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Hydrobiologia 462: 115–129, 2001.

© 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.


Distribution of macroinvertebrates in relation to physical and biological

variables in the littoral zone of nine New Zealand lakes

Mark A. Weatherhead & Mark R. James1

National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd, P.O. Box 8602, Christchurch, New Zealand
Tel: +64-3-348-8987. Fax: +64-3-348 5548. E-mail:
1 Present Address: NIWA, P.O. Box 11-115, Hamilton, New Zealand

Received 9 October 2000; in revised form 24 July 2001; accepted 5 August 2001

Key words: macroinvertebrates, lake littoral zone, macrophytes, substrate, regression models, New Zealand

Macroinvertebrates play a key role in the littoral zone of lakes. Macroinvertebrate community composition is
closely linked to habitat conditions. To date, there have been few attempts to relate macroinvertebrates to habitat
factors in lakes. In this study, nine mainly oligotrophic lakes from throughout New Zealand were surveyed for
macroinvertebrates. The lakes were selected to represent a range of suspended sediment loading and lake level
regimes. Within each lake, several sites were selected to provide a range of exposure to wave action. A multiple
regression approach was taken to relate macroinvertebrate community composition and habitat characteristics. The
results of the analysis suggest that the littoral zone of the lakes we studied could be divided into four general
habitats. The first is the wave wash zone characterised by coarse substrates and macroinvertebrate taxa usually
associated with lotic environments, such as Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera. The second habitat is associated with
macrophytes and is limited at the top by wave action and at depth by light attenuation. In this zone, the snail
Potamopyrgus antipodarum is dominant, along with Trichoptera and Odonata. At the base of the macrophytes is
the detrital habitat characterised by fine, organic rich sediments and dominated by chironomids, oligochaetes and
Trichoptera. At depths below the macrophyte zone, fine sediments are found, and bivalves such as the freshwater
mussel Hyridella menziesi are common. While macroinvertebrate abundance can be highly variable, some general
predictions of community structure can be made based on a few key environmental factors. Abundance of snails
Odonata and Trichoptera was positively related to macrophyte biomass. Some macroinvertebrate groups such as
oligochaetes, chironomids, snails and bivalves were more common in fine substrates, while Ephemeroptera were
characteristic of coarse substrates. Detrital biomass was important for most of the macroinvertebrate groups studied
showing a positive relationship for oligochaetes and Trichoptera and a negative relationship for Ephemeroptera and

Introduction ditions such that detritivores (oligochaetes and certain

chironomid taxa) are characteristic of organically rich
Macroinvertebrates play a key role in the littoral zone sediments under macrophytes, while Ephemeroptera
of lakes. They potentially control the biomass of and hydroptilids are more characteristic of shallow
periphytic algae (Hawes & Schwarz, 1996; James et wave-washed cobbled habitats (James et al., 1988).
al., 2000a), recycle detrital material (Kornijów et al., These characteristic communities, however, can be
1995) and provide a critical link from primary produc- modified by other physical and biological factors.
tion through to fish, thus underpinning lake fisheries Physical factors such as exposure to waves and the
(Graynoth et al., 1986). The macroinvertebrate com- range of lake level fluctuations can have direct effects
munity composition is closely linked to habitat con- on the macroinvertebrate community through physical

Figure 1. Hypothetical physical and biological interactions in the littoral zone of lakes.

disturbance and indirect effects which are mediated 1990). The best models for these systems generally
through effects on the distribution of macrophytes and showed that substrate, water velocity and depth were
associated epiphytic algae. the most useful predictors for taxa such as Delea-
There have been a number of attempts to relate tidium. Despite our increased knowledge of the in-
macroinvertebrate distribution and community com- teraction of physical variables and macroinvertebrate
position to physical and biological variables, but these communities in rivers, there have been no attempts
have generally been limited to only a few variables. that we are aware of to develop similar habitat suit-
For example, Biggs & Malthus (1982) and Van den ability models for lakes where factors such as wave
Berg et al. (1997) showed a relationship between exposure are likely to play a major role and other
macroinvertebrate community composition and bio- factors such as velocity are not so important.
mass and the type of macrophyte (vascular vs. char- The way in which some of the physical processes
acean) present. In an earlier paper on the macroin- are mediated through physical and biological interac-
vertebrate community in Lake Coleridge, South Island tions to influence macroinvertebrates is demonstrated
(James et al., 1998), it was determined that substrate, schematically in Figure 1. From this we have hypo-
macrophyte biomass and shoreline profiles were im- thesised that:
portant determinants of macroinvertebrate distribution
but this could be modified by slope and exposure 1. The key direct determinant of macroinvertebrate
to wave action. Brodersen (1995) found periphyton community composition is substrate type, which
abundance and slope were more important than ex- in turn is determined by variables such as exposure
posure to wave activity in determining macroinver- to wave activity.
tebrate abundance and distribution in the surf zone of 2. Macrophyte biomass is the second most import-
mesotrophic Lake Esrom, Denmark. ant determinant with distribution of macrophytes
There have been very few attempts to define the largely determined by substrate type and macro-
major variables influencing macroinvertebrate distri- phyte biomass and bottom limits by light attenu-
bution. This has limited our ability to predict the im- ation from suspended sediments.
pacts of various anthropogenic activities on macroin-
vertebrate communities and ultimately on lake fisher- 3. Lake level history is a secondary factor.
ies that depend on this food source. Habitat suitability
To test these hypotheses, we have surveyed a num-
models have been developed for some of the major
ber of oligotrophic and mesotrophic lakes throughout
macroinvertebrate taxa found in lotic systems (e.g.
New Zealand covering a matrix of suspended sediment
Bovee, 1986; Morin et al., 1986; Jowett & Richardson,
levels and lake level fluctuations. Within each lake,

