, Infrastructure Projects, Agrarian Justice
abuse by the encomienderos KALAHI ARZone

natives reduced to mere share tenants

Rodrigo Duterte

Pre-colonial Aggressive land reform

Distribution of lands undistributed under CARP
pretty much everyone had access to the fruits of the land Make all public lands under land reform
Oplan Zero Backlog
money was unknown, rice was the medium of exchange

After careful evaluation, what were the challenges faced by the government as well as the farmers regarding farmland ownership and distribution?
Historically speaking, there are challenges faced by the government and the farmers regards to farmland ownership. Primary among these was problem regarding the equitable transfer or distribution of land between landholders and tenant farmers in such a
way that the latter’s needs could be met while combating pressures exerted by the former as members of the country’s oligarchy. Exemplary of this problem was the issue regarding the distribution of the Hacienda Luisita land, where flare ups in tension between the
farmers and the Cojuangcos resulted in the Mendiola and Hacienda Luisita massacres in 1987 and 2004 respectively. Several Filipino governments have promised to redistribute lands belonging to large landowners and yet many farmers have yet been unable to receive
the land promised to them.. As examples: Aguinaldo promised to confiscate friar lands but didn’t, the Torrens law promised to placate the issue of land ownership but didn’t, the Huks saw land from Japanese sympathizers redistributed to peasants but those gains were
stymied following the World War, and the full implementation of CARP has taken decades to complete. Furthermore, there are issues regarding inconsistent and unsustained implementations of land reform between different administrations and the lack of good land
infrastructure to facilitate the success of any reform.



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