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At the end of the lesson, the learners should be able to:

a. Add integers using different approaches;
b. Solve word problems involving addition of integers.
c. Show interest and willingness for good result.


Topic: Fundamental Operations on Integers: ADDITION OF INTEGERS

References: Mathematics Grade 7 Learner’s Material pp. 19-22
Materials: Visual aids, flashcard, chalk, mark pen
Strategy: Lecture-method approach and Collaborative Approach
Time Allotment: 1 hour


Teacher’s Activity Learner’s Activity


A. Pre-Activity

Good morning class! Good morning ma’am.

Class, kindly stand for the opening prayer. Mr. Almodiel leads the prayer.
Mr. _____________, please lead the prayer.

Thank you!

Class, before you take your sit, kindly pick up the

pieces of paper or candy wrapper under your chair Okay sir
and if none you may take your sit.

Let’s check your attendance first. Say present as I Yes sir

call your name.

Very good, maintain the perfect attendance.

1. Drill
Now, we will have a SPEED Test about your
addition skills. If who gets the high score, you have
an additional points.

Are you ready?

Now let’s begin.

1. 11 + 10
2. 9+6
3. 5+3+8
4. 28 + 13
5. 9 + 13 + 4

I must say that your all addition skill are improving.

Yes sir

2. Review
1. 21
Before we proceed to our discussion 2. 16
for today. Let us have a short review 3. 16
of what we have discussed last 4. 41
meeting. 5. 26

So, who among you still remember

our last topic?
Yes, Ms.___________.

What do you mean by integer?

Yes Mr._____________.
Very good.

How will you define the absolute

value of a number?
Yes, Ms._____________.

Very good! Our last topic is about

introduction of integers.

Direction: In your notebook, please answer this Integers are sets of positive and
activity. negative numbers.

1. Who was the first English mathematician

who first used the modern symbol of Absolute value of a number is its
equality in 1557? distance from zero to a number
To get the answer, compute the sums of the
given exercises below. Write the letter of
the problem corresponding to the answer
found in each box at the bottom.

A. 25 + 95
B. 38 + (-15)
C. 30 + (-20)
D. (110) + (-20)
R. (65) + 75
O. (-120) + (-35)
O. 45 + (-20)
R. (-65) + (-20)
E. (78) + (-15)
T. (16) + (-38)
R. (-65) + (-40)
E. (-75) + (20)
R. (165) + (-85)
E. 47 + 98
Are you done?
Not yet sir
Okay, we will go back to this activity after I
discussed on how to solve this problem. Okay sir..

Guide questions.

1. What did you notice in our last activity?

It has negative sign.
2. What operation is being used?
3. Based on our activity today, what do you
think is our topic for today? Addition of integers

Very good.

After going through this lesson, you are expected

 Add integers using different approaches;
 Solve word problems involving addition of

Now, let us start our discussion.


Our discussion for today is all about

fundamental operations on integers.
This lesson focuses on addition of
integers using different approaches.


A. Addition using Number Line

1. Use the number line to find the sum of 7 &


¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿¿ ¿ ¿
−7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
¿ ¿ ¿
5 6 7

On the number line, we start with point 7 and count It stops at positive 4.
3 units to the left since the sign is negative.
At what point on the number line does stop?

It stops at point 11, hence, 6+5=11.

1. Find the sum of -2 and (-3).

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿
−7 −6 −5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4
¿ ¿ ¿
5 6 7
It stops at negative 5.

On the number line, start from -2 and count -3 units

Yes sir
going to the left since the sign of 3 is negative.

At which point does it stop?

Yes sir.
It stops at point -5, hence, (-2) + (-3) = -5.

Do you understand the addition of integers using a

number line?

After the 2 examples, can you try the next two ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿¿ ¿ ¿

problems? −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4

a. (4) + (-4) Hence (4) + (-4) = 0

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿ ¿¿ ¿ ¿¿ ¿ ¿
−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
b. (6) + (-2) Hence. (6) + (-2)= 4

Adding a positive integer n to m means moving

along the real line a distance of n units to the right
from m. adding a negative integer –n to m means
moving along the real line distance of n units to the
left from n.

2. Addition using Signed Tiles

This is another device that can be used to represent

integers. The tile represent integer 1.
The tile represent -1, and the flexible
represents 0.
Recall that a number and its negative cancel each
other under the operation of addition. This means;
(-29) + (29) = 0
In general, n + (-n) = (-n) + (n) = 0.