Ruataniwha). The lake sizes ranged from 3.5 km2 (Ru-

ataniwha) up to 622 km2 (Lake Taupo, New Zealand’s
largest lake). All of the South Island lakes studied had
some degree of glacial input including glacial flour,
while the North Island lakes had riverine or stream
inputs. In the case of Lakes Tekapo and Ruataniwha
(which receives water from Lake Tekapo), the glacial
flour load reduced secchi disk depth to no more than
2 m during the study period. All of the lakes studied
were oligotrophic except for Lake Rotoaira which was



Up to 11 sites were surveyed in each of the nine lakes

(a total of 51 sites) that were chosen to cover a range
of lake level regimes and suspended sediment concen-
trations (see Table 1). The sites surveyed in each lake
were chosen to include different degrees of exposure
to prevailing winds and strong wave action, differing
proximity to diversions for hydroelectric storage and
varied shoreline topography. Sampling depths varied
between the sites and lakes depending on the type of
habitats encountered in the littoral zone down to a
Figure 2. The location of the lakes used in this study. Further detail maximum depth of 18 m below mean water level at
on the physical parameters of the lakes is shown in Table 1. any site. Details of sampling are given in Table 2.

several sites were selected to cover a range of exposure
to wave activity, proximity to river inputs and slope. Three to five replicate macroinvertebrate samples were
The specific aims of this paper were to: taken at each site and depth. Three types of sampling
devices were used to collect macroinvertebrates: in
1. Describe the physical and biological variables
shallow regions where the substrate was mostly
important in structuring macroinvertebrate com-
cobbles Surber samplers (0.10 m2 , mesh 0.4 mm) were
munities in the littoral zone of oligotrophic lakes
used; for finer sediments and mud/macrophyte hab-
in New Zealand.
itats, Wisconsin grab samplers (0.10 m2 , mesh 0.4
2. Develop simple models that could be used to
mm) were used; at sites with predominantly cliffs or
predict community structure and abundance of
large boulders, samples were scraped from an area of
different taxonomic groups.
33 cm2 into jars (‘Pottle’ method in Table 2). Surber
samplers are generally used in flowing waters, but
in the present study we carefully collected cobbles
Site descriptions from a known area into the mesh bag. All debris and
rocks collected in the area enclosed by the Surber
Physical characteristics and bottom limits for macro- sampler were brushed clean and dislodged material
phytes in the lakes surveyed are given in Table 1 and was collected on a 0.5 mm mesh sieve.
their location is shown in Figure 2. Nine lakes were All samples were preserved in formalin (4% final
sampled; three in the North Island (Taupo, Waikare- concentration) in the field. Samples containing large
mona, and Rotoaira) and six in the South Island volumes of sand were sorted in the field by repeated
(Coleridge, Tekapo, Hawea, Wanaka, Te Anau and washing of sediments and passing the water through
Table 1. Physical characteristics and bottom limits for macrophytes in the lakes surveyed

Lake Area Altitude Max. Water Secchi Macrophte Water Trophic Status
(km2 ) (masl) depth level depth bottom sourceb
(m) range (m) (m) limit (m)a

Coleridge 32.9 507 200 1.13 13.0 33 Glacial Oligotrophic

Hawea 137.6 347 384 2.73 11.7 34.4 Glacial Oligotrophic
Rotoaira 15.3 564 15 0.40 4.5 15 Riverine Mesotrophic
Ruataniwha 3.4 460 28 0.30 0.6 3.7 Glacial Oligotrophic
Taupo 611 357 163 1.24 12.5 16 Riverine Oligotrophic
Te Anau 347.5 203 417 2.74 10.0 13.7 Glacial Oligotrophic
Tekapo 86.8 708 120 2.94 2.0 0 Glacial Oligotrophic
Waikaremoana 55.7 583 248 2.55 11.5 17.3 Riverine Oligotrophic
Wanaka 180.1 277 176 2.11 9.9 23.6 Glacial Oligotrophic
a After Schwarz et al. (2000).
b From Livingston et al. (1986a, b).

