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Diversity Statement

Hope Stansell

As an educator, I want to create an environment where all students feel welcomed,

regardless of their background or previous knowledge. Often there are stereotypes
around agriculture classes and who they are for. I hope to combat this and show
students that everyone can find a place within agriculture. Diversity will show itself in my
students’ backgrounds, knowledge, and experiences. These varied perspectives add
meaningful learning experiences in so many ways.

One of the ways that I will meet the needs of diverse learners is by being adaptable.
Adaptability is important for all students, as a teacher we need to be able to quickly
adapt at times to best serve our students. Lessons may be changed to better fit the
pace of the class. Assignments can be adapted to fit the different needs of the students.
Adaptability is important to have so that there is student-centered learning and students
can guide their own learning.

One of the reasons why I was so excited to do my student teaching at an urban high
school was to get the experience of having diverse students. This was an invaluable
experience to be able to learn how to best serve these students. I learned how
important these students' cultures are to them. Learning about their culture and
background significantly improved my rapport with students. Another important
experience that has helped prepare me to work with diverse students was a course I
took in social justice and leadership. This course introduced me to ideas like equity vs
equality. As a teacher, I strive to serve students equitably to fulfill specific needs.
Education should not be a one-size-fits-all model.

Something that I try to keep at the forefront of my mind is that there is something we
can always learn from others. When working with my colleagues it's important that I
always remember this. I want to broaden my perspectives as a teacher and collaborate
with more than just CTE teachers. Working with such a diverse group of colleagues is a
huge benefit to education. These relationships can be utilized to broaden our own
knowledge and perspectives which will ultimately benefit our students.

I hope to have a classroom where everyone feels welcomed and comfortable to be

themselves. Each student will be different with different backgrounds and perspectives.
Creating a safe environment where they feel comfortable to be themselves will create a
rich learning environment for not only the class but for me as well.

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