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ISSN 10683674, Russian Agricultural Sciences, 2013, Vol. 39, No. 2, pp. 112–116. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2013.


Effect of Sugar/Osmotica Levels on in vitro Microtuberization

of Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)1
Alireza MotallebiAzar, Samaneh Kazemiani, and Fahimeh Yarmohamadi
Department of Horticultural Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Tabriz University, Iran

Abstract—In order to evaluate of using microtubers for conservation of potato germplasm, the main effects
of sucrose, mannitol and PEG on percentage of microtuber initiation and formation, size and fresh weight of
microtuber were studied. PEG decreased production and weight of microtubers, whereas higher concentra
tions of sucrose promoted microtuber production, microtuber size as well as microtuber fresh weight.
Increasing of sucrose concentrations were improved efficiently in vitro microtuber production without neg
ative side effects. Addition of mannitol to all media was increased microtuberization than media containing
PEG. So, alcoholic sugars such as mannitol increased microtuberization, but after 5 weeks, microtuberiza
tion in media supplied with sucrose was more than the mannitol. Such studies might help to reduce the cost
of production of virus free potato seed from different cultivars.

Keywords: mannitol, microtuberization, PEG sucrose, Solanum tuberosum

DOI: 10.3103/S1068367413020146

1. INTRODUCTION medium osmotic potential [3]. In spite of the nutri
tional and osmotic aspects of the carbon source, dis
Microtubers, which are potato tubers produced in cussions in the literature are frequently restricted to
vitro, have many properties that make them ideal the nutritional aspects of the carbon source. Since the
propagules for producing highquality seed potatoes. osmotic component strongly influences plant cell, tis
Since microtubers are produced in vitro, they usually sue and organ growth and morphogenesis [7], discus
stay pathogenfree if started with pathogenfree mate sion of the results these papers are sometimes unclear
rials. Compared with the other in vitro potato or improperly interpreted. The substitution of the cul
propagule, microshoots, microtubers are more robust, ture medium carbon source by osmotically active sol
easier to handle, and more amenable to automatic utes has shown that sugars act as a carbon source and
planting [1]. The environment and medium within the as osmotic regulators. In this case, the most frequently
in vitro growth vessel influences the size of the micro used solutes are the two alcoholic sugars mannitol and
tubers. Environmental factors such as photoperiod, sorbitol [3], which are permeating solutes unusually
temperature, gaseous components and medium com metabolized by plants, and long chain nonpermeating
ponents [2]. solutes, such as polyethylene glycol (PEG) [3, 6].
One of the most important factors is the carbon Mannitol was used with success in studies of the
source in the medium; both its type and concentration osmotic potential of induction medium to obtain
have profound effects on tuber growth. Plant cell, tis somatic embryogenesis in sunflower [8] and spindle
sue or organ culture normally requires the incorpora tree [9]. Several authors reported the beneficial effect
tion of a carbon source to the culture medium [3, 4]. of PEG supplementation on Pinus somatic embryo
Several tissue culture reports refer to the influence of maturation [6].
the carbon source on the in vitro morphogenesis of We reported the effect of different concentrations
different plant species. Among the many available car of PEG, mannitol and sucrose on formation, size and
bon sources, sucrose has been the major one [5]. In weight of microtubers in potato cv. Agria. The protocol
some cases, sucrose is totally or partially replaced by shall help to reduce the cost of microtuber production
other carbon source [6, 7]. The nutritional importance for potato cv. Agria.
of an adequate carbon source in a culture medium is
widely known. However, the addition of medium
components, especially macronutrients and carbon 2. MATERIALS AND METHODS
sources, represent considerable decrease in the
In this experiment for study in vitro shoot multipli
1 The article is published in the original.
cation and microtuberization, Agria cultivar (Solanum


Mannitol PEG Sucrose


Microtuber initiation, %





0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

Concentrations, mol L–1

Fig. 1. Percentage of microtuber initiation in different concentrations of PEG, sucrose and mannitol.

90 PEG Mannitol Sucrose

Microtuber formation, %

0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25
Concentrations, mol L–1

Fig. 2. Percentage of microtuber formation in different concentrations of PEG, sucrose and mannitol.

tuberosum L.) was used. These were made disease free analysis was done by SPSS software ver. 16 and com
following the standard meristem culture. Diseasefree parison of means was carried out by Duncan’s Multi
plantlets were routinely subcultured every 4 to 5 weeks ple Range Tests at 5% probably level.
by placing 5 single node cuttings in each culture jar.
The culture was maintained at 25 ± 2°C under 16 h
photoperiod. Each jar contained 30 mL of semisolid 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
MS medium (pH 5.8) supplemented with 30 g L–1 All of the treatments employed induced the forma
sucrose and 8 g L–1 agar. tion of microtubers, but in some treatments, did not
Single node stem segments of Solanum tuberosum develop any microtubers. So, axillary buds were grown
L. cv. Agria were isolated from in vitro plantlets cul and shoot elongated (0.5–10 cm). Analysis of variance
tured on MS medium with 80 g L–1 sucrose containing revealed significant differences among sucrose than
different concentrations of sucrose, mannitol and mannitol and PEG. Comparison of means for treat
PEG (0.0, 0.05, 0.11, 0.17 and 0.23 mol L–1) and 8 g L–1 ments showed that sucrose was better for microtuber
agar. Cultures were maintained in dark at 18 ± 2°C, for initiation and formation (85.8 and 56.4% respec
five weeks. Five weeks later, cultures were evaluated for tively), microtuber size and fresh weight were
microtuberization. Records of data after 5 week’s increased when nodal explants cultured in media con
incubation, percentage of initiation and formation taining different concentrations of sucrose.
microtubers, microtuber fresh weight (mg), microtu Maximum percentage of microtuber initiation
ber length and diameter (mm) were done. Statistical (85.8%) was observed in sucrose treatments, but per