Table 2. Sampling regime and number of sites for each lake surveyed

Lake Date No. sites Depth range Replicates Sampling methoda

Coleridge Feb 95 8 0.5–18 3 S,W

Hawea Mar 99 5 0.5–14 3 S,W
Rotoaira Oct 98 4 0.5–10 4 W,P
Ruataniwha Feb 97 5 0.5–18.3 3 S
Taupo Sep 98 11 0.5–4 5 S,W,P
Te Anau Feb 99 5 0.5–5 3 S,W
Tekapo Mar 99 4 0.5–8 3 S,W
Waikaremoana Mar 98 4 0.5–20.5 3 S,W
Wanaka Feb 99 5 0.5–9 3 S,W

a S = Surber, W = Wisconsin, P = Pottle.

a 0.5 mm sieve to collect organisms. On return to the vations. Substrates were classified after Jowett et al.
laboratory, benthic macroinvertebrates were separated (1991) according to the following criteria: <0.5 mm
from macrophytes and detritus using an inclined, run- mud/silt, 0.5–2 mm sand, 2–64 mm gravel, 65–256
ning water trough that drained through a 0.5 mm mesh mm cobbles and >256 mm boulders. For statistical
sieve (Allan, 1951). Macrophytes and detritus were analyses, substrate composition was converted to a
removed from the preserved samples and the macro- substrate index (SI) (Suren, 1996) where:
phytes separated into vascular plants and charophytes.
SI = 0.07×% boulder + 0.06×% cobble +
The dry weights (DW) of each type of macrophyte and
detritus were determined after drying at 80 ◦ C for 24 0.05×% gravel + 0.04×% sand + 0.03×% mud/silt
h. Large samples were subdivided (12.5–50%) using This gives a value ranging from 3 for mud/silt to 7
a barrel sample splitter with a median vertical parti- for boulders.
tion. Insect larvae were identified from keys in Cowley
(1978) and Winterbourn & Gregson (1989). Number Exposure
of taxa per site, total abundance, and abundances of
individual taxa per m2 were calculated. Exposure to wind-generated wave action was calcu-
lated using a wind-wave hindcast model designed for
Substrate restricted fetch, enclosed waterways (e.g. lakes and
harbours). Wave generation is based on the NARFET
Substrate composition was recorded for particles col- (NARrow FETch) model (Smith, 1991). Shorelines
lected in the Wisconsin grabs and from diver obser- were extracted from GIS layers at 50–200 m resol-

ution. Wind information was collected from national antipodarum (the most common gastropod), chiro-
wind station data records. Where possible, data from nomids, bivalves and Ephemeroptera. This analysis
the previous 12 months was used from the site closest was directed at determining the relationships between
to the lake. In some cases, recent data was not avail- the most common macroinvertebrate groups and the
able, so historic data (typically 3–5 years of data) physical variables.
was used to estimate typical conditions. We used his- The second analysis examined macroinvertebrate
torical data from the lake where possible rather than community relationships using DECORANA (PC-
current data from a more distant point. In the case of ORD). This analysis showed which macroinvertebrate
Lake Waikaremoana, there was no present or historical groups were most similar in their habitat preferences.
wind station within 50 km of the lake so wind data The resulting ordination axis values were also com-
from Lake Taupo was used. For each point around pared to the physical variables using Pearson cor-
the lakeshore, a number of wave parameters were relations to determine which physical factors were
derived from the model. For this analysis, we used correlated to the observed clusters based on macroin-
average wave-base depth as a measure of the depth of vertebrate communities.
disturbance caused by waves.

Secchi depth and water level fluctuations Results

Secchi disk depths were taken from the literature and Physical variables
unpublished sources and are shown in Table 1. Lake
Average wave base depth (AWBD) was highly vari-
level ranges were obtained from NIWA’s lake level
database. Where possible secchi depths and lake level able over the lakes surveyed ranging from 0.2 m to 1.9
m (see Table 4). As would be expected, the smallest
ranges were obtained for the year prior to the surveys
lake (Ruataniwha) had the shallowest AWBD reflect-
with lake level range for previous 3, 6 and 12 months.
The complex inter-relation between depth, sub- ing the short fetch at this lake, interestingly the other
small lake (Rotoaira) had a similar AWBD range to the
strate, plant biomass, detritus, and the macroinverteb-
rates shown schematically in Figure 1 is reflected in other much larger lakes. The greatest AWBD (1.9 m)
was found at the southern most end of Lake Coleridge
Table 3 showing the results of a correlation analysis of
which is exposed to the very strong north-west winds
the physical factors.
characteristic of that part of New Zealand.
Statistical analyses Substrates were generally coarser at depths less
than 4 m on most shorelines. When we compared
The macroinvertebrates were collected over several substrate index within the wave zone (i.e. at depths
years as part of a number of different studies. Most of less than the AWBD) to those below this zone, we
the sampling was carried out in February and March found that substrate index was significantly higher (i.e.
(Table 2). In order to minimise the variation caused coarser) within the wave zone (t = −11.8, df = 382,
by using data from different studies, the inverteb- P <0.0001) averaging 5.6 ± 0.8 compared to 3.9 ± 1.1
rates were grouped to order. The exceptions were the below the wave zone. Figure 3 shows a box-whisker
gastropod Potamopyrgus antipodarum which is very plot of substrate index vs. depth for all of the lakes and
common and easily identified, and the Hydroptilidae sites surveyed – note that depth has been binned into 2
family of caddisflies which are often found at the top m bands. The substrate at depths below 4 m was either
of the shore in the wave zone and again are very easy fine silt/mud or silt overlying coarser substrates. This
to identify. is a feature that was common to most sites although
The statistical analysis was approached in two a few sites in Lakes Coleridge and Taupo had coarse
ways. First, a multiple regression analysis of total substrate below the macrophyte zone.
macroinvertebrate abundance vs. the physical factors Maximum macrophyte biomass ranged from 7 g
was carried out following log (x + 1) transforma- m−2 at Lake Tekapo up to over 2100 g m−2 at Lake
tion using Statistica 5.5 (Statsoft, Tulsa Okl.). The Waikaremoana (Table 4). The depth of maximum
aim of this analysis was to indicate those factors macrophyte biomass in general ranged from 2 to 3.8
which regulated the macroinvertebrate community. m although at Lakes Coleridge and Hawea maximum
Further regression analysis was undertaken for the biomass was at 10.6 and 8.8 m, respectively. Max-
most common groups: oligochaetes, Trichoptera, P. imum detrital biomass ranged from 66 g m−2 in Lake
Table 3. Pearson correlations between the physical variables studied. n = 384, ∗ = p < 0.05

