Learners in Difficult Circumstances

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Dimog, Tracey Loraine Amehna, Kaira Faith Kinggingan, Darell

Janesky Dumelod, Sharyll Patucoy,Intan Joy Rivera, Rhestina

Description: This are areas far away from it’s the province and are therefore
difficult to get to.
Characteristics: Children who are living in remote places experience lack or few
services, having less workers and volunteers, lack of internet access, equipment,
facilities, maintenance, security like hospitals, shops and schools that cause
illiteracy, malnutrition and poverty.
Accommodations and modifications: Blended learning as implemented by DepEd,
this allows greater flexibility offering a variety of learning modalities. The initiative of
DepEd to finance the provision of satellite, tablet (or any technology to be used) and
books like textbooks, workbooks, printed worksheets and reading materials.
Students can access course materials and participate in learning activities at their
own pace and time.
Description: These are children who lost their families, homes and the way of their
life was damaged or destroyed.
Characteristics: Children suffered displacement, inability to concentrate, trauma,
emotional distress, anxious, depressed and complex PTSD leading to long-lasting
psychological and social impacts.
Accommodations and modifications: The government and DepEd stakeholders
should create, offer financial intervention and support child-friendly spaces that give
children a safe space to rest, play, learn and receive, counselling, legal and
psychosocial support.
Description: These are children who witnessed the separation of parents.
Characteristics: Children suffered psychological effects-anxiety and depression,
behavioral, emotional, mental problems-low self-esteem, rebelliousness, anti-social
behavior, naughtiness, easily irritated, lack of concentration, passive and laziness.
Accommodations and modifications: Teachers can take on a parental role by
providing assistance, guidance, motivation, and extra attention to these students
during class hours. Additionally, active learning models or media like dancing,
singing with classmates as a whole can be utilized to engage students from broken
homes actively in learning activities.
Description: These are children who are homeless and depend on the streets to live
and/or work, either on their own, or with other kids or family members. They have
strong connections to public spaces e.g. streets, markets, parks, stations and they
think of themselves as being part of the streets.
Characteristics: Street children live in poverty, deprived of access to education and
other social services and experience social discrimination. They often seem younger
than their chronological age, due to acute and chronic malnutrition, illness and injury
which stunts their growth. Additionally they are susceptible to several serious health
problems which include HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases, drug and alcohol
dependence, and exposure to harmful chemicals and pollutants as a by-product of
their living environments. They are also vulnerable to exploitation by abusers who
may sexually assault them, forcibly recruit them into criminal activities, traffic them
and send them out into the streets to beg and steal.
Accommodations and modifications: There are government programs that help
streets children in our country like the Childhope Philippines that has an all-inclusive
street education program in metro Manila. It provides basic but urgent needs to
support and ensure the continuous and holistic learning and development of its
street children participants. Additionally, under the Alternative Learning System
(ALS) accredited by the Department of Education (DepEd), street children and youth
learn through modules with guidance from streets educators. This street child
project also aids children who go back to the formal school system.
Description: These are children who individually or collectively, have suffered harm,
including physical or mental injury, emotional suffering, economic loss or substantial
impairment of their fundamental rights, through acts or omissions that are in
violation of criminal laws.
Characteristics: Paranoid, Passive, petty, provocative, power-hungry, , possessive,
pessimistic, low self-esteem, emotional and economic dependency, depression,
stress disorder, socially isolated, attempts suicide or self- harm, appears nervous or
anxious and has a poor self-image.
Accommodations and modifications; Schools stakeholders should;
a. Create a safe classroom environment like implementing rules (no to bullying)
b. Set appropriate expectations- Finding alternative learning and teaching
methods for the child can be especially effective.
c. Structure and consistency- Having a daily routine or schedule and providing
clear expectations for behavior and performance that create security for the
d. Showing support- Connecting the student with a school counselor or school
psychologist or recommending after school activities and groups as positive
outlets that can help to create community for the student and combat any
feelings of isolation.
e. During lessons, teachers must make opportunities for the abused child to draw
and do creative work. This will help them to express their inner feelings.
f. Group activities or collaboration are very helpful in getting abused children to
stop isolating themselves.

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