6 PEG Mannitol Sucrose

Microtuber length, mm

0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

Concentrations, mol L–1

Fig. 3. Mean of microtuber length in different concentrations of PEG sucrose and mannitol.

Mannitol PEG Sucrose

Microtuber diameter, mm


0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

Concentrations, mol L–1

Fig. 4. Mean of microtuber diameter in different concentrations of PEG, sucrose and mannitol.

centage of microtuber initiation was decreased in were cultured in media containing 0.0, 0.05 and
0.23 mol L–1 sucrose. Because osmotic pressure 0.11 mol L–1 mannitol. Addition of mannitol to all
increased in medium containing 0.23 mol L–1 sucrose. media was increased percentage of microtuber forma
While significantly less percentage of microtuber initi tion than media containing PEG. So, alcohol sugars
ation was depicted by mannitol and PEG. Percentage of such as mannitol increased microtuberization, but
microtuber initiation was decreased in media contain after 5 weeks, microtuberization in media supplied
ing higher concentrations of PEG (over 0.05 mol L–1). with sucrose was more than the mannitol (Fig. 2). The
So, PEG was decreased osmotic pressure in microtu results are in line with the findings of Kubo et al. [11]
berization medium and created stress for nodal showed that in zanthedeschia, microtuberization
explants. The microtuber initiation percentage was decreased in higher concentrations of mannitol (high
increased by adding mannitol to 0.11 mol L–1 and then osmotic pressure).
decreased (Fig. 1). These observations are highly sup Length and diameter of microtuber was signifi
ported by Gamer and Blake [10] who worked on cantly more in media containing higher concentra
microtuberization in high sucrose concentrations and tions of sucrose. Microtuber length and diameter was
obtained similar trend. increased in 0.05 mol L–1 PEG and then decreased by
Maximum percentage of microtuber formation was adding PEG concentrations in medium (Figs. 3 and 4).
observed in high levels of sucrose (0.05–0.17 mol L–1). Microtuber length and diameter was increased by add
Minimum percentage of microtuber formation was ing mannitol from 0.0 to 0.11 mol L–1 and then micro
found in different concentrations of PEG. The micro tuber length decreased in 0.17 and 0.23 mol L–1 man
tuber formation percentage was decreased by using nitol. Diameter of microtuber in media containing
high concentrations of PEG in medium. The microtu mannitol was significantly less than medium that
ber formation percentage was increased when explants included PEG. Its main reason may be that in media



90 PEG Mannitol Sucrose


Microtuber weight, mg

0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25

Concentrations, mol L–1

Fig. 5. Mean of microtuber fresh weight in different concentrations of PEG, sucrose and mannitol.

that included mannitol, mannitol concentration was the findings of Kubo et al. [11]. Also confirm the find
critical. Because length microtuber in media contain ings of Gamer and Blake [10] who reported that
ing mannitol was significantly more than medium that microtubers could be induced even without the use of
included PEG. growth regulators. Increasing of sucrose concentra
tions were improved efficiently in vitro microtuber
Maximum Fresh weight of microtuber was given by production without negative side effects. In this
high levels of sucrose. Fresh weight of microtuber was research microtuberization was also faster in sucrose
significantly decreased in 0.23 mol L–1 sucrose. Its treatment and was completed within 2 to 3 weeks after
main reason may be that osmotic pressure increased in culture initiation in comparison to the 4 to 5 weeks
media containing 0.23 mol L–1 sucrose and its increas taken by treatments with mannitol and PEG, respec
ing leads to slower tuberization. Fresh weight of tively.
microtuber was decreased by adding PEG. In medium
containing mannitol, fresh weight was significantly
decreased with adding mannitol over 0.11 mol L–1 CONCLUSIONS
(Fig. 5). In conclusion, it can be said that microtuberization
Our findings with regard to the effect of carbon can be induced in potato on medium containing dif
source on microtuberization agree with those of Kubo ferent concentrations of sucrose, mannitol and PEG.
et al. [11], Gamer and Blake [10] who also found bet An appropriate concentration of sucrose, mannitol or
ter microtuber production when in vitro nodal PEG gives a wide morphogenesis response, high
explants were cultured in medium containing appro microtuber weight with more percentage of microtu
priate concentration of carbon source. Also it is a well ber formation. So, our results indicate the need of
established fact that under in vitro conditions tuber developing specific protocols to maximize microtu
ization in whole nodal explants is hastened in high berization.
concentration sucrose or high osmotic pressure [10].
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