Depth SI Lake Secchi Average Charo- Vascular

range wave phytes

SI −0.474∗

Lake range 0.045 −0.057

Secchi 0.114∗ −0.071 0.171∗

Average wave base −0.013 0.171∗ 0.016 0.343∗

Characeans 0.037 −0.269∗ 0.171∗ 0.113∗ −0.033

Vascular −0.115∗ −0.132∗ −0.080 −0.094 −0.001 −0.017

Detritus −0.049 −0.111∗ −0.111∗ 0.126∗ 0.103∗ 0.051 0.166∗

Table 4. Summary of physical characteristics found in the surveys of each lake

Lake Substrate Average Maximum Average Maximum Average

index wave base macrophyte depth of detrital depth of
range range (m) biomass macrophyte biomass detrital
(g m−2 ) maxima (m) (g m−2 ) Maxima (m)

Coleridge 3.0–6.8 0.3–1.9 534 10.6 1289 5.8

Hawea 3.0–6.7 0.6–1.5 115 8.8 259 7.2
Rotoaira 3.0–6.5 0.7–1.0 1788 3.8 618 3.1
Ruataniwha 3.0–5.0 0.2–0.5 118 2.7 - -
Taupo 3.0–7.0 0.7–1.8 1299 2.3 929 1.7
Te Anau 3.5–6.3 0.6–0.7 661 3.8 2519 2.2
Tekapo 3.0–6.6 0.5–1.0 7 2.0 66 5.6
Waikaremoana 3.0–5.9 0.3–1.4 2123 3.0 460 2.6
Wanaka 3.0–6.8 0.7–1.2 541 2.4 289 1.8

NB: No detrital biomass assessments were made at Lake Ruataniwha.

Tekapo to 2500 g m−2 in Lake Te Anau where large per m2 ) and Waikaremoana (up to 73 000 per m2 ).
amounts of allochthanous beech leaves can be found Mayflies were rare and only present in Lakes Col-
at some sites. The depth of maximum detrital biomass eridge (up to 93 per m2 ), Tekapo (up to 141 per m2 ),
ranged from 1.7 m to 7.2 m. Taupo (up to 52 per m2 ) and Waikaremoana (up to
14 per m2 ). The number of taxa found ranged from
Invertebrate communities 2 to 13 taxa per site, and was especially low in Lake
Tekapo (2–5 taxa on average). Plant biomass was also
The invertebrate communities encountered in the sur- very low in Lake Tekapo with a very patchy distribu-
veys were typical of those in New Zealand lakes. The tion. This is probably due to the high turbidity caused
snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum was the dominant by input of glacial flour to the lake. At the other end
macroinvertebrate in most lakes, both in terms of num- of the scale, Lakes Waikaremoana and Rotoaira had
bers and biomass. P. antipodarum was particularly very high macrophyte biomass with some plant beds
common in the macrophyte beds and was found in up to 3 m deep (G. Kelly, NIWA, pers. comm.). These
very high numbers in Lakes Rotoaira (up to 180 000

Figure 3. The relationship between substrate index and depth. Note that depths have been pooled into 2 m bands.

