TSKF Design Approach and System Description

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Cleanroom Design
Tianjin SmithKline Beecham
Factory Project



DATE: Mar., 1997

撰写人 : 刘德政
日期 : 一九九七年三月

系统设计及概述 Design approach and System Description:

(A) Design criteria 设计参数

(1) 室外空气 External condition: 夏季 Summer: 33 oC and 70% RH

冬季 Winter: 8 oC and 35% RH

(2) 室内空气 Internal condition: 21 oC +/- 2 oC and 50% +/- 5% RH

(3) 洁净度 Cleanliness: Based on Federal Standard 209E 基於美国联邦标准 209E

(1) Class 10,000 (at 35 air change rate) 10K 级 ( 35 次换气 )
(2) Class 5,000 (at 45 air change rate) 5K 级 ( 45 次换气 )

(4) 过滤性能 Filtration: 99.99% for 0.3 micro-meter 99.99%, 0.3 微米

(5)风速 Velocity: 0.45 m/s +/- 20% at 0.3m below face of filter
0.45 m/s +/- 20% 在过滤器下 0.3m

(6) 气压 Pressure: Maintain relative positive pressure in 5 to 10 mm Aq from inner room to

outer room
保持 5 至 10 mm Aq 正压相对於洁净室外

(7) 噪音/震动 Noise/Vibration Not exceed NC55 +/- 10% at 1 meter above FFL in ‘Full
Built’ condition while Vibration transmission is fully isolated.
在工程完成情况下於完成地台面 1 米高以上位置噪音低於
NC55 +/- 10%,震动则需完全隔绝传播

(8) 亮度 Lux level Measured at 0.8 m from FFL: 500 Lux at Changing Room and 700 Lux at
other area.
於完成地台面 0.8 米高的位置:更衣室 500Lux,其他位置 700Lux

(B) Clean room Architectural design 洁净室建筑内装修设计

(1) Ceiling 天花
Walkable type System Ceiling is adopted. The System Ceiling is composed of Heavy duty
anodized aluminum extrusion T-bar ceiling grid in framework pattern of 600 x 1200 mm which
size and strength can support Fan Filter Unit (FFU), HEPA Filter box, Light panel, insulated Blank
ceiling panels and installation/maintenance personnel. As the result, location of FFU, HEPA box
and Blank ceiling panels can be interchangeable upon the Process requirements without any
alternation of ceiling pattern.

采用可行走式天花糸统。天花糸统以重负荷 T 型表面电镀氧化处理挤出式铝型材框架制成 ,
尺寸 600mm x 1200mm 配合风机过滤网组(FFU)、高效过滤网风箱、灯箱及保温铝制天花板

The System Ceiling is supported by the hanger rod that installed under the structure slab/beam at
the level of 2.6 meter from FFL. They are also braced with the Partition wall such that the whole
System Ceiling is rigid and free from movement. Waterproof and Acrylic Paint will be applied
under the concrete slab/beam to ensure the surface can be cleaned and maintained clean condition.
As the result, the void space can be used as Air Plenum to match with FFU application.
天花框架由吊杆从混凝土楼板或横梁固定吊至离完成地坪面 2.6m 上。天花框架同时固定於
防尘油漆以保持清洁及易於清洁的表面以提供洁净空间作为风机过滤网组(FFU) 的回风空间。

(2) Partition 隔间墙

Full height partition (from FFL to structural slab/beam) is installed to provided a complete sealed
envelope for Clean room area.

洁净室外围隔间为全高隔间墙 (由完成地坪面至混凝土楼板或横梁)以封蔽隔绝灰尘进入。

Polyurethane insulation sandwich with pre-painted GI sheet partition panel is adopted. The panel is
50 to 60mm which provide rigidity stiffness to withstand for pressure acting and integrity. The
panel surface is absolutely smooth for easy cleaning and less accumulation of dust generated
during operation. The insulation K factor is up to 0.35 to 0.29 Kcal/msq.h.C that condense creation
is absolutely minimal.

