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I. sith belp of Physical diagrarn, c þlain otio of teop
flow rates cotl systerm.
2. 1oith help of phyical dicqram, explan leuel cotoof
thmougr cacade flow conol Ayten
3. Explain thee bac type of diuturbaneg tha our
-in a proces, cerrtnl systern "ronient ,etpourd ,lootciorg'
4 ExploD Optimal type o! Cotol uoily
5 Explain open loop tranient vepoe 3oethod
of proces loopp tuning:
6 Expain Zeiqle Michols metho d at pooces
locp Tunir
in an pplicatiom of Zeicles Hiehols nethod,
poDces bejn bsci llatios ith citial gcun(Ke)
Ot 3.33 in an li5 min Period. fn the
monind thce contoller settings
Ioith belp af bleck daram, explaun be oious
elernets ot firal Cortrl operation
8: Explein aith neat dicqram Cutocr to

Explan n detail, Ibe thrce types of Contzn

valve types
at droro abed ouerssatic
O list any 5 diference
CuinLL Dus Rces es

) Explan orth eat blecr diaqam,Seviscay

Computer Contof Pnceseg

plan oitb meat block dionan, dutibuted

Cornputes orn ktems
Man macfine interfoce(MI
Copulir cidel process Cortrot A (eroo

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