Table 5. Summary of the Multiple Regression analyses e.g. Chironomids = 7.781 – 0.190×Substrate – 0.466×Average Wave Base +
0.037×Secchi + 0.216×Detritus. All macroinvertebrate taxa, macrophyte biomass and detrital biomass have undergone log (x+1) transformation.
∗ = P <0.05, ∗∗ = P < 0.01

Taxa Intercept B coefficient values (only significant shown) r2

Substrate Depth Average Secchi Macrophyte Detritus
index wave biomass

Ephemeroptera 2.646∗∗ 0.057∗∗ −0.013∗∗ 0.013∗ 0.215

Plecoptera −0.010∗∗ 0.015∗∗ 0.104
Chironomids 7.781∗∗ −0.190∗∗ −0.466∗∗ 0.037∗∗ 0.216∗∗ 0.248
Oligochaetes 8.004∗∗ −0.392∗∗ −0.601∗∗ −0.060∗∗ 0.497∗∗ 0.336
Bivalves 12.596∗∗ −0.220∗∗ 0.154∗∗ 0.125∗ 0.292
Acarina −13.081∗∗ −0.025∗∗ 0.135∗ 0.177
Snails 2.193∗∗ −0.352∗∗ 0.836∗∗ 0.301∗∗ 0.691
Odonata −5.151∗∗ 0.225∗∗ 0.083∗ 0.344
Trichoptera 1.035∗∗ 0.236∗∗ 0.288∗∗ 0.189
Hydroptilidae 0.862∗∗ −0.024∗ −0.042∗∗ 0.128∗ 0.244∗∗ 0.100
Ostracoda −6.925∗∗ 0.185∗∗ 0.132
Axis 1 694.863∗∗ 4.392∗ −10.518∗∗ −7.986∗∗ 0.302
Macrophytes −7.616∗∗ −0.527∗∗ −0.049∗∗ −0.033∗ 0.402

beds supported high densities of snails, especially P. Substrate

The three most abundant macroinvertebrate groups
Multiple regression analysis that showed a significant relationship with substrate
size in the multiple regression analysis were Ephemer-
The results of the multiple regression analysis are optera, chironomids and oligochaetes. Figure 4 shows
shown in Tables 5 and 6. Table 5 shows the multiple the relationships between the abundance of these
regression equation coefficients and Table 6 shows the groups and substrate index. Ephemeroptera were most
Beta coefficients which indicate the relative contribu- commonly associated with coarse substrates (higher
tion of each independent variable to the prediction of substrate index) while the other two groups were
the dependent variable. generally found in finer mud/silt and sand.
Table 6. Beta coefficients for the multiple regression analysis. NB Beta coefficients are equivalent to B coefficients if all of the data was
standardised to mean of 0 and standard deviation of 1. The magnitude of the values indicates their importance in the regression equation

Taxa Beta coefficient values

Substrate Depth Average Secchi Macrophyte Detritus
index wave biomass

Ephemeroptera 0.174 −0.169 0.117 −0.265

Plecoptera −0.186 0.216 −0.139
Chironomids −0.242 0.207 0.144 0.191
Oligochaetes −0.407 −0.218 −0.190 0.358
Bivalves −0.282 0.166 0.111
Acarina −0.137 0.126
Snails −0.291 0.576 0.172
Odonata 0.383 0.118
Trichoptera 0.244 0.247
Hydroptilidae −0.123 −0.159 0.134 0.213
Ostracoda 0.215
Axis 1 0.125 −0.252 −0.159
Macrophytes −0.631 −0.239 0.119

Table 7. Results of the Pearson Correlation between DECOR-

Macrophytes ANA Axis scores and the physical and biological variables. n =
Although several macroinvertebrate groups were asso- 384, ∗ = p < 0.05
ciated with macrophyte biomass, only snails (almost
exclusively the small P. antipodarum) and Trichoptera Variable Axis 1 Axis 2 Axis 3
were found in abundance in these habitats. Figure Depth −0.103∗ −0.048 −0.204∗
5 shows the relationship between macrophyte bio- Substrate index 0.293∗ 0.078 0.579∗
mass and abundance of gastropods and Trichoptera. Lake range −0.001 −0.169∗ −0.046
A strong positive relationship was found for gastro- Secchi disc −0.124∗ −0.207∗ 0.081
pods but the relationship with Trichoptera was much Average wave depth −0.226∗ −0.100∗ 0.143∗
weaker. Characeans −0.360∗ 0.020 −0.208∗
Vascular −0.289∗ 0.018 −0.143∗
Detritus −0.055 0.014 −0.121∗
Four major macroinvertebrate groups were associated
with detritus; Trichoptera, chironomids, Oligochaeta
and hydroptilid caddisflies. The regression analysis for
these four groups is shown in Figure 6. There were likely that substrate size was the controlling factor for
statistically significant regression functions found for Ephemeroptera.
these groups, however there was a large amount of
variation around these lines indicating that factors Wave action and lake level range
other than detrital biomass are influencing these faunal Chironomids and oligochaetes showed negative rela-
groups. tionships to average wave base depth indicating that
they were less common at wave-exposed sites. Neither
macroinvertebrate taxa abundances nor macrophyte
biomass showed a relationship with lake level range.
Both Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera had a negative
relationship with depth in the multiple regression Ordination analysis
analysis. However, Ephemeroptera showed a much
stronger relationship with coarser substrates, which The DECORANA ordination and subsequent correl-
are also negatively correlated with depth. It seems ation analysis showed similar results to the multiple

Figure 5. The relationship between macrophyte abundance and the

two major macroinvertebrate groups associated with macrophytes in
the analysis.