隔间墙板采用聚胺脂保温夹板外包烤漆镀锌钢板制成,墙板厚度为 50 至 60mm 以提供足够

板传热糸数 “K” 在 0.35 至 0.29 Kcal/sq. mh.C 范围内以防止表面结露。

The panel is fixed in vertical position by upper and lower Aluminum heavy grade railing which is
fixed under the structural slab/beam and floor respectively. The panels are jointed together by
‘Socket & Plug’ type. As the result, the completed panels installation can be dismantled and re-
installed easy to facilitate the future layout change upon the Process requirements.


Viewing glass is provided as much as possible along the partition in height of 600mm and located
at 1100mm from FFL as per required.

以最大可能范围安装高度为 600mm 的透明玻璃窗户,底高为离完成地坪面 1.1m。

Manual doors with automatic door closer are made of similar material as partition panel is
provided as per requirement. Weather tripping is equipped along the edges of the doors to maintain
the maximum air tightness.


All the column and Return Air Chase will be covered by the partition panel. As the result, the
whole Clean room area will look unique.


Hairline Stainless steel corning trip is installed to protect all the corner edge away from damage.


To ensure complete sealing, all the joints and services penetration along the partition and ceiling
will be completely sealed up with silicon sealant which is suitable for semi-conductor industry.


(3) ESD Floor Tiles 地台板

600 x 600mm x 3mm thickness ESD Floor Tiles is adopted. The electrostatic resistance value is
2.5 x 10 power 5 and 5 x 10 power 6.

采用 600 x 600mm x 3mm 厚的 ESD 地台板。静电电阻率为 2.5 x 105 及 5 x 106 欧姆。

The whole floor tiles will be glued and thermo-welded such that all the floor tiles will formed as
one completed flooring system. Therefore, electrical resistance test complied to The National
Electro Static Discharge Association Standard S11.11 – 1994 requirements.

率符合美国传导静电协会标准 S11.11 – 1994 的要求。

A smooth round shape skirting covered with the above ESD tiles will be installed to provide easy
cleaning and less accumulative dust flooring system.


( C) HVAC system design 空调糸统设汁

Based on the Design Criteria, Heating, Cooling, Reheat, Humidification / Dehumidification and Fresh
air quantity are calculated. The followings equipment are adopted for Temperature, Humidity and
Filtration control.

供暖、冷却、再加热、加湿 / 除湿及鲜风量基於设计要求计算。下述设备根据设计的温度、湿

(1) Pretreated Air Handling Unit (PAU) 鲜风处理机组 (PAU)

A PAU is adopted to pre-treat Fresh air requirement for entire Clean room on 4/F & 5/F
respectively. PAU will pre-treat the Fresh air to the Dew point such that the Fresh air (Make up
air) is in dry condition before entering to AHU where by the Return air (already absorbed the
internal heat from the Clean room) is cooled to the design value.

PAU 对进入整个四层及五层的洁净室的鲜风作处理。PAU 将通过的鲜风温度在进入空气处

理机组 (AHU) 前降至设计露点温度除湿再加热至设定温度再供至 AHU,使 AHU 能更准确
控制洁净室内的温、湿度。整个糸统的湿度主要由 PAU 调整控制,而 AHU 则对温度(显

A Chilled Water Coil with Supply Chilled Water temperature at 7 deg C (design in 5 deg rise in
Leaving Chilled Water Temperature) is the mechanism to cool the Fresh Air to Dew point
condition. The Fresh air is then reheat to the design Supply Temperature and RH for delivery to
Clean room. Beg Filter with at least 60% efficiency is equipped for primary filtration action to air
intake (Fresh air supply) to Clean room. In via versa, particularly in Winter season as the ambient
Temperature and RH is low, the Temperature and RH of Fresh air will be increased by Electrical
Heater and Humidifier.

