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Page-34 of International / World Current Affairs

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Tactical Nuclear Weapons

Created: March 29, 2023

Russian President
Vladimir Putin’s
announcement that
he would station
tactical nuclear
weapons (TNWs) in
Belarus has raised concerns about increased risks
of nuclear conflict. As Belarus is a neighbor to
NATO member countries, stationing nuclear
weapons there has the potential ..
Tags: Belarus • Kaliningrad • Non-Proliferation Treaty •
Nuclear Weapon • Russia-Ukraine Conflict
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2023
Category: Defence Current Affairs • International / World
Current Affairs

“Indo + Caribbean: The creation of a

culture” Exhibition
Created: March 29, 2023
The Museum of
London Docklands
was founded in
2003, with the main
focus of highlighting
the history of the
River Thames, the growth of the Port of London,
and the docks’ historical ties to the Atlantic slave
trade. The museum ..
Tags: Caribbean • Caribbean Island • Slavery • United

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Month: Current Affairs - March, 2023

Category: Events Current Affairs • International / World
Current Affairs • Places In News Current Affairs

Depleted Uranium Munition

Created: March 29, 2023
As the tensions
between Ukraine
and Russia
escalate, the use of
depleted uranium
munitions has once
again come into the spotlight. The use of these
weapons is a cause for concern not only due to
their devastating impact but also ..
Tags: Russia-Ukraine War • Ukraine War • Uranium • Uranium
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2023
Category: Defence Current Affairs • International / World
Current Affairs

Water and Heritage Shield and Sípàapu

Created: March 29, 2023
Arizona’s Black
Mesa Trust (BMT)
has been awarded
the prestigious
‘Water and Heritage
Shield’ by the
International Committee On Monuments and Sites
International Science Committee (ICOMOS ISC)
on March 25, 2023. The award recognizes BMT’s
work to raise public awareness ..
Tags: Colorado River • International Committee On
Monuments And Sites International Science Committee •
United States
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2023
Category: Awards, Persons & Places In News • International /
World Current Affairs • Places In News Current Affairs

New US-Canada Border Deal

Created: March 27, 2023
A new US-Canada
border deal has
recently taken effect
with the aim to halt
the flow of asylum

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seekers at unofficial border crossings. The

agreement has closed a loophole that previously
allowed migrants to claim asylum at such unofficial
ports ..
Tags: Canada • Illegal Immigration • Immigration • US-
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2023
Category: International / World Current Affairs

What is Haeil Drone?

Created: March 27, 2023
North Korea has
recently unveiled its
new nuclear
underwater drone,
which has caused
concerns in the
international community. The drone, dubbed
“Haeil” or Tsunami, is designed to create massive
radioactive waves through submarine explosions.
North Korean state news agency KCNA ..
Tags: North Korea • South Korea • US-North Korea
Month: Current Affairs - March, 2023
Category: Defence Current Affairs • International / World
Current Affairs

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Current Affairs Quiz – July, 2023

Current Affairs Quiz – May, 2023

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