Based on the analysis of macroinvertebrate communit-

ies in a range of lakes, this study has demonstrated that
substrate, macrophyte biomass and detritus were the
most important factors directly controlling macroin-
vertebrate distribution and abundance in the lakes
Figure 4. The relationship between substrate index and the three
that we studied. Of lesser importance to macroinver-
major macroinvertebrate groups associated with substrate in the tebrates were water depth, exposure to wave action,
analysis. secchi depth and recent lake level history. However,
this second group of variables could have a consider-
able indirect effect on macroinvertebrate distribution
by controlling macrophyte distribution and abundance,
regression analysis (see Fig. 7 and Table 7). Axis 1 and substrate characteristics. Schwarz et al. (2000)
was positively correlated with substrate index and neg- compiled macrophyte distribution data from 63 New
atively correlated with depth and macrophyte biomass. Zealand lakes and found a very strong relationship
Axis 2 was negatively correlated with Secchi disc, lake between light attenuation and the bottom limit of
level range and average wave base depth. Axis 3 (not macrophytes. The most important control on upper
shown on Fig. 7) showed similar patterns to Axis 1. depth limit of macrophytes is exposure to wave ac-

tion (Howard-Williams et al., 1995; Hudon et al.,

2000) although this can be highly variable depending
on the wind conditions, fetch and orientation of the
lakeshore. In addition to controlling macrophyte dis-
tributions, wave action increases substrate coarseness
by washing away fine sediments. As would be expec-
ted coarse substrates were generally found in the wave
wash zone at shallow depths (see Fig. 3).
The results of our analysis showed that Ephemer-
optera showed a preference for the coarse gravel and
cobble substrates in the shallow wave zone. Ephem-
eroptera were found in four of the nine lakes that
we studied (Coleridge, Tekapo, Taupo and Waikare-
moana). While the numbers of individuals was low,
especially in Lake Waikaremoana, these results con-
trast with the findings of Timms (1982) who studied
20 lakes in the South Island and found no Ephemerop-
tera. It must be pointed out that while Timms studied
lakes of a range of sizes, the five largest lakes studied
were only sampled at depths greater than 3 m, so the
higher energy zones more analogous to rivers were not
represented. Our findings were more consistent with
those of Jowett & Richardson (1990) and Jowett et al.
(1991) in lotic systems. They found that Deleatidium
spp. abundance was greatest in habitats with gravel
and cobble size substrate classes, and also in areas
of high water velocity. Quinn & Hickey (1990), in
a study of 88 New Zealand streams, also found that
Ephemeroptera and Plecoptera were associated with
streams with steep gradients (and therefore high water
velocities) and cobble beds.
For Potamopyrgus antipodarum, which is usually
the most common macroinvertebrate in New Zealand
lakes, abundance was closely related to macrophyte
biomass. P. antipodarum are known to graze on epi-
phytic periphyton growing on macrophytes rather than
the macrophytes themselves (James et al., 2000a).
Large stands of macrophytes provide a large surface
area for periphyton growth and, therefore, are cap-
able of supporting large numbers of grazers. Quinn &
Hickey (1990) found that P. antipodarum was found
in high numbers in streams with high periphyton bio-
mass. P. antipodarum is also known to prefer lower
water velocities (Jowett et al., 1991; Holomuzki &
Biggs, 1999) and the macrophyte beds provide a
refuge from both turbulence and possibly predation.
Unlike P. antipodarum, which is common on mac-
rophytes, oligochaetes, chironomids and bivalves were
Figure 6. The relationship between detritus and the four major associated with the fine, detritus rich sediments found
macroinvertebrate groups associated with substrate in the analysis.
under the macrophyte beds and below the macrophyte
zone. This is in agreement with a study by Quinn &

Figure 7. DECORANA plot of the major macroinvertebrate groups. Correlations of physical factors with the axis scores is shown in Table 7.