1. 4 + 5

Hence, 4 + 5 = 9

2. 5 + (-3)

Hence, 5+(-3)=2
Yes sir.
Hence, (-7) + (-6) = 13
Class do you understand the signed tiles? +

Now, try these: Hence (-5) + (-11) = -16

1. (-5) + (-11)

0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1
2. (6) + (-9) Hence, (6) + (-9) = -3

Using the above model, we summarize the

procedure for adding an integers as follows:

1. If the integers have the same sign, just add

the positive equivalents of the integers and
attach the common sign to the result.
a. 27+30 = 57
b. (-20) + (-15) = -35
2. If the integers have different signs, get the
difference of the positive equivalents of the
integers and attach the sign of the larger to
the result.
a. (38) + (-20)
Get the difference between 38 and 20:
Since 38 is greater than 20, the sign of
the sum is positive.
Hence 38 + (-20) = 18.

b. (-42) +16
Get the difference between 42 and 16:
Since 42 is greater than 16, the sum will
have a negative sign. Yes sir
Hence, (-42) + 16 = -26.

Do you understand the procedure/rule in

adding an integers?

If there are more than two addends in

the problem the first step to do is to
combine addends with same signs and
then get the difference of their sums.

1. (-14) + (22) + (8) + (-16)
= -(14 + 16) + (22 +8)
= -30 + 30

2. 31 + 70 + 9 + (-155)
= (31 + 70 + 9) + (-155)
= 110 + (-155)
= -45

Since, you learn the different approach and

procedure in adding an integers.
Let’s apply it in a word problem.

Problem 1.

In a game, Team Azcals lost 5 yards in one play but

gained 7 yards in the next play. What was the
actual play yardage gain of the team?


Play 1- 5 yards
Next play – 7 yards

Since team azcals lost 5 yards, we will represent (-

5). Then, they gained for the next play, it represent
(7). Hence (-5) + 7 = 2.

Therefore, Team Azcals gain 2 actual play yardage.

Problem 2

Maria saved 300 dollars and then she spent 250

dollars. How much money does Maria have now?

Saves 300 can be represented by +300. Spent 250
can be represented by -250.
We get 300 + (-250) = 50.

Maria has 50 dollars left.


Since we’re done adding and solving an integers

involving addition of integers. I will group you into
two groups.

1. Who was the first English

mathematician who first used the
modern symbol of equality in 1557?

To get the answer, compute the sums of the

given exercises below. Write the letter of
the problem corresponding to the answer
found in each box at the bottom.

A. 25 + 95
B. 38 + (-15)
C. 30 + (-20)
D. (110) + (-75)
R. (65) + 75
O. (-120) + (-35)
O. 45 + (-20)
R. (-65) + (-20)
E. (78) + (-15)
T. (16) + (-38)
R. (-65) + (-40)
E. (-75) + (20)
R. (165) + (-85)
E. 47 + 98
( all groups got the correct answer)


Are you done?

Okay, please present your output. R E C O R D E
Very good!


In this lesson, you learned how to add integers Yes sir

using two different methods.
 Number line
What are different approach in addition on  Signed tiles

The number line and signed tiles are

practical for small integers. For larger
integers, the rule provides a more useful.  (+) + (+) = +
 (-) + (-) = -
What are the procedure/rules in adding an integers?  (+) + (-) = sign of the larger

Yes sir
You learned also on how to solve word
problems involving addition of integers.


We can used it everywhere. We used it in

everyday living. Just like addition of
integers, we experience the negativity in our
life but the positivity in our mind is larger
than anything. Hence, it will result positive
and success. Yes sir
None sir
Do you understand class?
Is there any question?

Very good.


Direction: Kindly get ½ sheet of paper. A. Add the following.

A. Add the following.
1. 10
1. (18) + (-11) + 3 2. -28
2. (-9) + (-19) 3. -52
3. (-100) + 48 4. 62
4. 50 + 12 5. 6
5. (-4) + 25 + (-15)
B. Solve the following problem.
B. Solve the following problem.
1. (-21) + 6 = -15
1. A submarine at 21 feet below the sea 2. (50) + (-28) + 49 = 71
level suddenly moves up about 6 3. (-3,752) + 2,530 = -1,222
feet. At what depth is the submarine
located now?
2. A vendor gained P50. 00 on the first
day; lost P28.00 in the second day,
and gained P49.00 on the third day.
How much profit did the vendor
gain in 3 days?
3. Mrs. Reyes charged P3, 752.00
worth of groceries on her credit
card. Find her balance after she
made a payment of P2, 530.00.


Direction: Give the difference.

1. 53 – (25)
2. (-6) – (123)
3. (-4) – (-9)
4. (-19) – 2
5. 30 – (-9) Yes sir.

Are you done?

Very good.
Please pass the paper.
Good bye sir.
That’s all for today. Thank you, class.
Good bye class.

Prepared by:DEJUMO, JOGIN L.

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