01 - Bonus Office Hours Amsterdam - en

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[MUSIC] Hello everybody. Chuck here. We're in Amsterdam.

This is the second office

that have happened in Amsterdam. And we had a great turnout tonight. And I want to
introduce you
to your fellow students and let them talk a little
bit about the class. So, give us your name and
tell us a little bit about the class, what's your interested in,
what you think you're getting out of it. >> Hi my name is. I like computer science.
I also like art in general. It was a great course,
did a great job and it was very nice. That's it. >> Okay.
>> Hi I'm Arya and I'm a lecturer at the University
of Applied Science and I'm teaching some about
digital interactive media. So I want to know more about the
beginnings of the Internet so that's why I took the course and it helped me build
more knowledge about how it all began. >> So I'm really excited that you are
applying some of it in your own course. >> Yes, and
I'm also using the stuff I've learned and I'm using the peer grading system as
well in one of my lectures just to try. >> Great, your turn. >> Hi, I'm Ben. I work
here in Amsterdam. I'm a system administrator. I work with all these cool
technologies, and I miss the feeling about where it
all came from, and how it started. So this course really gives
me that information, and it helps a lot to understand
how things came to be. So, thanks Chuck. >> So how do you think
the course can be improved? >> I think you need to put in something
about the seven layer OC model, 'cause it's lacking that. Other than that, keep on
rolling. >> [LAUGH]
>> Yeah, hi everyone. I'm Julianna from Brazil. I'm doing a master here in
Amsterdam. It's unique and distant culture. So, well, I enrolled in this
MOOC because I'm studying MOOCs. It's what I did for my master's thesis. And well
it's a really great course. I expect I want to continue
with the course because it is the first week, but okay. That's another story. It's
really great, it's a great way,
a fun way to learn about Internet. Not to read like a boring
Wikipedia article. So yeah, I want to continue. >> Thank you. Now, you're the first
person who's
ever come to office hours before, you're registered for
the next class right? >> Exactly. [LAUGH]
>> So tell us a little bit about what you
expect might come out of the course. >> Well I got extremely curious
to hear about all what I've already heard from the former students. I wanna learn
about from scratch about
Internet, and look how it's functioning, where it's coming from,
to understand it actually. Cuz I'm coming from
the field of humanities and I don't know anything about it so. This is why I'm
here, and thanks for being
so enthusiastic actually, and teaching us. [LAUGH] Looking forward to it. >> And so
there you have it. Yet another successful office
hours around the world. It's the first time that
I've done an office hours more than once in the same city. Cheers.

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