Hickey (1990) who found that oligochaetes and chiro- sen, 1995). The snail P. antipodarum, however, which
nomids were dominant in rivers with organic enrich- is the dominant macroinvertebrate in the littoral zone
ment reflecting their detritivorous feeding behaviour. of most of the lakes surveyed, was most common in
These taxa are known to be tolerant of low oxygen deeper waters, reflecting its inability to cope with the
levels (McLachlan, 1970, Van den Berg, 1997) and higher energy, wave swept lake shores.
fine suspended sediments (Biggs & Malthus, 1982). The second hypothesis was that macrophyte bio-
Our first hypothesis was that the key direct de- mass is the second most important determinant of
terminant of macroinvertebrate community composi- macroinvertebrate community composition with dis-
tion is substrate type, which in turn is determined by tribution of macrophytes largely determined by sub-
variables such as exposure to wave activity. Our res- strate type and macrophyte biomass determined by
ults indicate that substrate was certainly an important light attenuation from suspended sediments.
factor for determining community composition and Macrophyte biomass was the most important con-
for the distribution for taxa such as Ephemeroptera, trolling factor for some of the macroinvertebrate taxa,
chironomids and oligochaetes. This most likely re- most notably P. antipodarum, but also some of the
flects a greater exposure to wave action, resulting in less abundant taxa such as Odonata and Trichoptera.
a coarsening of the substrate. In many ways, shallow, Light attenuation certainly controls the bottom limit
wave-swept lake shores are analogous to streams and of macrophytes in the majority of New Zealand lakes
as such provide another habitat for aquatic insect taxa (Schwarz et al., 2000) although in a few cases this
more commonly associated with lotic environments to can be raised by the presence of herbivorous fresh-
colonise. Barton & Hynes (1978) in a study of the water crayfish (Parenephrops planifrons). The role
Great Lakes found a shift from lentic to lotic taxa in of substrate size in determining macrophyte biomass
exposed sites. These disturbance tolerant taxa though is not clear from this study. While it is true that
are often not as abundant in the wave zone of lakes as macrophytes were associated with fine sediments, the
they are in streams and this is probably due to the less causative relationship was not firmly established as the
than optimal, intermittent disturbance regime (Broder- macrophyte stands themselves are ideal environments

Figure 8. Stylised lake profile showing the four habitats indicated by the combined analyses.

for the settling of fine suspended material. In addi- were also present in the detritus (for example several
tion, the large populations of snails usually present on of the sites on Lake Te Anau had large quantities of
the macrophytes can ‘groom’ the macrophytes (James Beech leaves). Much of this detrital material accumu-
et al., 2000a) and produce large quantities of faecal lates within the macrophyte beds and also below the
material which enrich the organic content of the sed- macrophyte zone in the deeper parts of the lake where
iments. This material also settles out amongst the it forms the basis of the benthic food web. The accu-
macrophytes, although this is unlikely to significantly mulation of detritus provides a substrate for the matrix
contribute to sediment build up. With the exception of bacteria, algae, and fungi supplying a rich source of
of freshwater crayfish, very few of the macroinverteb- organic material for detritivorous macroinvertebrates.
rates present in New Zealand lakes consume macro- Our final hypothesis was that lake level history
phytes, rather they graze the epiphytic algae (James is only a secondary factor controlling macroinverteb-
et al., 2000b) so in effect the macrophytes provide rate community composition. We found that the range
another form of substrate for macroinvertebrates to of lake level fluctuations were not important in con-
live on which is independent of the substrate the trolling macroinvertebrate abundance. However, the
macrophytes are growing in. range of lake levels fluctuations was not particularly
We did not originally hypothesise about the role large in the lakes we surveyed (<3 m). The difficulty
of the detritus in the control of macroinvertebrate with examining the effect of lake level fluctuation
abundance. Although the role of detritus in structur- is that to a certain extent these fluctuations are also
ing stream invertebrate communities is a fundamental surrogates for the different lakes, which makes sep-
component of stream ecological theory (e.g. Vannote, arating the differences between lake level fluctuation
1980), in New Zealand lakes primary production, es- and other lake characteristics difficult. It also seems
pecially epiphytic algae, provides the major source of likely that the abundance of certain macroinvertebrate
food for herbivorous macroinvertebrates in the littoral groups could be influenced by biogeographic factors.
zone (Hawes & Schwarz, 1996; James et al., 2000b). It The analysis of lake ranges is also biased to a certain
was surprising then that several major groups includ- extent because the lakes with the smallest ranges are
ing oligochaetes, chironomids and Trichoptera were also the smallest lakes and therefore have the shortest
strongly correlated to detrital biomass. Much of the wave fetch and exposure. Despite the lack of a re-
detrital material comes from macrophytes although lationship between macroinvertebrate abundance and
a significant proportion can come from periphyton lake level fluctuation in this study, it is still possible
sloughed off coarse substrates in the wave zone. Oc- that this factor could be important. For example, Lake
casionally, large amounts of allochthanous material Ruataniwha has a very high turbidity (secchi disk =