冷冻水盘管供应 7oC (回水温度设计为 12oC)的冷冻水作为冷却鲜风至所需露点温度的手

一级的初效过滤段,其过滤效率为 60%。冬季时,位於冷冻水盘管前的电加热器及处於再

(2) Air Handling Unit (AHU) 空气处理机组(AHU)

The AHU configuration, particularly the Fan Capacity, is differed from the regular Air-condition
system as the amount of air discharge quantity is much bigger to match the specific ‘Air Change
Rate’ requirement of Clean Room. Therefore, AHU configuration for Class 5,000 is bigger than
Class 10,000

AHU 的供风量设计是基於所属洁净室所需的换气量没计的,因此於同样体积条件下的 5K
级洁净室的供风量比 10K 级的大。

Pre-treated Fresh air and the Return air from Clean room are mixed in the mixing chamber of AHU
before entering the Cooling Coil section and Electrical Reheat section where by the air is treated
preciously as per design required.

经过处理后的鲜风及洁净室的回风於 AHU 的进风混合箱混和后先进入冷冻水盘管再经过电


(3) Final Filtration & Distribution equipment – Fan Filter Unit (FFU) and HEPA Box
最后级的空气过滤及散流设备 - 风机过滤网组(FFU)、高效过滤器风箱

As the Process Exhaust requirement and Fresh Air demand are different in area (different rooms).
To ensure the better and precision control/balancing the Supply Air and Return Air to achieve the
design ‘Air Change Rate’, the rooms are isolated as per Layout given (attached with Tender
document) and named as below:


 Changing Room, 更衣室

 Small Workshop, 细工房
 Dry Cloth room # 1, 1 号乾衣间
 Dry Cloth room # 2, 2 号乾衣间
 Material store, 物料贮存间
 PCB Cleaner room, PCB 清洁器间
 Bonding room 混合间

(a) FFUs are adopted at the Bonding Room – the major & biggest production area.
混合间为最主要及最大的生产区,采用 FFU 作过滤。

Ceiling void is adopted as the Supply Air Plenum where the treated/conditioned Supply air is
delivered. FFUs with the built in Supply Fan, the treated/conditioned Supply air is drawn and
delivered to Clean room through the HEPA filter.

天花顶棚内空间作为供风箱,FFU 将经过处理 / 调节的空气通过内置风机送至安装於其


The low level Return air through the Return Air Chase and GI insulated Return Ducting is
delivered back to the Mixing Chamber of AHU for re-circulation.

回风通过安装於洁净室下部的回风口再经过保温镀锌风管送回 AHU 的混合风箱再循环。

(b) HEPA Filter Box are adopted at the other area (rooms) 其他位置采用高效过滤器风箱

The treated/conditioned Supply air is delivered via GI insulated Ducting to the HEPA Filter
Box where the Supply air is delivered to Clean room.

经过处理 / 调节的空气通过保温镀锌风管送至各高效过滤器风箱过滤后供应洁净室内。

The high level Return air through the GI insulated Return Ducting is delivered back to Mixing
Chamber of AHU for re-circulation.

回风通过安装於洁净室高位的回风口再经过保温镀锌风管送回 AHU 的混合风箱再循环。

The HEPA Filter Box is connected with a length (approximately 1 to 1.5 meter long) insulated
Flexible Ducting. Therefore, moving the HEPA Filter Box location to suit the Production
requirement is allowable. Moreover, HEPA Filter Box system is applied to the small
production area/room where the possibility of significant production movement is comparative
low. Therefore, this type of system would not minimize the requirement of flexibility of
change as FFU system.

高效过滤器风箱由一段 1 至 1.5m 长的软管连接,因此其可以因应生产所需而移动位置。

低,而且将来可将高效过滤器风箱改为 FFU,以增大其可移动性。

(D) Room Pressure control 房间压力控制

The Clean room is maintained positive pressure at 5 to 10 mm Aq at all time. Number of Pressure
Relieve Dampers are installed at various design location in the Clean room for protection in case the
mechanical exhaust fan broken down.

洁净室任何时候均需保持 5 to 10 mmAq 的正压压差。相当数量的卸压阀门安装作为关闭生产排


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