0.6 m, Table 1) due to the input of glacial flour. This the macroinvertebrates. These factors form a complex
low water clarity results in a very narrow band around web shown schematically in Figure 1. Macrophytes
the edge of the lake close to the surface where there is are limited by wave action at the top of their range and
sufficient light to support macrophytes (E. Graynoth, by light limitation at depth. In addition, macrophytes
NIWA, pers. comm.). The effect of even a moderate require suitable substrates for their root systems. Mac-
shift in lake level in this lake then could potentially rophytes provide habitat for both macroinvertebrates
have important consequences. Lake Tekapo also has a and epiphytic algae, which in turn forms the basis of
very low secchi disk (2 m) but a much larger lake level the littoral food web (James et al., 2000b). Detrital ma-
range (2.97 m). This, combined with the larger wave terial from decomposing macrophytes, sloughed off
action associated with a larger fetch, may have com- periphyton, faecal pellets and other allochthanous ma-
bined to result in very low biomass of macrophytes, terial recycles carbon through the detrital food web.
the epiphytes which grow on them, and the associated At various points, feedback loops occur, for example
paucity of macroinvertebrates. snails groom the leaves of the macrophytes, reducing
Figures 3–6 showed some of the key relation- sediment and algal films and improving photosyn-
ships found between the macroinvertebrate groups and thetic efficiency (James et al., 2000a).
the environmental variables identified by our analysis. The findings from this study have shown that the
These figures could be used to make general pre- littoral zone of the lake can be divided into four gen-
dictions of the type of macroinvertebrate community eral habitats shown schematically in Figure 8. They
structure that could be expected under these condi- are: (1) The shallow zone where wave action is the
tions. The relationships are consistent with what is dominant physical force that scours fine sediments and
known about these organisms, however there is a large restricts macrophytes to short turf species. The depth
amount of variability associated with the data and and intensity of the wave zone depends on wave fetch
the results should be treated with caution. For ex- (and therefore the size and geometry of the lake), wind
ample we get a strong log–log relationship between direction and shore profile. In the wave zone, which
P.antipodarum and macrophytes biomass, but with a has a mainly cobble sized substrate, macroinvertebrate
range of up to two orders of magnitude. Despite the abundance is low and characterised by Ephemerop-
large number of sites and samples, the data set could tera, Plecoptera, Coleoptera and Hydroptilidae. At
only be analysed for a few of the more common groups more sheltered sites, detritivores such as oligochaetes
as many taxa were rarely found. The presence of some and some types of chironomids can be common among
groups in the lakes surveyed (such as Plecoptera and the cobbles if there is an accumulation of detrital ma-
amphipods) was patchy, possibly reflecting the influ- terial. (2) Below the wave wash zone, macrophytes
ence of other factors such as proximity to river mouths, become more common, tend to be dominated by vas-
catchment use and substrate stability. cular species and typically reach their highest biomass
The high variability in the data reflects the broad from 5 to 9 m depth. The deep macrophyte beds
range of sites spread over the nine lakes, however by create stable water conditions where fine sediment
working at the Order level we have attempted to look readily settles out. The macrophytes also provide a
at the larger scale differences. While there will be substrate for periphyton growth and this can result in
some differences between lakes, especially for some very high grazer biomass – typically dominated by
variables such as the degree of wave impact, factors populations of P. antipodarum, which can occasion-
which act over smaller scales, such as substrate type ally reach densities of more than 150 000 per m2 when
and macrophyte biomass, are more important in these the macrophytes beds are very deep. An example is
lake systems. This contrasts with rivers where large- the 3 m tall macrophyte beds in Lake Rotoaira. Other
scale factors such as flood frequency, landuse and macroinvertebrate groups present include Trichoptera
source of flow exert a strong control on the biota and Odonata. (3) Underneath the macrophytes fine
(Quinn & Hickey, 1990; Biggs, 2000). The exception suspended sediment and plant material dislodged by
to this is the wave zone where the controlling factors grazers settles along with large quantities of faeces
are much more analogous to lotic systems, especially to produce a thick layer of fine mud often rich in or-
in larger lakes. ganic material which can support a large detritivorous
The major problem with understanding the pro- community of oligochaetes, nematodes and chironom-
cesses in the lake littoral zone is the inter-relation ids. (4) At greater depths, plant growth is limited by
between depth, substrate, plant biomass, detritus and light, and thus the depth range where many macroin-

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While this study only covered a limited number flow disturbance by a stream-dwelling snail. Oikos 87: 36–47.
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Acknowledgements 311–326.
James, M. R., I. Hawes, M. Weatherhead, C. Stanger & M. Gibbs,
2000b. Carbon flow in the littoral food web of an oligotrophic
This work was funded by The Foundation for Research lake. Hydrobiologia 411: 93–106.
Science and Technology (contract CO1816). Genesis James, M. R., M. A. Weatherhead, C. Stanger & E. Graynoth, 1998.
Power and Mighty River Power provided funding for Macroinvertebrate distribution in the littoral zone of Lake Col-
eridge, South Island, New Zealand – effects of habitat stability,
the studies on Lakes Rotoaira, Waikaremoana and wind exposure and macrophytes. N.Z.J. mar. freshwat. Res. 32:
Taupo. We thank Carmen Stanger, Greg Kelly, Mark 287–305.
Gall, Julian Sykes, Neil Blair, Don Forsyth and Kathy Jowett, I. G. & J. Richardson, 1990. Microhabitat preferences of
benthic invertebrates in a New Zealand river and the develop-
Walter for technical assistance. Dr Murray Hicks pro-
ment of in-stream flow-habitat models for Deleatidium spp. N.Z.
grammed the NARFET model. Dr Alastair Suren and J. mar. freshwat. Res. 24: 19–30.
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provided valuable advice. Quinn, 1991. Microhabitat preferences of benthic invertebrates
and the development of generalised Deleatidium spp. habitat
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